tor. l‘s‘nlllul'v making a ï¬sh Glass and vibe-r relubiv RXCEMUND Him,y Own, Jnx. C(‘ld Blast Lanterns (55“. mmh at The Richuumd Hill Hnrdwmu Cu. ‘A Canwn Branch was Inst. n'n Sun- i‘ , duv. 'l'hr- ï¬nder w‘ill grt rewalï¬ at. ‘ Tumor? Thu LIBERAL OFFICE. ‘ ~ DH†; 1m- 1h: Cut plicvs nn L-mxf'hfll- Mitts and Gloves {30 CIPHI' nut stuck. 'Lhe Rich- mond H531 Hardware Uu. Ten per cent. discm‘m‘t rm all Heating ï¬lm-vs for the next; U) days. A fvw bargains. The Richmond Hill Hurd- ‘Wnl'e Uo. "Mr. Arthur E. Plush-y. \Vm-dcu «If Yurk Guunty for 1910, has been again elected Heb-v0 hf Suttnu. Enquire at THE LIBERAL 0mm: for {Wu bum seals Im- Mth-lssnlm Uhuil‘ cyncort Muuduy night. Ft'll. (i. Local optinn carried in 26 munician ‘itiL-s on Monday. failed tn gar, 3-5l hs lunjurity in 26, and was defuuLed on a Straight, vat-u in 17 pla_ces. {€1,112 ggiheml. Mayor Gezu'y was re-olwztvd Mayor If Tmuntv nw-r his twu uppum-nts by the un‘desb mnjm-ity of 23,000. ‘ "Mr. :Ihd Mrs. James Mchmghy and er-vr‘hildven Inf Tun-mun. spent (A er New Year’s with relatives here. Mr. Andrew Suvugo of V‘v’e’st Tumu- tu spenb Now va-‘s Day with his fu- therwhn suffered a. sew-1e autidcnt by a fall. We are, sole agents for the Melottt: and Stand-and Cream Separators. Best, in the \led. The Rlchmoud Hill Hurdwuw (in. Mr. R. L. Bruckin, son of the late James Brackin. formerly of this vil- lage. was on Monday elected Mayor of the (My of UhuLham. Toasted Cum Flakes, Quaker Puffed Rice. and \Vheab Berries, per pkg. 10c; Shredded Wheat, Biscuit, 2 pkgs. for 25¢; Swiss Fond, per pkg. 100. Atkin- sm) & Switzer. The annual meeting of the Fire Bri- gade for the election of officers &C. will be held in the Council Chamber Thursday evening. the ï¬sh of Jun- uzu-y at, 8 u’clnck. Have- you seen the Cumm- Bull Benn-~ ing \Vushing Machine tho-y will hear- the closest, Inspection. The Richmond Hill Hard ware Go. Mrs. J. L. Harris who is spending part, of the winter at, Humlm-Buy, and Mrs. Cooper of Stavm-r. spent a few days in Richmond Hill during the hnliday‘s. ‘ One second-hand Heating Stove with oven. one. second-hand Oak Heat- er. one secondâ€"hand Franklin (hate. A Bargain (In these. The Rxchmoud Hill Hm-dwm-e ()0. Mr. and Mrs. M. Patton and tWU children accmnpanied by Mrs. Gen. Pattun of Laskay have gone on a trip for a. few weeks to Ohio and WesL Virginia. 4 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Glass and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stoddm-t 0f Guoks- :t,own, and Mr. W. A. Glass of Midland visited Mrs.- W. Glass and family dur- ing the holidays. Will our village subscribers please accept; the thanks of our newsbuysâ€" Geo. Grant and Chas. anieâ€"whose hearts were cheered when they deliver- ed the wall pockets to their friends. The meeting of the VVomen’s Instit- ute, postponed on account of the storm, will be held at the home of Mrs. Uarrnthers. Victoria Square,next Wednesday after noon, 11th inst. Town Talk Laundry Soup, large har i130; Bun ’l‘nn Laundry Soap, 23 ll) bar 20c; Transparent, Glycerine Toilet Soap, p91 cake 100; Savor) Tailet Soa p, 3 cnk ps in a box 100. Atkinson & Switzgr. The annual banquet of King and Vaughan Pluwnmn’s Assncigttion will be' held at, the. Palmer House on \Ved- nesday evening, 18m inst. The enter. ztniumeut attbl‘ the supper will be held in the Musunlc Hull. ’ ' Epwi‘u‘th League mveting and Roll Call Fiidzly evening will be in charge (if the Christian Endeavor Depart- ment. Rev. \V. L. Trench-“will give annddressnn Jehovah Jii'eh. Good music will be provided. M1'.Gom'ydefoated Mr Nuhkg one of his opponents for the Tumnm mnym-ult-y on Monday by uver 30,000. Yet Mr. Noble who “rims†for the off- ice year Afton year, is rupm‘tod by the city papers :19 saving that he will run again next 5mm; Mr. Noble certainly hemluts of nerve. Mrs. Brown :md Mrs. G Clll‘ i..'()'CAIJN Hf cm'n arrived at the vieva’ xhv Hf Tnâ€" wélh st. 1911 I dosh-e thrnugh '1 [IE LIBERAL tn roun n my hval'tit'H‘L t.h:mks_Ln the lady and gentlvnwn volt-rs whn Lurnvd gut in surh Int-g0 mmxhe-rs nu Munduy, and l-v-uh-{zu-d me again to {he hunur- able [msitinn [If I‘m-ye of this \Hiagv. I uppiu‘inte ymu- conï¬dence in uw. «4nd assure you ‘hut L-hvntrusl‘ revised in ma wiH HOVPI hmllnm‘d. Aiwthing (but I think will lwnvï¬l‘, the L'itizensuf this village 'wiH hmu mv [warmest summrL Again thanking Hu- r-iiectm's, Yum-s fuithany. \V. H. UUGSLEY. Mlpl'mx‘_1,(\n ï¬llllfll'ty (H [HIS \\'(“l‘l\â€", ‘Hl Hg; nil) vim-Ling me Lu 11w pnsilirn (2f cummiilur fur Lhu \‘(wl‘ ml. As fur as it is in'my pmvm-l slmll v :dmnm‘ [0 work for lhx-iutH-e-st (1f Hw township. Yum-s very Ly My: _ Fur Reev’eâ€" \V. H. Pugsley- 134. H. A. Ninlwlls ($2. Majority fm' Mr. Pugslvy 73. B‘m-cr’ulmillm-s the following were Kilr(;ted:â€"â€".],(vhlu Tyndall, J. H. Sander- son, John Palnwr, (£90. Sims. The vute was as follmvs:-â€" Tyndall 142, Sanderson l28. l’nlnwr 123, Sims 10-1. Lynett 84, Barker 75. Eichxunnd Hi“, Jun. 4311. ’I‘:- the Er xtva of THE LIBERAL: Dc-m Sir. â€" \ViH yuu kindly nHuw me- lhmngh ymu- (-rlumns tn ()pr‘vss my grnloful thanks to Hw decims “4’ Vaughan tn“ n~hfp for their gmwl-uns supl'myt, nn “mud-«y of this war-k, ‘in To tho VHU‘I'S of Riuhmnnd Hill: I desire thrt-ugh tlw (:nli'nnns of THE LIBERAL In tlmnk all whu Hard for me and assisth in any way In elem: me as cuunuillur for the Year 1911. I shall do an in my pmvs-r to make our village .115 prugz-esshv um] up-to-ddtc as any. GEO. S. SIMS. The “wing (m Mnnday fm- wave and fnur councilliu's fur l h“ \‘IHHRH of Rich- Iumld Hi“ gave th fulluwing rosulAti-f After the result, of the vnte was an- nuunced lmth vMI'. Nicholls and Mr. Pugsley addressed the (llvctm‘s in the hall. Buth expressed their thanks, the former saying that although d9- ft’Htf‘d this year he would be again in lhe ï¬eld next year. , The following: are the ofï¬cial returns of the Vaughan Township Municipal election:â€"- Gammon.†7 20 20 ($1 49 48 85â€"304 Suigenn . . .24 53 4190 59 23 29 22â€"341 WhitnmreZii 57 7| 69 ’74 16 (56 34â€"4410 W’ith’rsp’nzu 42 32 72 34 18 71 45â€"334 k The 32nd annual moeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experiment,- al Union will he held at. the Ontario Agrlcnlmf'al Collc-gp. Guelph. on Tues- day. \Vednesday amd Tluilsdny. Jan- uux-V 10, 11 :md 12. Evorylmdy interest- ed in Agriculture is invited tn attend and to assist at these meetings. Jnnws A. Cmneron, wave (2100.); J. 8cm t. Manir, deputyâ€"1.00m (avg? J. G. \Vhitmnre, J. T. Snigenn, A. J. VVithvrspnun, councillors. Mr. Clarence Skevle is [n he con- gratulated on his success as ahreeder uf VVbirve \Vyandnttes. At the Toron- to Wintel PUllltl'V Show held in T0- l'ontu last week he won the Silver Cup valued at $100.. presented by Mr. Ju- seph Russell M. P., for best cnckerel; ï¬rst, and special on cock, and sixth on hen; also ï¬rst, special and fourth on cockm-els, and sixth on pullet. The exhibitnr-s included Senator Cox. Cul- nnel Pellett and Juanv‘ of the best breeds in the province. A gond time- may be expected in the rink Monday evening. January 9, when the \Villing Workers Mission Band of the Plesbyteriau Church Will give :1 Skating Evening. The hand wil} be in attendance, and cnifee. sand- wiches and. homemade candv will he sold during the evening. Everybndv is invited to come. Admission 10 cents. The annual meetlng of the Liberal Association for Centre York will be held at Thornhill on Monday, January 9. 1911, at 2 p. m. The follï¬wing gen- tlemen are expected to he p1 esent and speak at, the meeting: Senator Cam - bell, Dr. P. D. McLean. Ex-M. Pl: Hart-Icy Dvwm-t, Esq.. K. 0., H. M. anat, Esq., Prusident. Reform Asso- ciation fur Ontario, F. G. lnwood, Esq. All Liberals are invited to atâ€" tend. Dnuqald McLean dined nhnub one mile south of this village- (m the Blst of Dunembel, 1910. He was bl-rn nu the 12th of January, 1825. in Cumphelltmvn. Argyleshiro, Scntland, and emigrated- to Canada in 1854 in an old sailing vessel \Vhll‘h tnpk 8 weeks and 4 days to cross (he ocean. He settled in \Villmvdnle, m Ymk County, and was engaged in agricultural pursuits for many year's. In x-vligiun he was a. Presbyterian, and in pulitics a Liberal. The late Mr. McLean was a mun who did a gnu-at, dml to improve the stnndard‘nf plowing. For unmy year-s he and his l'wnLllm-s tlmk m’urly all the prizes at the‘ plowing nmtclws. and :IsSlStHNgH‘H fly in ln‘ingingï¬llle plowing up Ln the lliglx'stnnding it is tu-day. E V E R (a! xplv. Jan. 3, 1911. The Council for 1911 will he as fnl~ DOUGALD MCLEAN’S DEATH. PRIZES IN POULTRY, CARD OF T.“ VAUGHAN RETURNS. SKATING EVENING. CA RD OF THANKS. COUNCIL r0319“. LIBE RAL RALLY. FUGSLEY‘S THANKS. H ANKS. J. TC SAIGEON. A very prptty Wedding was Helen-i. nizod atvthe- hmne nf Mr. and Mrs. Duguld McDonaLd. Vellure. when their eldest daughter, Annie M. was united in ~Hmn=inge to Mr. Ernest; A. Carson, also (if Vellm‘o. The (flewâ€" muny was (Kinducu-d h‘v†Rev. J. \V. Guidoâ€, under an arch (if; evergwens. The ~hride entered the mum on ihe m m nflwr fathei, lwm-ltifully (lressPd in white 'l‘assn silk with lulleyvil and “Carl'le a. honquvt wf whit-v ruse-s. Shé was attended by her sisler Louise, dressed in white silk, and carrying pin-k curnntinns, while tlw gruan was supported by his (:uusin Mr. Llnyd Kerswill of King. The gl'nnm’s gift tn timhride was a gold watch. to the bridesmaid a pearl brooch and to the gl-munsmun an amethyst tie pin. Af- ter the ceremony the guests, about, ï¬fty in nnmlwr, repuiled‘tu the dining ruum where a. suinptuuus dinner was served. The happy (:unplv. lift on the evening train amid shmvers “f rice and cnnfetci. tn spend (hpir honey- nmnn in Ton-unto and “thei- points. the hiide tru'velling in a. hima sm'ge dress with hut Lu match. The number of useful and beautiful gifts testify to the esLoe-m in which the bride and groom wu-e held by theivan-any friends.†' Everybody is invite-d tn the Hockey Bm-h-sque in the. rink Monday evening January 16, between tlw Katzanjam- en's Kids and the Gibson Girls. Loads of fun promised. Skating after the nine. Admissinn 10 and 15 cents. and m attendance. The monthly meeting the Women’s Institute will be held at the home nt Mrs. Nixon, Hope, on Wednesday. the 11th 0f January. A paper (an "A Week's Walk for a busy Housekeeper†will be given by Mrs. Munhing. A sieigh fm- those wishing to antend will leave tthnst Ofï¬ce at 1.30 p.111. _ Death has again entered our village and called away one of the most. high- ly-respected citixens, turning from one home the joyous sensnn into a season nf mourning. On Wednesday evening of last Week Mr. Henry Koffex passed away in his 76th year. He had been ailing for some time but was able t0 be about. and on the-"Pvening of his death was doing his usual work. . The‘ funeral took place (m Saturday to the Lutheran cemetery. Befnre interment an im- pressive service was held in , the church. The. sun-owing widow and sons and daughters have the sincere sympathy of all in their sad and sudden bereavement. A successful snciul was held at the home of Mr. Hehm'. on Monday even- ing, in Lht‘ interests Of St. Stephen’s Ohuxch. The prucevds aluounbedxm ahuut $20. - A Rev. Mr. Thompson of Kleinï¬urg preached in the Methodist, church on Sunday unwning, and also preached, mnivm-szu'y sermons at, Hope in. the nfLex-nnonand evening At, thelatter a freewill offering of over $50 was H Mus. W. R. Lineand daughter Vex-ml are spending a few Weka in Montreal with her Uncle. : / Mr. Ben-L Oakley is spending a few days With Mr. Frank Line. Mr. Frank Linc- also had friends from the City and frmu Richmund Hill over the haliduy. The Next Sitting of Divxsmn Court to: No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. DWISflN -, ï¬ï¬URT. J'. H. SANDERSON. V.S. REAL ESTATE Ilouses and Lots FOR SALE HANGING FROM $800 TO $5,000. 166 acre farm north of Village. Buildings Al. Land in good state (If cultivatinn . Also 100 acres on the 2nd of Mark- 11am. BURLESQUE HOCKEY MATCH. _, »“_ fl ‘1 ‘-NOW ON HAND Our Telegraiï¬h and Railway Agent’s Friday, Jan. 20, 1911, RICHMOND HILL Omu‘se is asufv guarantee to a guod salary. Yuu can .nmsfor itinsixmmlLIW. Thvmaximurn cueg’o is $60. You may puy as .yuu g“). (Ln‘gruduntiun \ve aid you tn secure emplnyn-wnt. 0111- new cunningue- explains. \Vrite for it. Uulum‘nl_.'1'elv- grth and Ruilrnm] Srhmol. Yunge and Gerrard Sts., Tm;- nntn. \V. H. Shnw‘ President. T. J. Juhnstnn, Principal. CAR’SONLâ€"MCDONALD. RICHMOND HILL (imminencmg at 10 3.. m. â€"â€"â€"AGENCYâ€" SIX VERY DESIRABLE '1‘. F. MCMAHON GLERK Maple. MANAGER g FF-ï¬Ã©ï¬++~96%++4~+¢+Q~$~§"Â¥++++++f'i'é'Qï¬-‘ï¬-‘kl-i'éé"Â¥%+++%+‘§°§+~§°+++++§ wwwwwa- +§+€%WW~H~+++~D ++++++++++++++ M+MW7E fl’ééé‘é'éfl‘éé‘%'§‘§"5Ҥ"§«§“§“§â€Â§v+'§"5"§~ 5'4"! *4 $+++++++++~é+é+++4 §‘~§°4§-~§'-§‘+Ԥ-~! ‘5' f'3:++Ԥ"§°*§'+++194"§'+++++%+§ §"§“§"’a'§' 9405'$++~§~g~+$w+++++~i~~i¢+$+++++$ Atkinson & Switzer CONCRETE HOUSE RICHMOND HILL .209" vfwt'sï¬ ï¬ll of @ur_ Wang falrons a Wappy and frosperous 97w: year J "mam-V 5. 1911 Pillow Cottons, Sheetings, Bleached and Semi-Bleached ’ , Table Linen, v Towels and Towelings, ‘ } Tray Clqths; Tea. Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Etc. We could devote 4L thle page to (IPSCI'ihe tn you the attractive styles nfom- Christmas Stuck of Shirts, Ties, Neck Svnrfsi SHSPEUdOI‘S, Arm Bands, Cuff Links. Tie Pins. Gluvos, House Slums, Coat Sweaters, 010., any of whichnmke idea} Christmas Gifts. _, But. we will just, say that, We have the finest we ever had, lmth fur appearance and wearing qualities. Come and see for yourself. PHONE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION â€"â€"AT T H Eâ€"â€"_â€" RIQEMM HILL GENTS’ FEEWSHER T‘he'New Year Sale NQ‘RMAN ,5. GLAgï¬ PRQPRIETOR IS NOW» ON Richmond Hill Hardware 80. During the coming year we‘_will be pleased to serve you, try to satisfy you and merit; your gnod-' will and patronage. Tin and Graniteware. Paints, Oils and Glass. Mo- The following are a few of the lines we handle: Everything in Hal‘dflf‘e.r_§t9v§sï¬rand Ranges lotte Separators, Standard Sepggyatm-s. énlhonx Paroid and Etford Roofings. W'ilje Fence. Washing Macbinéé n.1717riï¬\“\/:ringers. Shingles and §id1ng3. 7 Cali and see us and inquire prices. You will ï¬nd them right. Always welcome to our stme whether yuu buy or not. ‘ Bell Telephone 18 THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. New Year’s Greetings igfrc'im +¢~M++++M§X$~MM¢1++M TI-IE ¢¢¢¢§§§ NORMAN BATTY Manager PHONE 17