ruNNV A‘ These three are of the 104 patients who are residents in this deservmg institution and being cared for without money and without price. The sorry part of it is that the trustees are carrying a debt of some- thinglike $40,000, incurred largely through the additions that have been made within the past year, and that have more than doubled the accommodation of the institu- tion, together with the heavy cost of main- taining so large a number of free patients. The Muskoka Free Hospital has eveLLiv- ed up to its claims of never hzwing refused a single patient because of his or her poverty. ' The words of the mother are pathetic. She writes: “I went to a doctor and at him to examine my lungs to see whether there was anything wrong with them, and he said that the right lung was affected. A little rest, he hoped, would build me up. I have a. little girl, about ï¬ve years old, and the doctor says that if I could take her up with me it would do her ever so much good, as she is not very strong. I have three more children, and one of these, a boy of ten, seems also to he afflicted, and it is advisable that he should enter the hos‘ pital.†Reaaers who desire to help this great charity may send their contributions to Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman Execucive Com- mittee, 84 Spndina avenue, or to the Sec- retary-’l‘reasurer, 347 King street west, Toronto. MOTHER AND TWO CH1LDREN AT MUSKOKA FREE HOSPITAL. A story fl'Olnztlle Munkoka Free Hospital for Consumptiyes tells of a. mother who, with her two childrenï¬is now under treat- ment in that institution. The husband had been a patient, but the case was an ad- Vanced one when the patient entered, and he has since passed away. There is little doubt but that the wife was infected as a result of caring for her lumband, and now she is in the Mnskoka Hospital. Her little girl, about ï¬ve years of age, and a. boy of ten are with her, both being afliicted with this dread disease. Are Now Under Treatmentâ€"Husband, Too, Had Been a Patient~A Tra- gedy in Real Lifeâ€"Heavy Debt on Institution. VICTIMS 0F CONSUMPTION. Mrs. Rev. F. Elliott, who has been seriously 1'11 for some time is slowly recnvering‘. Mr. John Keith hue sPcul-ed the nmtion as fun-email for Mr. J. Bril- ingel‘. Mr. Louis Ellintt returnpd fmm Newmm'k'cb Tuesday where he spent Sunday. anafm'd Rink is in ï¬ne shape and large crowds, fruquent it, evenings. Despite all that has been said and .done by so-called Christian nations during seVeral years past to discour- ‘age war and bring about peace a discordant note is sounded in Ger- many. On the eve of the 40th anni- versary of the foundation of the empire the German press indulges in an outburst of “militant patriotism†and pride over the nation’s progress. One newspaper adjures Germany to remember that "the development ofa nation is strife, nothing but'strife." The newest ï¬eld-marshal quotes the late Count Von Moltke’s saying, “Eternal peace is a dream, and not even a pleasant dream.†Let us hope that Germany stands alone when the peace of the world is at stake. The Guardian last week on its cover page asked the Very pertinent question, “Are you doing your share at making the World better?†The question seems a very reasonable one, and. yet we imagine that many an individual who lsoks upon himself as a man will feel that he is not con- cerned about making‘ the world better. Few men who have a desire todo the right thing are thoroughly Satisï¬ed with their own efforts, yet if they possess the desire good will surely come. Let no man feel that his sole object in life is to earn a livelihood and make money. In the House of Commons on Tues- day Mr. W. F. Maclean, M.I’. fur South York, had the distinction of moving a resolution and voting for it all by himself. “Dare to be 3. Daniel." Rzéï¬tbub’ï¬im. Own. JAN. 19. 1911 (g: y, ihe‘mi. .Au;z.g. y..«u.‘.«;.‘.;’.\-'.h i éSqu‘iï¬s‘ t. KL"? msdh P {or Barnes bi. Dairytowu. «Joxmw ,, 5m ‘gu-u: w: drug" ‘Vlsk‘S' bundle all kind; of Wim‘ Fénuing Fifty Cents a Rnd. . Also the Russell Rail Fence. Zlâ€"tf Mn k‘mm. , ()nm hundred acres in 3rd con Markham. All impmve-d. Hunsv and lot, just south of R mom] Hi1]. ~ ' Vacant lots in Village. Apply tn - H. A. NICHOLLR, Srvvmï¬swfunr acres adjoinng Rich- mnnd Hlll. 6 Bars Smilighb Soap .. . . 6 " Cumfnrt Soup . Lemon Peel, 2 lbs. ful‘ . . . . Orange Peel. 2 “ “ Sahda Ten, reg. 301: for . . . Red Rose Tea, reg. 30c for 3 lbs. 450 Tea in cmmisler . Brunswick Bm nd Sardines NAUGHTON 83053., - Elgin..Milis We will give you a Straight 15% discount from marked prices on all Rubbers in stock. All our Rubbers are new stock and best goods made. To appmciate the values we are giving in Boots and Shoes you must see them. Bést Lard, by pound 3 Guns Best, Peas. . . . 20 lbs. N0. 1 Gran. Sugz E COMMENCE Stock-Taking on Eebruary Ist, and must have stock at its lowest ebb at that time. We are therefore cutting prices in the moat ridiculous way to move it. Prices quoted will hold until February :51; or until Stock is exhausted. The only condition we make is that quotations are for cash. The undersigned c propm-vd Wire Fencing. 3} yrite for our private address. ‘_ % fl All letters from Canada must be addressed "~ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- -. ‘v W ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor, Ont. N N r V w ,, V“ Avtlv- Luv Juu Auvvkluluf} uu Juan; v _I .uai HEHUEn your blood been (113m 0.? ha '0 you any weakness? our NEW hmnon TREATMENT will cure you. What; it 1:135 done for Others 1: will do for you. Conaukaï¬on Free. No matter whw has lreater’i you write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. Becks Freeâ€"(Illustrated) 0n diseascs of Men. NO NAMES USED VJITHOUT \VRIW“?! CONSENT. Everything confidential. Question list and cos! of Home '1 reatmeznt WV. .. leau “Au... ‘ 1 h). u; 3 UL um u a friend advised me to cmsult you, as you 112.1 curml 1.1m of a. similar disease 8 years ago- I had no hope, but took his advice. In tires weeks‘ time th" sores commenced to heal up and I became enmurnged. I continued the Iizw BIETHOD ’J‘nEA'x‘xm'r fcr four months and at the end or that time every sv'nvtom had div weaved. I m 3 curnd 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since M b t‘ 3101(1‘.j§ sound agd healthy. I ce_r- fnin'l u nan hAnAvv-mnnrl "A..- “nâ€, . tainly can recommend your trcntmcxit xxx-.11 all mi heart. Yoh'can'i‘verféi'fény porsgxf To me privately, but you can use this testimonial as you wish. W. H. S. We treat NERVOUS DE‘BlLE'Y, VAREF‘CSE VEENS, VITAL WEAKNESS. BLOOD. SKIN and SECRET Diseases. UPJNARY, BLADDER and KKDNEY complaints of Men and Women. BEABER moon msss wag BEFORETREATMENT bundled Nu. Nu. 1 Gum. No. l Lard . N0. 1 Yellow Cor. Michigan Ave†and Griswold 5%., Detroit, Mich. For Sale GROCE RIBS Boots, ghoes and Rubbers l Lard . . "£1621!!in Sale... Corn . . . Tnmatnes Are ypp a yir T \V. H. ESPEY‘ H (F [‘(‘S Drs. K. & K. Established 2Q Years Real Estate Agent. 1’0 was surptlsod at how the sore! heal ‘â€" "I took your NEW METHOD 'l‘lll.‘ EST for a serious blood (lisease with which I had been inflicted for twelve years. I had consulted ascore of physicians taken all kinds of blood medicine, visited H at Springs and other mineral water resorts, but; only got tem- lporary relief. ’l‘hcy would help me for a time, but. alter discontinuing the medi- cincs the symptoms would break out againâ€"running SOI‘CS blotches, rheum- atic pains, looseness oi the hair, swellings of the clanrlr.‘ palms of the bonds Scaling. itchines? of mm skin. dyspm‘ Sc 5' etc. “I had {given yo ':1 d ' WNO NAMES USED WITH. OUT WRITTEN CONSENT snuth of Richâ€" in 3rd con. 0f in 2nd (run. of :ill' 'I-Iave you lost hope? Are you intending to mam? Has cascfl have you 811V weakness? Our NEW him-rum) $1 00 l ()0 . 490 8 2t) 3 00 17 H l U!) tn at Emu at 1 p.m. for the 919ctinn of ofï¬cers and other hlwiness. Those interest/pd will please take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. $8.000 on ï¬rst mortgage on tm-m property. 7 Thursday,Jan.19,19H Men’s Linpd \Vaterprunf Pm Jackets, rug. $2.50 One only. Man’s Oven-cont, siZe- 40, reg. $20.00 Job lots Men’s Tnp Shirts. reg. 65c B(;ys'.Underw'e-ar, assm ted. Mg. 451: Ladies’ Heavy \Vuol Huge. I'Pg. 2.51: Men's Hany VVno] Sucks, " Flannel Top Shirtsf._ Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society will he. held in the Council Chamber, Richmond Hill Money to Loan Henvy \Vintvr Ga [‘13, 1mg. _75\: I93. 5015 Won! Mufflers, rug. 5Uc Line-d Leather Mittï¬, reg. $1.50 6- " $1.35 M u $Lm) u n " †$0.50 \Vtmlen Undurvi’ear. r: 9. $1.04) “ " rug. $0.75 Fleece-d Underwvn r. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. DRY GOODS H. A. NICHOLLS. Em n 9,0 A gent, Richmond Hill. reg. $1.00 for Secretary. $019 12 95 15 1 79 59 5-38 Equ‘isitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of wellâ€"known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About. one thousand, squaw inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrate-d papers of London‘appenl to the English peoplu. Non political. Absolutely no axlx to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform, Must be seen to be appreciated. Ten cmxts a copy. Onc-dollnr a year. The Piu- tminl Publishing Co“. 142 St. Pete)? St. 24- THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE Tickets may be had from Caretaker at, the Rink. “CANADlAN P11, 1 URIA L†BAND IN ATTENDANCE 80TH NIGHTS TICKETSâ€"[00; 3 for 25C; 7 for 59c, or 15 for $1.00. Children under 12 yrs., 50. A smv came to the pwmisvs of the undersigned. 10t4. cnn. 4, \Vhitchuruh', (m m- uhuuL the 15L of August. The owner mnv have same by proving property and paying e,po A Luv,th and Chain. The Irwch was set. with seven pain-ls, with the MM] “Alice†on back. Reward at Admissian, Reserved Seats, . OPEN EVERY \VEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Friday Evg‘., Jan. 27 The Victoria University Quartet The Victoria University (“$9 Clflb, Toronto 0 â€"CONDUCTED BY-â€"â€" A Grand Concert The Richmond Hill Skating Rink will he of the famous Sherlm-k Quzu-tvlte GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY ~ALSOâ€" SATURDAY AFTERNOONS MR. J. M. SHERLOCK Estray Eotice GRAHAM. Chit-f Ru nger. MI‘S C ARICE SPL‘ NCE‘ZR MASONIU HALL EICHMOND HILL SKATENG will give a Clnucelt in the for Ladies and Children. Under Hw nmpico nf COURT FAIRVIEW. 1.0.F. Emculiuuist, of Tomi-nu from 7.30 to 10.00 fmm 2.00 to 4.00 ACCOMPANIED BY TH E LIB ERAL OFFICE. Lost II. A. MURTSON. W. H. PUGSLEY. Gurmloy P, 0. F. BOYLE. bec’y 25 Cents 35 Cents Reeve lU»t,f RANGING FROM $800 TO $5.000. 166 acre farm nurth’of \'“13Lgt‘.. Buildings A1. Land in good state 01‘ cuhivalimn. J'. H. SANDERSON. VIS. ‘ Dated at 'I‘m-nntru this Twenty-fourth day uf Deleon-her. 1910. REAL ESTATE / Notice is he-n-hy given that :In npplicatinn will he made. tn the Legis- laluw of the Pruvince nf‘Onturio {it the next Sessinn lhereuf fur an Act tn incm-pmate a Cumminv under the name "Tm'nntn Intvrurhan Railway,†granting such Company authority and anH' to survv)‘, lay nut, Cunah'nul, cumplL-te, vqnip and Imnntnin a mi]- way to he ()pm'nted by steam lrl‘ t‘iPLttl‘iCiiy, or part one and part, by the nthm', fmm u pnint in Ul‘ mmr the City nf Tnmntn, thence in n Nmthvrly nr North VVestex-ly dirm-(inn passing through the Townships l‘f York, Vaughan and King in the Unnnty of York, in the Prm'ince 0f Ontario. and the Townships of \Vslst Gillimhnry and Innisï¬l in the County of Simcoe in said Pi-mince, tn :1 pnth in or near the ann of Barrie in the said County 0f Simone. ‘ ' SIX VERY DESIRABLE II ouseS and 140138 F0 R 8 AL Lax~e§s 5 Ten pm (-ont. uf the- purclmse money (m thH day of sale and Lht’ halunlreml m- b fore the 8th dle of April, ’ ' "’ “" ""‘ "‘ “l""Y _ _' Further meIculnrs and cundmuns of sale made knmvn ut the lizxw 0f sale m- by re-fL-wnue tn This prnpm-ty will h» wife-red fnl‘ sale subject tu u resm-wd bid as has been ï¬xml. 'l‘\VO UGLOOK, on THE '5’I‘H DAY OF FEBRUARY. Al). lQlI. the fol- 1U“?ng lands: and premisvs, \‘i/..: '1‘le undivided moiety in All and Singular that (it‘l'tilln purer-l Ul’ [X‘JICL of land and premises situate, lying and tin-mg in the Township of V.m;.rh:m, in Ll)» Cnumy uf Yul-k, and knuwn as [he numb-west (gum-(9r nf but numle- Twflvv, in [law Ninth (Jum'essiun of the said annship (if Vaughan. subjch In the lift‘ (-‘Stith then-in of Jane Mc- Athm- of the Village 0f \Vuodbi-idge, \Viduw. Elll). Put-sume tn ths- judgnwnb and m-dvr for sale made in this cause and hen-4|ng date “'mhwsdny, the 12H] day Hf January. 1.910, there will he sun! will; the nppmhutiun of J. A. 0. UHHH‘I'UH. Equix-e, the Ofï¬cial livferre, by J. '1‘. Snigeon. Amtinm-er. at [he Inkermmm Hntel at, \Vnudmidge, at the hnglr (ff For Sale or Rent. In the High Court of Justice IN THE MATTER OF THE LAST \VILL AND ’1‘108’1‘AM EN’I‘ UF \VILHAM ARCHER. LATE OF THE ’l‘()\\'N5HLP QM“ VAUla‘r HAN IN THE COUNTY 01“ YORK, DECEASED. ’- Alsu 100 news on the 2nd of Mark-. â€"NOVV ON HAN D-â€" RICHMOND HILL 33 Richmond St. “Hist; Tumult). J. A. U. CAMERON. ~â€"AGENCYâ€"-â€" RITCHIE, LUUVVIG & BALLANTYNE. 157 Bay Street, Toronto, Solicitors fur the Applicants TERMS OF PAYMENT \V ILLIA M COOK, Notice MANAGER A pply 1 u C Sweet to Ea? Ofï¬cial RHfPI‘PPQ D. HILL.