THURSDAY, sz. 5~25Hcres of stami- ing timber, 10t25, can. 7, Markham the property of Mrs. Galleon. Sale 1 u’cluck. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY, Jan. Tâ€"Anctirm sale of horses, vehicles, furniture at the store, Gnrmley, the property of R. G. Jnhnson. Snle at l u’cluck. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY, Jan. 7â€"Fresh milk cews, springers and cults ut the Palmer House, the prnperty hf J. H. Brillinger. Sulent ln’clOCk. Terms Juimuuths. Snigeun & McEwen, Aucts. TUESDAY, Jan. 10-140 acre farm, fur- niture &c. lot. 22, con. 8, Markham the property of lute Band Byer. Sale at 1 ()‘Clan. Terms made known on day of sale. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WEDNESDAY, Ju n. ll~Standing timber on lot 6, own. 8, Markham. the pro-‘ perty of Thus. Stacey. Sale at l; o’cluck. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Anet. THURSDAY. Jan. lZâ€"Grnceries, Dry (fronds. Tiuware. Hardware, Boots and Shoes &-c. at New Gorinley, the property of F. A. \Voullings. Sale at 2 (v’elnck. Terms cash. S. G. Lynn, Aunt. . WEDNESDAY, Jun. 18â€"Anctiun Sale of lot/I6. con. 6. Vaughan, H8 acres, at the Inkernmn Hnlel, \Vn’ndbridge, at 2 pm. J. T. Suigeun, Auct. a WEDNESDAY, Jun. lSâ€"Farm stock. implementsnn lnt35.enn.3, Vaughan, the property of Arthur Tennyson. S-tle at 1 n’clnck sharp. Terms 9 mnnthsx’. Five percent. off for cash. D. Gr. Blough, Auct. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 2;“) â€" High bred draught, horses, Holstein cows, swine, implements, furniture, &c., on lot 4i, mm. 1, Vaughan, the pinperty of James R. Baker. Sale at 9.30 mm. Terms 9 munths. J. H. Prentice, Auut. THURSDAY. Jan. 26â€"Furnitnre. garden tools 8w. Also home. and lot (In the remises, Thornhill. the property? )elnnging tn the estate of the late \Vxllium Chatterley. Sale at 2 n’elnr‘k. Terms for chattels cush.‘ Real prnperty 10 per cent. at time of sale, balance in 30 days. J.‘ H. Prentice, Anet. SATURDAY, Jan. 21â€"Furm stock. imâ€" plements See. on lot 2, mm. 4, Wurli- hum, the property of Frank Hnncnck. Sale at. 12 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. PrentiCe, Anct. ' TUESDAY, Jun. 21â€"Fm'm stock. im- plements SEC.- on lot 2. conTS. \Vhit- church the property of Eli Dennie. Sale at 1 n’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. ‘VEDNESDAYuF'eh. lâ€"Farm stuck, im- plements &c. Yonge St, “Yillnwdnle the property of Abram Juhnsnn. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY, Feb. 4-F:u~m stuck. im- plements &c. on lot 4. own. 8, Mark- haul the property nf Ahmm Raynwr. Sale at 1 U'UlUCk. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. TUESDAY. Feb. 7â€"‘Farm stock, impie- ments &c., on lot 24. Gun. 2. Mark-I hum, prnperty of Frank Graham. Sule at, 1 ucluck. Teims 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. Every farmer should know that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc.. is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What. doctor or law- yer or bnsmeas man would be without his business paper? There is bu on. farmers’ bHSiHPSS and market paper, that in Hue Week!y Sun. Start 1910 right by subscribing. “niatï¬drtiss'onawnâ€"Services 11.171030 3.. m., and 7 mm. Sunday School at 2.80.. General prayer angehgug Th_ugnd§y. B_V6_£1iug._ » Rgiï¬ai'datrholilé Church-Services on Mth mug Sunflayg at 9 _n.. u}. a.n_d 10.39 ï¬lm. "ï¬vc'tï¬ESuTinEé, A '37 Rd A M -â€"Meets Mon- dav 021' in" before full mpog “fly Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"-Meets third We nesday of. each month V Md )ch Ridï¬mohd A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri. dgy n it ’1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each moutn. Flra'Brigavdeâ€"Meem ï¬rst Monday of every mmth Public Binary and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturdav evenings. ‘mvortxh Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday. unior Epworbh League meets every Fri- day afternoon at 4. ‘ Presbybérirafn VGlilvildâ€"Meets everv Friday atS p.111. in the Church. Strangers will be given It candid welcome "Cahria ï¬llings O S â€"Maets 56601101 and fourth Mawâ€- Church or Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m. in. 2nd and 4th Sunday. Thxrd Sunday at. 11 am. Presbyterian Churchâ€"services at 11 a. 111., and p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting T'hursdavgvguipg. ~ “Hill (jfés'b Lodge. I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- duv findittlird Friday of each month. 7 N. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed in 1: least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mï¬ntioneu hours for closing. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster Until furfher notice Mails will be closed at the Mahmoud Bill Post Oï¬ico as fellows:â€" , Mail Clones for the South MORNING 30 EVENING .. .630 {THERE IS BUT ONE‘s Homa‘for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING EVENING .. Ripans Tabuies euro bad mum. Rlpans Tet)qu cure liver troubles. POST OFFICE NOTICE Mai] Closes for Aurora-â€" MORNING"... ml EVENING ..... 1 Morning Mall arrlves £9.15 Eveumg Mail arrives 6.15 Village Directory Auction Sales. MONEY ORDERS nu nuuw but“: In. dealers for cattle, me. How can be \‘ i; (0.. of the Srmxw‘tmc AMERICAN. con- [0 u-t Eo‘zioimra fur Patents. Caveats Trude .pus. lot the ['nited Smtes. danada. . I znnr‘n. (acafflnrgy. etc. Hand Bookfluboux 37. sent [I‘m-0.. ir -flt-vr-n ycurs'cxpe ence ‘ "at take a farm un'snhminmlthmn' MUVNA' ’ .ar: noticed at, doctor or 13w. n: .N'rwu‘ Anmume. the largest. rest,nnd i 0 -†' . ' a: 5... would be Wl u: S ‘gr‘ageflry'dely unulntr-d Mennflc} mu 1°0a yea: I u Sgdunidlu mzmvigig agd‘ inuzrï¬esting in. ‘ wnna on. poo men copy 0 e c "I!!! 0 men The†'3 b“ on. at:nn .entrroe. Adam. MULN .~. 1).. SL'lENTu‘n: market pa pet, that mm.wa (mice. :51 Broadway New Yotk. £5.05 232m that has yet been invented. It practically does away with the necessity of storm doors. and in a great many cases is more convenient, and at the same time will save enough fuel in one season to pay for itself. When in our factory do not fail to hwe us Show it to you L. Innes 8:: Sons Keep But the ï¬eld And Save' Your Fuel Ior this part of the. country, we are now in a position to supply and put on same at a reasonable pricé. This is the litest and best thing for The International Weather Strip P. G. SAVAGE AND A. G. SAVAGE RICHMOND HILL reasonable ann tau- In uzlrnpss, mam kets, Robes. Mitts. n’hd anything usu- Life, Fire & Acciéémt Storm Protection on Doors BUILDERS AND MILLERS For full informatinn address G. H. Brudlmvok, Sec. Buard of Trade. Mercantile Fire Ins. 00. Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. (Co- , Bimouski Ins. 00.- York Fire Ins. Co. , London Guarantee, 86 Accident CONFEBEBATIGE LIFE ASS Having secured the Agency for A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicial, “I‘Tducational, Distributing and Land Ofï¬ce centre ‘ot‘ Fastem Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Clnuiches, ~25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. EISTRICT AGENTS Lax-e659. 24-331 Dated the Second day of December. 1910. LAWRENCE & DUNBAR, Solicitors fanaltver Eym- and Fred» ex-ick Lynett, Exvcntm's of the said Estate. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the asspts of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Executm-s will nut be liable for the said assets, orany person or persons of whose claims notice shall not, have been received hy thou) at the filmI 0f such distribution. The undersigned is prepared tn handle all kinds of \Vix'e Fencing ab Fifty Cents a Rod. Also the Russell Rail Fence. NOTICE is hereby given. pursuant‘ to "The Revised Statutes of Ontarin’W 1897, Chapter 129, that all credibors‘ and others having claims against, the estate of the said Nicholas Lynett, who died on or about '1‘Wenty-ï¬rst day of November, 1910, are required, on 01- before the Eighth day of January, 1911, to sendrby post prepaid or deliver to Mussrs. Lawrence & Dunbar. nf 60 Victoria Street, Toronto. Solicitors for the Executor-s of the last \Vill and Testament of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, uddressos and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement «if their accounts, and the nature of securities, if any. held by them. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NICHOLAS LYNETT. LATE OFTHEVILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARMER, DECEASED. Emma ta waiters It Never Pays Horse Owners to be careless in making purchases of HARNESS, HORSE GOODS, m-evcn in the matter of repairing, in all features.» which go to make up a desirable place tutulde. THIS IS THE PLACEâ€"»gtmds of absolute reliqhility, prices thutatr'q reasonable and fair in Harnpss, Blané kets, Robes. Mitts. n’hd anythmg usu- ally found In a ï¬rst-claws hzu'noss stare. Dressmaking. Prices reasonable. MRS. WM. MARSHALL Wire Fencing. Wanted w. 'H. ESPEY, ichmond St. Elgin Mills. Our trees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst grade, true to name. and to be delivered in ï¬rst class condition. \Ve can save you money in two ways. Don’t, place your order for-spring until you haVe had our prices. Until we have an agent at. Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct» State quantity of stock wanted when asking fur Catalogue. 19â€"3111 \Vv guarantee to deliver the stock in good conditlon and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well- known. reliable ï¬rm at thls Lime. ‘Es- tablished over thirty years. VVl-ite for particulars. We ask our customers to hold them orders until mu- :Igent, Mr. Jnhn F. Atkinson, of Richlmmd Hill, calls on you. 18-3m PELHAM N URSERY CO. Rié’ï¬ï¬'ï¬fï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ HELL A. J. HUME Thos. W. Bowman 8: Son Co., Ltd. RIDGEVIL E, ONT. Patents taken throng) Munn & < mega: gowns, wjtygutc urge. lathe~ ‘ Hufdioiméx); misfmtgd'iééil}: Mést' 81r- culmlen 01' any scientiï¬c journal. Terms tor Canad $3.753 ear 3 e to aid. Bomb allneg‘mmlers.y 'pomg p p y 55.13%; SEQ-31' EPE‘L‘Y‘EZ'flEW 3 ark ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS - Comramm-s am. Anyone sending a sketch and desmgtion may unlckly ascertain our opinion free w other an Invenuon is probably ntentable. Qommnniom- non: «mat! y conï¬dent a]. HANDBOOK on Patents sent. me. owes: agency for securing tents. Pqtgntq yakeqflt rqugh Mupnlg recamt British CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO NURSERY STOCK BANK 13° 93- Byrnea Manager V_ naxmmï¬g 131,53 £32192 a933, MAM;1§AM. arcvrmynLE Séiéléééfï¬iï¬Ã© fï¬iï¬Ã©i’icalï¬. The Fruit Tree Specialists. "Branch" "" ($937625 F BuWuhliit'oE 15.5: 600 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION AND NOTARY PUB LI C Conveyancing, leases. Wills; E13. Estabfished r373 A 60 Buncfmu ‘ MGNEY ORDERS FOR SMALL sums 'Spucinl alLonLimx given In Safety, convenience arid low coét unifc to make: Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sams to any part of Canada. Under $5 . _. . 3c. $10 to $30 . . . 10c} $5to$10...6c., $30t0$50..»|5c. Drafts issued for lager amounts; Savings Bank Department at Evéry Branch. RECE‘ï¬E‘ï¬QNI) HELL BRANCEI TORONTO, ONT. Pressiaag measzï¬mg Repairmg Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cent better for Busing-83‘ Shorthand, and Matric. Booklet. Free. R. A. Farquharson,- B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bieor Sts. Term of 1909. ++++$M+$$++$+++++++*i‘i'ï¬wl"? Wiiluwdaie {a j. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA *4-++%++~§~§v+-§~FW++++ ~}â€Â§â€Â§â€Â§â€œÂ§~§“§;‘Q TICKETS fur the Uunuzli gm lax-tree} u L Tiskais far ihe Wesi ALL BRANCHEH‘ OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN LEILL Some bred and others ready to breed.“ ; Orders taken zit-â€" THE LIBERAL O FFICE RICHMOND HILL. PA’I‘RONAGE Snucfl‘ED . AND SATISFAC'VXON GUARANTEED Our lin? of Perfumes are very seltlct. Call and see them. \Ve will be glad to show them. W. A. Sanderson? HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES A Nice Box of Case Perfume Hair Brush and Combs Ebony Brushes M emicm'e Sets Christmas Cards and Booklets What will you give for Chrisrmas? EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS I have a few good Dolls left. HOWE-SEWING A SBECIAL’IY Let xngsuggest giving Druga'ist . W HOWARD. also Stuck Farm RICHMOND HILL J. MCKEN ZIE Y "aim-1:1 “7083