Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jan 1911, p. 5

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Now is the time to place your order for fruit and ornamental trees. We have the largest line (If nurse-ry stuck grown in Canada. Our Apple. Pear, Plum. Cherry and Peach Trees are unsurpassed for fibrous wuts. In small fruits the Her-hurt Raspberry and Black Raspberriesareour heaviest sellers, as they are big money-makers for the. sumll fruit grower. Our nur- series have been visited by some (If Lhe largest fruit, growers in Canada, and after an inspectinn of our trees they have given us their urdex-s.‘ Write for nur valuinng and give us a list (If your wants. Brown Bros. 00., Brown Nurseries. ‘\V£‘ll:|l1d 00.. Out. FRIENDLY VISIT. The Headfm-d Epwm-th Leagllu visit- m] the League here. Friday evening and contnlmtvd the pmgmnmw which was unjuyrd lav all pn-svnt. After firing Wt-lr'nmt-d by Mr. Elmore Rea- mun. president, «If the home League, Mrs. A. F. Leek tnuk the chair, and deotinnnl exercises were conducted. 'J‘ht- president gnvn a very pleasing ad- dress, and cunwiupnnJhe pastor, Rev. Gr. 8. Smith \vhn gave the anic of the evening. hearing on some of the weak- nesses of Epwm'th Leuguvs. The ful- luwing numbers were then given:â€" Chm-us by the League Choir. “Fm- wuui Leugum-s"; Duet, and Chums. "The Stream of Mercy"; recitation, "Aunt Polly Grown,” by Miss Ethvl Caldweli; suln by Miss Gertrude- Bond; (vhnrns, "Cloud and Fire." Miss Maud Helmkay acted as piano accumpzmist. Refreshments were sex ved “L the clu’so. The Guild 'l‘upic fm Friday m‘ening is in n sm-iw which runs throughout the yval', “Lessons from Great, Livvsâ€" Aln'nhmn,” Gen. xxii:l-l8. LE'Ildrl‘, Mr. J. F. Atkinson, and Essnvist, Mrs. (inn-i9. Next Week an address nu "thib, its Snm'cv and Influence,” will lwgiwm by Mr. D. I). llInshier. B.A.. B. Pued, nt' Tux-unto Nm-mul Strlmnl. The test of Lhe genuinmwss of 1'9- ligiuus lifu in the church, as in the m- dxvidual. during modern times is mis- sionnrv zeal. With a dvsirc to deb-pen the interest and intensxfy the spiritual life (if our members and our church. the Young Beuples’ Smrietivs (sf the Presbyterian and Mellwdist, Churches of Richmmnd Hill have arranged a (-nnrsu (If missinnnry lt-ctuH-s fur this sen-mun. The 00111314, which will include five luch-Ps. extends fwnu Jun. 27 to an 12.. Tickets fur mun-st). 25 cents. Rusurw- d (v «f first lecture. Jan. 27, D. l). M w; l3..A... in the Presby- terian z‘!-~ ‘= Two rinks (xf mu- (nun ling (-luh wont tn the (E'itv Tuesday and plavvd for the Ontnfiu Tankm-d, but, were (](’f(':lt,Pd in lhe‘ first game will) Newumrkrt by 18 points. As the Richmnnd Hill rinks um er gave HH'Illh‘t‘lVPS any [)1':H:H1rr* Inâ€" gether we think they did z-«nmrknhiy well to keep down the sum: as low as they déd. Thv sacmmvnt of the [mi-(1's Supper “‘l” he observed on Fgl). 5.1L the murm- ing service. The last, number (If 11w Unmldinn 'Maguzine- (-Hntuins a well smitten artivle fmm the pen] nf Mr. Wm. Harri- mm quhis village, un “The anunce nf T(|ll:u'(‘.tl.” M r. Harris-uh Iwither Hpâ€" pI-nws mu cundemns the use of the ww-d. hut, shuvs the pmilinn it uccu- pies in history, in cummerue, in snciul circles and in other plant-s. A cmxple hf cases of men’s luhhers l‘mnghi, wraith the. m-‘nwv. \Vhik‘ they last, pm- pair 700. See our adv. Nc-rnmn J. Glass. van Tuik Laundry Snap. largo hm- l()x:: Bun Tun Lullth Snap. 2‘53 ll) Inn 200; 'l‘mnspzu'unL Glyrerine ’I‘uilet Slurp, pm mku 10c; Huvun ’l‘uilvt, Sm: p. ‘3 (:nkvs in a box 10c. ALkinsuu & Swilzer. 'I‘nastml Cum Flakes, Quaker Puifvd 1569 «had \Vln'nt Bf‘l‘l‘il‘s, [)I‘l‘ pkg. 10w Sine-(kind \tht Bisvuix. 2 pkgx. fur 25c: Sui“ Fun}. p'er pkg. “Ac. Aikiu- Sun & b'xviizm'. Mr. M. Pattnn nude .l shipnwnt of If) cutlh», 20 hugs and 2H shwp frmn llw U. N. O. stulihn a fvw (LIVS ago. This is the first- ahipmvnl made since {he “MW puns we: e u vcted. The DI'lltnl Culk‘g‘e Hircke-y Team will play Thm-hlxill at 'i‘nm-nhill {his ('l‘hmsdny) evening. (J‘mme Cilllt‘d at {3.15). Mr. .I. U. Hurslnnv, Plincipnl ‘nf the \szlnn High Slthlllll. din-d \e-rv sud- de-nly Tur-sdny mu: Hing. Heart, failure is gheu us the cause. ()nw «mly Melntte 01‘9"“) Snpm-utnr “I n hinguin 'Hil'P. 391‘ ml\'. Thu Riclnunml Hill Hurdwnw (In. Bargailh‘ in lwating slow-s and range-s. Sue mu- adv. in [his paper. The Hivhnmud .HiH Hauhvme’Un. SP9. uur M’IM in :mnthm (mlumn uf H|i~a paper re special (lisruuut and». The h’lchnmml Hill Hurdwiuv Un. A FII‘P ‘J'ill (HR-ling w-il! hp tnka in Ilw All'lhl‘dlbl (:‘uuwh max: Suuduy. [1 11-113mm) HILL. ONT.. Jam. 10. 1911 @1112 “gfgihml, YOUR CHANCE FUR RURBERS. PRES BY'I‘ERI A N CH URUH. MISSIONARY LECTURES. I-()C LA 1;!" FOR TH E TA NK A H I). FRUIT TREES. RICHARDS~On Sunday, Jan. 15. 1911, at, the residence (2f her son, \Villium Richards. Hoadford. ()nt., Catharine. widow of le lute Henry Ricozu-ds, in her 93rd ymu‘. FRANCISâ€"0n Thursday, Jan. 12. 1911. at, the‘ne-sidvnce hf her son, \V. G. Francis, No. ] anthm Square, Mary Lntimer, wlict uf the 1:: Le Jnhu Fum- cis. Thm'nhill. in hm- 90th year. Funeral from the lesidence of her son. John H. Francis, ’J‘hm-nhill. Satur- day. 14th inst, at, 2.30 p.111. Interment in Thnrnhill Ueuwterv. Every mother shunld see that her 'hildren’s hair is drvseed with Parisian Sagv, the \Vnndmfnl hair resmrer and gerznicide. A little neglect on your part, nuw, may mean much loss of beauty when yunr girl grows up. Prevention Better than ture Parisian Sage is a iigiilly guarantevd hair restnrer and CHI-11's all scalp diseases, prevents hail frmn falling out and creates a iich luxuriant, grmvm (:5 hair, a. glory Ln woman and the pride nf man. A pleasant hair dressingâ€"ludim like it. and ymn- (ll-uggist \V. A. Sundersnn guarantees «Ivory lmLLle that he splls at, 500. und stands ready to rvfuml your mmle if il fails Lu (ln ils \vm'k. By mail pnstpnid frum Giruux Manu- leclm-ing (10.. Fun-L Erie, Ont. Sve that, the Girl with the Auturn Hair is on every package. Snld and guaranteed by XV. A. Sande-mun. Any Pustmnster 01' the Superintend- ent. of Annuities. Ottawa, will supply infurmuliuu as to huw Lhis may be dune. DONNELLYâ€"Ill Richlmmd Hi1], Jun. 13. 1911, tn Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dmmelly, a daughter. CLARK~A£ Hvadfm-d. Jan. 14. 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clark. n sun. HAMILTONâ€"0n Tuvsday. Ja n. 12, 1911. at her hume. Tuttenham, Sarah A. Bruckin. wife of Millelr Humilmn. meml Snturdny. Jan. H. Sex-vibe in PreshyLm'inn Church. Interment, in Mount, Taggret Cemetery. Deceased was a sister of Mr. \Vm. Bruckin of Elgin Mills. It is not easy ku- -l young wage-- emne-r lu hank enough frum wefik to Week {'0 pmvido a sum large enough when he- hecnmos old to giw‘ him an in- come that will keep him in r'nmfm't for the I'vst Hf his days, and if he Spends his mpilnl as Well as his inu-H-st he must always he haunted with the fear that his principal will smne day be all spr-nf. lf hvumlm-stnnd that, by mP-rms of the- system which the Canadian Government has pl'UYltlt'd, namely, the Annuities system. he cuuld hv paying i112?) cents a week at: any Past Office. secure- at (ill. say. an int-unle- \vliivh nnlhing ('nuld (lt‘privv him Hf. ln- u'uuld plulmhly immediately aunil himself nf the nppmtunity. Fm- example. a young man :lgvd 20 paying in 25 cvnts :1 week until (30 wnuld rmzeive from and after Lhat (lul‘v su lung as he liu’rl an inconn' (if $129491. 01' $29.91 lillll't‘ lhun he would (lPl'th‘ fmm an invrslnwnt (If $2.00!! at 5%. if he happened Ln hun- $Z.0{)(l minilnlvle for investment .11 (50, which it. is safe Lu say Lhnt. having re- gard tn the many milpmfiuns whioh he \vnuld have w sand the anmunt. he would nuL haul. Bllt U10 mat,th is easy for him if he will hut, make pru- vision fur his old age .1 charge upon his wet-kl}! wag“. $2.00!! at 570. if $2.000 afuilnlvle which it. is snfel A hovku llmtuh Win In: played in the rink here Monday evening, Jun. 23, he- Uu-vn Lhw lmxne team nnd Maple-'3 Suven. Gunn- Halli-d ML 8 u'cluck. General admission [U cents. Every- lmdy invited to we I he contest, between th qu LL‘EIIUS in f1 it-ndiy rivalry. 'I‘ndnxrnnw Evening. Jun. 201b, the Literary Cummith of the Epwm'th League, \vill’give a mystmrinns eve-n- ing which we expect, will he a great, sm-cv 8. There will be special Inns”: and singing. All are very (:Ul'diiliiy invited to attend. Th" auction sale nl’ Mr. Jnnws Bake-r, Int 41. can. 1, Vaughan. (Ship 47) HI! \lelwsduy, lllt- Zbill,. pl'nmiN-S (n he [he lnrgI-st, (.f Llw aim-mm. The llul‘se'fi, dniry cattle and swine m-e- u supe-H'nr Inf. and umle uf the imple- mums, MussPy-Hnm'is are Iwmly nmv. In addition tn thr- list an tlleleugu hills there will lw offered fur sale: ll)" ful- lm\'ing:â€"l Silo, lTul'ulILn frame \Vind- mill, 1 VVutm- 'l‘nnk. IIJLeI-esu'd parties m1- x-equvsh-d tn he an limo as .thu llll- plr-uwnts must he sold lwfnrvdinnvr. Pl‘l'sidmll, Silllpsnn Ronnie, 'l‘nruntu: 1st. Vir'b-~P|-vs.. \\'m. \Vulkingtczu, King: 21M Vivenl’n’nn Frank \-\'eir. AgiIu-n-HruSvuy.. L. \anluL-P, \Vundâ€" ‘Il'idg‘ ; 'l‘l'enxx. l'. A. PnLlI-‘l'SUH, Elle-s- HIPH‘; fix-«'ntiwâ€"Tln- nluwe officers and .lmnrs Mvam, 'Rilt'hnmud Hill. and Mr. Rpm-Is. Multan. The v);uculi\v afterwards met, and drnflml llw (nnslimtiun and lijq'JilW‘S. Another Hit-Ming will be held Luâ€"duy. > At a Inn-«ting hvld recmltly at t“? \Valkrr Huusv, l‘n‘ruulu. The Uuhu-iu Plan-urn”: AMA-influx) was fm'mv’d‘ main-«ting many nf the best. pluwmen Mid must pmmnwnl farmers of the Prm‘iucv. Art»: :1 full «‘liscusniuu uu the m-rds uf Nh'h' an nsmciutiuu the foflmving nflicvrs Were elven-(hw- I’resewe Your Children's flair YOUNG WAGE EARN ERS MQTHERS! EPXVORTH LEAGUE. ONTARIO PLOWMEN; HOOK EY M A'IXHL LARGE SALE. DEATHS BIRTHS. THE REV. 1R1; R. HICKS 1911 ALMANAC. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac for 1,911. that gnm‘dlan Anng in a hundred thousand homes, is nuw ready. Nut many are nmv willing to be without it and the Rev. Irl R. Hicks Mugnznw, \Vurd and Works. The twu an- only One Dollar a year. The Alumnae is 350 prepaid. N0 home- or office should fail to send for them. to W'urd and Works Publishing (“0 npnny, St. Louis, ThP Next Sitting of DiVI-Slon Com-Um No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. Our Telegram] and Railway Agent’s ma Na. 1 Lard :LL 1455 per 11)., $2.90 per .1“. p Hollie-rendered lard in small quanti- ties. 17¢: per ll). Sugiuucunwl $11)“le lmms, half or wllnle lmm 18c per 1h. Po Impaled hack lmmn, lmlfur whan lmck 20c per lh.. slicml 22c-pvr lh. Slmk ruumls of tender beef for spicing.%uturdnv 15c p91.- ll). - Spe‘ciul: fresh tu-dny, about. 250 lbs. (If choice farmer’s sausage; while they lust. at. 16c per ll). We lmvelt gnmd suppr of local»de beef which we are confident, will give entire saLisfuctinn. Mu. WISH}?! - MET. Sm‘érul people- npnrecizlted and took advantage (If our lard adv. of Inst Wevk. In order Ln uhtniu am excep- tional clnse price. on lard we madeu Iul‘gv pumhaso, and are giving yuu the nmnvy-suving udvnutnge ()f the same. Lard tu-dzny cnnnnt, he bought, to sell at the price quuLad lwluw, and We never expect, Lu again be able to offer you such vuhw. We ufl’er Vuu Ln clear 20-111. pails Tlie qu High Schunl tennisâ€"the boys and girlsâ€"wire steadily practising in the afternoons“ The captains are NHI'IIHH) Francis and \Vinnie Simpson, lmtli 0f Thmnhill. A double header match is in prospect with two teams frnm another institution. Purticulzus later. The lmrlvsque game on Monday evvning drew out. a large crowd who seemed u; enjoy the program. Th4: hundsmne sum of nearly $50 was taken in at the counter. ‘The “Gibson Gil-ls” won by 3 m l. Tu-night, (Thursday) a match he- twveu the Bank of Commerce, T0- nmtu, and the home team “ill be played. As this will he a good game the public should see it. Last Friday evening’s practin was the best. of the svasun. Nearly evI-I-y stick-handler in town -was on the ice and the-re was a demde im- prnvenwnt in the play. E. R. Fairey nf Maple showed up Well. He will rm dnulwt he in the line up to-m’ght. The-managing cununittec appointed Han-y Cal-roll captain, who will choose the players for the first team and ap- pniut a \‘icv-rmplain to take charge uf thl' practich in his absence. The manual hnnquvt uf King & Vumflmh 'l’luwnwn's Assimintiun'held M1, the. Palmer Hnnse lnnt. evening, ful- IuWed hy an entertainment .in- the Mnsnnic Hull. may he said to have been the. “biggest, and best” yet, held. The cmwd \\’ils.llll\1511:llly large. and the gm’lerhlimnent was an enjuynhle one. Most nf the perfm-lm-xs heng en- cm-ed. During the en-ningsmigs WM'E' sung by Miss Ethel Switzwr, Miss Mary Trench, Miss Mahd Marsh. Miss Myr- tle Saigeun‘ Mr. James. Dr. Rmulev. Mr. Slrusler and Mr. J. Bkmgh; and readings and rec-italian given by Rev. E. U. Unrrie and Mrs. Currie. Hun. Mr. Duff. Minister of Agrivulturp, was unavuiduhly ahsvnt. hut, his Secretary. Mr. R-cmdhuus'e. 2|!le iilhd hispiace, and gave; a umdest‘ [)rm'licul address whirh was highly appreciated by the. intelligent audience. App’rnpiiute SH‘CGIH‘S were also given by Mr. L. \ ailuL-e, secretary of the Ontario th‘lnen's Association: M1. Buyienfzf The E\ enng Telegram, and Mr. H. A. NiChan. After a wine nf thanks by Mr. J. T. Suigeun. sec-minded by Mr. Wm. \Vulkiugtnn, in the chairmanâ€"- Mr. J. Mvamâ€"mul the performers the enteiminment slused with the Nutinnzll Anthem. The piano a‘ccom- punists \ve-re Mr. J. E. Newton. Mrs. l-{mnh-y. Miss Millie Trench and. Miss McGiuskiu. Phone. call ul‘ write Glass BI'UR Cnm-se is :1 safe guarantee to :L gnod salm'y. Yul] an n master iLiimix mnnths. 'J‘heumximum cast is $60. Ynu may pay as yum.- gu. Un graduation we aid you tn svcure‘ mnpluyment. ()ur nvw cutulugue explains. “’rite far it. Central 'i‘elv- gmph and Railroad Suhtxol. Ymigv and Gerrard 81:3,, Tur- untn. \V. H. Slmw, President. '1‘. J. Julmslmi. Principal. GLASS BROS”. STORE NEWS. Friday, Jan. 20, 1911, RICHMOND HILL )nmmencmq at 10 it. m. .;u~d ANNUAL BANQUET. HOCKEY NOTES. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK u Ln clear 20-111. pails 145'; per 11)., $2.90 per ‘- i++4~++$+++4fi$+*+*i’+wi §'~§“§"§"§‘ i~+++1Â¥~§°+++¢++++++¢+++é~§°+~l~ M++++M+4~W§M+M+M~zu ++++++Ԥ'~§"§"§”§' $44“? +++++H+*+4‘++é+++++++fi+é+P+++++++$§+‘N Atkinson & Switzer Men’s Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, ro'versible collar. regular$L25 for $0.85 Mum’s Striped Path-1n Flannel Shirts, in sizes 155.. 16 and 16;. regular $2.00 for . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Men’s Ties, regular 50¢ fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . -. . 250 and .35 Boys’ Gaps, nice dark gray, fur-1mm], PHI‘ cups, rogulzu 500 for“ . .25 Children’s Bouts. sizes 4 tn 7. rrgulnr II»: In $1.25 reduced to 50c and .75 1‘ """1 extra quality, per yd. . 40 in. Reversible Cretonne, floral design 28-in. Crepe Cretonne, floral and art per yd. . . 30-iu. Cretonne. floral design, a good colorings, per yd. , . 32-in. Cretonne, dark patterns, floral per yd. .. . . ‘ 60-in. Red and White Tabling,l spec per yd. . . 66-1n. Red and Green Tabling, spec: per yd. . . . "J “mm W 12. 1911 RIGfiMflNfl HILL GENTS’ FURNISHER Men‘s Linen Collars, some slightly: Neck and Chest Mufflers, each . thk and Whlfe Check {ind Stripe Men’s and Boys’ Wool Underwear, Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Lined Gloves and Mitts, and N egligee Shirts NORMAN J. GLASS PRO PRIETOR Special Discount ' °”'.12£°/o For 10 Days Only FOR TEN DAYS ONLY 1 Duubie Heating Coal Stove, reg. price $3.3, sale price $30. 1 Double Heating Coal Stove, reg. price $33, Sale price $28. 1 Twu-in-One Heater and Cooker, reg. price $20, sale price $17. l'Twn-i'n-One Heater and Cooker, reg. price $18, Sale prim;- $15. 1 Oak Heatmg reg. price $12, sale price $10. Several small heatPl's at bargain prices. His“ =1 “W Smnnd-hund Heaters from $4 upwards. Also, tut-the NEXT TEN DAYS ONLY we will give a special discount on all Cook Stoves and Rnngv-‘s in stock. One unly Melntte Cream Separator, 19g. price $70, sale price $60. All Leathvr Mitts and Gloves at per cent. disr-rvunt. Bell Telephune 18 Richmond Hill Hardware 80. DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS 9¢¢§§§§ RICHMOND HiLL HARDWARE CO Bargainsâ€"Bargains RICHMflND HILL Read carefully the following list: 0: “i- +++++¢~§++$é 'bi-‘k-P-iui- ++M+$$+ Â¥++%W+-i +++~§~++++M$§$++M+MM «on» «figowouwfi Your Gainâ€"Our Loss â€"AT TH E THE patterns, floral design, Tabling,l special price slightly soiled, each ALL -â€"â€"â€" abling, special price NORMAN BATTY Manager \Vrapperette, ignz Per yd. 20c art design, range of '%*+++++%+++H+§ PHONE 17 600 25c 15c 13c c7

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