Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1911, p. 1

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Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. AT THE .U‘Eflfl. MW?!“ 13 PUBLISH!“ HOUSE BVIOHHDND'HIL#,0NT.T ’ > 1 '1‘ Saigeon, Mapje Licensed Ambiance: for the County of York. re- spectfully soliclts your patronage and friendly inflr. auce sales attPnded on the shortest. notice mud at reaxonable ta has I‘ 0 address King Licensed Auctioneers for the Countyof York. Bums nbneuded to on shortest notice and at rea- uormble rates Patronage solicited RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HILT. Licensed Auctioneer for she County of York. G004: sold on consignment. Hanan] sales of Machete. urompfily “tended to at renaonnblt ‘ta..l§e_a_ gtosidonoe Unionville “ ’ IS i’UBLISHEl‘ EVERY a J .BEUBSDAY MORNING ’1‘, F... Mo '34 A H 0- N. d ’R Gouldidé; f1 3%; in Brook. agent. for the thaw ' JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Tflouxmuâ€"Tuesdays, 9.30 «km. tn The Newton School of Music ,BichmondrHfll, Ont. , . 4301!. m. SGLINTONâ€" Manda-y, Th nrsdn y. Friday and . Saturday mornings; Munda‘y. Wvdxmsda y and Frida y evenings. l‘ommn) OFFICE, 139 Sherlmlll'nv St. . 03:3 and Cocaine fun ethrmfiiuns. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper-- Hanger. ' E; J...I,-W0-IODSI ‘ ' lieut‘iwt.’ V RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A .M T0 ‘5 PM. W. HEWISON VOL. XXXIII. 51 per annum, in advance.] FAIL TFEM OPENS " SEPT. 6,..1910. DR. W.-R. PENTLAND RlCHM-ND HILL “f. like @ihml Calls from a. distance promptly attende’d'to. - First huuse North of Atkinson & ' Switzer’u stow. VETERINARYSURGEON, ’1‘ hornhill- J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR =bUSINE-SS CARDS. lgeon, ' J K McEwon Map'le Weston Salgeon a: MC Ewen. 8TH SEASONâ€"1910411 Emma «1 9309315203. J; H. Prentice I). G. BLOUGH. Phune N0. 2402‘ ivcttriuary RESIDENCE aura: 1:211. 33mm. 0mm Repaired sud Expert. Work Gillth NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST 3.. TORONTO. Canada. Mouuv solo“; on ltud anaenawei mortgages“ lbwest rates Auroraomceâ€"Bemmeu m aha old post o‘flwa one door west 01 the entrance «3 the Outaru") Bank ' Nuwmarket oflicoâ€"Three’ doors south of the _ szs omce HEBREETLENNOX 6 SW Honour r ‘ ‘ aurora. ' Richmonc. ZE-Iill Banmsrzn. Summ'mn, No'mair, ‘ ETC. 'I‘nmutu Otfic-s. 33 Richmnnd St. \Vvst. \Vesley Buildings. ‘ Richumud Hill ()flhre (“Lilia-“1‘ Office): Mary Thursday font-noun.- M nplr, Thursday afternmm. \VumlhriduP, Saturday fol'g-nmm.. A. 61“. Lawrence F. J. Dunbar Muney to 1mm at Fina Cont Tell phum’. Main ' Gable Address, "Dedu.” LEN PIANO‘ TUNING! A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at; both places Burrimuflonmou, Handel. kc. Huang Life Building 90:. Adelaidé ' I I R; Vii:t,uiia. 818.. fiamntn. Under-takers a: Embalmers,- RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL ()lmxs »r-orital-s are ’given thrnughnnt 1311!? 5’97"“. ‘ . ‘ H_42_1V PN‘pfll'FS pupils for .the grade-d 9x- uminatinns held ,nt Tmunto Conserva- tory of Music and University offa- rnnjn. Schinl (innrse in “Myer’s.” Kin'dér- gar-ten Mmhud, particularly helpful to heginm-Is. ' I NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. ' ' ELPIOTT flaw/e Wanted: Ynung. Men and Women to prepare for positions; of Trust and Responsibility worth $40 to $100 per month. The famous Danton, Grover & Field Stands far ahm‘v the average busi- ness cnllvge of this country. Its wcord for placing students in posi- tions is a remalkuhle one. Large Catalogue free. 7 . Con. YONG: AND ALEXANDER Srs. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC MISS MILLIE TRENCH Lawrence ' 35 Dunbar, REAL ESTATE, E‘I'C. THORNHILL Ommnissinnm , Cnnveyancer. .etc. Insurance, and Real Estate ' Issuer uf' Meirriage Licenses. J. EDWARD FRANCIS Barristel'g and sallcllors. 90511.}. f @iwz'dsou THORNHIâ€"LL " > TORONTO. ONT. Barristers, Sulicturs. RICHMOND HILL,ONT.. THURSDAY, JAN; 26. 1911 WILLIAM COOK VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING WRIGHT BROS. NOX & MORGAN ‘RIGHMOND HILL , Teacher of Pmno $23K] run 011’?“ "- In Essentials; “Utah; in 5:531. Phone lulu Dal | Bouth’s Kidney Pills are sold by‘au druggists and dealers. 500‘ box. or ost- ipaid from The R. T. Booth 00., td," _ Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sande-mum 4 1 ~ (me- mu- nwn Cm-ré’spondni‘t) I Mama-«I. Jan. 24.19“. The d'o-nrth 0f schunl teachers. ever a, liu- topic in the rural districts (if the, cumin-v. bids fair on ‘ihecome even mnn‘ acute in the hem .fl‘lull'IEVSIILKc-l muntuf the h-gislation foreEhnded- by Sir [miner Gunin at, the upmlingut the QuM'M-c ngislnmw cuncernipg advancement, on educational projects in the Prm'im-e nf Quebec. Si-eromr-I says that. special inducmnents are to by offered fur the engagement. hf maLe teachers by the difierentschmal hum-(ls, and that, in this way he hopes tn be «Me. (0’ gee education in 'the- cunntry parishes‘equal that of thé cities. At muse-m, alsrsmm us a school teacher prmmrm u diplnnm he- or she invari- ably lxmws,.westwurd. Sin ‘LOIIIEI‘ Says Imw that; he will haw wmek fm: tlwm m dn m-ar home. and that the q-xpunding West, must. luok‘velnewhem fi-Lits supply. ' The enormous illflnW’ of napituFfrnfi) different parts nf the gluhe. hu‘ nur- ticulm-ly frum the land of John Bull, shows nu sign of ct-sszltiom'nnd with The develupmenb -uf nnr (iw'n great rPsnurces keeping- on "pace it lurks as thuugh the. preachment of the Bull element. ought, nut, to be far wrong; even if it does appear a little (we-r- onthusiastiv to the moderate [min in the “Sm-«933' ' ‘ ’ ‘ Th9 spe‘ech from 1119' Throne also Chlltflilll'd‘ mmther announcemth of (-unside-rahle interest tn thewhnle of Canada. It. Was that the Government had pledged itself to the furtherance nt‘ the gm-d wads movement. and that lu'rge sums of 'lnu‘nvv would he asked tn build up and maintain public‘ high- “.::y8'> _ .. A “52, , .' ‘ 1f thew is any faith m be put in figures. Canada's pawl? system Inf dealing with criminals has proved its “nine-during the eleven veg-11's it has been in npemtiun. Dmnininnanle Officer Archibald. in the course of an inspection trip at St. Vincent de Paul Peniu-miary. said that nf the 3.072 prisnnvrs who have been released from the peliinentim-ies un pan-(ole during that period 2,000 have justified their rigin In fregdum by living the Hum of Sever-H1 things have occurred Within the past, few months t0 give additiun’al strength to Canadian credit. alumni and nothing cunld have been finer in that respect. than thp reéent. demon- slrutk-n of the wonderful earning capacity _nf therCunudiun Pacific Rail? The Victoria. SQunre Branch 'ofthe Women’s Institute will hold their an- nual Supplementary meeting at the home of Mrs. Wesley Bnynmn on» Wednesday, Feb. lst at 2 p.m.. when Dr. J. Smillie, Graduate in Medicine at. the University of Toronto. Will ad~ dress the meeting. There will alsu he a joint meeting in the evening at the Tam erunce Hall when the fulluwing gent omen will take art, :Eâ€"Mr. H. G. Emersnn, .larrville, ‘ r.~Juhn Camp- bell, Wnudbl‘idge. vA good prngmlm provided for after-noon and evening sessions-v Everylmdv Welcome. Lunch provided for all ladjes . and gentlemen hgtweéu nftemmm and evening ses- siou. seTf-respa-cting and induktrious citi- zens. 999 are still repurting '10 the authorities; and "My 62 have found their wuv hack (u the courts thl-nugh the lures nfllheir old habits and activi- 1 ties. I ,, ., waiy as 'shmvr. hy chéfiéciéirdifififié directors within the past, few days to glace the stuck on a. 10% dividend usis. Cured by Booth’s Kidney Pills T. E. Fuster, of St. John St, Fred- ericton. N.B., says: “I have found more actual relief from Boobh’s Kid- nev Pills than in all else I have ever- tried for rheumatism. The pains in my limbs have lessened greatly and 1 am better and stronger than in years previous. My _, appetite has .huilt; up and I eat, and sleep better than 1 have in over three years. My general health is: greatly impmved and I can credit this only to Bouth‘s Kidney Pills.” ' - This is the Booth Kidney Pill way. These Wonderful Pills are sold under a guarantee to l-vfund‘ymu- money if they f:in to believe any sufferer from thumntism or any truublehaving its origin in the Kidneys. They cure Buckm‘he. dull shouting pains, thick and clmuly urine, gravel, and stone, rheumatism'and all diseuséiof the" kidnevs and bladder. ' ‘ RHEUMATISM ' Victoria Square. NEWS LETTER; -Esséntials_, Liberty {in at” things, Charity.” ,W _ v .V., v... 13.37 Insunance on'Rink..~..... ..;;. 19.2) Iethim were_ r'ead from the Sick Children‘s Hnspiml,‘ asking donation; from “The n‘luuicipa! \Vorldg” asking ,fur subscription; from the Rnbepayers‘ Assnciation. l-eQm-sting a grant; and fmu; the Public Librarv Emu-d. asking the Council to pay over the grant lately votedwfur' the remodelling of the : Library mam. ' h “ . On motion the Clerk was instructed Mn subscribe for “‘The’ Municiliml- Wnrld,” and the Treasurer was‘ n- atrucwd to y tha.follnwing,sums:-â€" 1:" the Pub ic pinx'ax‘y_89ard,§&); t9 ‘ A very pretty wedding took lace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. arvey IGlass, 2nd can. Vaughan Tp., when ; their-rsister Miss Flussie R.' Lundy was I mall'lit‘d to Mr. Hector L. Stilhom of Limbei-g. Sask. The cerémcmy was p91 formed by Rev. G. Sidney Smith in the presence of a large number of 3‘35“: ‘ Finance and By-luwsgâ€"Councillors Tyndall. Sims and Palmer. " Publicityâ€"The whole Council as a 'ng'erul Committeeg TheOouncil met in the Council Chglnxher on Jun. 20. Fragrant; The Reeve. and Councillor; Sanderson. Palmer. Tyndall and Sims. : Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. » '1 -~ 7 ' ‘ ' - The following amounts ‘ read and payment. ordered:â€"- . ~ 1. L. tunes 3: sons. lumber.... . . . .slkao The 3.3. Hardware 00.. snn- . ‘ l we Ratepafiré'Akéb‘cizRfiEf‘fi? 3155 m tli’e Sick Chfldj-en'g noggin-u, $5. liA, 14,, nv M . _. . . V ___r .-w-, vv- By-law No. 285 to‘ap tint. “flicinia for the ear was pus with blanks filled as allowstâ€" . 'Audiwrkâ€"Messrs. P. G. Savage and Burn: limes. - x - Assessurâ€"Mv} T. A. Lamom High School Trusteeâ€"Mr. 0. Mason. Members Board of Healthâ€"Messrs. M._ McNuir’gndfieQ,Bowman. ’ ‘ ' Streets and. Sidewalksâ€"The wholq Council wnth Sn ervism-s as follows;â€" Ward 1, (lounui lor Sanderson; =Ward 2. Cuuncillor Palmer; \Vard 3. Goun- cillor Sillls;. Ward 4, Councillor Tyn- .\ lli~,_ .v Ou mqlion it. wk; ,.that the Senior Hucku Club pay $2 for the use of the Rink on nights when matches 'th‘e played: ' ' ‘ The bride looked very pretty, dress- ed in white silk mull, and carrying a. bouguet of white mses,while the bri es- mni , Miss Estella Murphy, was dressed in pink’ silk ujull,und carried a bouquet Qf_pink loss-s. ‘. ' Member Public’LiSi‘Eil-ifiaamâ€"Mr. P. G. Snvngv. ’ Villa 9 Inspector and Constableâ€"- Mr. F. eece. Road Inspecmrâ€"Mr. H. Blanchard. Standing Committees were struck as follows:â€" , Fire and Waterâ€"Councillors Sin- éegsmll and §il£8 511.151 Reevefngslgy. , Pm k and éfiiléiâ€"hâ€"‘s' Lvédififiifié)t§ Suflderson. Sims and almer. ' The ruth was assisted by Mr. Wal- ter 0. estori of Limherg. Sask. M iss Flossie Uringan of Toronto played the wedding: arch, and Miss Jen'nie Crin- gan also 0 Toronto sang very sweetly “O Fail-.0 Sweet and Holy.” While the register Wis‘ being signed. The \ved'difig p1?sefi£§fiinrked botha‘ wide gpfl'profound fnend§hip._ V_ ‘ _ dun- Among the guests from a distance Were;~â€"Mr. and-Mrs. Campbell of Lim- herg, Sask., M13885 Cring‘ml. Miss Mill- er, Miss Collingull of Toronto, also Miss Ruskin of Conservatory of Music. Toronto. - -Mr. S. M. Jones.- Evangelist, pfv the Church of Christ, will speak at, Sher- wood. Sunday, 29tthaq..‘ at 10.30“ m" si’lhjectâ€""VVzmld .jfwe do the like"? Even‘i'n‘g at 7"p.iu.‘, subjectâ€"“TWA div‘ri- iug liue.” Come and briug‘ycur friend a. The Council decided to‘ hold'd Cal'- nigal in the Rink on Jan. 30. Aftér" tfie ceremony and Egr‘lg‘i'atuln- tiuns the whole cnmpuny sat down to a. mqst invitilgg banquet: Mr. and Mrs. Stilbm-n will visituin Ontario for" one month after which they wing” to their home in the west. where Mr. Stillmm is engaged in ex- tensive farming operations. Then-g» are fihmlsands uf peuple who have, “lost evm-ythiug they valued in the world. all the material results nf theirlives’ endeavnr, and yet, because they possess smut hearts. uncnnanx'- nhle Spirits, a, detm-miualiun to} push ahead which knmvs no l‘Ptl‘Qflt. they me just, us far from real failure as he- fm-ehtheir loss; andwith such wealth they an n new-r he pour.â€"â€"[(),riso,n Swett Max-den in "Success Magazine.”]_ Cuu‘ncirl adjourned. LUNDYâ€"STILBORN. INHERENT RI'CHES. VILLAGE COUNCIL Sherwood. Fpr 331g 'at the .Stétion;~ opflelivere‘d village an‘d,‘v,i§gni,c‘y:.â€"j-_ STEAM C ‘ F9r.thr¢shi9g 9153??!”- ‘ NUT. STOVEWU Rsz-Ac‘n Best Scrantqaqchalq x Al’sio Tile.~-- ‘ / firafifihorts and, Arfiérifian‘ Cor‘nf for battle ‘andéhtig'si .. > '1?qu ‘ Flour axwgysf'fr oi hand. ' " _ Al! “kinds ‘9ffgr’aip 7 bought and highest \spossi-ble p‘ficen paid at the Elevator. By Buying. _ a NicewBo'; _ r . oftfie Highest Grange of GOnfeotionéry, ‘ Prices-“Rafigi‘ng' ' " -fmm" ' 100 to $5. A Large Assorted Stoqkof? ‘1 Nuts and-Fruits ' ~in»Season.l- D. “HILL 00., Make-Xmas Happier C A S S. E L L 8’ Canadian .1? u b - fishing Company The monthly magazines ot the above company ‘ cover every variety of interest, and" can now‘be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary. l_ 5 send to foreign cou.1trie:. 1 )r maga- zines. * Read the followmgzâ€" Cassel’s Magazine, per annum $1.51 The Stm'y Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver ‘. . . . r . 1.50 Musicul‘Home Journal . . .- 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . ._ 1 Little Folks . . ’ . .’ "' 1.5 ,Sub‘scripti'ons takén at» THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent {0‘ .- " "' Chums CASSELgS. & COM PANV 4 42 Adelaide St. W, « - ~' Toronto" ' J. H; RAMER YOUR CONFECTIONER [5“‘3'1‘92fifiv 1.56

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