Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Dec 1910, p. 4

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V Qu Munduy evening of last week the boarders at the. Tempelance House. and a number of their friends present- ed Mrs. Shuka with a silver tea service and Miss Mabel Shnnk with a, gold ring. After supper was served the comphny enjoyed themselvvs until a late hour with games. music etc. The. fulimving «(11035.13 accompanied the pmscnbntinn. Dear Mrs. ' Shunk.â€" Learning with reign-1. of your intuition to no longer oflinizmn as our amiable hostess of the Maple House, we ure assemble-d here to-night to oxpress our appreciation and gratith for the pleasant; and C(Iul‘it‘hl s manner, which in your genial way. you huve extruded to us. On our purtvhund we spoak arlvisrdly, we have not ing but, happy memories of the past. year- ‘and in future ifiminiscences of our old Home. for such you have made it. We can have nothingshut tender thoughts for your many. kindnt-ssvs. Under very adverse circumsiunces vou have been an ideal hostess. Your larder always open and ‘full to oveiflouing. has ri‘lié’ved the suffering of many a midnight; starving wanderer. The inmates of your home" coming as it, were from the “Four corners of the Earth," and represent,- ing every type of human species, have. we fear been fitter subjects for Kingston, Orillia or Mimico. but by your diplomacy, nifability and timely counsel, have bean transformed we hope into. fairly civilized and rational creatures. As a slighb token of our Pfife'vnl we aolicut your acceptanco of this Tea Set, as a. trifling expression of thv‘ nmny favors you have conferred upon us. And in your new home nurv ppm-e. happiness and prosperity be yours to ‘tlie fullest extrut is the pruvm? of 'your many friends uni] well- w'islie‘ “ [S‘yigjiod_,,in'_:i)_}clialf of theGuosts], ’ " ' C. M. ROWE. On Monday evening a very success- ful Christmas Trees and entertainment was held in the MPthodlst Church. The church was crowded and the pm- ceeds amounted to $74.65. A special Christmas'song servxce Was given on Sunday evening when a number of Christmas Anthems and solos were rendere'd_by_the choir. Last Friday uening the annual thistmas Tree of St. Andrew’s Sabbath School was hold. A guod programme was given by members uf the school. Ten was served in the new schunlmmn. As a ratepflyer of our Village I was present at the nomination meeting of last evening and listened with much interest to the remarks of the various 5 Bakers. and their reasons for asking t e support of the electors on polling day, and as the past. work of n can: didate for re-elec’tion should hzue an influence upon the electorate ’as to his future usefulness in [municipal mat- ters, I wish tool-aw the attention of your renders tonne or two things in which Mr. Eligsley was of service to the village during the past year. and which, with his accustomed modesty. Mr. Pugsley failed to mention. With regard to the Agricultural classes which the goveinment arenestublish- in in connection with the High Sc ools of the County, Mr. Pugsley has been of great service to our High School here in using his influence with the County Council and also by interviewing the Minister of' Agricul- ture, thereby succeeding in placing Richmond Hill High School on an equality with those of Aurora and "Newmarket, with a good prospect of securing the Agricultural School for our own village. which certainly will he of benefit, not only to our High School'th to the village generally. Mr. Pugsley was also instrumental in securing a special grant of $75.00 from the County Council for the Agricul- tural Society in connection with the new building in the public park. His influence was also exerted to obtain for the. village the electric light clus- terat Hill’s corner. a great improve- ment in part of the village, and it is owing to Mr. Pugsley’s efforts. as- sisted by those of Mr. Jno. Palmer, that we now have the waiting room open on skating‘nights until the 10.36 Car has departed, which is Without question, much appreciated by the pa. trons of our rink. I believe Mr. Edit- or, in giving every man fair glay and due credit for what he has one, and in listing you will be able to give this letter space in your valued columns, and thanking you for your courtesy in doing so, I an: . ' Dem" Miss Shiin|{,â€"â€"As the pleasant relationship existing between us is “hunt to he severed we wish, to nuknuwledge thexm'y many favors we have received from you. 'Your good- nnturvd murnmg greeting has left an iinpi-essinn that, time can never obliterate. Ynu have been so kindly (:unsidorate to our many impurtunilivs that we mm scarcely realize the loss we Mlt about to sustain. Kindly accept this iing as n nwnwnto of the friend- ship we cherish fl! ‘ you. and may vnur fniui-e ln- replle with all the blessings the gmis lwshm: To the Editor of Ta: LIBERAL: Richmond Hill. Dec. 27. 1910. W W I g t ‘ O4 “ Council metut Hurria’ Hump]. Svhum- berg, Thursday. Dec. 15. Members all _____..__._'_..,._._,._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r â€"’I-“‘ [present except Cnunuillnr Lpumn. ‘ RICHMOND Elmram'r" DEC. 29. 1‘910 - Minute” 01' last, nwfietiug I'tfhd and: ‘ ""‘â€" #2::â€" cnnfiruwd,’ ‘- 1:, 5" V. 1» Dear? Sir,-â€"- , “(7511:: {flibzmifi HONOR m1ng HONOR IS DUE. Yours t1u1y_, gnxw Maple. n 'RATEPAYER. There. will be‘ sold by Puhlic Auc» tion on WEDNESDAY; THE 18TH OF JANUARY, 1911. by J. T. SAI- GEON. Auctioneer. at the hour of 2 p.m., at the. lnkermzmn Hotel, Woodbridge, that, valuable farm, namely: The enle half and the south-west quarter (ex- cepting thereoub two acres) of Lot, Sixteen, in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Vulghun. containing 148 acres, more or less. 011 the farm me afi-mne house, a barn 40x60. horse and cow stables. driving shed, pig pen, and two good wells. The property will he otl'ered subject to a reserved bid. and a Lease expiring April 1, 1911. TERMS:~â€"Ten per cent. (10%) cash on the day of sale. balance thirty days thereafter, without interest. V Further particulars made knmvn (m Lhe day of sale, or on application to Andrew McNeil 01' Alexander Muc- nziughton, Vellore, Executors, or VViH- iam leak. Richmond St. V’Vest. Toronto, Solicitor. ExeCutOrs’ Sale _ _'0F_ Farm Property ‘Ve reign-no have to unnnmuw that. Mr. Sylvester Savage, father oer. P. Gr. Savage of this village. and Mr. John Savage of the 2nd of Vaughan, met; with a seiiuus accident Friday evening. He was walking in the yard at Mr. John Savage’u home when he slipped and fractured tththigh bone at the hip. The (it-unn- bandaged the injured parts. and made Mr. Savage as comfortable as possible. He is in his 86th year. $8,000 on first; mortgage on farm prupcrty. (in motion Council adjourned sine die. Phillipsâ€"1Wellsaâ€"Thnt the Rem‘p he empnwered to employ the township surveyor to inspect the overhead bridge and approaches on 2nd con. and to have a. survev made of the old mud- way. Phifi'ifi‘z‘séljuggunâ€"That Jnums Gil- lies be refunded $3.50 re statute Inhm‘, henlggxing pe-rfqymegjhe \ym-If: The: fpliggiyihg.‘:l)ill$ wélf‘jg oulvrqd Zhe pafd:~«-..-' ' . ' - -» - Sam} I; repaifiqt: bridge" . . 1 Jnel Edwards, services as sani- laiyj,inspectqr H . . .«.;3'. ' H. Blaluk, ('euw'nt tile . .. .. . Miclgafl McGinnis. ‘ repairs tn , bridge . . . . K . . J. M. Gillhnn), road work .. . Arch. Kelly, mud work; " Dilggnn~VV€llaâ€"Thzlt tht- fullwwing wire fence bonus be paid, the same having been inspected: Samar-I Wau- chupe. 80 rnds, $6.40; Thus. Gannon. 427171413. $3.36. N ' \anlsQ-Duggnnmâ€"Thnt Wm. Vankm- be refunded $1.76 for taxes, the. same [lax-igghgrnmpuid'lust'gfnu'. ' Efioney te Lean I c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ~ _ ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us ersonally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patents in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: , DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. Wribe for our private address. ‘ 7 A ‘ _ BROKE HIS THIGH BONE. PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT GANAEA FOR 20 v :uuuuuu v balm). an.“ v vuu uunmll 4 Books Free on Diseases of Mini]! unnb’e I BLOOD and UanARY COMPLAst to “Emile for - Qwfion Blank f” KIDNEY and BLADDER Discus. ' _ HOME TREATMENT and all Diaem- Peculiu to Mon. DR. KENNEDY, MEmch. szmon 01? Das. K. & K. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold SL. Detroit. Mich. . CONSULTATION FREE Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. SURE DESEA$E$ Q? Efigfi KING COUNCIL. 82W M11) 13 50 25-3 \Iég‘gcpga vansuxgaavous DEBIUTY. Du. K. &'K. are {unrany known through- out. Canada. whele they have done bus!- uvss for over 20 years. '1 humauds of patients have been trcuIeJ and cured by their great skiiland througu the Virtue of their New Method Treatment. “hen you heat, with them you know you are dualing with respon siLle physicians as_ may own and occupy their own office building in Letroib, xahied at 3:03.039. When they (.ecide your case is curable, all your an'y is removed for You know they “ill not deceive you. '1‘ my guarantee to cure all curaHu cases. No matter how many docu-rs;lmve failed to benefit you; no matter how much money you have spent in win; r0 maple: how dis- courigexl you may 1e, dun‘t give up in des- pair until you 2:01. a free opinion from these muster specialists. If you are at resent “'thin the clutches of any secret 113.1 1th hii-h‘ is sappng your-life ly agrees; if 01! are suil‘ei-ing from the results of past ndiscre. tionsfif your blood has been tamth from, {my private disvase and you dare not many- if you are married and live in dread of syrup t ms breakin out and exposing your past; it you are su caring as. (he result. of a mis‘ snout lifeâ€"Dre. K. :3: K.gare your-Refuge. Lay your case before thfinrconfirlrnnaily and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. is offered For Sale or to Rent.- Pos~ session Jan. 2, 1911. None but, respon- sible parties, capable of‘conducti'ng a. First-Glass Temperance Hotel, need apply. . . For pm‘tlculars apply to The Brick Premises, also Stahling and . . Yards, known as the! Seventy-four acres adjoining Rich- mond HI”. One huudled acres in 2nd con. of Mmkham. One hundred acres in 3rd con. of Markham. All impmvod. House and lot, just south. of Rich- mond Hill. Vacant lots in Village. Apply to H. A. NIGHOLLS, Zl-Lf Real Est-ate Agent. For sazeor, 1mm MAPLE LEAF HOTEL PROPERTY AT MAPLE .u u” v-Ivul v...... ......v. .- Jun, v." An eight, room brick house on Yonge v V ‘ ‘ V A street. Furnace and other conven- 'lleQtS may be hadff‘Omgin‘etakf‘r fences. at, the Rink. .. ’ Axithmetic. Form ' Iâ€"â€"' Hnnnr»: G. W; Bailey, Ruhm-c ReddittuLeiln Van- derhurgh, vqmll; Fred. Thompson. Cecile Pearson, Nellie Pagv; Harold Hagen-mun, Jeni] Muthe'snn. equal. The new Ontdriu Public Schqol History can now he nhminvd at THE LIBERAL Office. Price 25 cents. Algvhrn. Fur-m IIIâ€"Honnrs (nanws in m-dgr t f merit): Minivl RiSrIu-nngh. E. M. Murgzm, Ralph McConnghy. Pass: Clam Imgrove Md Francis Gibsgn. equal; Harold Smith. Lulu-a Prentice. Lavina Fm'd. Malwl Smith. : Re\'.Juhn Shunk‘ ditd at his resi- dpuce un Cal'snn Sui-9t, Sunnyside. at, six o’clock Munday murning, DP- cemlwr 19. 1910. after u ‘prntracl‘ed ill- ‘lmsguf mhercnlnsis, Mn. Smmk was 61"Y14;us (If age nu Nuvemb‘m‘fitli“Inst. wHFQWHs hum in ank Umfutyl, Ontario. 7 miles from 'l‘urunu). He is survived [r is widow, tun sunsgfi’fifighan Il‘lld HP: gr. um] um? daught. mm, hu- sideg‘m-wn lumber-s and 4» )9 sister, ml uf )vhnm reside in Ontk‘rinwxcapb (I’q;v‘ hnv'thm- whb is death-b .iimekdagiubigg} \‘iuf'g, Michigan. He 'Wam married tu- M isS Mmm Fishhm‘n. daughtvr of. links J. Fishhm-n, August' 31. 1887,,iri Mill- e-rshnrg, Pun He semen} charges in, Sherrmlsville, Ohiu. 5 years; JOWt'X-h' Ohio. 4 Vent-s; “'illiumahulg, *0nt.,9 vvms; Harri‘sml City, Pa" 2 years and 3 IIIUthS; Smithtmi, Pa., 2 years and; 3mnntbs. Mr. Shunk culm- tn Mnrm gnnlown Septmnher 20. 1909, tn residtg thug his children might. have t,h(l adv,- v‘aulngv n1 the UIIiWIsily. Hegwasfi define-d member-11f St. Paul’s Lathe!“ an U‘hm-ch of this MW. «7 Sen-ticks mu he held at the H-sideng‘p at. 2 p.m. tn- day conducted by Rev. Juhn A. Yuan-t. Inn-“mun. will fluke place at Huff- Inun’s Church near Smilhlon, VVPsL- mmolund county, Pa. -~ The New 00- ‘ minim). Mgl‘l‘gallttnvnr Va. die or Rent "or S F REV. JOHN SHUNK‘S DEATH. 1:90;»! PAY WHEN CURE!) HlGfl SCHOOL EXAMS. We Treat and Cure For Sale A pply 'w H. 0. BAILEY,- Maplé, Ont. YEARS Farm and Dairy YOrk Co. I Daily Star, outside, of ‘ towns and Villages for Ladies .and Children. BAND IN ATTENDANCE BOTH NIGHTS TICKET'S‘T‘OC; srr-for 25c; _7 for:50c, or 15 for $1.00." Children under'12 yrs., 50. The Richmond Hill Skating Rink ' will he - OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING ' Every family should have both their local paper anda, _ ‘ ‘ city paper â€"â€"â€"-ALSOâ€" SATURDAY AFTERNOONS SKATING from 7.30 to 10.00 flom 2.00 to 4.09 ‘55. U. PUGSLEV. Notice is hereby given that an application will he made to the Logis- lature of the Province of. Ontario at the next Session thereof for an Act to inwrporate a Companv under the name "Toronto Interim-ban Railway,” granting such Company authority and power to survey, lay out, construct, Complete, cq11ip and maintain a rail- way to be operated by steam or eIPctricity, or part, one and part, by the othpr, from a point in 01‘ near the City of Toronto, thence in a Noitherly or North Westerly direction passing through the Townships of York, Vaughan and King in the County of York, in the Pravince of Ontario. and the Townships of \Vest Gillimbury and Innistil in the County of Simcoe in' said Province. to a point in or near the Town of Barrie in the said County of Simcov. Dated at Toronto this Twént;y~fourth day of Decvn'her. 1910. ' ‘ » RITCHIE, LUDWEG &; ‘- = BALLANTYNIQ. u. 57 Bay Strvot. ‘l‘nfnnto. .Lg; " mun. Notice 90 75c.

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