Mr. C. W. Patch, Evangelist of the Church of / Christ. will speak at Sherwuod. Lnrds day. Jan. 15, at 10.30 mm. subject "Gum-ding the- Hvart†and 7 p.11). subject “Lass and Gain.†(Jame and bring your friends. The King and Vaughan Plowmeu’s Association will hold their Annual Banquet at The Palmer House on \Vednesday Pvening next, the. 18th inst. SllprI'Wlll be served (:mmm-ncing eat 60% uck. An entertainment with addresses will follow in the Masonic Everybody is invited to the Hockey Burlesque in the Richmond Hill link next Monday evening at 8 o’clock, when 'the Katzanjmnvrs will have the flesumpbinn Lu facp the Gibsun Girls. ads of fun promised. Skating for everybudy afLer the game. Admission 10 and 15 cents. Both skmel-s and spectators were delighted wiLh the Skating Evening under the auspim-s of the \Villing Wnrkm's’ Mission Band Monday even- ing. The receipts amounted to male them $40.00. The “'il-ling “Tm-kPI-S’ Misalrm Band desire to thank The Villagc Band, The Uuuncil. The Caretaker and all who so kindly assisted to make the Skating Party of Munday evening the greuL success than it was. A very enjnvable time is promised at the Epwrwth League Friday even- iug When Headfurd League will be present and give the pmgraumm. All League members and others interest,- 'ed in LPague work are asked to bring cake or sandwiches. Thé Annual Convention of the Markham vanship Sabbath School Association will he held in the Meth- odist church, Uninnville on Thursday and Friday, January 19 and 20th. Thursday's sessiun will ups-n at, 10 o’clock and Friday’s at 9.30. There will be three sessions each day. Everyone interested in the training of the young should be present). A good program is promised. The special ï¬ction feature in the January number of McClux-es is “The Lodger," a mystery story by Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. founde upon a series of terrible crimes which baffled the eifotts of Scotland Yard some years 21%;; Among the other stories are “ e Rover,†21 love story by Katharine Baker; “The Prince’s Compliments.†an unusual story of a. child. hy Free- man Putney, Jr.. “Angels and Pigs.†by M. Gauss; and the second instalment of Mrs. Humphry VVal-d’s novel, “The Case of Richard Meynell.†A car {mid of Mnyze Glutvn just, erin-d at the elevutur. T1 t'Wn Talk Laundry Snap. lm-ge'hm- 10c: Bun Tun Laundry Soup. II) In? 20c; 'l'mnsparc-HL Glywrim- Tnih-L Snap, pm cake 100; Sm-nn ’l‘uilet Sump. 3 musz in a bnx lUu. ALkinsun & Swilzer. The next meeting of the Sherwood Music Club will be hid in the studio of Mr. Newmn on Thursday evening. the l9t‘h of January, at 8 o’clock. An attractive piugmmme uf music by various composer-s will be presented, and all music [avers are invited to be present. nuanng vawuen the hull“: twun “Rd, the 'l'. Eulnn (Jo’s. Leann. Game called at, 8.15. Tnnstvd CIII'H Flnkuvv, Quake-1' Puffed Rive and \wau. Berries. pz-r pkg. We; ï¬hï¬ï¬â€˜lflml \th-HL Uis':llil, 2 pkgs. for 25¢; Swiw Fund. per pkg. 10¢. Atkin- sun & Switzer. Hall. SEE N. J. GLASS’ ADV. FOR BARGAINS. Sometimes you expect something for Xmas, and sometimes you are dis- appointed. Pm'haps something like a Tie, Shirt or House Slippersâ€"we have them just as nice as any “'8 have snld. Also, see our advt N. J. Glass. The Viutm-ia Univm-sity Glee Club. led by Mr. J. M. She-Huck, will give a «current in [he Musnnic Hall on the "wening of Friday. January 27. undvx Hie-auspices of 11191.0.8‘. of this village. Flu-{hm nnLicc m“ be. givvn. Hr. )nrnest. Mantle and Miss Mmy Mth- «.f GumIm-nd spent, Sunday with friends at defurd. The members of Lord Elgin Camp, N0. 106', Sons 64? Scotland, met on the evening of Dec, 28 last and elected Lhe following ofï¬cers for 1911’:â€" Chiefâ€"T. Newton. Past Chiefâ€"«\Viliinm Innes. Chieftainâ€"A. Bnylo. Chaplainâ€"Gourgv )nwie. Roc.-Sec.â€"H. Rvdditt. Fin. Souâ€"Gm). Sims. Treasurerâ€"P. G. Savage†Marshallâ€"“7. Mortson. StandaI'd-Bearmuâ€"J. Grnhn m. Seniur Guardâ€"Milton Savage. Junior Guardâ€"~George McDmmld.. Bills are out announcing a Hockey Mntrth nit, fl‘huruhi“ i_his (Thursday) Bacamnxn HILL. ONL. Jm\'. 12', 1911 |4()(3 t1 S. 0. S. ()FFIGE‘RS. Variety and plenty of it, is the key- note of the January issue of Rod and Gun ll) Canada, published by W. J. Taylor, Limited, ot Woodstock 0n- tario. The opening article deals with the outfit required for the backwoods and though sportsmen may differ on many of the trimmings, there will be u genera l agreement as to t he essentials. This is followed by a number of per- sonal experiences in hunting. ï¬shin , canoeing and mountaineering throug ‘ (mt Canada. while a pa er on the birds of Manitoba. and some light verses add materially to the interest of the number and recommend it as one In which sportsmen of all tastes may ï¬nd something which cannot fail to prove both pleasureable and proï¬table to themselves. There are a number of items recording occurrences out of the common, showing how vastly ex- peiiences in the woods may differ and others reminding sportsmen oi similar events on their own trips. The whole is redolent of the outdoors and must act like a tonic in the wintry went/her, reminding sportsmen of the joys they have had and those which they are anticipating with the keenest of pleaâ€" sures in the not fardistant future. A rumor was inserted in The VVm-ld M few days ago tn the Pï¬â€™exct that "The Hetrupwlituu Railway ()umpauy would buy a ï¬ght 0f way and start. in the spring to hnild frvm Richmond Hi“ to Smuï¬'vllll‘." [L isnlsn suggested that llw road he Extended to Markham Village and Uxhridgv. That, would be ï¬ne. The Rivhmund Hi“ curlers might, th-n gm (nut, and thrash Markham. Swufl’ville amd Uxbridm’ zmd return the same. day on the late cur. 3H1. That, we hen-by express Ulll' apprv‘cinï¬nn hf the life-lung services of nut- hrnlhvr as a beloved llll-‘lllhf'l' (If the Cnumzil. and of his earnest, dc-sirv fur the nphuiltling of the kiugdnm nf God, and as a \Vi‘SP cunnsellm‘. a kind friend and n peacemuker. Mr. Wm. Meek, we“ known in Markham township, divd at his home at Viutmia Squme Friday afternoon after a lingering illness. Decvased was 72 years uf age. He is survived by a widow, fmn' sunsâ€"\Villiam, Altman, Fred and Albertâ€"and a daughterâ€" .MIS. Thomas Read. Interment, took place in ViCLm-ia. Square cemetery Mundin afternoon. “The Bvst Yet†is announced for the Annual Entertainment of the Bachel- ors and Benedicts of the \Vondhridge Methndist Church on Monday. Jun. 16. Rev. G. 0. Jnhnsmn \vhn will lecture on "Wise and Other-Wise" and Donald McGregor, Canada’s ï¬rst halitone are the attractions. The usual “Knife. and Fork Supper†will be (if the heét kind. Rev. Dr. Laken will preach on Sunday morning and evening when music will 'be furnished by the men’s choir. 4th. Tth a. copy nf llwse‘ ['PSHllls tiuns he sent, to the nwmhws of “)9 family. and alsn that they be spread upxun mn- minutes. and that. they he Sent tn The Lib‘eml ' p\1hlicn_tiun. As it. hath ph-‘usxd Almighty God in “is inï¬nite \visduln Lu remove frnm um- midsn our lu-lnw-d hmt’hel' and ft-"lflkuni'kvl'. Hum-y Keffer. 89 it, Rt'éhlVCd{M- lst. That we. the Council of Zlnn’s Ev. Lutheran Chum-h, eand to yuu, the “'iduw :md feuqu 0f the deceased. mu- hemtfvlb sympathy in this your sad hvronwment, and pray that. Gvd min/I cmnfm-t. ynu in this your hour of . u ' * hinl. 2m]. That we deeply feel mlr loss. and miss the wise- counsel nf mu~ hrnther who has ever been a faithful wm-ker in behalf of Zion’s Church. Siglwd on behalfnf Oznmcil by Cum- The Richumnd Hill ankey' Team will pl‘HhuMy be picked at the practice Friday Jun. 13th. So all memhvrs are requested In appear at the Rink in uniform M 7.30 sharp. \Ves’lvy Palmer Manager. ‘ ' The ynuxig people of harmley are In ving a ver pleasant time on the open air rink. RESOH-J'H’JNS 0F UGNDOLENCE. Mr. Lex‘i Long returned home to (‘ullingwnnd after visiting his uncle Ml'. Alhprt ‘Villiams. and also two uncles in Luckpm-t and Clarence Centre. N. Y. Muster Ca Inpheil English and RuSSeII Williams visited at the latter's home, Elgin Mills. about, New Year’s. Mr. Bert \Vid'eman and Mrs. Wide- mun frnm I’me River returde home last, Saturday after a ver pleasant visit. Mr. and Mrs. Will McEwen also visited friends at, Gm-mley. W'ARNING. We notice in The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal the pub- lishers are warning their readers whose subscriptions expire this month bu renew at nnce. The renewal orders and new subscriptions pnuriug into that Ofï¬ce every day are at sight tn he- lml-d. In their prnspe'ctus for 1911 the Publishers promise snme wonderful improvements That will make the pa- per even greater value. that ever he- fnro, although it has always been H‘â€" cugnized us llm greatest dollar’s warm to he had. Every hume in Canada wilL be the better rvf The Family Herald and \Veekly Star as†a regular weekly \‘isitnr during 1911. JANUARY ROD AND GUN. MR. WM. MEEKS‘ DEATH. BY ALL MEANS BUILD! R. H. HOCKEY TEAM. V’Voodbridge. G ormley J. V. SAPPENFIELD. S. COOPER. The .personnel uf the ‘playexs is as WHHWSFâ€" Th9 hm:ku uutluuk in Richmund Hill this seasnn is unusually bright. Since ulgnnizalinn the boys have been turuiu nut. well tn practice and have had nllemiy several ,gnnd try nuts. Tle nre ï¬lll n? Puthhsinsm and in". trying tn plny clean hm:ku nut. “rough housv’Lâ€"n very difï¬cult matter in such a link us uurs. Owing tn tht- narrow- noss (1f the ice sheetâ€"Sum? forty fvet wideâ€"anything like gnml thu play is almost. impussihlv. Tu this is added the fact that the sides of the link are not. hum-de which makes it Ihure or less danger-nus to the players. In spite of these drawbacks the local tvam will give a good account of the mselvess in the bum? matches with outside teams. The boys aw a. husky lot, and with thrL-e- practice-s a wepk they will imprnve grvntly in thv mutternf speed, slumtinmpluyiug thvir proper pnsitiuus and u nwasure of :tnmhinatiun so. far as possible in Slltfl‘l Eloise quurtm-s. _ "L, ‘»_ . \th, wnman at sometime or ()ther does not experience theSe dreadful bearing down pains. Mrs. E. Giifflth, of Main street, Hepwm-th, Ont.. says: “A heavy bearing-down pain had set- tled across my back and sides. I was often unable to stoop or straighter: myself up. Many times each night; I would have to leave my bed with the irregular and frequent secretions of the kidneys and just as done out in the morning as on retiring. I was languid and would have to let my huuse- Workstand.Nn- thing‘ I had t, r i e d w o u l d beneï¬t me. 1 la a r n c d o f Bonth’sKidney Pills and con- cluded I would i 1‘ ti-them,whicb V - I did. and soon found the long sought relief. My back strengthened and I began to feel better and strmiger: I now enjoy my sleep without being disturbed and feel grateful to Bunth’s Kivcxlney: I’ills for whflt they did (or me.†H. Unn-nllâ€"A gnnd stick handler with considerable experience who knows sume nf tlw ï¬ne puints 0f the game. He wiH likely captain the team in the matches. Victnr Brown, Jack and Willie Naughtnn and H. Palmer~All promise well, Brown and Willie Naughton are both fast. handle the puck well and after they leave to play in their pnsi- tinns will develope into ï¬rst-class plgyels; Booth’s Kidney Pills are a hnon to women. She would know less of back- aches if she took more of these wonder. ful pills. They are nature’s greatest, specific for all diseases of the kidnevs and bladder. All druggists, 500. box. or pnstpnid from The R. ’1‘. Booth Or... Fart, Eriv, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. 3‘ G. Ahl‘Py-“Of the Standard Bank 21 former memhm- of the New Ham- bmgh tea mm good bunchâ€"is a stalwart striking ï¬gure on theice and uppezus to understand combination work. He wianmke good. - In the addition to the above are the followingâ€"Ean Fulrey,’ Wes. Palmer, Norman Bnyle. Stanley McConughy, Karl and Percy Hill, N. Tyndall and D. Atkinson in gtml. Some of whom with practice may ï¬nd a position on the team. Taking the bunch as a whole there is splendid material for n sept’étte. It is to he hoped that, the citizms will show their interest in this manly sport which from a spectatm’s point, of View when played clean is the best of all ganngs. _ The Chnir has on its program a con- cert for the middle of February. This announcement, will awake the interest. of Hinge who listened to the lavish musical menu which was furnished on Christmas night, and the intimation should be held in recollection by all our peuple. Stanley Tyndallâ€"A speedy, strong player with a gnud deal of dash who with more practice in shooting ought tu‘mu‘ke it interesting tn n gpalkevpef. A burlesque match Wiil be given on Monday night next with band in at- tendance which rumisvs to be very comical. Everybo ycome out and give the boys a lift. The Guild Topic for Friday evening will he “Epouh-Makers in Church Historyâ€"Paul AcLs 9:1-22â€. Leader Mrs. Mchnaghv and essayist: Mn'Geo. Cowie. Rev. E. C. Currie cnnducted anni- versary services in Victoria. Square MoLh'ndist. Church on last, Sunday nfternuun and evenng while we had the pleasure of a visit and sermon from Rev. G. S. Smith of the local Methnd- ist Church. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Our Telegraph and Railway Agent’s Course is :1 Szlfe guarantee tn n, gnnd salary. You can master itinsixmnntlw. Themaximum cost, is $60. You may pay as ynmgn. On graduation we aid you to Secure emplnymonb. 0m- now cabaingae e‘xplains. \Vrile for it. Central Tt‘lv- graph and Railroad School. Yon-go and Gm-l'aI-d Sta. Tor- nntn. W. H. Shaw. President. T. J. Johnston. Principal. BEARING DOWN PAiNS HOCKEY. :11 iidnc ++++++Wé++++~é~+%é+~i"é+ Fiï¬' -§«§' ++$+¢WW+++++4 ï¬++++$§§ +‘&*%%H++¢H**++MM+++'§+%PM++++°§++®eéé+®¢+4~++§+%%颥 '1' f++++$+++$++++Â¥+++++~¢v 9'1"??? '5'++++'{"§“§"}~i"é‘++'§'++€=~+++++++ ++++++i-+i‘-i~l- meMM-éww M-zowwmwww-p W Atkinson & SWitzer . L' '*--"I extra quality, per yd. . . 40 in. Reversible Cretonne, floral design, per yd 28-in. Crepe Cretonne, floral and art design, per yd. . , . . . 39-in. Cretonne, floral design, a good range of colorings, per yd. . . . . . 32-in. Cretonne, dark‘ patterns, floral design, ..-__ __j per yd. . 60-in. Red and White , per yd. .' 66â€"111. Red and Green per yd. . Men’s Linen Collars, some slightly soiled, each Neck and Chest Mufflers, each ’ Black and Wh1_te Check gnd Stripe VVrapperette January 12. 1911 1"e-gulnl'$2.00 for .V . .. Men's Tie-s, regular 50‘: for . Bnys’ Caps, nice dark gray, Chilflglren’s Boots. sizes 4 to 7, Men’s Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, reversible collar. regular-$1.25 for $0.85 Mum's Striped Pattern Flannel Shirts, in sizes 15g. 16 and 16%. RISHMDNB HILL GENTS’ FURNISHEB Special, Discount 12W0 For 10 Days Only’ -.â€"-- ON ALL â€"--- Men’s and Boys’ Wool Underwear, Sweaters and Sweater Goats, ‘Lined Gloves and Mitts, and Negligee Shirts , NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR serve you, try to satisfy you and merit; $701111 good- will and patronage. Richmond Hill Hardware 80. Tin and Granitewape. Painti Oiisflarril‘d Glass. M9- The following are a few of the lines we handle: Everything in Hardware.__UStqv§sfland Ranges. lotte Separators, Siï¬hdard Sap} Shingles and demgs. Paroid and Biqntt‘urd ï¬gioflngs. EasTlï¬ke Metallic Wire Fence. Washingg‘iiachinâ€"es aid Wrirngers: Call and see us and inquire prices. You will ï¬nd them right. Always welcome to our stme whether you buy or not. Bell Telephone 18 THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0 During the coming year we will be pleased to New Year’s Greetingifljom RICHMi‘JN D HILL +++++MM~D§3§+M++++M “no†N§§uwo+uoo â€"AT TH Eâ€"â€" fur-lined ear cu s. re ulm‘ 500 for. 5 THE gutu- 750 to $1.25 reduced to 50c and ##90000 Tabling, special price Tabling, special price NORMAN BATTY Manager mumps. Anthuny , per yd. 20c 25c: and PHONE 17 25c 55c 15c 13c 60c .25