‘J ’1‘ Saigeon, Maple Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to 1116.. Licensed Auctioneer for one County of York, (1k)on sold on consignment. General sales of amalgam. promptly attunded to at: reasonable ragey ï¬esideuce Uuiouville [damned auctioneers for the County of York. 83.103 thupaded to on shortest; notice and at tea.- sox able utés Patronage solicited Licensed Auctioneez for the County of York. re- apecvmliy solicms your patronage and friendly influence sales mttPuded on the shortest notice and at realonable rates 1‘ 0 address King G R (iadlï¬mg, Newton Brook,ugeut for the above AT THE THORNHILL USER“. PRHTINS a PUBLISHING HOUSE Organs Hammad and Exvmt Work Guaranteed -VJRIGHMOND HILL. ONT. 1'. F. McMAHON... ‘ ï¬nal. HURSDAY MORNING: 305,. :7. Qauidson' JOHN R, CAMPBELL. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILT. The Newton School of Music HOUSE PA INT Glazier, Grainer and Paper Hanger. W. HEWISON ts PUBLIhHElL EVER! I.‘ H U RSDAY MORNING FALL TERM OI‘ENS 431931911. 6,1 1910'. 1“) en tth. RICHMOND HILL l“; WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A M To 5 PM. W‘ Calls from a distance promptly attended to. DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMND HILL $1 per annum, in advance.] Von. XXXIII. ‘0 Fll’st hum-e nurth uf’ Atkiusun & Switzer’s sun-v. VETERINARY SURGEON, Cl‘llornhill. LEARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR bUSINESS CARDS. Richmond Hill, C m. " J K McEwen [$1822.39 Wes con Surgeon a: NlcEwen. DR. F.‘J. WOODS 8TH SEASONâ€"1910-’II @519: (giant! J; H. Prentice I). G. BIADUGII. Emma a Pnoemmon Phone NH. 2102.. ï¬tteriunry RESIDENCE maxim. Mata}. _ Class Igecitals are given throughng the year. Z-ly Special cnnrse in “Myer’s†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginners. Prepares pupils for the graded PX- aminations held at, Tumntu Hansel-va- tm'y of Music and Univexsitv of 1‘0- I'Cmtn. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep 3,1: both places Ba rrhu-ra a In! Solicll ol‘s . Mouvv to loan on land anachaue? mortgageth lowust rates Autumnfliceâ€"Bemox eu no the old pom 0mg... one door west at the entrance to the Outau'm Bank Newmarket ofllcoâ€"Three doors south of the p ms (mine T HEnnEna LENNox G STV Monan RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIL]. NATIONAL TRUST GHAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada Riohmono. Hill LENNOX & MORGAN To]: pllnlw, Main Cable Address, "Dado." mammal; Soucrmn, NOTARY, Era ’I‘uruutn OfliC'r. 33 Richmund St. \Vvst. \VPSIGV Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofline (“Liheml‘ Ofï¬ce), eVei'y Thursday fm-enmm. Maplv, Thursday afternnnn. \Vundhriduu, Saturday fun-noun. Mmer t0 [mm at Fite Per Crnt. (5%) PIANO TUNING Bariisters , Solicitogs. Notaries. kc. Hume Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victoria, 81.3.. l‘unmto. A , ( . NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER; ETC. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNEILL % ELLIOTT mnp numn DIV!“ Undertakers a: Embnlmers, Stands far above the average busi- ness college of thlS cmmtrv. Its went-d for placing students in posi- tions is a l-emzukuble one. Large Catalogue free. Con. YONGE AND ALEXANDER 515. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Wanted: Young Men and Women to prepare fur positions: of Trust and Resptulsihili_ty wijrth $40 to $100 MISS MILLIE TRENCH Denim, Grover & Field H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Cmnmissiunm, Convoyuucer, etc. Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer uf Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar. ‘. EDWARD FRANCIS, f“. Lawrence Dualmr TORONTO, ON T. WRIGHT BRO S. Barristers. Snliclurs WILLIAM CUUK VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING RICHMOND HILL Teacher of P1ano RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, JAN. 1.9. 191.1 munch The famous -.\urnra. “ In Exentiaic, Unity ï¬nal. G STV ldORGAN Phone MM]: {NS-1 - Bnnlh’s Kidneys Pills are sold by all druggists, 50c box, under a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to I'Plif‘VP any disease having its origin in the kidnvvs or bladder. Pustpuid from The R. T. Bouth 00., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Suld and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. ‘ was gradually lwcnming worse. I learned of Bnnth’s Kidney Pills. One box gave me a complebt- and lasting cur-9. I bane not, had a headache or dizzy spell since and I feel like a new poisons: Mrs. Hall. 84 Flm-a St“ St. Thnmas, Ont, says’ “I suffered for years with headachvs nf a most distressing- nature. They wuuld come on'me suddenly, and would last for days at, a, time. These were usually accompanied by spells of dizziness that would unable me to attend to any house duties. My back was w e a k u n d cu used me much sulfei-ing through the night. I had ductored for years. but all to nn avail. Nothing bene- flte‘d me and my condition Headaches are la: el th 14‘. di§9rde®ki9n9y-_. g y emu 0f Headford. The Annual Thank Offering will be taken in the churr'h on Sunday. the 29th inst. Services will be conducted by Rev. J. E. \Vilsnn. B.A.. L,L,B., uf Markham Village. at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.111. The trustees of the. church hope for full congregations and 1: gen- erous freewill offering. The Thixtleth AnnuleConvention of Vaughan Tuwuship Shhlmlh Suhnul Assuciatiun was held in'l‘hvruhill Meth- mlist Church on Jan. 12, [911. to which a hearty wvlcmne Was extended m ovvrvhndy, and all why attended we": mynlly emu-mined in the. homes of the pmjplo nf the different, clmx-clws. Rev. Thnnlpsnn nf Kleinhu-rg gave an address on “The relutiun of Parents [.0 the Sabbath Suhunl." He believed if the father and mother were nut in the thhnLh Schlml they were not Where they uught to he. The relauinn (If the parean tn the, Snlxlmth Schnul was just the same as his relubiun tn llil‘USelf when he was ten years nld. The highest efï¬ciency is not, attained until lhe parents are In the Schnnl. One thing he believed was greatly needed was that, parents should hold reverence fur the supt..te.acher m- “fli- cers in theSundny Schunl-und ImtnllmV any rriticism in [he hlvme. kindly nr otherwise. Pan-ean shuuld say to their childron COME to Sunday School, and g0 with them not say GO. and stay at home themselves. To;n.s:hinguf lessun fur Jun. 15 was then taken up by Mr. McGuun Guelph, and a Round Table cmlfe'l't-llce was afterwards given by Rev. Halpenny in whxch many questions wr-re asked and answered for me profit, nf all present. In the evening session a song service.- was I'Pndered by the chnir. after which an address was given by Rev. Halâ€" penny on Teuclwr Tl" 'ning. Ofï¬ce-rs elected :â€"â€" Pres. A. Farr, Woodbridge; lst Vice-Pres} Rev. J. W. Gordon, Maple; 2nd Vice Prvs. \V. H. Dicemun, Testtm; Our. Sec. 0. Smith, Edge-ley; Min. Sec. S. Coupe-r. Vellm'e; Trims. Wm. Cook. Garrville. The place selected ‘fn'r next iéonven- tion was Pz'9s. Church, Maple. The [u-ngl‘ulu cuusistvd of Lin-en ses- siuus-Mnrning, Afternuun and Even- ing. The warning snssinn wasnf a d?- Vulinlml nature. and some time- w.s ginu tn the l-epnrts of the different, ofï¬ces nf the Association. The after- lluull was full nf lessons and pninters tor the Pastor. Suyt. and Ofï¬cers of “IF Sabbath Schnnl, va. G. S. Smith of Ri'~hnlqnl Hill gnu- an excellent address an "Why did [ rem-nu In the Sabbath Schuul (fl-um a. luvy‘s standpoint»? He spake cnucvrning his own hny- llnud days, and tlw reasnn he reumined in the Sabbath Sulmul wus‘hecanse it was a part «If his duties tn go as well as [0 the day schunl. fur his parents saw that. lu- did g0 and fur that, reason he was cunvertvd when he Was twelve yval‘s old. In. good age he believed fur every buy to be converted. and then there would he lln trouble in holding the lmys in mu Sunday Schuuls when they grow up. Get the men and older nnes in the Sunday School and the lmys are sure tn gn tun. He said u teacher only teaches whrn he reaches the Scllnlal'. You may teach a half'huur and bench nnthing. Must tench through the eye as well as the Wâ€, the, eye being one of the great; appeals to_ the mind._ '11) the absence of the Second speaker of the eye-[ring an open cunference was conducted by Rev. E. T. Douglas. and the thnughts of the day w er.x reviewed \Vi}}I~lIluCh proï¬t to all. DISTRESSING HEADACHES ,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†S. S. CONVENTION. y‘ lwcnming wmsP. I . u\ull\. 'vAloa .13.. an. JIJKII“ ADJ-‘- Street: and others. Admissivn: Adults 25 cents. Children 15 cents. Everybody welcome. The Fancy Dress Carnival Tuesday evening was a success. There Was a. large number in costume, besides many skaters and spectators. The following are the prize‘winners:â€" Lady in best, costume. 1st Sadie Camp- bell. “Fullyâ€: 2nd Mrs. W. VVnud, “Britannia.†Gent in best costume, lst Austin Ruh- insnn, “Highlanderâ€: 2nd Adrian Kilmngh. "Napnlenn." Lady and Gent. in best; onstump, lst Austin Rnhinsnn and Sadie (‘mnp- lwll; 2nd Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Wnnd. Girl in lwsb (:ustume, lat, Many BaxtPI‘; “Spanish Princuss": 2nd Finn-neg Nixnn, "Ilnliun Girl." Boy in best costume, ELI'l Byflm, “Clown.†A Skating Pm"y under the Auspices (if the Maple Epwol'lh League \vnl be hold on the Skating Rink. Maple, on Jun. 3(lth.1911. Skating from T in 9.30 after which :1 SIPppPI' will he svrvpd in the Schunlrnmn of the Maple Meth- ()dist church. Admissinn to rink and supper 25 cents. A Tgn and Entertainment undvr the auspicqs of the Ladies’ Aid Socie-tv ml] be held in the church hem W'ednesday evening, 25th inst. Tea served from 5 t0 8 o’clock. The programme will be given by a double male qnaI-tvtte. Mr. C. H. Peslie. Mi_ss K. M. Ingle‘ Mrs. try 1- Mrs. W. McMahon had the misfor- tune to fall on Monday and break her- right wrist in two places. Miss Adele Jacksnn returnpd last week .from a. visit to friends in Totten- ham. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Henry of Thorn- hill. and Mr. and Mrs. Com'tland Fair- child of Braanm-d spent Sunday after- noon :gnd evenipg at Mr. T. Cnusins’. A sleigh load n'f young béab'léjiétPlld- ad the Hockey Burlesque on .‘VIunduy er-ping. A pleasant time was spmt by the ladies of the VVomen’s Institute lust \Vednesduy at the home of Mrs, Nixnn. Aftvr the business 0f the meeting. Mrs. Nixon and daughters served afternoon tea, End {Ill enjoyed a social hour. The late Joseph Rumble, sun of the late .Iuhn and Mary Rumble. was bum in the Township of Vaughan. County of York. Ont", m the: yg-ar 1844. At, the early age. of 13 years he chose as his trade that. of miller. serving his apprenticeship in the stone mill at )arrville, which he late: operated «in his own responsibility. Previous to his iemnval with his family to Hills- clnle he hm] operated mills at, Pine Grove. ank Mills and Richmond Hill. the. latter of which he owned. Cuming tn Hillsdale in 1888 he purchased the present Hillsdnle flnnr mill. whlch was then stnne. process. In 1892 it was re- modeled to mller process. at which time he gave up the management. the deeeased being an expert stone miller. He renmined actively connected with the business until January, 1910. when the. ï¬rm of J. Rumble & Suns, of which he Was founder and 59mm partner. was dissolved. At. that time his health was rapidly failing. and his illness cul- minated in death, Dec. 27. 1910. ness dealings he wim the respect and esteem nf the community. In the church nf his choice. he was a. faithful. quiet and conscientious worker. As long as his health permitted he was a regular attendant at his services. a teacher in the Sunday Schnul and u. memlwr' of the choir. In his home he was a faithful husband and father. The widmv and family of six sons and twu daughters who survive will long hnld sacred the menmi-y of «me whose example was so worthy of imitation and whose thnughbful advice was so wnrthy nf being followed. His influ- vnce fm' gut-d will long he felt) nut, only by them but, by all with whom he was associated. Mr. H‘nd Mrs. “7m. Nye uf Grand Rapids. Mich., and who are on their way to Alberta to take up land, are spending a few days at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.‘ G. Bailey. Miss Annie Brown of Grand Rapids. and late of Londnn, England, s also visit,- ing at the same place._ In last week’s LIBERAL the account of the address and presentation should have read to Mr_s. H. O. Bitiley. nu i ' ~ ""J' . There. was a large- audience at. St. Andrmes church on Sunday morning. when Rev. Mr. Davidson gave an in- tex-estinquQress un conditinns in Indm. His remains were laid to rest in the Methodist Gemetvry on Dec. 30. a large number of friends gathering to pay thI-‘ir lust respects. The fnlwml service was conducted by hIS pastor, Rev. John Nelson, .Whn by a singular coincidence’chnse as his text the words, "ThH'e shall be no night there," Rev. xxii:5, the same words which had been used some thirty years ago at. the funeral of the father of deceased. Hnnm-{tlfle and upright in his husi; Newton Brook. OBITUARY. Maple. It is not necessary ¢ '2 send to foreign cou.1trie: £ 3r maga- zmes. Read the followingâ€"- Cassvl’s Magazine, per annum . $1.5: The Stln'y Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver . . . . . Musical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Gil-15’ Realm . . . . 1 Little Folks . . , . 1. Chums . . . . l . . 1 CASSELLS & COM PANV. ' 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto Canadian Pub‘ ï¬shing Company The monthly magazines of the above company = cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. ' Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to D. HILL 8:: 60;, By Buying a Nice Box of the Highest Gr ad; of Confectionery. Prices Ranging ‘ L from 100 to $5., A Large Assorted Stock of Nuts and Fruits in Season. CASSELLS’ For sale at the C. ‘N. 0,. Station, or delivered in~~= the: viiiage and vicinitytaâ€" Purity Flour always on hand. All kinds of grain bought and highest possibie pricen paid at the Elevator. STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RVACE Aiso file. Bran, Shorts and American Com for cattle and hogs. Make Xmas Happier J. H. RAMER COAL: YOUR CONFECTION ER Best Scranton coal. [Single cop'i’éé; 3 ct‘s'. N6. 28