Good selection of Christmas Cards, Christmas Post Cards, 'Eulendars &c. at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Those intPnd- ing to send messages to friends ncross the ocean should call at: once and make their Selection. The rabies having died out In this gut-t of the country the Government as given orders that [puzzles may now be renmved. We may therefore expect to see the canines soon to. look as digniï¬ed as of old. Men's heavy \Vool 00M. Sivanterm. two pockets. reversible cullar.‘ may. with navy trimm-tpg, each 1.75. Boys’ Swentér Coats. two pockets; good weight. grey, with cardinal trim- 950; Atkinson 8; Switzer. The Metropolitan Railway have put in another cluster of electric lights at stop 50, opposite Hill’s Bakery. With two 01'" three more such chaste-m Yon e street in the corporation would ï¬e very well lighted. THE LIBERAL and the Eu mily Herald and Weekly Star will be sent for the halance of the year, both papers for 40 cents. Those who are not. taking those pagers should take advantage of this snecml offer. Mr. Nathaniel Baker, lot 29, con. 2, Markham lost, two brood sows. They worked their way into a\ stack in the barnyard and gut fast. After 17 days. one of the animals came out, the other was found dead. They had nothing to eat during the seventeen days. l. 1912. for $1.00. See advertisemerff elsewhere in this paper for clubbing rates with other papers. The Weekly Globe and Canada, Farmer will be sent to any address in Unnadanr United States from now to the enan the year for 15 cents. Order at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. THE LIBERAL will he sent to new §ubscrib§rs frpqithif datg to _J_anuary Men's President Suspenders. in fancy buxés, makes an ideal Christmas resent. per pair 50c. Men’s Excelda nndkerchiefs, assorted patterns, two for 25c. Atkinsun & Switzer. A ‘banquvt, and entertainment was held at the Palmer House Friday evening. in honor of the Band. A most enjnyahle time was spent in music, (mg and speech. .-An=. you making out your fall ac- imunts? If so. why nut send an order for bill heads to THE LIBERAL Ofï¬cv. Phone us when you need anything in the printing line. A number of Mr. Pugsley’s friends have requesth him to again stand for the position of rvm'e. and we under- (he osition of rvm'e. and we under- stan he is likely to accede to their request~ Men‘s heavy black Vicuna. Over- coats, Chestexï¬eld styie, a supH-im cloth in every respect, fly front, velvet eollar. each $7.50. Atkinsnn & Switzer. The new Ontario Public Schnnl History cam umv he nhtuinvd at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Price 25 cents. Mr. Elmore Rmmmn went with Victoria Cnllege Glee Club to erdnn on Saturday, returning Tuesday morn- ing. Mr. Jns. McW‘illiams nf Clvveland returned home on Saturday after at- tending the funeral of his father. The Saturday'oditiun of The Glube with Illustmted Magazine Section has been reduced from $1.75 tn $1.00 per annum. Order at. THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Mrs. J. infll of Buffalo, funnel-1y nf this place. made a \‘isit'with her sisté-r Mr». T. B. M etcxlf. ' ‘ Mr. R. Mtchhnn and Miss L. Mc- Muhn'n of Aurora spent Sunday with Mr. T. F. McMahon and family. Minn Jumés Duka. (If Tmmuth ï¬tterid- ed the funm-nl uf his GrandfnLln-r Mr. Jae. Mc‘ViHimns. Mr. F. McVVilliums hf annntn r9- lul’ï¬ed home Saturday after attending his father's tunnel-«l. ' Mr.- L.~\-V. Hrise (if Kinda-$10; ask“ returned hul’he‘luzit Week. Squm e apriï¬ï¬undnkvillh nl thhc sdu. .' _ Mr, W. B. Heiss' of Tornnm s «In: Sunday “ith his pm-vuls, Mr. gtud ' rs, L. B. Heise. Mia chkinsz' Mr. F. Ly‘m-(t and Mantel J - m 19H, tu-duy to Miami the fair at Gm-Iph. ' Cu" at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce'fm the Christmas number uf The GkOIK-‘m tumme HILL. (mi, Dadâ€""8.3910 EM ï¬ihxcml. Ml} 'VV. B. Heiss- of Ton-untnxsppnt Miss )[nggief Sparkle-x (pf Victmia If you intend pluntlng trees next Spring you had better place your order early on account of the big demand for nursery stock. W'e are the. largest towers of Peach, Apple, Plum and berry trees, also. Berry Bushes and Ornamental Stock, in Can- ada. We make a specialty of Peach and Apple trees. Come and see us, or write fnr catalngue. Brown Bros. Um, Browns Nurseries. Welland 0b.. Ont. The. annual meeting of Vaughan Reform AsSociation will be held at the Township Hall. Vellore. on Wednes- day, Dec. 14, for the election of of- ficers. and other business. A full attendance is requested. as important matters will be taken up. Chair taken at 2 o’clock. I EPWORTH LEAGUE, Fridn evening of this week the Epwort Leagme wiu- be in (charge nf the Litemu'y epmetment... Mr. Wm. Harrison Will tell whv he. accepts the Bible as it is. Mr. Harrison has [wen a close Bible student, for many years. and what, he has to say will be both helpful and interesting. Special music and singing wifl also he provided. .All are cordially invited to, be present Friday. evening, In compliance with a requisition of ratepa ers.‘ Reeve Paisle'glh‘u‘s called a. Pubic MePting to e eld 'i‘nithe Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, the 13th inst. The idea is to- consider the advisability of forming a Rate. payem"Association. It is certainly a, nod thing fox: business men to meet requentlv at". Boudrof Trade or otherwise. and talk over municipal and trade, matters. in is to be hoped there will be a. good attendance of ratepayers. The chair will be taken at 8 o’clock. , - CENTRAL TELEGRAPH, ï¬gflpOL. Strathcnna, »Altn;, VeI-‘noiii‘VB; ': Morden. Mam. besidesgeygg‘allflnta town‘s? havesent l'epl'ééï¬ntQU\"e 0‘ the above named scliiiahwbichemgms: a. splendid rl‘eputaï¬u'n ’Vt-ngn‘n-aémug yonn men f0: railw‘ft'y ’wï¬ï¬‚f. The! schoo is located at. Yunge and Gerrard Streets} and is nï¬iliuted .wilh the well known Central Business Cdlgge‘ of Tmonto, and is a l'elmbler‘sehool in; every particular. ' ' ., ‘â€" I ,_ . . _._. ..........v‘... uuwuuuglu. 1511.†q.- E. Newton acted as piano Accqynpa’pigï¬ and the, pastor." Rev. 1; Gibson, ‘wgs chairmum ' ' ‘ " ' _ . .7 _, ~r\â€"~.V-:-- va-v "vuch or Chris‘t‘uia's/ presems, were’vdisposvd of. and in thesevehingi a musical, literary pmgnn’mne ‘wvis-‘g‘i'v‘e‘n. "Miss? Ethel Switzer sang 9. Shin, Mum-s lithe-l and Olive Swiuer'gave zyduet. £le Miss Firsthmt'uk of T(D1‘0lj.t0.‘l'9ndf; m several humor-095 mgialtityns. Mr, The .-an:mr and Siilï¬ n£.W1)I'k in ‘he Maénuic‘ï¬all last evening. under the nuspiCes'r>f.1bh‘;LWOmen’s Guigd of SI; Maxy’a Qh’urph passed nï¬â€™tery,nicely. es guitgflg‘lefm‘ thg home, HE KNEW THE SECRET. As Mr. - -â€" was walking down the street a few evenings ago he. over- heard the following “conversation that was taking place by a number of his friends: “How well he lunks."said one: “Hmv briskly he walks." said another; and a thing! venture-d the remark, “He lorka ynunger than he did ten years aqn.“ HP smiled as he passed on and said nuthing. but he- know the cause which led his “friends to speak ,uf his changed and attractive appearance. and agile step. - The Secret was. he was wearing for the ï¬rst time a. nutty suit. of cluthes. a neat, hat. and a. pair of cmufortathly ï¬tting new shoesâ€"all put-chasm from Norman Giasa. the Gents' Furnisher. You will alwafa ï¬nd something attractive by consu (- ing his advertisement in THE LIBERAL. H, -V-.. .. . -..,.u g,r-\.;,)_--.ur;n uy Jun 1.- F. McMuhun, and supported in a neat speech by Dr. Pumlan‘d. Thrush who failed Ln lwpquent in the Pruhyteriun'flhxï¬â€˜ch‘ 'l‘uusdny evening to hwu' Rev. J. Livingshme’s lecture on Jthe almve sulrjg-CI certainly. min ’nstvlwti Th!- mutter was mlid. with just; em’mgh humour to break the Innnotgny. and the hearers did not wish tn miss a wmfl of the lecture in)": ._begmning bu end. Mn Living-9 smne‘ sh‘owvd that inmglnation was stu’mg in Mtharl’Angclu‘s sculpture. in" Raphiwl's grant. painting. "The 'Transï¬gm atimmehI-ist.†in literature. and in aluugst exjvryt-hing. . Even the bible. 'the lmuk at all bunks. Contains much of iumgery. The chair wng nccngied 1'pr this. pilstvl. Alï¬e-v. E. C‘. (V... A _ 0‘.....r..‘. .._- w|l\.- ruauu. 5271. IM- U. )un-le, and ugu‘lenlusl'fl‘ hearty vote of thanks was tendered {he lvrturor 51V Mr. W. Inns-sysennndedby Mr. T. in n.. a Cemetery: z‘uééï¬a‘fu. "as: i‘RthI} Gum conducting the seryices', . Lyncm .whmi-Jï¬lthxugh being lilinfl wm able to “fplk unwind till abnut svvenlwwktagxa \vhvn he was ‘cnnflm-d to his bed. He: lenvvs one daughter and ï¬ve sons to mum-u his lossâ€"Mrs. Lynett' .nf, this: village. James nf Cleveland. John and Bernard of Chicngn. Frank-«if 'I‘nmlurn and vais uf Nelirzmku. The funeral tunk place. on Fniday mnrnin i the R. C. . g t: (Luann An.- 'l‘|. 0A.. LJI I) rs . u On \VHIQt-sdny 0f last. then: passed away an uld pioneer in the person uf Jus. McW’illimns. 'flefygas'latxm'il; the manly“ Def-Hy. lIr‘dand; 111' the yin“- 1821. He- Came Lu Uunada when still quite y‘uumg.~ He had; always “In-d urunnd Afljchmnud‘ Hill aiucv. gaming 0.. -1LA...A 'Il! , ,hu mt . tn 'L‘uuada',’ His \vifeâ€" 71%;) mm predece-am-d him some eighteen months ergo. Sim» he had made his Emma“ wiry. qajightgr._ Mrs. BAZAAR AND SALE "OF‘ 'wa'RK MR. Mo‘VILLKAM’S DEATH. ANNUAL MEETING. PUBLIC MEETING. 'flMAGlNATION.“ FRUIT TREES. __.- ..., ynl\- ILuluCIILC |IL 11. 1h 938e, Viam-ia Square, on; Monday, I Decembergï¬. 1310‘, Elizabeth Dunn. % widnw of the‘late Jacob "Dani-31", in I. .._. nth I, , Houses and Lots ' FOR SAIlE BANGING 17mm $800 To $5,000. 166 acre farm north of ï¬llagé. Buildings Al. Land in good state of cultivation x Also 100 acres on the and of Mark- ham. I r .yDUFFâ€"BENNETTv-At Winnipeg. on ' r the 24th of Nuvemher, 1910, by Rev. ' C. W. Gordan, D.D.,.J0hn Edward Duff nf Cuokstown. .0nt.. Lu Madge Alice Bennett, 01" NeWmm-ket, 0m" } Everybody in Richmond Hill and ‘ the neighboring villages should hear ‘Rev. Dr. Cleaver in the Methodist. Churchillext, \Vednesdny Heuiu , the llbh inst. This is not. an o inary lecture. but is an interesting story as told hy-Yiqtm- Hugo in that, upulm‘ work Les Misc-rubles; Jean galjei‘m ‘was it convict whu took part in the French Revolution. Early in life he was arrested and imprisoned for taking a. kmf nf [mead for a Sister’s family in want. He escaped on dim-rent occasions. but was pursued and again sent, to the gulleys. until he spent. nltngether 19 yearwbehind the prison hm-s. At, last, he re‘ceived his passport, but by phis time, bee-had h§c0_lggé§~:a hardened 7 in): n‘.’ “ Nrihijdy f'ivdu-ldâ€" trust him_ eg'el‘ylwdyk spurned, huuluntil M; lastiu kindheai‘téd bisb‘o cared {£61} him and trusted him. here. is, “of canvas. a mural in the story.“ We say again “Do not miss it.â€f',The: lecture is undrr the auspices of the Epworth Imague. I * REAL" ESTATE BATTY~A6 Richmond am, Saturday. "2 Deg-“$3.. 91,0; to.,.Mt:.,-.gpquz-s. .N., ‘; Batty.“ éun. ‘ ye'a'r'. WW" Interment in Heise Hill Cemetery; Dec. 7. MoLnANâ€"Ab the residence of his sni‘l. J. B. McLean. manage: of the-Stand- ard“ Bank of Canada, Maple. Out... ‘ on the 29th of November, 1910, Hugh ~' McLean.iin his 77th year. ‘ Interment. in St. Andrew’s Cemetery, Maple} on the lst of December. ‘quglié tBâ€"e†resideflvh'cex'of THE STORY OF JEAN VALJEAN. At the St. Charles Cafe, Toronto, last, Friday evening his cnllmlgues in the Cmmty Council held a banquet. and presented the Warden, Mr.-~Ar- thm: E. Pugsley. with a gold-headed came. beautilufly mounted and en- graved. The presentation was made 1y Mr. qute, reeve of \VhitchuI-ch. An interesting toast list fullmved, and every speaker spoke in the highest} [PHI]? of the W amenâ€"4m guest'of the evenmg. The Richnmudrflill High School to- duy deFI'Vc‘s the. Innst li neml patmm age fn‘m all inLeI-de. ‘The keueï¬il conduct of the pupils u nd discipline in all ’the moms could not be better. Then} is u sgkndid spin‘t among the students. an m't-rnym-m‘ is down' to earnest. baud work. The athletic asso- ciation. undvr the special care uf. 11h? Principal. is in a must pa nspr‘rnus con- ditinn. and such an instinfllmn tends greatly to foster a prupux- espret du cmpfz. an msvntinl lo the success of an): institutinn. .,‘Thu 8 )lendid additions to the Chem- ical an Physical drum-towns. and to the Art, mgethtyï¬ with 1.19.: ndditijfu thtfl library. will tell w‘ith‘iu‘ih doubt. in’ the fucure success of the students. _ This- cuming concert in the Masonic Hull nu the evening nt' D'ec. 1Q mum; ISNI to he a gl‘eat‘succeém. The tickvf‘s are being rapidly suit] by the‘s‘tudencs. Already four mws uf reserved seats have been taken people from Maple and Thnumfll,‘ and the citizehs here wank! do we†(u se'cih‘t‘ their rem-wed scale In smm .as .pus’sible. Thing {Jig entertaiuumnt ~_will beeï¬l‘st ‘clsglï¬q Pygmy resp "Lblggg'e‘is n‘n doubt. WARDEN PUGSLEY HONORED. .â€"-NOW ON HAND- The business world is never crowded with competent help. If you possess a. "C. B. 0.†training and graduate from our school, weguamntee to place you in a positiun or re- fund yuuy tuition. Everything is in your favor. Send fnr‘new catalogue tn-day and learn more ulmut our plan 'tnuhe-lp yuu. Central Business College, “7. H. Shaw. Pres. ' . “The in the Central Busingss Cï¬olle‘ge, of Toronto RICHMOND HILL , SANDERSON; v.5. *AGENCY- HIGH: SCHOOL CONCERT. SIX VERY DESIRABLE Schdol kahuna-any. Training" Winter Term. Begins Jan. 3 MARRIAGES MANAGER DEATHS BIRTHS. r _'â€"AT THEâ€"â€" F '- i flIc‘HMoNaHILL GENTS’ FURNISH-ER :1 fWiï¬ï¬‚-iï¬iï¬-fl-ifloét www vb++++++++~b++++++~§s++dewqem§ ':ï¬+ï¬ï¬+é%%§z%++w++*¢f M'l' *%++*++++++++++§°++4F%MMM +MHW HW+¢$¢+¢$M+4 +m¢+++fl++++~i §~1ufl0uum TIME IS COMING 49mmé+i§¢+++w¢ï¬+%+ï¬m&%+fl1"'++M+M+ԤHM++ 1. . . Atkinson& Switzeri _,V-_ _..,v ...u\. "y are going to cleaf them out. ‘ Some at cost and sdme away less than cost. Come and see what we have got and can do. for you. . . Suits, sizes 36 to 40; . price from $5.50 to $10.00 O‘vercowats, sizes 36 to 40; price from $7.00 to $10.00 Wevlmve a few Sutts and Ovefcoats left. ‘ The most» oftltese are n_ew and up-tO‘date stock. And we _‘ LaaxeS' shopping Bags - ~ Tools I ' Writing Folios , Jolly Giggers Post card Albums ' Surprise Boxes This is j ust a reminder. There are dozens of other articles Just Arrivedâ€"The new fruits for your Christmas dainties: Selected Valencia Raisins, Horseshoe Brand Seeded Raisins, Finest. Cleaned Currants; Lemon; Orange and Citron Peel; Shelled Walnuts and A1- monds,‘Wethey’s'Prepared Mincemeat, New Dates, Cooking and Table Figs, Icings, Extracts and Jellies. ++++++m+¥§~§+$++++++ "'"Cï¬ShiOn Topk vDoylies Tray Cloths Sideboard and Dresser Scarfs Sn) all T eark'lfablo Cloths l Huckleback Towels Table Napkins , Handkerchiefs Ladles’ Shopping Bags ' Writing Folios Post card Albums December 1, 1910 Don'fdisappoiht them. _ Toys ’were so interesting as now. What to get P hst of things you once liked._ It’s not you’ve forgotten. ' NiORMANJ: GLASS _ PROPRIETOR We have Everything from a Noah’s Ark to @6979}! F111" Overcoat. Richmond Hill Hardware no. h;,:géu ï¬ougï¬i fresenl‘; gel? Fï¬ere 1': 92d *9wa in [ï¬e Mud: of-fï¬e eï¬ildre'nfl ' ' - of a flea! Santa @laus. " Pandora“. we Iï¬pamwi HaPPy Thqught RANGES t e s , we make the “a Souvemr ‘ 000 Prices right. Stove and Fumnce VVox-k promptly done and satis- faction guaranteed. Melntte Cream Separators, Standard Cream Sepa- rators, Conner BalLBem-ing \Vashing Machines. §§§§§§§ THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Bell Telephone 18 NORMAN BATTY Manager The cold Weather is coming; NOW is a. good time to prepare for it We invite you torcallrand see our mcnnim‘nn mu, 'e mvne you to call and see our stock of HEATERS AND RANGES. We are sole agents for the celebrated STOVES THE Games Mouth Organs ’ Mechanical Toys Airships (Toy) SoapCases a. Réttles Shaving Mugs Mus'tard Pots never so cheap; Well, there’s a so long ago that