Such lovers of picturesque cere- monies as the Japanese do not let an important event like the nam- ting of the baby pass without proâ€" ‘per observance. The infant’s birth is immediately announced to the irelatives and friends, who hasten {to send congratulations and pre- sents. Visitors used to insist upon ‘seeing the mother and child, but {the spread of medical knowledge ‘is gradually changing this. On the ‘seventh day after birth the child is named. The ï¬rst born son is fre- quently called “'Ichiro,†which means “First.†Others, as in La- tin, are named “Second,†“Third†and so on. Girls are more lucky, {receiving picturesque names like †Snow, †“ Chrysanthemum, †,“Glory†and the like. ‘ The barometer plays an import- antpart in the operation of Lonâ€" don’s underground railways. In the trafï¬c-controller’s ofï¬ce close watch is kept upon the glass, and when it indicates the coming of bad ‘weather, the effect upon the train service is immediate. When it rains 'on the surface, there is an instant lrush of Londoners to the under- 'ground lines, and if such crowding is not foreseen in time to provide ‘for it, there is great congestion at lstations. Therefore train service :is regulated with constant reference to the barometer, more trains be- ling placed on the schedule for the hours of storm, and fewer when sun- ‘shine promises again. l Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure all forms of Kidney Disease from Backache to Bright’s Disease, and they are also doing a great work by giving renewed health and enâ€" ergy tothousands of Canadians who are run-down, tired and generally {feeling no good for anything. Start (the new year by toning up the Kid- 'neys with Dodd’s Kidney Pills. It ’will pay you. ENAMING THE BABY IN JAPAN. If grease is spilled on a wooden ‘Itable pour cold water over it at nce. The cold water will harden he grease and prevent its sinking nto the wood. It can then be easily {removed with a knife. To turn the hem in napkins, put pm the narrow hemmer and run the napkin through the machine with- ;out using any thread. This makes an even and narrow hem that can be turned by hand. ' . Dodd’s Kidney Pills will make a new man of you because they make the Kidneys strong and healthy and able to do their work of gtraining all the impurities out of the blood. ’Pure blood means new life. It means good circulation and renew- ‘ed strength and energy all over the body. Many a man is kept busy acquir- ‘ing the things he doesn’t want. "I am a, farmer sixty-seven years of age,†Mr. Gamble says, “And I suffered with a, weak back and stoppage of water off and on for ten years. I used several boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and they made a, new man of me. Dodd’a Kidney Pills are the best medicine I have ever taken.†Don’t Have}: Blind One Franklin Centre, Que., Jan 16 (Special).-The only way to start the New Year right is to get the health right, and Mr. William Gamble, a, well known farmer liv- ing near here is telling his neigh- bors how he got his health right. STORMS AND THE RAILWAYS. They ï¬xed up his Kidneys, made his blood pure, and made him feel young all over. 315170113 61119 QUEBEC FARMER TELLS WHAT DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS DID FOR HIM. STARTS THE NEW YEAR A NEW MAN 32:00 per bottle. poupnld on nealp‘ o! prrlure’.’ 7 VISID ï¬smedy Ass’n. Dent. 5 .1933 Wabash Av. .chlcagoJll. nlcldyi ï¬g;- coil 75: vanes. co m throat and Inn 3. ' - a - E? (ODthalmia). Cutanct ind Conjunctivitis Shyinq hone. all luf- fer from diseased eyes. A trial will convince anv hone owner that this remedy absolutely cure: detects at the eye, irre- specnve of the length of time the unlmnl has been gunned. No mutter how many doctors have trlod and failed, use“VlSlO" under our GUARANTEE. Boggy rqlundod K under dlryctlonl I! doeirncl cure. An Absoluto Cure fur "V1810" Moon Blindness The only risk of the Christmas meal is taking an excess of the good things which it provides. “There is not a single item in Christmas cheer which need be taâ€" booed,†and any extra demand on the digestive organs will be balanc- ed by the “fact that the cheerful- ness of the occasion lightens this “It is diï¬icult to select anything more digestible than turkey, roast, beef or Christmas pudding, eaten in balanced quantities.†“Without going into technical terms,†saye a London doctor, “the Christmas dinnef is composed of exactly the things‘ one should eat, and if you can get the joyous ‘fool of the family’ to come and eat it with you, so much the better, for whether you laugh at him or with him, the fact that you laugn will help your digestion. ‘ ‘(A'reasonzible balance of Christ- mas foods would be :â€" Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 to 6 ounces Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ounces Plum pudding . . . . . . . . 4 ounces Nuts and fruit; . . . . . . .4 oun'ces People seldom realize what a good time they are having until it’s over. People write a, lot of things in a letter they wouldn’t; say to your face. A dentist may not be a society man, but he is right at home in a. drawing room. A Boon for the Bilious.â€"The liv- er is a very sensative organ and easily deranged. When this occurs there is undue secretion of bile and the acrid liquid flows into the sto- mach and sours it. It is a most dis- tressing ailment, and many are prone to it; In this condition a. man ï¬nds the best remedy in Parme- lee’s Vegetable Pills, which are warranted to speaiily correct the disorder. There is no better mediâ€" cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. “Roast beef or turkey and plum pudding represent, in plain terms, the constituents of what is, from a. psychological point of View, a com- plete diet, presenting all classes of nutrition. It contains the things which go to make up healthy tissue. Worms cause fretfulness and rob the infant of sleep, the great nour- isher. Mother Graves’ Worm. Ex- terminator will clear the‘ stomach and intestines and restore health- fulness. A man’s shortcomings are the things his 'neighbors ï¬rst take pains to become cognizant of. Breeding animals that have weak constitutions and organic weakness- es will transmit these defects to their progeny, and they will be- come easy prey to about all the ail- ments that the hog is heir to. Sunlight. crude oil, lime, crude carbolic acid. pure air, clean hous- es and yards, are cheaper .than drugs and dope. Roast Beef or Turkey and Plum L Pudding Ideal Food. ' According to the London Lancet, [Christmas dinners are to be wel- comed, not feared. Not only is it a pleasant thing, but, despite What lugubrious food faddists say, it is, according to the Lancet, comprised of exactly the right foods to eat. In fact, if we had Christmas fare all the year round the nation would be, better. Turkey, roast beef and Christmas pudding are the most digestible things in the world. New-3r get the idea in your head that drugs and health are insep- arable, for in must cases it will be found that what we must keep out of the pigs’ stomach has more to do with their health than what we put in. ‘v‘Why do hu'morists persistently represent the opposite view ?†asks the Lancet. When the hogs are watered with patent \vaterers both the drinking part and the barrel should be kept clean and sweet. A lump of quick- lime dropped into the barrel occaâ€"l 'onally will keep m pure. , 511170113 6’ HELPS FOR THE HOG-RAISER. Has been used for over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHER‘S for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING. with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHI‘X the CHILI). SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN: CURES WIND COLIC. and Is the best remedy for DIARRHGEA Sold by Dnmqiscs 1%every part of the world Be sure and M]: for ‘llrs, inslow s Soothing- Syrup,†and take no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents 5 bottle. G’mnnteed under the Food and Drugs Act. “me 30th. I906. A mber 10 rulckly flops coldhnfcunrcolvdirhe-Tl' In throat unlim- - - - 25 cent. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup CHRISTMAS FARE’IS BEST. . Total . . . . . . . . . . 16 to 18 ounces The Other Gir1-“Why, I’d trust him with my life-3f One Girlâ€"“Why do you insist on marrying Lighter? He isn’t to be trusted.†' “But I Iflean that he is not to be trusted with anything valuable â€"tha.t is~erâ€"er.†An Always Ready Pill.â€"To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but the great majority of men are not of regular habit. The worry and cares of business pre- vent it, and out of the irregular- ity of life comes dyspepsia, indiges- tion, liver and kidney troubles as a, protest. The rundown system demands a, corrective and there is none better than Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be tak- en by the most delicately constitut~ New Boarderâ€"“How’s the fare here '2†Old Boarderâ€"“We have chicken every morning.†“That’s ï¬rst rate! How is it served?†“In the shell.†‘ TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free 13y Mei}. Travellers visiting Samoa. are puz- zled at ï¬rst by the fact that many boys bear feminine names, while girls as frequently have masculine names. The visitor learns after a. while, however, that this conâ€" fusing use of names instead of be- ing due to ignrsancs is in reality lthe result of a native custom which ‘is highly poetic. Thus if a, g1rl is born soonvafter the death of a, bra- ther the latter’s name is given to her in the belief ma: his snirit and all his good qualities have been transferred to her. On the other hand, if a, boy is born after the death of a, sister he takes the lat- ter’s name and, as the Samoans be- lieve, all her lovable traits become his. For over ï¬fty years Rheumatism, Neurzlgia, and other. painful ail- ments have been cured by Hamlin’s Wizard Oil. It is a good honest remedy and you will not regret hav- ing a. bottle ready for use. And yet the lively horse may not be so much of a charger'as the chap who runs the stable. ‘ Minard‘s Llnlment Cures Distemper. And it sometimes happens that a man likes to have his wife get so mad she won’t speak to himâ€"then she will not ask him for money. ......... -4 v m AaAuUJHU UIJLAN, LOOK Idiï¬ihe signature of E. w. G 0V5. Used tha World over to Cure 3. Cold in One Day. 250 Only one “BROMO QUININE†That is gerXAATIVIQ QUININE‘ AA- u“ TNU, It is better to get right at the start than to back up and start again. “Then,†exclaimed the philan- thropist, “you shall live! Take this ticket. It will admit you, in my stead, to a sumptuous banquet, course after courseâ€"meats, wines, and. dessertâ€"a. feast three hours long. Glorious company: Mr. Efâ€" forts, Mr. Spoutoffen, Mr. Long- yarn, and other eminent men?†“Will there be ¢ny after-dinner speeches ’1†asked the starving one. “Columns of ’em,†said the phil- anthropist. And the tramp handed back the ticket and crawled wear- ily away into a silent timber yard to die. linoleum-lee In All undo are friends of Palm- Klllor. Hundreds of letters testify to the (not. For accidents and sudden emergencies, such as mains, cuts and bruises. they ï¬nd it invaluable. tvold substicutos, chore is but one “ Painkiller 2 -Perry BMWâ€"250 and 60c. > “Sic,†said the tramp, “I have not tasted food for seven days; an- other half an hour of fasting, and I must die.†ï¬xirine Eye Remedy 06., Chicago. THEY SAY THESE THINGS. LESSER OF TWO EVILS. NAMES IN SAMOA. ISSUE N0. 3â€"11 Look Maudâ€"“Why don’t you prefer Harry to Will? Harry is capable of big deedst†Externally or Internally, it is Good~When applied externally by brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil opens the pores and pene- trates the tissue as few liniments do, touching the seat of the tron-- ble and immediately affording re- lief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the throat which induces coughing and will cure affections of the bronchial tubes and respiratory organs. Try‘it and be convinced. GlaHysâ€"“Yes, but Will“ owns some.†, “A Bravo-yard cough" In no oriy o! cannon lungs for mercy. Give than mercy 1: tbs form of Allen's Lung Balsam, which [I used with such ï¬ned effect oven in oonsumphon’s early aux“ "or neglect n cough. Husbandâ€"“You never kiss except when you want money.†' Vfoe~“Wef1, isn’t enough?†along?†“Oh, he’smuch better this morn- ing. He’s begun to ï¬nd fault again. †GENTLEm-N.â€"Last winter I received great beneï¬t from the use of MINARD’S LINIMENT in a severe attack of La- Grippe. and I have frequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflamma- tion. MINARD’s LINIMFNT Co , LIMITED. “I see the sheriff is advertising your stock for sale.†_ Mlnard's Llnlment Cures Garza: In Cows. “Yes; and he’s getting quite a run of business. I wish I had tried advertising myself.†Train Passenger (to porter who is wielding whiskyâ€"Much dust on me, porter] .Pofterâ€"’Bout 50 cents’ wuth, sun So‘popular is Bickle’s Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup as a. medicine in the treatment of colds and coughs or ailments of the throat, due to exposure, to draughts, or sudden changes of temperature, that drug- gists and 8,11 dealers in patent meâ€" dicines keep supplies on hand to meet the demand. It is pleasant to take, and the use of it guaran- tees freedom from throat and lung diseases. “We went all through Europe.†“Do much climbing?†“Considerable. At every cusâ€" tom-house we had to hunt our trunks.†Minard's Llnlment Cures Diphtheria. The Egotistâ€"“Waiter, take this gentleman’s soup away. I can’t bear the band!†“bootor, I’ve tried everything and I can’t get to sleep,†com- plained the voice at the other end of the telephone. “Can’t you do something for me?†. . .. n PILES CURED IN 6 T0 14 DAYS Your drugfist will refund money if PAZO OINT- MEN’I‘ mi 3120 cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protmding Piles in 6 mo 14 days. 500‘ uvu.v.,.-. -7- “Yes,""D saidwllxe doctor, kindly, “just hold the wire and I’ll sing you a lullaby.†Lobsters )ravel i“) regiments It is hard to live within one’s inâ€" come and harder still to live with- out it. A Chinese woman is never 131mm- graphed. ' No man has a support his wife supportablei The Belgian Government con- ducts penny banks that are attach- ed to all the public schools. Speculation is a wn'd that Mun begins with the second lettm. Chili has woman car conductors who are never K' own to» lxil’mk down. Month After Month a cold sucks. and seems ‘0 tour holes in your throat. Are you aware that ï¬ve}: a gpnbbqrn anil_ Wng nsgloctod cold is cured I'vu n u-_u.,v... _... . H with Allen’s Lung Balsfln t HE HAD FOUND HER OUT JUST ABOUT NORMAL. “How’s your father getting THE DEEDS THAT COUNT. EXPERT MOUNTAINEERS. A SOPORIFIU MEASURE. THAT SOUP, SONATA. FACT AND FANCY. A GOOD SCHEME. DID HE GET IT? W. A. HUTCHINSON. 1-ight to refuse to because she IS m- Yours, that- often u systemâ€"constant. practice~cnrofll ill-trio- lionâ€"few weak! complete countâ€"tools (no. Grnduatos 03m twelve to 01 Moon dolhn wool- ly. Write {or clnlogno. Lfolor Barber 0011030. 221 Quoon East, Toronto. C ANGER. Tumors. Lumpl. om. Intern“ and external. cured withdut pain by our home treatment. Write no before me late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. A "-7...." A; A»; ébiling'wood. NOVnt. Too many men mistake conspicuâ€" ousness for greatness. families to opoth our high-- cod “toma- c hitting Michian Lt homo; w 010 or Ix)er time hinting forth. trade; good wuol. For Ll] Earticulan address, Tho Curtain Whoionlo iatributing 60.. Dept. W. Oriliin. Ontario. ROME WORK. â€"WE WANT RELIABLE Hewittâ€"“How did he make his fortune Z†Jewittâ€"“He kept a hen.†Mlnard's Llnlmem Cures Golds, etc. Better give away your time than spend it foolishly. No surgical operation is necesâ€" sary in removmg corns if Hollo- 7 way 5 Corn Cure be used. an n..." . m“... ....... .- .. -0 __.V- W, Home nitrous thing and some another. 0m Mi- vice is to place “The D & L" Menthol Plaster over the seat at the pain ; it will do more to give you comfort than anykhing. Rossâ€"â€"“What was your hurry yes~ terday?†Penroseâ€"“I just bought my. wife a, new hat and had to hurry home before the style change-d.†TAT<E A DOSE or PI": for COUCHS £0 COL-OS mm: imâ€" free sampu to Dept. w. I... It hum Dru; & Gnu-Meal 60.. Toronto. The National Life Assurance company of Ganada Head Ofï¬ce - Toronto All Women Rug! mm 13 is to hgytflolonb p312. n... A THEN REMEMBER Write for the Agency Terms to-day 1 HAVE YOU DECIDED TO MAKE BIGGER PAY IN 1911? Fire, Lidhtnind Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental let us know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an Interesting otter. Limited MANUFACTURERS TORONTO and WIN NIPEG mum Tm: rmmnm Ismaelâ€! Metalliqflpofing co. That if you are a worker and will represent the National Life your success can be almost guar- anteed. DO NOT FORGET n That Life Insurance work offers greater returns than any other. That you can capitalize your personality and give it an actual cash value. PRICE OF EGGS ROSE. AGENTS WANTED operations in Canada. to-day pr0< vxde ï¬ne chances for youn men. We teach '1‘ lography a. d .tacion Agents’wor complete n3 on.“ time. Particulars free. Writ. Central Telegraph and Railroad School, Yongo and Gerrard SM, Toronto. W. H. Shaw, President. WANTED. WAS WISE.