Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Dec 1910, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J ’1‘ Smigeon, J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon a: fiIcEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salas “handed to on shortest notice and at rea- sorible rates Patronage solicited ‘ Licensed Auctioneel for the County of York, re- sperztfully solicma your patronage and friendly influence sales attended on the shortest notice and M; reasonable rates I‘ 0 address King Licensed Auctioneer for ma County of York. Goods sold on coasignmem. General Hales of Machete. promptly “tended no at reasonable rages“ fiesidence Unionville AT THE “REAL PRINTING (2 PUBUSMRS HGUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. v__<-_.. unuflu‘uy G R Gouldmg', Newcou Brook above The Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, 0m. JOHN R. CAMPBELL. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper-- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILT. THORNHILI â€"â€"Tuesda.ys, 9.30 a. xii; tn 1 nu Is PU‘BLISHEIiEVEkY BHURSDA‘Y MORN INC} 4.30 p.11). EGLINTONâ€" Monday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday mornings: Monday, \Vodm-sduy and Friday evenings. (‘ORONTO OFFICE, 129 Sherhnm'lw .St. Gas and Cocaine fm extractions. i‘ . F . Mo M AH O N , 'I}entis1;,. I RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A MT0 5 PM. FALL' TERM OPENS ‘jSEP‘I‘. '6,‘ 1910.1v VOLXXXHI. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL 51 per annum, in advanca.] (4 Fll'St h'nuae north of Atkinson SI _ Swiczm-‘s scum VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘ h o rnh ill . J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR bUSINESS CAfiDS. DB. E. J. WOODS . HEWiSON 8TH SEASONâ€"1910411 J; H. Prentice n. G. BLflUGfl. Emma a Paormmon. Phone NO. 2-102. 3321mm RESIDENCE Egl'fcglltstl. mum. ‘. agent for the f! Special crmrse‘in “Myer-’3” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. ‘ v Prepares pupils for the graded ex- aminations held at Tmont-n Causewa- tm‘y of Music and Uhivexsity of 1‘0- 1-dnt0. Class recitals aregivevn throughout the year. .> > ,_ _ 42-1y Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places Richmono. Hill Undenakers an Em banners, RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL Burma-uin and Solicitors, Munuv 00 104,111 on land aunauatbe n‘ortgagesat ' I lowest rat-es ' ‘ -' Auroranffiuaâ€"Rumuved tn the old post 0319.: one ’dnor west of the enhance to the Ontario Bunk ‘ L Newman-mt officeâ€"Three doors south of the p m; orifice ‘ T HERBEBTLENNOX G S'rV Mona“; vI‘ll'A'I‘IONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO. Canada. LENNOX & MORGAN A. (31“. Lam-anus I". J. Dunbar BARRISTER, SULICZ‘I‘OR, NOTARY, ETC. Organs Repaired and Expart Work Guaranteed Barristersfioiicitors. Notaries. kc. l ’ FOR REEVE.’ Home Life Building 00:, Adelaide \V. H. AVPUGSL‘EYJâ€"BV W‘. Inuesfind , 7. W ‘ I ‘ J. Tyndall. ' ' ‘ & 3 lemma, bts... Jmnuto. H. A, NIOH0LLS_By “7m. Furey ' A I and H. H. Hupper. I'lvrv-~.__ A_A, FRANK DENTON. K. C. W. MULOCK BOULTBEF - W. H. MCGI'JRE Turnntn Office, Richmond St. West, \‘Vesley Buildings; Richmond Hill Office» (“Liberul" Office). every Thursday forenouu. Maple, Thursday aftm'nnnn. M \Vuudhrh‘lue, Saturday forenoan. v Muuey to loan at FivuPe-r Coat (55%) Benton, Dunn &'Bou1tbee PIANO TUNING J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESLL'ATE, ETC. THORNIâ€"ELILL % EL-LIOTT W . . mnnnurrn D‘NPF ~ . «Canada’s High Class Cummericarl Schnéiféfijuys alfexténsive patarT-l age; Instrucnon stuctly first-class: graduates always succussful. Write to-day fm' handsome catalogue. Con. YONG: AND ALEXANDER 575. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal MISS MILLIE TRENCH Commissioner, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuey of Marriage Licenses. LaWrer.ce 24 Dfinbar, {-1. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC VOlClNG AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 305m 3'. '9avidson THORNHILL WINTER TERM OPENS JAN. 3rd. TORONTO. ONT. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY. DEC. 29. 1910 nu'rismrs, Snlicturs. 8m WRIGHT BROS. WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Plano Aurora. f'In Essentiaiv, Unity,- $mal. G 8117 Mona“: Pnone Main 2981 Mr. Nicholle said he hadn’t; hrokenl faith with Mr. Pugslvy. \Vhat he said at last year’s nomination was that he i would be a candidate for the reeveship i or cnuncillnr. He chose the tnrmeri and was defeated by a. small majoritv. ‘ He did not consider it fair that; (met man should usurp all the honor: and emoluments appertaining to thei reeveship year after year. He \Vas’ horn here, served the village faithful-i ly, and thought that younger blond 1 should be given a chance to; learn what is tn he learned in the‘ County Council. Toronto wouldn‘t; elect a mayor longer- than three years ; in ~sugcession. 'Regarding a water- 3 systeni he had mole faith in the Lemonville springs than in ar-tesian walls” near the station. Hebelieved Mr. Pugsley after thanking his mover and seconder explained why he a was in the field again. He had stated i at the nomination meeting a yei‘u' ago that, he would not be a. candidate for the reeveship for next year, on the understanding that Mr. Nicholls would not oppose him for 1910. As Mr. ‘ Nicholls had broken faith, and as Mr. Pugsley had been requested. bv the members of the Council and many ratepayers he consented to again offer himself for re-election. As more money was needed this year for our schools, less had to be spent in gravel and side- walks. He was pleased to say that a Ratepayers’ Association had been formed. which would advise and make suggestions to the Council as to their opinions regarding electric light, water supply &c. A letter. was read from the manager of the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company stating that they would he in a. position to supply . Richmond Hill with power and light’ in a very short time. The Council were endeavoring to have ten or twelve ' acres around the C. N. 0. Station annexed to our village. As there. Were . several important questions in the 1 County that were yet unsettled, hei thought he could handle them better- than a man without experience in these questions, and hoped that the electors would again returned him for reeve for 1911. Mr. Fuley and Mr. Hopperâ€"Mr. Nicholls’ mover and seccndeIâ€"Were callied on. but were not in the hull. Mr. 'Wm. Innos explained why he m-minated Mr. Pugsley for re-eloctinn. He had given us ,excellent semice .in the village. and knew that he was considered one (If the most valuable in the Cuunty Council. To replace him merely because nf his lung sex-vice he consideled a lame argunwnt. Mr. J. Ty'ndall concurred in what Mr. Innes expressed. 'Afmr the nmninahmxs “hm-é clusod Mr. A. J. Huuw was appuivfied chair nizm 0f the [nee-ting, \vln-n‘k‘pI-echPS Were made'hy the candidates and some (if the runners and sec-unders. Mr. Hume, n$ Lrvasuren ga we u reslmw of the receipts and payuwnts'dunipg the year HP untintuinvd that our finance-s are in goud shape, and in re- ferring tn the question vt' water said that/the county oilgineers ‘had exp-wi- m’ented at Band Luke and uthvrsup- plies, and fuund that, th» pressnw wuuld nut be great, ermugh for fire purposes. , An expert frum the Hydra Electric had afte-Hx'ards exmu‘lm-d the springs near Ule C. N. 0. station, and em- cnnrnged the sinking uf a well. One well has since- lM-en sunk on H pivce of ground which Mr. Pugsley gave for water purposes. I Numinatinns fur the pnsitirm of vau. Cuuncillm-s :ind Puhliu Svhonl 'I‘Instm-s \w-n- tnkvn in the «Cunm'il Chamber Mundny evening, from 7.30 ti" 8.30. Th9 ahpve were dcclarpd'elected by auclunmuun. ' " The following nominations were made:â€" ‘ FOR TRUSTEES. G. A. quo'NALDâ€"By J. H. Brydnn y a and W. Imws. . W‘. A. \VRIGHTâ€"By G. Cuwie and C. Mnsm). GEO. {{ABPINGflBy T. F. Mchmn ,‘. H. THENCEâ€"By W. H.‘ PugsIPy and J. Pnhm-l._ - . HlOKSONâ€"By J. H. Sanderson and 0. Mason. ' PALMERâ€"By W. I‘nne‘s and J. H. Brydun. TYNDALL~By G. Cuwie and W. Inns-s. ' I H. SANDERSONâ€"Bv T. Trench and \V. Prutt. A LYNETT~~By T. Tnench and F. E. Sims. ’ S; T. F. McMahun and BARKERâ€"UB3; D. Hm and G Umviv. F. M L-Cunuglly. and J. Hicksnn. VILLAGE NOMINATIONS. in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in allsthings, Charity.” FOR COUNCILLORS. FISHERâ€"0n the 2nd concosfinn of ; Markham. on Monday, Dec. 26. 1910, 3 John Fisher. son of Juhn Fisher, aged 5 yrs., 5 months. " guneral to Thornhill Cemetery, Tues- M,’ . . . I I that if Mr. Pngsleyand the deputation ! than Went to the Legislature had pre- sented their case properly the request; to get; water frnm Lemunville would have heen granted. He had induced a good many people t‘oc‘mm- h‘ér'e to livv, but, thought we are put, making the l‘ugl'esi we should. We .wnnt mth \vntm- and electric light. The grave-l hauling should have hem given .tu one of our own citizens Whose ltouder said he would haul and spread it, for $1.00 rather than to an outsider I whose tender for hauling was 90 cents. .Mr. Pugsley was in the West three : months last summer when he should have been home looking after our in- I terests. If elected he would he at ‘home to look'a‘fLer the Welfare nf’the '\'lllag9. asked for support, a'nd'said that, if he Wei-P not elected on Monduv ’uvxl; he Would ngnin he a. candidate : f: x: the: reeveship nextiyegut GOOD READING. The wholesalers say that the two best, selling honks of {Lhe vear are “The Rosary” and “Th0. Mistress of Shen- stone.” Both books are by Florence L. Barclay. The books are not only popular, they are cleanfrom cover to gnver. For sale as THE LIBERAL Of- ce. CAPELLâ€"In Newmarket, on Saturday, Dec. 24th. 1910. tnMr. and M13. W. R. Capell, a daughter. MCCAGUEâ€"AL Victoria quuare, De- cember 19,1910, to Mr. and Mrs. George McGague,. a. daughter. LEMONâ€"On Friday. Dec. 23rd. 1910, at her residence, Clyde Hotel. King street East, Sarah. widow uf the late iHem'y Lemon, in her 69th year. ' Funeral Monday, to Mount Pleasant Cem‘eberv. 4 ‘ YOUNG-0n Dec. 25, 1910, at his hm- ther’s residence, Yonge street. York Mills, David Young. in his 43rd year. Funeral on Tuesday, the 27th insm, at 3.30 p.m.. to St. John’s Cemetery, York Mills. ....u ._V.vr‘,\“ wvlull LL II hlll|||5rUI The question under consideration was “ Water.” This was led by Mesm's. McDonald, Inmâ€"ys and Hill. Other ratepaym-s who spuke on the question weer. Tyndall. G. Allisnn. G. Reamun, J. Sanderson. A. E. Glass, A. G. Savage, J. P. Glass F. Hopper. 'T. Tiench. H. A. Niclmlls, S. M. Brown. W. H. Pugsley, N. Glass, H. B. Stirling, W. Trench. J. Palmer, F. LyneLt, A. J. Hume, J. H. Bl-ydon, G. Cuwie, F. Allen. _ The same subject; will be taken up on the last. Tuesday evening in January, and Messrs. T. H. Trench, H. A. Nicholls and A. J. Hume were added to the Water committee. ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION’. The 016 members of the‘ Municipal Cnuucil of the township of King Were all elected by acclamabiun on Monday as follows:â€" Reeveâ€"Alex. McMurchy. Dep-reeveâ€"R. W. Phillips. Councillors~WnL J. Wells, Simeon Lemon, and R. J. Deacon. as the height of springs was nnly’ a. few feet- above the Public School grounds“ The sheets were. well look- "e'd after. Mr. Blanchard got his in- s‘trl'mlium from the Council and carried them out. Mr. vawtb said the rnads in the village were nobin a‘ satisfactory con- ditiun. In the absence nl" Mr. Sims, Mr. Barker and Mr. Trench their mm‘ers unnd seconded-é spnke in their behalf. The meeting was orderly. the thrusts at one another \vm‘e Well taken and well recs-ived. and there Was generally an Roland fox-,an Oliver. An interesting meeting of the above Msnciatiuh was held in the Council Chamber Tuesday 9\'ening..IVIt-. W. Plinth, President in the chair. A crvnstimtinn prepared by Mr. Pratt. Mr. Lumt-m and Mr. McMahon was adopted with fe\_v changes. n“, .Mr; Sanaei-soh that. an engiQeer had stated that Water from Lemonvflle Would nnt do for fireprotection here, Mr. Tyndall thought that Richmnnd strevt should have got, a larger share of gravel this year. If 6.19.0th he would sesrthat st_nck fe‘kepj: nut of the park. Mr. Palmer said that the Council this year had done their best with the money at théir disposal, and said he wu’uld nut wish to sit with a, mole ngygealule lpt ofrmen. ' - ‘ 1 At the close nf Mr. Nicholls’v address MWHume explained that Mr. Shear- dnwn’s tender for hauling and spread- ing gran-Pl was not $1.00 hut, $1.25 a yard, and Mr. Pugsley said he went to the West on the 91h uf August and retvurlwg (3n Sept. m. _ RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION. DEATHS BIRTHS. Cassel’s Mn gazinehperfir’anqm The Story Teller". ‘ ' ‘ . The Quiver . ' ‘. . Musical Home Jom'h’cfl" " 1‘ ‘3 ‘ The Girls’ Realm . ' ’. Little Folks . . , '. Chums . . . . . Subscriptionstaken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may -be sent to CASSELLS & COM PANV. 42 Adelalde St. W - . Toronto The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in" Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary 1 ') send to foreign countriea. {3r maga» zines. ' Read thgfifpllpwihgrâ€" Canadian P u b - fishing Company D. HILL 8: 00., CASSE-L LS’ By'Buying , _ a. Nice BOX \ ' _ of the ‘ A Highest Grade of Confectionery. Prices Ranging ' from '100 to $5. ' ” A Large Assorted ' Stock of Nuts and Fruits in Season. All kinds of grain bought and highest possible prices paid at the Elevator. For sale at the C. N» 1 Station, or delivered in t village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. Purity Flour aIWays oh hand. "Bran,'S-horts and Amegjéan Com for cattle and hogs. Make-vaas‘Happier NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE ‘BestSdcranton coal} “2: “ Also file. > J. H. RAMER YOUR CONFECTIONER GOA. L [Single copies, 3 cts. » No“ 2‘5 in the 1.5. $1.70 .;1-50 'w1.5o a; $51. 5C V y. 1"?" ext)! 0

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