The hockey match on Thursday evminï¬yhetweon the Bank of Cunn- merce team and“ the locals was a fair exhibition. The; teams were evenly matched. there was some combination. and the cleanees oï¬jtbe play made it no interesting game to the spectators. The bankers came with only six in their line‘in which made a sextette on both sides. Three times during the match the score wasm tie, but the home tenm'iii'the last, ï¬ve minutes of over- time notched two goals in quick sne- cession makingthe score 8-6 in favor of Richmond Hill. Carroll at point played afï¬ne defence game with cool- ness’ and’ good judgement. while Fairev at centre was very efl'ectivu. Ja‘c‘k‘Naugh’ton also played well while all did fairly. Armand Savage refereed the game very satisfactorily. and the sticks were used too much like “shimwy.†Three goals were taken by the locals before Maple. got their bear- ings; after that, the game was more even. For the visitors, Fail‘ev was the star, while Cull Saigeun among the re- mainder showed up well. There was quite a large attendanceâ€"many from the 'West hng to cheer on their boys. The mishap to Ahery in the last half is nnly a slight indication of the damger hf 1Exluying hockey' in an unbounded rm . The High Srchunl [PHIHS are showing up WP†at practice. There will he :in exhibitimi game Thursday afterntmn hetwoun Aurum and Richmund Hill IlighSchnnls. No'aglmissinu fee will be churgvd. . -» HOCKEY. RICHMOND HILL VS- BANK OF COMMEch The game with Maple 011' Mnnday evening was also Won by the hulne than) with the score uf 6-3. The-line up for Richmond Hill wasus follows:â€" Buruett, goal; Naughtnn. point: (Fm-- hull. cover; H. Carin". rover; Tyndall. Abery, and Jack Naughton. forwm-ds. FurMaple-0’Brlemgoal;Frame, pmnt; McMillan, cove-r: Fairey. rover; and Saigeon, Rumble. and Cousins, for- wards. The game was lacking in many important features, wasyather rough. H. Carroll. the efï¬cient captain has asked tu‘he x-elie‘ved as he can-nut: lose So much timevcoming frOm 'I‘m-unln. Failey has been appointed to take the position. Carroll will he on~ the'lin‘e up_;_lt, agly'llllpljl‘tflllt, match. $5.5m; Him 01m. JAN. 26:19]] There will have to be a great, im- provement in shouting on gnal on the art, of the local team if Richmond iill expects tolhuve a show with bet- tef _tea ms on proper ic_e. 1 u', U». uyuu... v" .... f’v' "“' . The make up of the hume team lonks like Burnett gun), H. Canon puint, Jack Naughmn cover. Fairev centre. and three from the fonuwing hgnchzâ€" W. Naughton. S. Tyndall. Brown, AlJ§~7-y,Buyleand Palmer. Some of these have speed but either shimt, hud- ly or lack judgement. Others who handle their sticks fairly wall area bit, slow. It is expected that :1 seven will he picked this Wee-k to rrpresent Richunmd Hill. and they will be played in their places each practice night). ' . Parisinn SngP is compounded on the must, advance-d scientiï¬c principles, and lit-thing on the market tnâ€"duy can Cmnparc- with it. It, ncr-nmplishes Sn muvh mnre than the m-dinnry tnnics and dues it so quickly that users are' mtunishml. “ The Rev. Irl R. Hit-ks Almanac fur 1911. thnt gnarde Angel in a hundred thunsand bumps. in nmv ready. Nut Imny an- nuw willing tn he \vilhuut, it, and the Rm. 111 R. Hicks Mngnznw, ‘Ymd and \Vm-ks. The twn are unly One Dollar 3 year. The Almanac is prepaid. N1- llUthP (Ir ufï¬cv should lleil to sun! for ll Pnl._m \Vnrd and ng'ks Publishing '0 pany,St.Luuis, lu. Pan-Nan Sage kills the dandrufl" gn-rms mu! erudicntes dandruff. stops falling hair. itching hf the scalp and Splitting hairs in two weeks or we will n-fund yvur nmnvy. Pansiun Sage gives a fascinating lusth tn wumvn’s hair and mvlkvs it, beautiful. It makes tlw hair gI-(w luxminmly. It is the daintiest and must. refwshing huir dressing lhat Sl'il’llCP has pl'UdlU'Pd. and has nut a ym-lirlp nf gI-Puse- nr sLiukim-ss in it. ’ut-Isian Saga («ï¬ts 50 (cents at your druggistv m' pustpnid, fmn) the plnpl‘i- elurs, "l‘hp Gimnx Mfg. Um. Fort Erin, Ont. The girl wich'lhu Auburn hair is m) m‘ery [acki-ngu. Suld and giieu'nn- teed by \V. A. Snndux-sun. The Next Sittihg of Dime) Com-t tm N0. 3, County of York, will he held in the Court Room. BIVISIQN - BGURT. Monday, Feb. 27, 1911, E]; g. Parisian Sage THE REV. IRL R. HICKS 1911 ALMANAC. An Ideal Hair Tcnic RICHMOND \HILL _0N__ )ummencmg ALIU a. m. MAPLE GAME. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Sm‘m-nl farms in Markham and one in‘ Richlmmd Hill for sale. Hnuse and lot mun- Richmnnd Hill tn sle or rPnb, Vacant. \‘illagP huts fm' snip. _Alsn nmm‘y tn luau on First Mort,- gugo nn‘Real Property. Apply to 'H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent. 29-†Richmund Hi1]. laid: If. stun. hm thou wao write Sunaou a Go. .Pnrdaud, Nahum“! rccaiv. free, Tull inform-lion about work which ‘hey emu (immul liven! hnme.thnl win pay hem Iron $5 In 06 her day. Some hnve rn ~ ' ave-r S a in a day Eilbar 90x. young or old Capital n... w u M. You "a waned tree ’l‘lmse who mm. 11! um, It. mummy sure of lung link brine; Al‘. k “I. Land and Money 20 lbs. N0. 1 Gran. Sugar . . . . . . . 22 lbs. N0. 1 Yellow $dgar .L, 3 cans Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Salndn Tea, reg. 30c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red Rose Ten, mag. 30c. . .. . . .. 3 lbs. 45:: [ea in canister . . .. .. .l 20 lbs. guaranteed Lard . . . . . . . . . 20th. Toronto Lax-d. . . . Coffee. in lb. tins, rug. 25c't‘m- . . ., 8llbs'. Rolled Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must ' Clean up a. large amount of steak in a, short time. Three more business days before February 1813. The prices-quoted below ought to be interesting 30 Pairs Men’s Rubbers, all sizes. 6-11, new stuck, special . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.64 Bah nce Men’s Caps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Socks fur Rubbers, rrg. 75v. . . . . . i. . . . . . . Men’s Neckwem', reg. 35-;- fnr . .. . .. . . . Lndigs' (‘Hshmm‘e Gloves. 1149;. 35c for . . . . . . . _ . . Mrn's Top Shirts. reg. 5m- for -. . . . . . ... . . . .. . Men’s Swmtvrs, reg. $1.00 fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Overalls. reg. 600 fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s White Dress Shirts. mug. $1.25fur . . . . . . . Ludieé’ and Buys’ Wool Haw. n-g. 256 for. . .. . ' All Undm-wwu' at. cost. J‘nh Lot of Inldies’ Boots; all sizvsVin thv lot; V-lllIP_S up to $1.75 fur . . .$1.‘X) Job Lot of Men‘s Boots, all sizes in thv Int; values up to $301) for. . . 1.00 Surplus StoCk ' i u I c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windcor. Ont. Write for our private address. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS rm; u mum» can wï¬tefop a Quudio’n' “REM Yï¬agï¬ NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NE. W METHOD TREATMENT will cure {ion and make a man of ypu. Under Its influence the brain becomes active. the b ood,:purifled so that all p1mples,blotches and ulcers ‘heal up; the nerves become strong as steely, so that nervousness, bashfulness and despondenc "disappear; the eyes becqme brxght, the‘ face full and clear, energy returns lo the ody, and the'mdml,‘ pl: teal and mental mm the system.- gstems are invitorafed; all dmins ceaseâ€"no more vital waste on feel yoursel! nman and know marriage cannot; be a. failure.. Don‘t._ let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. “I was tumbled wiLh .Nervous Debility for many years. Ilay 15 to indiscretiou and excesses in youth..-,-. I became vei' despondent’. and didn‘t. care whether worked or not. I imagined everybody who looked at. me guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened ; ‘ meâ€"my back ached, had pains in the ‘ back of my head, hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning,.%oor epgetite, ï¬ngers were shaky, eyes lurred. 'hair loose, memory poor. e:c. Numbnessin the ï¬ngers set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis. I tdok ail_ kinds of medicines and tried many ï¬rst-class v physicians, wore an electric beltforthijee ‘ monglig, mitt recoivo'cg gttlelgeneflg. é ‘ was 1r~ciuce< o conga. rs. enne y ' “Fâ€: “5"““ Kennedy, though I had lost. all faith in "’5" "‘“m‘â€. doctors. Likeadrowning man I commenced the NEW METHOD TREATMENT and it saved my life. The improvement WM like me. 'câ€"I could feel the vigor going through the nerves. Iwas cured mentally and physics. 1y. lhuve Bent. them many patients and connnueto do so. . cunas GUARANTEED on no PAY ’ We mm “3 cm’ VAmcos‘E vsms, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY gpMPLAlNTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER 015mm and .u Dheateo Sééuhm‘ to Me}; NAUGHTON BROS. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.‘. Detroit, Mich. :8- no NAMES‘USED. wn'uou-r err'mN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSSS I? ubb‘er Speci a) s Pgtgr E. Sumpgeqs‘rjelï¬tgg his expgrigggé: Boot, Spec‘nls n, wg. 75v. . . . . . 1 . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'u: fur . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. s.1-vg.350for . . . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . r. Uc for '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . .UUfur.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 't-s. l'Pg. $1.25‘fm- . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . " ‘ . . . . . . How-I. "-2. 250 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . v . . . . . . . I)ry Goods Elgin Mills Groceries MMMW‘PM-id' W+++++++W To the premises of the unï¬m-Qignod, Sunday night, a Fox Terrier Puppy. Owner can have same by paying ex- pvnses. G. E. ALLEN, 29-1 A pm'kvtho’mk on the 23rd of Jun“- m'y. ‘ Cuntai‘ns n. {the-que- on} the Bank of Tux-2min fu'r $18.75... Both the cheque and pockethunk hem? > my mime. “Herbert Smith.†Finder will he re- wm-dod by leaving 1t at The Liberal Ofï¬ce or with the owner. HERBERT SMITH. Must Mo‘Ve Strayed Last Righnlbml Hi1]. Head'fm-d. . $0.19 .17 .. l .40 .19 WA 80W cnnwrtn the prmnises of the undersigned. Int 4. cm). 4. \Vhitchm'ch. on m- nhx-nL tlw- lat. (If August. The pwm-r umv have same- by px-uving property and paying Expi'llSï¬S 'J. A. MORTSON. ’ivi8Â¥.€l'égi. The Victoria University Glee ' b, Toroï¬to â€"CONDUE7TED mim- Mzi. J. M. SHERLOCK A Grand Concert BAND 1N ATTENDANCE BOTH NIGHTS Ticths may he had from Caretaker at the Rink. ACCOMPANIED BY The Victoria University Quartet ~ANDâ€" ' ' MISS CLARICE SPENCER Admission, Reserved Seam, . F. T. GRAHAM; (Jim-f Ranger. “CANADlAN PILRURIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE TICKETSâ€"10c; 3 for 25C; 7 for 50c. or 15 for $1.00. Children under l2 yrs., 50. Exquisitely printed on fine, coated paper, Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in each issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great il- lustrated papers of London appeal to the English people. Non political. Absolutely no axp to grind. ' Its aim solely to please and to inform._ Must be segn to be appreciated. Ten cents ‘a'co y. Onodollnr :1 year. The Pic- )iiell Publishing 003, 142 St. Peter St. . MASONIU HALL '1‘; ICHMOND HILL Friday Evg.; Jan. 27 : T59 undersigned is prepared tn 'hnndle all kinds uf VVi’x-e Fencing at- Fiftv Cents n Rnd. Also the Russell Rai‘l Fvnce. 243m OPEN EVERY , WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY * EVENING of the fumuus-Sherlm-k Qmu'u-lte. The Richmond Hi1! Skating Rink will he GET YOUR TICKETS EARLY -â€"ALSOâ€"-â€" SATURDAY AFTERNOONS “Wire Fencing. Estray Notice will give a ï¬tment in the Under the auspice of COURT FAIRVIEW. 1.0. F. SKATING fmm 2.00 to 4.00 fur Ladies and Children. Elnculimxist, of Tomntu frum 7.30 to 10.00 W. H. PUGSLEY. \V. H. ESPEY. Gurmley P. O. F. BOY L r. bec’ y Elgin Mills. 25 Cents 35 Cents Rveve 2.1-Lf Lax-cats 5 C u Notice is herein gin-n that an npplic‘zlvtinn will he made tn the L'Pgis- lawn-- of the Prm‘incé of Ontario at. thé next Srsdnn lhei'enf'fur an Act Ln. incurpmate a Company under the name “ Internrlmn Rnihvayf" granting snch Cumpany authority and power to survvy, lay out, collati‘nct, complete, equip and maintain a rail- way to be operated by stemn, up vie-ctriuily, or part one and part, by the ntlwr, from a point in nr near the City of Toronto, tin-lice in n NmLht-rly (‘1' North \Vvst.ex~l_v direction passing through the. vanships 9? York, Vaughan and King in the ()nunty of Yin-k. in the Province of Ontario. and the annshim of \Vest, Giliilnbnry and Innisï¬l in the- County of Simone in said Pn‘nincv, in u pnint in nr near the ’J‘nwn of Bun-iv in [he said County n1“ Silncnv. Dated at Tun-onto 1 his Twenty-fourth day of Dem-who]; 1910. RITCHIE, LUUVVIG &J BALLANTYNE. ( 157 Bay Street, Toronto, 25-6 Solicitors for the Applicant‘s Pursuant to the judgment and m-do‘r for sale m:th in this cause and lwming date \Vedrwsduy, the 12m (lay of January, 1910. there will lie snld will: the appmhaminn M J. A. U. Uilllll‘l'UH‘ Esq.1ire, the Ofï¬cial Referee, by J. '1'. Snigeun. Auctimwer. at the Inkernmlm Hate! at. \Vondmidzé. at the bum ui TWO O’UL.OCK. on THE 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. AI). 191'], tlw fol- lowing lands and plemises, \‘iLJ 'l‘lm undivided moiety in All and Singular that ism-tum pul'ct'l Ul' tract of Lind and premises situate, lying and lwmg in the Township of Vl-mghzm, in the County uf York, and known as the north-west quarter of Lot, numhw Twelve, in the Ninth Concession of the said Township 01' Vaughan. subject to the life estate Lllm'vin of June Mc- Artth' of the Village of \Vnmlbridgv. \Vidmv. ‘ 2-3-4: J'. H. SANDERSON, v.5. REAL E STATE In the High Court of Justice This property will hv nffm‘ed fur sale suhjvct [u u reserved bid “:9 has been HXed. Ten per cent. of the purchase mom-v on the- day of sale and the halamrv (m (trâ€"llt‘fQH’ the 8H} dfly uf April. 1911. Further meiL-ulnrrs aha cnnditiuns‘ of SHIP made“ knmvn .ut'lht- lime nfsule ml" by l‘t'fl‘l‘t‘lHCE’ tuA ‘ 166 acre farm north of villngï¬ Buildings A1. Land in good state of cultivation Alsg 100 acres on the 2m1 of Mark‘ ham. IN THE MATTER OF THE LAST \VILL AND TESTAMENT 0F WILLIAM ARCHER. LATE OF THE 'l‘0\\'NSHIP 0F VAUGHAN IN "THE UOUX‘TY 0F YORK. DEUEASED. An right 11mm brick Imuse on Ynngé Stl‘l-‘Q‘t. Furnace and other eunvem iunces. SIX VERY DESIRABLE [lenses and Igots F0 8. SALE lU-tf For Sale or Rent RANGING FROM $800 TO $5.000. RICHMOND HILL 33 Richmond St; “79st. anmutu. NOW ON HAN Dâ€"â€" TERMS OF PA YMEN'P J. A. U. CAMERON. ‘ . V Oï¬iciul Referve. \V l LLIA M (100R, AGENCYâ€"- Eotice MANAGER Aï¬ply to C Sweet t6 Ea tmmum D. HILL.