Calls by telephoné‘ from Richmond Hill charggd to me. »' 1"1‘ Samson, Map]. Moon-ed Auctioneers for the County of York. 8510:! “waded to on shortest notice and u to» Jumble rates Patronage solicited Licensed Auctionâ€: for the County of York. re- ipo-sttully solicws your patronage and friendly inn-once sales attended on the shortest notice ind n mionnble rates 1‘ 0 address King ' Licensed Auctioneer fqr she County of York. Good: sold on consignment. General sales 0! vaccinate. prompcw &ttended no at reasonable 11,1391 ‘gosgdpnee Unionvule ‘ AT ME USEKA mnmme“alipuausmvug.,unuse. \ RICHMOND HILL,0NT.. ‘ ,‘__-_ HAVMVAIAV “Gr R Gouldan F1 ewton Brook. agent for the above v JOHN R. CAMPBELL, HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. The Newton School of Music RmIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL TH onxm LI â€"-Tuesda.ys, . nu W. HEWISON (s PUBLISHEDEVEBS‘ BHURSDA'Y MORNING 4.30 p.11). 7 W fl SGLINTONâ€" M rmdny, Thursday. Friday und Saturday mnrnings ;' Mundiiy, ‘Vednesdn y and Friday ei'enings. l‘oRox’ro OFFICE, 129 Sherbuunw St. Gas and Cocaine for extractions. '1‘. F. MUMAHON. 9.0138; J.‘ W0 0 DS Dentist. RICHMOND HILL ' - WEDNESDAYS 9.39 AM To 5 RM. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 6; 1910. {51 perannum, in advance.] VOLLXXXIII. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. DR. W. R. .PENTLAND " RICHMOND HLLL V RESIDENCE Fix-st house north nf Atkinson & ‘ Switzer’s sum). ‘6 VETERINARY SURGEON, ’I‘hornhill. J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR bUSINE SS. CARDS. Richmond Hill, Ont. 1800“: J K McEwon M3?“ Weston Salgeon a: McEwen. 8TH SEASONâ€"1910-’ll .0 wk» . giheml J. H. Prentice Emma a Paornxuon. I). G. BLOUGH‘. Phone No. 2402. Whitman; fled 323mm. ital. 9.30 a. In. to BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Tornntn Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. ,Wesb, \Vesley Buildings. 1 Richmond Hill Ofl‘lce (“Lihoml" Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fm-enoun. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ., VVuud bridge, Saturday forenonn. Riohmonc; Hill A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places Prepares Enpils for the graded ex- aminations aid at Tm out-n Cnnserva- tot-y of Music and University of 1'0- ronto. Special course in “Myer’s†Kinder- gargen Method, particularly helpful to egmners. Class recitals are given throughout the year. \ 42-1y RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL LENNle & ' MORGAN Barristers and sollcllors. Mouov to loan on land succumbs: mortgages“ > lowest rates Aurora nfllce~Removed no the old pom othea one door we“ of the entrance to the Ontario Bank Newmatket omenâ€"Thine doors south of the -p.)sbml‘me ' . magnum Lanna: G BTV quom \nrom A. 6.1“. Lawrence 15‘. J. Dunbar Lawrence 29 Dunbar, Barristersï¬bllcltors. Notaries, 32:. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victoria. Sta. fomnno. Phone 3135:2984 ' ing ' 'Thus are. the sight; of the. times in- ' h-rprt-wd in uueluqueutrdilorinl.which ' adorns the ï¬rst. page of reading matter _ in the handsome 1910 Christmas ; lllllllhfl‘ of "The Farmvr’s Advocate' and Home Magazine.†Answering the question. what shall prosorve this galaxy of nations from the‘decav and I dissolution that plain warnings of 3 history, rconcludosh “Would. Canada' flower and ropmdhcp herself in nution- : «l glralrwss. [his sublime achievement ‘ will not. be by armies nor navies, nor : railways nor waterwayE, nor acclaim- l multides. nor palaces nor of a vivjï¬ed churchmegeuerutod schools and Christnin homeyâ€"Men who know their duties and maintain thvir rights. a .The vastness of her problems, the rigor of_ her environment: und..t.h'e' complexity of her people stimulate the travail cf selflsacriflce and high en- ‘ deavnr, out, of which n nation destined : pageantry, but by Men-the product ’ i to live gloriously has been horn.†. ‘The Home Magazine is particularly ; goody comprising articles by suc i Muuov to loan (a): [and anacusuan mortgages“ in. > lowest rams, Aux-oranm‘ce~Rem0\-ed no the old post othea one door we“ of the entrance to the Ontario Bank ‘ Newmarkat omceâ€"Thrée doors south of the -p.)st;nmce - '- ' '1‘ 3233231 Lnxxox' G BTV Ménum Aurora. NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 2A) KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. FRANK BENTON. K. C.’ “ W. MULOCK BOULTBEF W. H. MCGV'mE Organs Repaired Mid Expnn Wqu Guanmoed Mmer to 1mm at Five; Per Cont. (5%) Danton, Dunn & Boultbee- P I A N O T U N1 N G. CANADA'S NATIONAL OUTLOOK. I RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION. J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Sc hool (1nd ertakers a: Embalmers. _ , ,,, an“..- rm..." age; instruction strict-1y aï¬rst-clnss: graduates always sucmssful. Write 10-day for handsome catalogue. Con. Youol: AND ALEXANDER 51:. VI. J. ELLIOTT. Principal MISS MILL-IE TRENCH Commissioner. Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Canada’s High Class Cnmmerical [. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC goï¬n 9gwi’dson THORNHILL WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3rd. TORON 1'0. ONT. RICHMOND HILL. 0NT.,' THURSDAY; DEC. 15. 1910 Barristers, Sulï¬cturs WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK VOICING AN‘D . . . . ACTION HEGULATING RICHMONIS BIL-L Teacher of Plano ; enjoys an extensxve patrun- II a ELLIOTT “In Essentiqzc, Unityâ€; in Non I A Christmussy flavor. with an abund- ance of light reading. marks the December number of Rod and Gun in Canada. nhhshed by W. J. Taylor, Limited. oodstuck. Ontario. Includ- ' ed are some notable articles, Mr. ‘Bnnnvcastle Dale telling-of the con- ‘ tiasts to he found at this season on the. Paciï¬c Coast as compared with other portions of Canada. while the delights of a canoe trip in New Brunswick with the exhilarting experiences of 3 days of rapid water are Well described a by Mr. S. B. Bustin. Then there are I ï¬shing stories recalling the pleasures i of rod and line. Mrs. Charlotte 0. ‘ Talcott iving voice to the feelings of 5 man w o are inevitably led to engage ‘ in t 9 pro r season in a recreation that has fl led some of the happiest i hours of their lives. Big game hunters } are not forgotten and a paper by Dr. : Edward Bteck on European and American methmis is calculated to I give all interested in the game I r‘oblems in this country much food I For thought. Crisp, bright verses, with i an Old Time story. and many other | good things complete a number that l for variety and interest is the equal of any that have ever gone before and ' well sustains the reputation which ‘ the Magazine has achieved. The Christmas number of The Can- adian Magazine contains a. good re- presentation of wot-l; of foremost Can- adian writets and artists, the list includin the following writers:â€" Arthum~ tringer. Goldwin Smith, New‘ ton MncTuvish, MnrjorieLO. Picklhall. Robert Barr, Isabel Ecclestone Mac- Kay. Virnu Shem-d. S. A. Whi-‘e, John Boyd. Theodore Roberts. W. S. Wallace. Jenn Blewett. Katherine Hale Jean Graham, and Peter Mc- Atthur. There are drawings by the following artistsâ€"J. W. Beatty. 0. W. Jeflerys, Estella M. Kerr. Jack Hamm. Maud McLaren, Helene Carter and A. J. Clark. The colour Work in the. reproductions is most effective and altogether the number is a ï¬ne example of the magazine construction. In many cases the best way of strengthening eye muscles is by exm-clse with lenses, which good ocu- lists in many cases now advocate. This method is a natural one of ac- complishing results by patience and training. which we formerly attained with glasses or the knife.-â€"The De- linntm' for January. A good oculist can always sfraighten, with proper glasses, cross~eyes, or those which turn out. Gross-eyes come from two causes. They may be due to weaknes of the external muscles of the eyeball. which allows the muscle next. to the nose to draw the eve inward. In this case the dimculty can be corrected by strengtheniu the external muscle by glasses. If. owever. the weakness is due to paralysis. it is necessary to resort to operation,â€"â€"the internal mus- cle being cut to meet the deï¬ciency of the outer one. AHdress the \Villium erd 00., London, Ont. Clubbing price with THE LIBERAL $1.40. ' ' . : ‘The Home Magazine is particularlg good, cmnprlsin articles by suc writers as Mrs. uckerâ€"VVih-nx. Peter McAl-thur and Miss L.M. Montgomery. The front. cover is worthy of a frame. the text illustrations are ï¬rst-class. and the letterpress even lwyond the high standard that has come tn he associated with Canada’s leading agflcultuyul tnagpzme. The price of this special nssno to non- suhscnhens is 50c. New suhscrihvx-s will xeceiveit as a premium while the snp’pjy lasts. 7 “A cmmnnnity uf nutunnmuus. s'elf- gnwrning. yet'nllied nations is in the making in Britain, Canada, Australia. va Zmland. South Africa and India, “"hvrvin the Guldm Rule of Righteous- stï¬: will replacta ths law nf the jungle. in rvalizuï¬nn nf'l‘ennyson's “Federation uf the \Vm-ld.’ †’ L TAKE CARE OF YOUR_ EYES DECEMBER ROD AND GUN. CANADIAN MAGAZINE. -Essmtials’, Liberty: ;' in all things, Clarity." For wox'nen. men. or children Pari~ siun Sage is without. any doubt the ï¬nest preparation foi‘ the hair. Daintin perfumed, it- is free from grease or stickiness and ought to be where every member of the fumil y could use it daily. Large bottle 50 cents at. an (in at: or from the pro rietm-s, The G roux Mfg. 00., Fort rie. Ont... postpaid. The girl with the Auburn hair 19 ml ever-v package. Suld'and guaranteed by \‘V. A. Sanderson. One hundred and sixty-one Winners in the Standing Field Crops Com~ petitions throughout Western Ontario entered sam lea of their threshed ants at. Guelph air. While York made but eight entries, ï¬ve of these were among the best fourteen labs; three of thee? _win_uing $54.00 out of the $175.00 V r,,-._- __--__Y _ . v . . v for this class. ‘ The above ï¬ve. were:â€" _ v Ist prizeâ€"W. G. Rennie. Ellesmerv, for Lincold oats. 3rd px‘izeâ€"Jas. McLean, Richmond Hill, for Lincoln outs. . A ‘ Mrs. Jas. Harms (if Wapella. Sash, say§:â€"_â€" _ A :‘I have found Parisian Sage to be the best scalp and hair tonic and dress- ing I had ever used. My hair had been coming out. in combs full and was very ‘drv and brittle and the 80113) was always itchingand full of dandm . I have used two. bottles of Parisian SaÂ¥e and it has stopped my hair from fa] ing. the itching and dandruff have disappeared and my .hair is ï¬ne and soft, and glossy. I would not. be with- out this fine Hair Tome for many tirges the price.†8th prizeâ€"R. M. Meless, Agincuurt, for Lincoln oats. M. Boyle, Richmond Hill, for Prince Royal oats. W. A. Pattergon, Agincourt, for In. -. I“ me the latest agricultural statistics we lean) that last year for every 1000 acres of cleaned land in York County over 225 acres were devoted to the growing of outs. This is equal to the total area sown with winter Wheat. 5 ring wheat, barley and peas. We a so see that out- average yield was 38 bus per acre while the c of the rovince was only 33.5 bus. The quality may he jud ed from results of the judging at, the inter Fair. White Cluslei Eaiéé.‘ The Athletic World by its December number more strongly than ever estab- lishes its position as the best athletic and sports magazine in Canada. Its exhaustive treatment of the whole national and world aspects and occurrences in the realm of outdoor and indoor sports ï¬lls a long felt want. The illustrations are many and excel- lent, depicting the haprenings in universal athletics. especial ly pretent- ing to Canadians everything of sport- ing moment in the Dominion. givm a complete resume of the past want ’3 sensnnnhle sports. It 'is a, national monthly of world scope for Canadian followers of athletic sports. The Presidgnt, Secretary and Treaj- sun-9r Were appointed a committee to drift qtvcnn-sgjttltign and ill-133's. Mos'srs. Alléï¬; and A. E. Glass Were appoint-.99 a com- minlzee or: .Pu_bl_icit_y. »' The suhject téï¬ï¬Ã© taken up at néx't meeting '13 "Water and Sewerage.†Eye djchgsioy to be ï¬end by Mr. Mc- Donald, Mr. IrianlésVa‘nd Mr. , vmï¬, -V-.....a. . Reeve Pugsley, who was chairman. explained that‘the meeting was calied to meet the wishes of many rate- payers, 'who thriught that an‘assmié ution nf‘some kind should be formed to look after the interests of the village and makgsuggestions'vto the Council from time to time. , After an informal discussion it was moved by Mr. P. G. Savage, seconded by Mr. Gm. McDonald that. we form ourselves into a Rate-puyers’ Associ- fltiun. After another discussion in which Mr, Allen, Mr. Pratt, Ml. J. H.811!)- déi‘sun. Mr. W. Innea and others took part the above resolution was carried wiflmutz‘aflisgentingyoice. The following, 7 :fliééï¬ï¬‚ were then elm-ted: Presidentâ€"W. Pratt. ‘ ‘ lst Vice-Pres.â€"â€"W. Innes. ‘2nd “ “ -â€"A. G. Sewage. Sec’yâ€"T. A, Lamon. ' Transâ€"T. F.1McMahnn. Executive Com.â€"~'D.. Hill, G. Cowie. F. Allen, Ashford Wri ht, ,J. Tyndafl, W. Hall. G. McDonalg, A. E.. Glass. NLGIPLSAS, 'H, A. Nicholls. ‘ “ The Presidgï¬ï¬â€˜BEEEin’g the chair, (ex lained that every rate~pnyer in the vi‘1__age isja [member of the Association. Itvwas' decided, to hold monthly. meetingsin the Council Chamber on last. Tuesdav in every month, at. 8 o’clock. ' A large number (if ratepayers at- tended the Public Meeting in the Cogncil (113531713112:- Tu'esday evenipg. DECEMBER ATHLETIC WORLD. Falling Hair Oats at the Winter Fair. The. monthly magazines of “the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. I Cassal’a Ma azine‘, per annum . $1 The Story eller , . . l The Quiver . . . . . 1 Musical Home Journal . . 1. The Gil-13’ Realm . . . ‘ . 1 Little Folks . . . . 1 It is not necessary I ) send to foreign cou.1trie:: (or magas zines. Read the following:â€" Chums . D. HILL 8:: 00., Canadian Pugh]: ï¬shing Company Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS‘ & COM PANV. 42 Adelzixde St. WToronto 0AssELLW By Buying ' ‘a. Nice Box; ' of the? ' - Highest Grade-5 of Confectionery. Prices Ranging. ' from ’ L 100 to $5. A Large Assorted - »Stockof . Nuts andsFruits in Season. All kinds of grain boiig'ht aï¬dhighest possible, prices paid at the Elevator. Purity Flour~~ always; __on hand. . " ' V Make Xmas Happier For salt: at the C. N. 0. Station, 0; delivered in ,t'hq village and vicinity:-â€"- ~ STEAM COAL For threshing engine‘s; NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton éoal. :. Also Tum ‘ †~ ' Bran, Shorss and Amefigan Com for cattle and hogs.“ J. ’ H. RAMER YOUR CONFECTIONER [Single-copies, 3 eta;