Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jan 1911, p. 8

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remises, Thm-nhill. the property longing to the estate of the late William Chatterley. Sale at 2 o’clock. Terms for chattels cash. Real property 10 per cent. at time of sale. balance in 30 days. J. H. Prentice, Am-t. FRIDAY, Jan. 27â€"Fnrm stock. imple- ments, furniture. etc.. on for, 32, con. 4. Markham. the property of David Smith. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 10 months. J. H. Prentice. anct. SATURDAY, Jan. 28â€"Fresh milk cows, and springer-s. The property cf Ons- tator Bros. Vaughan. Sale at I p. m. Termstos. Snigeon & McEwen, Ancts. - WEDNESDAY. Feb. lâ€"Furm stock. etc., property of Wm. Gnllacher, con. 12, lot 18, King. Terms 9 mos. Sale at l p.m. Snigeon & McEwen, Aucts. WEDNESDAY. Feb. lâ€"Farm stnrk. im- plements &c. Yonge. St, \Villnwdnle the. property of Abram Johnson. Sale at 1 o'vlock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. FRIDAY. Fob. 2-~F’nrm stock, imple ments. vehicles. harness, etcu on lot 18, rear con. 2. Vnnghun. the ploper- ty of Silvaâ€"mus Jarvis. Sale at I p.m. TermsQ mos. Saigeon 8‘5 McEwen, Aucts. . FRIDAY, Feb. 3â€" ‘nrm stock. etc., the property of Uhalland Bros.. lot, 3. con. 4, Vaughan. near Edgley. Terms 9 mos. Saigon!) & McEwen, Aucts. : SATURDAY, Feb. 4â€"Farm stock. im- lemenbs &c. on lot 4. con. 8, Mark- All] the propel ty of Abram Raymer. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice. Anct. TUESDAY. Feb. 7â€"Farm stock. imple- ments &c.. on lot-2L con. 2. Mark- ham, property of Frank Graham. Sale, at 1 o‘clock. Tel ms 9 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. \VEDNESDAY, Feb. 8â€"-Farm stock. etc. property of Arthur Robson, lot 26. con. 8. Vaughan, near Kleinhnrg. Terms 9 mos. Sale at l p.111. Saig- oon & McEwen. Ancts. WEDNESDAY. Feb. 8â€";Fnrm stock. im- plements; furniture. etc” on lot 2]. con. 4. East York, the property of SATURDAY. Jan. 21-Farm stock. im- Elements &c. on lot 2, con. 4, Mark- um, the rnperty of Frank Hancock. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. JLH. Prentice, Anct. SATURDAY. Jan. 21â€"Hnuse and store. The estuto of the late Robert‘VuIlace. will he offered for sale at the Inker- man House. Wondhridge, at 2 p.11). Saigeon & McEwen. Ant-ts. - TUESDAY. Jan. 24â€"Fnrm stock.‘ im- plements &c. on lot 2, can. 5, \Vhit- church the property of Eli Dannie. Sale at I u’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. ‘VEDNESDAY. J an. 25â€"Furm stuck. etc. The property of Juhn W. Hngg, on lot. 2. Con. 7. Vaughan. Terms 9 mos. 'Sale at l p. m. Saigerm & Mc- Ewen, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, Jun. 25 â€" High bred draught horses. Holstein cows. swine, implements. fm'niturr. &c.. on lot 41, con. 1. Vaughan. the pwperty of James R. Baker. Sale. at 9.30 mm. Terms 9 munths. J. H. Prentice, Anct. FRIDAY, Jan. 25â€"Farm stuck, etc. The property of A. Trainm'. King. Terms 9 mns. Sale at l p.m. Saigeon & McEwen, Aunts. THURSDAY, Jan. 26â€"Furnitur9. garden tools &c. Also home and lot on the W. \Vilie. Sale at 1 o’olbok. Terms l rash. J. H. Prentice, auct. THURSDAY, Feb. 9â€"Farm stock, in)- plements. etc.. on lot. 12, con. 2. East, . York, the property of Wm. Smith. i Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. TUESDAY, Feb. llâ€"Farm stock, im-i laments, etc., ploperty of \Vm. ._ mith, con. 10., King. Terms 9 mos. Sale at. l p.111. Saigeon 86 McEweu. Ancts. TUESDAY, Feb. 15v-Farm stock. eta] proportv of \Villis Lahmer, lot. 11. con. 5. Vaughan. Tux-ms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saigeon & McEwen, Aucts. \VEDNESDAY. Feb. 15â€"Farm stock, implenmnts, on lot 3, con. 4, Markham, the property of HNH‘V Denby. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 montlm. J. H. Prenticp, auct. THURSDAY, Feb. 16~Farm stock. etc" property of H. Palmer, lot 33, con. 11, King. Terms9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saigoon & McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY. Feb. lSâ€"Farm stuck. in]- plements, rte” at Uxbridgv, the property of Rolf Conner. SalP at. 1 o’clock. 'l‘vrms, 8 months. J. H. Prrnticr. aunt. THURSDAY, Feb. 23«â€"-Farm stock. im- 'plements, etc., on lot. 1!, con. 4, Markham. the proprrty of Frank Sisler. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. THURSDAY, Feb. 23â€"Farm stock. im- plements, etc” property of Robert Watson, Gravvl road. Vaughan. Terms 9 mos. Salo at 1 p.m. Saig- eon & McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY. Feb. 25â€"-Fnrm stock. im- plements, furniture, et(.:., on lot 5, con. 9, Markham, the property of N. Clottan. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. TUESDAY. Feb. 28â€"qu‘m stock, eta, property of George Cooper, lot 25, con. 8, Vaughan, Kleinburg. Terms 9 mos. Sale. at 1 p.111. Saigeon & Molf-Iw In. Aucts. \VEDNESDAY, March lâ€"Farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 25., con. 6, Markham, the property of S. \Vagg. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tel ms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. , THURSDAY, March Zâ€"Farm stock, im- plements, furniture, etc.., on lot 5, con. 3, Markham. the property of Albert Gross. Sale at 11 o’clm-k. Lunch provided. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. WEDNESDAY, March Sâ€"Farm stock, implmneuts, etc.. on lot 17, con. 3, Scarboro, the property of Robrrt V‘Vebster. Sale atlo’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice. aunt. (Additional wales at bottom of next Cullllll'l) Auction sales. rezlsnnunw mm (fur I xxxxxxxxxxx m ........ keta, Rnhvs. Mitts. and anything usu- // ' 3,15 4;; , iylVfl’Q’,/:V'lll:’ffi"d I nlly found in n first-clams harness store. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill P. G. SAVAGE, ANDA. (I SAVAGE ‘ Chance to Jam 3 Club That Will Make and Save lionPy for You. EvergbodX should. Join the Mutual Liter Mu» ale cm at merica. iiiere is rmhing eise 1 119 it anywhere. It costs almost nothing to join and the‘ benefits it Rives are wonderful. It enahies you to Purchase hOuk s and period ieals, music and musical nscruments at special cut prices. It; secures re- duced rates at. many hot-sis. In answers questions tree of charge. It offers scholarships and vaiuo- bie cash prizes to members. It maintains club rooms in many citk-s tor Its members. In addition. ever? member meeives the official magazine anti. tied ‘ lfv’ry 110mb" a )nbiication in a class by ltselfJnciudlmz 6 a high-class vocal and in- strumental musioUuli size; each month without ext}. 33191"sz 7231:9535 (Hayw- in a“- - WP THURSDAY. March 9~-Farm stock. implant-Ms. con. 2. \Vest York. West (If Davisvilleg the property of C. H. Shaver. Sale at 1‘2 o'cluck. Terms. 8 m'mths. J. H. Prentix-e, anctr. FRIDAY. March lUâ€"Farm stuck, im- plenwnts, etc.. on lot, 18, mm. 4. »Markhzun. the pl-on-rty of Chris. Niclmll. Sale at, 1 o’clock. Terms. 8 munths. J. H. Prentice. :mct. SATURDAY. March 11-â€" Clydesdale horse-s, high-bred cattle, sheep and swine, implements, 9th m: 1M2. con. 1. Uxhridge. the pl'hpk‘l‘Ly of James Huwett. Sale at 11 n’uluck. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, nuct. ‘ TUESDAY, March 14â€"Farm stock. im- plements. etc” on lot 12. con. 2, West York, the pn-pvrtv of Andrew MCKdy. Sale at, lZn’rlnck. Tvrnis, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, :Lucb. Life Fire & AcCiden‘i; oxtra char e;' 72§nnnes In owe aux-in :1]. YOU CAN GET Lu 0 THESE BE KEATS FOR AL- MOST NOVJ.EII):G. 7 _ _ _ 7 _ _ d A [i Mm as. (‘upyriuhv a fur um l‘mte. _., Epzlnnd. Fl‘mzm-. (normzm . etc. med erk ubou: Pm Its swat tree. ’l‘hirt «Ow-n mes’ expurience l‘.‘ en's umainozl thrmwh MUNN & C0. um noticed m the Sn 1-‘N'rl vu‘ A \1'â€" xm‘A \'. Iiw Irv-zen! , N331“ and must widely urcu (Lu-d r {ammo pmmr. $8.2'J4yea; metly. SN ‘n( d engravings and Interesting in. mrmzwiun. S ’Inlen mwy M l ‘we rinimn ific Amer- Innu gent, fr- And 139» B} UNN‘ )()_.,. Synge-um ~ V Cuhndn The full y y membership fee Is One Donar for} which you gvt. all above. and you may withm draw any fine three month. It youwant to dose and§ct ruur dokznr back. If you‘ don't. care to man $1.09. send 25 cents [or three month membexsmp. Nobody can cum-cl to ass mi: offer by. You win. at our money tune in value manv times over. ul particulars will be sent; two of chgrga. but it you are wise you will ‘sqnd in your requent for membership with the 1181-0991- fee at. once. '1 helices. three months mem- u ership om‘r wili soon chart", Write as once ad- }dresmngymur letter-and enclosing $1.00 for fun year's membership or twenty-five came for three th t E‘f‘ilrrqvlynz aura: 5117319 0341113 my- 9' No. 150 Nanun S A "Jury-w. n: bun N. ((1.. Bk 1 "I." H’n‘ Tr“ . 261 Bruudwny. New York. MIEICA N 01? Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Rimouski Ins. 00. York Fire Ins. Co. London Guarantee 86 Accident CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS. For full information address G. A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicialm Educational, Distributing and Land Office centre' of Enslern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 (,‘huzches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General IIOSpiLal. 2' Newspapers. v - w ‘ await; DISTRICT AGENTS H. Brndln-(mk: Sec. Bnal'd of Trade. It NeVer‘ Pays Horse Owners" Keep But the (29m And Save Your Fuel to he careless in making purchases at HARNESS. HORSE GOODS, ('1'9VI n in the matter of repairing, in all fez-Mums. which go Ln make up a desirable place to nude). THIS IS THE PLACE-gunds of absulule rdiahilily, prices that. are reusnnuble and fair in Hal-mas. Blan- keta, Rum-vs. Mitts. and anytlnng nau- nlly found in n first-clams harness store. The international Weather Strip tor this part of the country, we are now in a position to supply and put on same at a reasonable price. This is the latest and best thing for that has yet been invented. It practically does away with the necessity of storm doors. and in a great many cases is more convenient, and at the same time will save enoth final in one season to pay for itself. When in our iactory do not fail to have us show it to you. 23-2111 L. Innes & Sons Every farmer should know that the price ofl'ered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There i: but one farmers’ business and market paper. that imThe Weekly Sun. Start 1910 right by mbscribing. t’ . RICHMOND HILL QTHERE IS BUT ONE; Storm Protection on Doors BUILDERS AND MILLERS Having secured the Agency fur SASK. RHQHMOND HILL We ask our customvl-s to hold lhl‘ll‘ orders until mu- agent, Mr. Juhn F. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill, calls on A. J. HUME you. \Ve guarantee to deliver the stock in gond C(vlldillnn and up to cnntrnct grade. We can show that Lin-re is good money in represvnting a well- known, reliable firm at; this Lime. Es- tnhlislwd over thirty years. Write for particulars. FINE TMLQMG 18-3m Don’t, place your order for spring until you have had our prices. Until we have an agent, at Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quqm you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. FELH AM N URSERY CO. Om- trees are guaranteed strictly first grade, true to name. and to he delivered in first class condition. \Ve can save you money in two ways. 19-3111 Tam: MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone lending a sketch and deacrigtlon may Quickly ascertain our opinion free w ether an Invention is probably tentabie. Communion. tiona striotiyconndenc al- HANDBUOK onPatanta sent free. Oldest agency for securing tents. Pntenw taken t romzh Munn & recoup again: gotta. witlmgut charge, in the_ v -â€"vâ€"vv-â€"â€"- v ..â€"â€"~__ _ . V, v- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lament cin- culatlon of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada. $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. Sold by '31] newsdeflera. Mmgmgoge;:zmwewmk Washington. E. M. Byrne. Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT, 591nm. MAn_g{uAM. wovmznbn Thos. W. Bowman 8: Son Co., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. NURSERY STOCK Sfiéfitgfiiéflmgrm British CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO AND 600 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION The Fruit Tree Specialists. NOTARY PUBLIC Cauveyandng, Leases V’Vflls, Etc. Sproiul ultentiun given In ‘is'received in bur Savings Bank Department, 7 §nd is suffician to_ open__§n aggqunt and entitle the Deposxtor to a pass-I‘Bégk:r'-;rEéthighest current rate of lfitaest is allowed, and money. may be withdmwn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. RICHMOND HELL Established 1873 Pressing Cleaning Repairing TORONTO, ONT. 31mm! .1873 CA scam. A DEPOSIT OF “ONE DOLLAR BANK Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cunt l'wttm- for Business. Shm'thund, and Manic. Buoklvt Flea AND GORMLEY. FA Farquharson, B. A., Prim Cor. Yonge & Bluor Sis. THE BANNER OFFICE. AURORA TICKETS fur the Uulmdim? \Ves! pmmu-ed at, ALL 1%).ngerst OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED '10., F. 3. WUUDWARDK Tickets inriheWest +++++++'§'+4~4~+'§"§"§'+++-Â¥'§'+v§-+++-i Term of [909. GEN ERA'L. BLACKSMITH, ELGII‘T BILLIIJLS 47'4"?+$+§+$++++++++++++++¢+é Willowdale 38-tf THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. Ox-dm-s tn ken utâ€" PA’I'RONAGE Snucx'rlm AND SATISFAC"‘IUN GUARANTEED A Nice Box of Case Perfume Our fine of Perfumes are very sepia. Call and SW them. \Ve Will be glad to show them. Some bred and others ready to breed. Hair Brush and Combs Ebony Brushes Manicure Sets Christmas Cards and Booklets i"? +++1v+ +++++ W. A. Sanderson What will you give for Christmas? HOLSTEHN BELL CALVES HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY I have a few good Dolls lefty. EIGHT ‘ TAMWGRTH SOWS Let me suggest gixing Druga‘ist also stack Farm RICHMOND HILL J. IvlCKEN ZIE .(y 80 Branch:

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