Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Jan 1911, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J '1' ,Btigoon , Maple Licensed Auctioneers tor the County of York. 8:10: “tended to on shortest notice and at. me.- lartble rates Patronage solicited Moan-ed Auctioneer for the County at York. ra- rpoatfully‘ solicxts your patronage and friendly nflueuoe Sales attended on the shortest notice Ind at realonable rates 1‘ O addresa King LlOOnIOG Auctioneer for uhe County 01 York. Good: laid on consignment. General sales of nookmtc. promptly attended to as reasonable 11.503“ fiesflance Unionville UBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ' RIOHMONDHILL,ONT. 07 B Goulrlmg, 3;;r3'21IAIB‘Irook. agent. for the show JOHN R. CAMPBELL. '1‘. F. MGMAHON, IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY BE URSDAY MORNING HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper» Hanger. TKQRNHILI~Tuesduys, 9.30 n. m. to The Newton School of Music Richmond Hill, 0m. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILL ‘W. HEWISON v - "“ "- ‘--' 4.30 p.111. EGLINTONâ€" Monday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday mornings: Mnnday. \Vuduesduy and Friday evenings. fmmx'ro OFFICE, 129 Sherhmn'uP St. Gas and Cocaine fox extractions. DR. FDJ. WOODS {Dentist RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A M T0 5 RM. FALL TERM OPENS SEET. 6,4910. VOL.XXXIII. 51 per annum, in advance.] DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMND HILL Calls from a distance promptly attended to. ‘6 First hnuse nnrth uf Atkinson & Switzer‘s store. VET ERIN ARY SURGEON, ’1‘llornhill. J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTDR BUSINESS CARDS. i 0011. > v J K McEwen EMID’Q Weston Salgeon st l'lcEwen, 8TH SEASON~â€"1910-’11 “Me @ilseral J. H. Prentice Eamon £2 Pnopmmon D. G. BLOUGH. Phone No. 2102. «‘fitteriuam REsmENCE 3mm. AT THE mum A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kep mt both places «Huncv to iouu on land anachntber mortgages“ lowest. rates Aurorantficeâ€"Bemm an no the old post oflma one door west. 0! the entrance to me Outurxu Bank Newmarket omenâ€"Three duora south of the pusb omce 1‘ BEBBEBTLENNOX G S'rV‘ Mona.” Aurora. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Organs Repaired mm Expm-L Work Guaranteed Muney m luun at, Fin: Per Cent. (5%) NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E., TORONTO. Canada LENNOX 6: MORGAN Special course in “Myor’s” Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beg'zinm'rs. Glass recitals are given throughopt n the yt- A. GE. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar BARRISTER, SOLK‘J’PUR. NOTARY, ETC. annnm Office, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, \Vesl‘ey Buildings. Richmond Hiil Office (“Liheml' Office). every Thursday fur-9mm“. Maple, Thursday ufternnnn. \Vuudln-iduv, Saturday fun-mum. Tel: phone, Main 311. Gable Addresn “Dado.” Propnros pupils fur the graded 9x- aminatiuns lwld at, Tumntu Conserva- tm-y of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0- 11mm. Richmona H111 Barrisaers , Solicitors. tharies, ac. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide. & Victoria. Sts" l‘nrouto. PIANO TUNING J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. mpro'rr ‘ I Undertakers & Embaimers. Wanted: Young Men and Women to prepare for positions; of Trust and Responsibility wnrth $40 to $100 per month. The famous Stands fa} above the average busi- ness collage of thls cnuntry. Its lecord for placing students in posi- tions is a remalkuhle ODE. Large Catalogue free. Con. Yong: AND ALEXANDER $13. W. J. ELLIOTT. Princlnal Danton, Grover & Field REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH Lawrence & Dunbar, Commissinnm, Cnnveyancer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Barristers an (I solicllors. Eofin 5. @avz’dson THORNHILL L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC TORONTO. ONT. i1 1’. Barristers, Snlictnrs, 8w. WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.,' THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1911 VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WILLIAM COOK RICHMOND HILL Teacher of Plano “In Essentials, Unity,- in Emmi. Pu one Main 2984 242-137 The editor of this pappr believes that the great, majm-ity of the elbizens of Richmond Hill entertain the same views about Inca! nptmn that were ex- pressed by the Newmwt'ket citizen re- ferred to above. 'The Newnmrket citizen then said: “When local option was proposed I was against the experiment. However. when the time came I voted for it. but very reluctantly. Should a. vote he again taken I would vote for the measure Without the slightest hesi- tation. and I am satisfied that, scores of others who were lukewarm like my- self would VuLe against the opening of the bars.” The sudden news that reached here Saturday morning that Mr. Isaac Grnshy was dezul came asu greul slnmk to relatives and friends. 0n the 1st, uf December Mr. and Mrs. Unoshy uluSed their large residence here and took mums at. 83 Grenville street. with the intentinn of spending thv winter In the city. Although it was kn »wn that Mr. Cmshy had a warm heart. for a. number of years, he was scarcely ever ill, and was in apparently gnml health until the Very lust. Ht- c.-une up and ultra at the municipal elecliuu (m the 2nd of January. \vent tn bed feeling wrll Friday evening. and lnuked nut Hf his hedrmnn winduw about 2 8-"! Saturday morning. Between 4mm 5 u’clnck Mrs. Cmshy was awakened by a gasp, and placing her hand un her husband fuund that, smile-thing was wrung. inmates (If the huuse came into th: ruum just. as Mr. Crosby pn§seq away. He has done excellent service as a member of the Board of Education. a. member of the Public Library Boaud. a municipal councillor, recve of the village. and in ever case has proved himself clear heade and agreeable. In the Methodist Church he was a. mem- ber of the trustee board and a. member of the quarterly board of the circuit. He was a staunch Conservative, and at the time of his death was secretary of the East York Conservative Associ- ation. Mr. Crosby was aISU a. Past Master in Richmond (Masonic) Lodge, and a Past Master Workman in Ivy Lodge, A. 0. U. W. The following conversation was over- heard a few mornings ago on a. Metro- pulitan car, between two gentlemen, one of whom was a citizen ok‘ New- market:â€" "‘But. does it not, injure cgrtain lines of business ?” ' “To be honest, I believe the only men that local optmn injures financial- Iy_a_re t,_h_e met: who syld the booze.” ' A shnrt service for the family and friends was held .it their menus In To- mntu Monday evening. The remains were brought to Richmond Hill by private am- Tuesday afternoon. The cnsket was upened on the car at, lle \Vaiting Room where hundreds of old {fiends passed through and lnnked at the face uf deceased fur the last time. Preceded by the Masonic brethren the concourse then Wended its way t0 the village cemetery. where the burial ser- Vice was read by Rev. G. S. Smith and Rev. \V. F. \Vilson. This was ful- lowed by the Masonic Ceremony read by the chaplain Rev. A. P. Bruce, and the W._Mn§t_,el"Bx-n. C. E. Hopper. _ “Has Inca] option effected the busi- ness in your town?" “\Vel]. I can’t, say. I know that, business has improved. but, of cnurse, it might have improved even if Incal optign hgd ngver be‘eq thought nfff At. the Methodist Churcth im- pressive Service was held. Rev. “7. L. Tré-m-h gave out the first hymn. the Scxipture lessun was read by Rev. E. H. Toye. and short addresses were given hy Mr. Smith. Mr. Brace and Mr. W‘ilsnn. The speakers expressed their heartfelt, sympathv fur the sur- rmving widow and son in the great loss they had suslained, and referred to the gund qualities of deceased as a useful citizen. a friend' to 'the Church, a shrewd business manâ€"a man whose place it, will In: diflicult to fill. It is safe In suy no nther citizen of this vil- lage merited nmre resth and esteem than the nne who was an suddenly called away. Isaac Urushy was-horn in Cumber- land, England. Sept. ’7, 1842. He was the sun of Parker and Mary (Hulmes) )rushy. natives of Cumberland. the former hum in 1815. the latter the fulluwing 'year. Deceased came. to Canada. with his pnrents via New Yurk in 1844. The family first. located in Toronto, engaging in mercantile busi- ness for a time. and then removed to Eglinton, continuing in the same line of business for a. few years. Tbev afterwards opened a general store In Aurora, and in 18501'emuved to Thorn- lnll. keeping store for three years. In 1853 thev came to Richmond Hill, cur- rying on a eneral store. After re- ceiving his e ucntinn in the Public and Grammar Schoul. Ismic enga ed as a. clerk in his father’s store, an in 1869 became his father’s successor. This business he carried on until 1902, when {lie retired to his farm and comfortable ome. MR. CROSBY'S SUDDEN DEATH. AN INTERESTING DIALOGUE Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” It: stops itching scalp and failin hair and makes hair gmw thick ans i abundantly. All dxuggists everywhere sell Parisian Sage or post aid from I The Gimux Mfg. (30., Fort .rie, Ont. é See that the girl with the Auburn hair is on every bottle. Sold and guaran- ‘ teed by W. A. Sanderson. The nnmul meeting- of the Centre Yurk Lihm-al Association wa held in Victoria. Hall, Thurphjlll on Monday. 1‘!“ . Otficvrs were elected for the current year, and all present were interested in the addresses given by Mr. H. M. Muwat, K.C.; H. H. Dew‘u-t, K.C.; Dr. P. ,D. McLean. and Mr. F. (J. ln~ wood. In the absence of the president, owing to the inclemency of the weather, Mr. G. W. Van-ml acted as chujrnnm in a may able manner. Mr. Mowat made an able defence of the Canadian navy, and the reasons which led up to the formation of that navy. Some of their opponents were inclined to speak in derision. referring to the navy as a. “tinpot navy,” but Mr. Mowat assured his hearers that the ships now being built are among the fastest in the world, and in the fleets of all the nations there were few to nutclnss them. Mr. Dewurt. also referred to the ne- cessity of a Canadian navy. and in cnnclusion paid a. lowing tribute to Sir Alan Ayleswort for the masterly way Canada’s case had been prepared for the recent, session of the vHugue Tribunal. Dr. M1Leau and Mr. F. G. Inwood also made short, addresses. each em- phasizing the need of thorough 0r- ganizatiun. and throwing out, the sug- gestion that, the next general election would he one of the hardest, ever Walqed in the Provjnce and cogntry: The January number of The. Athletic Wm-ld, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited. V’Vundstnck. Ontario, just issued, not only maintains but further develops the national sports olicy laid down on theinceptinn 0 this highly creditable. monthly. The season- able sports treated. the excellent urticlespertuining to the important phases of outdonr pastime and the official information given tell how great a. want in the sport life of Canada. is being filled by The Athletic World. Its page: are rich in illustrations and timely disenssions. making it one of the best yet issued. When the hair thins out. on the top of the head and the bald spot is getting ready to appear in public. don‘t get discouraged or irritable. Just, go to vom- Druggist and ask for Parisian Sage Hair- Tonic. He will charge you 500. for a large bottle but if it does not cause hair to grow where the hair is thipning out nothing on this earth will. quantities from one tn five lbs. at 170. 1 per 1h. Finest, smoked hams, regular} 19c. 91'“). Half or whole ham 174:. ‘ p'erl . Selected peamealed back Imcun regular 220. per lh., for 20c. Try our Pm-k sausages at per lh. they will please you. Glass Bros. The following oflicers Were elected:â€" President. Mr. W. Scott, Victoria. Square; First. Vice-President, Andrew Russell, Thornhill: Second Vice-Presio dent, \V. D. Annis. Scarborough; Sec- retmv. Charles H. Porter. Toronto: Treasurer, W. H. Clubine, Thm-nhill. Executive Committee â€"â€" Messrs. Ed- ward Sanfotd. New Tomnto; Dr. Our-- son, Mimico; Joseph Rush, Humber Bay; H. E. French, Humber Bay; Thomas Fitzpatrick. Lampton Mills; W. J. Agar, Islington; George Pearâ€" son. Richview; John Cameron. Et-obi- coke; George Farr. Thistletown; Wil- liam Riddell. Thornhill; J. P. Naugh- ton, Elgin Mills; F. Smith. Edgeley; William Thomas. Hope: James A. SLeVenson, Woodbrid 2; James McGil- livray, Purplevdle; amps Bell. El- der’s Mills; James Devins, Klein- hurg; D. Norton, Woodbrido'e; T. H. Trench. Richmond Hill; W. Cruick- shanks, Weston; Howard Gray, \Ves- ton: R.’ Thompson. Thornhill; Joshua HUI‘DE‘I, Richmond Hill; C. Burr. But- touville; W. F. Nichols, Victoria Square; W. A. Noble, Unionville; J. Nigh. Almim; Gem 3 Robb. Arma- dule; E. K. Moore, ount Joy; L. “7. Hoover, Ringwood; A. Reesor. Cedar Grove; J. Turner, Mongolia; Dr. Stew- art. Markham: R. J. Reesor, Mark- ham; George Male, East. Toronto; A. J. Reynolds, Scarboro’ Junction: J ames Henderson. Scarboro’; Edward Knowles. Highland Creek: Donald Reesor. Uedal-Grove; D. Put-die. Mal- vern; John Elliott. Agincourt. and Hugh K. Clark. Agincourt. And We want to say to everybody, man. woman and child. that you can have your money back if Parisian Sage isn’t the best, hair grower. hair saver, hair heautifler and dandruff cure on th'e market (xv-{19y We note 20 lb. pails of the reliable Mingle af lzmn‘r! lard. at‘lflc‘. .pelilb. Magi? Leaf brand lard. at; Mic. per lb. $2 0 pgr pail. Home rgrdered lard in JANUARY ATHLETIC WORLD. THIN HAIR A LIBERAL OFFER CENTRE YORK LIBERALS. For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL Purity Flour always hand. All kinds of grain bought and higfiest possible prim?! paid at the Elevator. By Buying a Nice Box of the Highest Grade of Confectionery. Prices Ranging from 100 to $5. A Large Assorted Stock of Nuts and Fruits in Season. D. HILL 81: 00., For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Com for cattle and hogs. The monthly magazines ot the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. CassePs Magazine, per annum . $ . The Story Teller . . The Quiver . . . Musical Home Journal . The Girls’ Realm . . Little Folks . . , Chums . . . . wry???“ Sgfigggw C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u b â€"- lishing Company It is not necessary 4 ) send to foreign countriez. hr magau zines. Read the followingâ€"‘- Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to Make Xmas Happier CASSELLS & COM PAN"! 42 Adelaxde SL W Toronto J. H. RAMER COAL. YOUR CONFECTIONER [Single copies, 3 cts. No'. 27 in the

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