J'. H, SANDERSON‘. V.S. REAL ESTATE BANGING FROM $800 To $5.000. 166 acre' farm north of village. Buildings Al. Land in good state of Cultivation r THURSDAY, Jan. lZâ€"Gmceries. Dry Gnuds. Tinware, Hardware. Boots and Shoes &c. at New Gormley, the property of F. A.. \Vnullings. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms cash. S. G. Lynn, Aucb. WEDNESDAY. Jan. lBâ€"Auction Sale of lot 16. con. 6. Vaughan, M8 acres, at the Inkerluan Hotel, Wmdhridge. at 2 p.11). J. '1‘. Saigeon, Aucb. WEDNESDAY, Jan. lSâ€"Farm stock. implemean nn lnt35.con.3, Vaughan, the property of Arthur Tennyson. Sak- at 1 o’clock sharp. Terms 9 months’. Five per cent. off for cash; D. G. Blough. Auct. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 25 â€" High bred draught; hurses. Holstein cows. swine, implements. furniturv, 850.. on lot 41, min. 1,, Vaughan. the puvperty of James R. Baker. ' Sale at 9.30 mm. Terms 9 months. .1. H. Prentice, Aunt. THURSDAY, Jan. 26â€"Fm-niture, garden tools &c. Ala-u hmwe'aud lot. (In the l'emises, Thm-nhill. the property reinnging tn the. estate of the late William Chatterley. Sale at 2 n’clnck. Term»: fur chattels cash. Real property 10 per cent. at time of sale, balance in 30 days. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY. Jan. 21â€"â€"Furm stock. im- leuwnbs &c. on Int. 2, con. 4, Mark- mm, the property of Frank Hancock. Sale- at 12 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. TUESDAY. Jan. 24~Fnrm stock. im- plements &c. on Int 2. con. 5, \Vhit- church the- propertv of Eli Dennie. Sale- at 1 u’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. WEDNESDAY. Feb. lâ€"Farm stnrk. im- plements Sm. Yonge St., W'illowdule the pl'anrty of Abram Johnson. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. SATURDAY. Feb. 4â€"Farm stuck. im- 7 plenqu 850. on lot 4. mm. 8, Mark» lum- “h~ propel ty of Abram Rayuwl'. SHII n. ln'clock. Terms 9 months. J. I "w-ntice. Auct. ‘ TUESJ Y. Feb. 7â€"â€"~Fm-m stuck. imple- mel- - nu Int 24. CI“). 2. Mark- hugl )=‘:vptdl:ty_ nf *Frnnk_ GrahahL v†SIX VERY DESIRABLE , Houses andlLots FOR SALE VHAISU 100 acres on the 2nd of Mark- ham. The Witness should be in every home. Rempmber. new subscribexs may have the Daily Witness on trial for the year- 1911 for only (me dollar ($1.00). or the Weeklv Witness and Canadian Homestead. on trial for only ï¬ftv cents (500). Address vnur sub- scription at once to the publishers; John Dnugall & Sun, \Vltness Block, 'MontI-eal. Tums: lllt‘l hm: Sn]: The Witness has only just decided to offer these bargains to genuine new subscribers, and the publishers agree to refund the full money to any sub- scriber who writes then) in a month that he or she does not like the bar- gain. That‘s fair, is it not? The Witness :8 an upâ€"to-date newspaper. Its splendid stories are alone wort-h several times the priceâ€"11nd its editorals are history-making and unparalleled. The Witness, Uanndn’s great national newspaper. is, as everyone knows. always fair and square and fearless. During its jubilee. just celebrated, newspapers and public men of every province have made remarkable tributes to the value and enterprise of the Montreal Witness. We have only space for one of them anti Wl“ quute the Hun. Sidney Fisher, the Canadian Minister of Agriculture, in congratu- lating the Witness on the occasion of its jubilee: l "I have taken the opportunity of saying to manweople that. I consider the Monbreal itness the best man- aged newspaper in Canada, for this amongst other reasonsâ€"that it is thoroughly interesting and fearless in its expressions and. its principles. and its principles are broad, generous, and in the public interest. and sound ecgnumically in pnhliq affairs.†“’here can you gel; a metropolitan neWspnpel- for ï¬ft cents a year? But the publishers of annda’s great news- paper, the Montreal Weekly Witness and Canadian Homestead, will send their paper to you on trial for one ear fur only ï¬fty cents, or the Daily ibness for onlv one dollar for one year, on trial. These offers are only open to those whn have been taking neither the Daily Witness nor Weekly Witness. GOT A DOLLAR? IF NOT, FIFTY GENTS WILL DO. Came. no: ra- -u Ih M $- RICHMOND HILL NOW ON HAND “AGENCYâ€"â€" flt‘dl nra scarce. but Chou vno wrm 6 u f; SimsonkCnuPnrllarad,Maine.wiurecaivi ‘ '1 7 He, full 'mfnrmxuimu about work which 1 v mu 4:» and live at hnmEJbat will pay my {mm $1 to w pol day. 8mm have “W Miller >4“. young or old. Capital “M {We "Plume who mm at one: ' rrrmmm Al‘h mm- '_ets 5 C Sweet to En ACandyllowellm Auction Sales. 1 Uddck. Terms 9 months. rmxbice. Aunt. MANAGER Keep em the ï¬eld And Save Your Fuel 26-h. f. tor this part of the country, we are now in a position to supply and put on same at a reasonable price. This is the litest and best thing for that has yet been invented. It practically does away with the necessity of storm doors. and in a great many cases is more convenient, and at the same time will save enough fuel in one season to pay for itself. 23-21“ lO-tf The International Weather Strin When in our factory do not fail to have us show it to you. L. Innes & Sons An eight. mom brick house on Ynnge street. Furnace and other conven- ie n ces‘ ' V , ~ ; # reasonable and nut m nurnuss, Dmu- / 10‘ 1%; 1‘ r, . keLs, Rube-s, Mxtts. and anything usu- v -r J ,, , z ' u ally found m a ï¬rst-class harness store. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill Life, Fire 82: Accident RICHMOND HILL Servant Wanted Servant wanted at once. App]; at For Sale or Rent YORKTON Storm Protection on Doors BUILDERS AND MILLERS F or full information address G. H. Bradbrnok, Sec. Bum-d nf Trude. CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS Mercantile Fire Ins. 00. Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Rimouski Ins. 00. York Fire Ins. Co. London Guarantee 86 Accident G. SAVAGE AND A. G. SAVAGE Having secured the Agency for A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and Land Ofï¬ce centre of-‘Plastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. Apply t0 DISTRICT AGENTS Sims Grocery. D. H I LL. There will he sold I) Public Auc- tion on WEDNESDA , THE 18TH OF JANUARY, 1911. by J. "1‘. SA!- GEON. Auctioneer, at the hour 0f2 p.1n., at the Inkermann Hotel, Woudbridge. that valuable farm, namely: The east half and the south-west quarter (ex- cepting thereout two acres) of Lot Sixteen, in the Sixth Conan of the Township of Vaughan. containing 148 acres, more or less. 0n the farm ale aframe house, a barn 40x60, horse and cow stables, driving shed, pig pen, and two nod wells. The property will be u ered subject to a reserved bid. and a Leflse expiring April I, 1911_. ExecutOrs’ Sale It Never Pays Horse Owners- TERMS:â€"Ten pier céht. '(lU‘ZJ cash an the day of sale. balance thirty days thereafter, withqu interest. Toronto. Solicitor. is offered Fur Sale or to Rent. Pos‘ session Jan. 2, 1911. None but respon- sible arties. capable of conducting a First-Eluss Temperance Hotel, need apply. _ Fur mrtlculam apply to Further pm Liculars made known on the day of sale. or on application to Andrew McNeil or Alexander Mac- naughton, Vellore. Executm-s, or W ill- imn Cook. 33 Richmond St. West‘ The Brick Premises, also Stahling and Yards, known as the THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE For Sale or To Rent "CANAIHAN' PILlURIAL†MAPLE LEAF HOTEL PROPERTY AT MAPLE Exquisitely printed on ï¬ne coated paper. Pictures of wellâ€"knnwn people of current events, hf things beauti- ful and cm-inus About one. thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated pnpvrs of Lnndnn appeal to the English people. Nun political. Absulutoly no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must, be seen to be appreciated. Ten cents a cnpy. Ono dollar a year. Tho Pic- tm inl Publishing (10., 142 St. Pete-r St. Mnr treal. 2141’ to be careless in making purchases uf HARNESS. HORSE 60003, orevm in the matter of repairing. in all features. which go to make up a desirable place to trade. THIS IS THE PLACEâ€"~5znods of absolute reliability, prices that. are. reasonable nnd fair in Harness, Blan- kets, Rube-s, Mitts. and anything usu- ally found m a ï¬rst-class harness store. Farm PrOperty H. 0. BAILEY, SASK. Maplé, Ont. We ask 0hr customers to hold their orders until our agent. Mr. Juhn F. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill. calls on you. We guarantee to deliver the sine); in good condition and up to contract grade. We can shnw that there is good money in representing a well- known. reliable ï¬rm at this time. Es- tablished over thirty years. Write for particulars. RKCHMOND HILL Our trees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst grade, true to name. and to be delivered in ï¬rst class condition. We. can save you money in two ways. lSâ€"3m Don’t; place your order for spring until you have had our» prices. Until We have an agent. at Richmond Hill, we. will beglad to quote you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. A. J. HUME PELHAM N URSERY CO. 19-31» FINE TAILBRWG TIE-3:310:15 roban "1:. l " V mmunicu. uom ummygonnaomfu. hANBMgnhm um tree. Olden! gen! for gamma. Paganpth mush Hunky mm Terms for y Momma â€"""’ 'â€" lon otan mm Liqmloqdi ilk-{Gated y mammxgw Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. E. M. Byrne, Manager BRANCHES Ame AT, MAPLE. PgABEKHAM. STOVFH‘VILLE THE SEANDARD BANK NURSERY STUCK 'sfci'eftitiï¬Ã©iï¬mieï¬cam I CANADIAN BUSlNESS COLLEGE TORONTO British The Fruit Tree Specialists. 600 ACRFS UNDER CULTIVATION AND Miami 1873 NOTARY PUBL IC Conveyancing, Leases. Wllls, Etc. Special attentinn giVen to Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, harms and private individuals. ‘ so Savings Bank Department at every Branch. TORONTO, ONT. Pressing Cleaning Repairing "" EB“"‘E'§£"uE"1 ï¬mï¬â€˜ï¬igo. In 0_ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH 1873 OF CANADA ‘ A Complete Banking Service Ten per cent cheaper, temper cent better for Business. Shorthand. and Mattie. Booklet Free. AND GORMLEY. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. ' Term of l909. ER 1. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TICKETS for the (ï¬nmd’f-a: Wen? procured at, ++~§~é+é~+~§~$+++¢~§4~+4-4-4‘4'4-4'4-‘1-4-4 88-6 Tickets in; the West ++++++++++~9W++++mm ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE ‘STRIGTLY ATTENDED T0. Willowdale GENERAL BLACKSMITH,‘ ELGII‘T MILLS THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. OrdeL-s taken at- PATRONAGE Sommmm AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Some bred and others ready to breed. Our line of Perfumes are very seloct. Call and see them. \Ve will be glad to show them. A Nice Box Of Case Perfume F. J. WUDDWARD. W. A. Sanderson Drugaist H air B rush and Combs i Ebony Bmshes ' I M WWW Sets 3 Christmas Cards i and Booklets 3 HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES What wit! you give for Christmas? I have a few gond Dolls left. EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS HORSE-SEWING A SPECIALTY Let, me suggest giving also Stuck Farm RICHMOND HILL J. MCKENZIE EGEWARB 60 Branch»