Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jan 1911, p. 5

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RICHMUND HILL 02:12. JAN. 26, 1911 Miss Mm-anfiw Bnyh- ‘is umkingfi Visit in 'l’t'tvl‘lmI-u. ‘MIss Marjorie Buvlv is on frimuls in Lumltm. E3112 fiibrml. Thu new hunks =u'r- mm (-11 the shelve-s at the Public Lihrm-v. The Villugv Bu‘nd‘pm-pfisv having: a “minimum: the flmt Mnnday in Fri). Particulars rw‘x'L \n-ek.. M iss‘Luum Bu kn nf Gnrmlpy is spam}; in; a fi-w days \Viih Miss Ethel Nigh of Mm klmm. . . A maplng nf thv Ratepayprs Axis-nei- “Linn will |w ho-ld in the-.(Mum-il ()lmm- bH- un’l‘ue-sdny pvsfning. J “H.315!” AH intvI-ested plmsa nth-m1. At the Ottawa \Vinlvr Fair 3‘ McLean was awarded lst pr “muse whom. shmnl in MPH] m tinn against the udwr van iotivs. Mr. and Mrs. Dilman VVideman Me at prom-m, attending the Mvnnmnite Bihlv Gunfelmu‘e at their (:bmuh 81h run. Markham. from the 24th until the .2'Tth. Pit-tnro post ‘m-ds shnwing the tpams and spectators alt the- recunt, plmving match nf King and Vnngh‘tn Associa- tion are again on sale at the LIBERAL Office. Mr. 'I‘. k“. MI-Muhnn left. "{‘uwsday fur “'Pllandpm-t. Linux-In Ununty. in at.- te-nd Mu: funeral at“ u whtivv. Mrs. Uswu- Clark, whn divd Very suddenly. .r 23-inch Glass haw-11mg. extra qual- ity. fwl‘ yd. 11m; 17-inch plain (‘msh lmveling. (‘XII'H value, pm: yd. 11c. Atkinson & Switzvr. ‘ His Honour Judge Mun-gnu dispnsnd Hf th few cases that. came hvfnrc him inst, Friday in n \‘Pl‘y shun-t time. Thu next Cnurt will he held (In the 27th of February. ( down hill on Ynngp street 5991113 [.0 he a favorite pastime in Rich- mond Hill, especially un Sunday. And llw favorite startiugplace is opposite the bunk. BesLPParI tapioca. 4 lbs. for 2.30.; Rangunn ricv. 6 lbs. for 25(7; Pulisho-(l Rangoon rice. 5 His. fur 250; fine-st, Java rim). 3 lbs. for 250. Atkinson & 'Swilzer. The. Trustee Board Hf the Hmdfm-xl Methudisb Church haw ismwd ‘he'ir :mnuul l-epmt and financial stntvuwul fut-1910. The kulfurd Trustees mi- ‘dPntly lwlieve in showing the: penple where the tummy cmst from and whole it goes t0. Maple syrup mixturP. in quartjurs, jar and syrup 3!»; Golden Sling pure cgum tnhle syrup, 120 tin; Edwards- hurg cm'n syrup. pt-x- Lin 12126: Lylv’s (J‘mlden svrup, in 271h. tin. 19c; Guid- t’nvttv table syrup, in 5-1h.. pails, per pail 40¢. Atkinsun 85 Switzer. Rev. John Pickering (me of the most prnminenb of Methodist church minis- ters, died at his late wsidvncee in T0- i'nlltn on Saturday. His large charge was Centennial chine-h. but, owing to .ill health he retired last June. He WM 64 years of Hg“. He leaves :1 widow and two daughters. Mr. Pick- ering was at um- time pastur (»f the Methodist church at, Richmond Hill. Will 9mm- uf mn- czu'rospnndents ~kinle hand in their news items forbhe LIBERAL a little e-nrlier in the week. UurrvSpundmmu that; reaches us \Ve-d- nosdny evening is Never sure uf insert- finn the same “'t‘ek. VVe mh'm-lise that we guy tn pl-r-ss m‘ery Thursday ,morning. and we like to shnw Lhat we 11103111 what we- say. A Sovd Fair will he held in the Lorne Hull. Richman Hill. under the ausâ€" pices of the Richmond Hill Agricultur- al Society, on Friday, Fahrunrv 10. First and second prizes of $2 and $1 will be offered for.» cnmpvtitinn' ‘flnj spring wheat, barley; nuts; whitPi mlts. black; pens, largo: pe-asuynall; clover, red; clover, :s‘nlsike;r timothy seed. alfalfa seed;potatoes;"early; pn- tntnes. late». "Tlié'meferm'nént will also supply speakerérvsjho will discourse on various suh‘igci ifitervsting to agri- culturists. ' FRIENDLY MATCH. ‘ The first curling: match with outside rinks was played here on Friday even- ing, The Bem‘ei-mn players came down on the G.N.O., after which a Iileusant evening was spent, together. ‘hu visitors shuwed that they were capable of throwing it guud sLone, but they were. defeated by the home teams by 10 points. Aftei'the match refresh- ments were served at the. Palmeerng and a social time was spent. The fol- lowing is a summary:â€" Beaverton ~ Richmond Hill F. McRae ‘ A. Buyle J. Russ T. Trench D. McMillan G. Cnle J. Bir’éhm‘d, skip 9 H.A.Nichulls,17 .l. Neailund G, McDonald' J. Uanwrnn J. Glass M. Rnuch T. A. Lamon V J. Givins. skip 12 C. P. Wilev, 14 I4()C Alli-i SEED FAIR. 21 Fair Mr. Jns. ? lst prize- fnl'i {N11 cnmpvii- Visit. in Unumtil Uhn-mlwu ' Thv' Sm‘rem‘rv’s ré~ pun-t. \VaS‘lhr-‘ht-Ht in the history uf the .fiwdely and («at ymu-‘u Fair Was cen- Minly t'hv nmst auvxvsshi-I yl'l, held. 'le new lmmd of DirMéIm-s are \‘vry ’vnlhnsiusli‘l; and [mid vm-y uptimislic \‘ivws as Lu lhé fumn- at their anxiety. The “meters tf‘l'l'lt'd are as felluwsbâ€" Gummy Pudgé‘L I’m-54.}. S. Mc‘Nair, 13!; l Vim-~l’|ie$.; .l. J. hum-u. ,Zud Vice- ‘ Pl't‘S.: H‘. A. Nitzhulls, Sway-Trans, The 2 Aunuul'Sued Fuir will b? ln-kl lHl‘ th. '11“, um! it was alsn danidcd ("again 17n- u-r in the Standing Field (II-up Cum- ")rlilinn. thv'gmin as ht'fhl‘e bvihg' mus. | The sm‘vrnl (tullflfiil‘trfls w-qe «ppm Im‘d ' and shun, :ifiimsés (Vere dél‘n‘ered by ; the officers ell-cl. Llw ke'ynulu m c-ach tense hwing udvunuouibnb. Althuugh ‘ the- p‘l‘iZt-x‘ dmmtvd Inst yl-nr “’Pl't‘ $1,U(X) } the list this yam “fille gwully incl-ens,- The- Ali-nun] Mvflihg bf th'v Rich“- {uuugL' um Agliullllul'i-l'» Sucietv was {If-Id lfis!’“'I'h'ufsduygfflffumm in the The. first. meeting of this season. of the Sherwimd Music Club was held la§t Thursday evv-uing in [-l]t'-Stlldl(‘ of Mr. Newton. After the elegtion of officers M‘iu Ne‘wmn announced the nuutzh-Ln-lw-lanwn[9d deulh (if' the Honorary Primidem, of tho Gluh. Mr. \Vm. H. ‘b‘hnrwnud. Llh- dislinguished pianist. a-fu-i- whom the club was named, and [alarm (lit-'(wmaiugplayed 'in memoriam the "Funeral Mamh fun-n Sonata Op. 26” of Beethoven. The rmuaindm- of the program cou- sisLed of piano snlus by Miss Beatrice Sisnmn and Maatmr \Vili’n-d Gradyfil piano and organ duet lay Miss Grice and MI;- NewLon, thâ€"pla'nu piece by Mr. Newlnn and Miss Sisnmn. an organ number by Mr.’ Newton, and two beautiful songs kindly contributed by Miss Switzor. The- February meet,- ing. the PXNCL (Into of which will be announcvd later. will be. devoted to the “Music Din-mm" of Richard Wagner. vd. Tu ken is n “huh: P’evPl'yl Hing hanks In-iglu fur nnul‘hvr successful yen-r. A Fancy Dress gmd Hard Tinw Skat- ing Carnival will he held on the rink at Mule (m Saturday in Pning. 28th inst. Grmd prizvs will ht‘ given fur Ladies’ and Ggalits' I'Pp. custnnw, Fancy Dress; Ladies’ and Gems’ Hard Time costume; Ladik-s’ lace; gents' race; huys’ race. and a barrel ruce. Adluissiumskatlers 150., spectators 100. The anuntu & York Radial Railway is seeking authority from the Legisla- ture tu run Sunday cars an the Mrtm- pnlitnn line. By its present chm-heir which was granted by the- Ontario Leglslutm-e, th Mrlrnpnlitnn Railway is prevented frme running 1 n Sunday. We helim e the great mnjm ity nl puuple alung the line are V9] y We'll satisfied to have a. car serviro mny six (lays a Week. t'ullnwed by a quiet Sunduy. ‘ Tho Litm-ary Uircle met, at, the himse (wt Mr. \Vm. Ridden. 'l‘hnrnhill. on the (JV?!)ng (‘f Munday, Jun. 9, with a good attendance of uwmlwrs. Questions left (wt-‘1‘ frme the Dvcember luveting were answered, and then an admirable paper by thv Rev. Mr. Dunglas 0n “Succes in Lifex" was rend and VPl'y much appreciated by thuse pwsent. The address was wm-thy of :1 much large-1- nndlencu and gave evidence (If thoughtful cnnsidgmtinn of th: subject. The prugI-nm (hub fullnwod wis- a thoroughly enjoyable one. Readings by Mrs. Shutex and Miss Agnew, solns by Mr. June-s accompanied by Mrs. Jones and an Instrumental piece by Miss Agnew. Following intermission riddles were propnsud by those pt‘esglnt (musing many u hearty laugh. Mrs. Smiley was elven-d secretary. Successful meetmgs cf the \Vesb Slut-k Funnel-5' Institute and the “’0- ‘fmxu’s Institute were held here' last, Ifhursday afternoon and pvening. Ad- dresses xelating to health and farm work were given. Supper was served by the ladies. in the, hall. Mr. A. StouL'guve a ve-I-y Interesting account of the \vm-kingnf UOâ€"(‘pH‘Htht‘ Sucieties in England and told how help- ful they were to lhnse connected with them. After singing "Gnd Save the King” the- mvvting‘ cluse-d to meet Munday (waning- Felu. 13. at. Mr. D. Jame-s. Thm-nhill. An uld fashinned SpellingBe-v “ill by pan-t ufthe- program and a discussion (m some III:L(L§‘)‘S re- lating Ll) the future meetings of the. circle. ’ A gum] time is expected at the ska- ting pat-Ly mth Monday evening. There will be skating from 7hr; 9.30 p.m.. after which supper will he sewed in the schoolmmn of the Methodist Church. V Rev. Mr. Young (if Victoria Cullvge preached in the Methndist Church on Sunday eve'l_1ing._ pivnnu has-leen purchased from Mr. C. H. Bulingfield for use in the Methudist S. S. “NUS. T. H. prs spent several days last, werekrut‘; GI)I']I]!«‘y. _ _ _ ‘ _ The lighting of the rink has been imâ€" proved since the lust, cn'rnival. and with gnod ice the rink should be well patronized. -.u. A! u 1‘ ,,,:| r 'M'rflfim Mrs. S. Ireland have moved into their new home at the north at the village. SAVAGEâ€"At the residence of his son, Jnllll Savage, near Richmnnd Hill, Saturday umming. Jan. 21, 1911, v Sylvester Savage, formerly of Pat;- tersnm, in his 85th year. Funeral to Richmond Hill Cemetery. Monday, the 23rd inst.. at 2 pm. S H ER\\-'OOD M US“) CLUB. CARNIVAL AT MAPLE. A NNUA L MEE‘flNG‘ (Too late fox lust issue.) SUNDAY CARS. Thornhifl. Maple. DEATHS \th it wua lemned- about a "mud! ago that M r. Sylvester 5“ vnge. 85 years «if :13", had fallen and broken his hip. it Was generally thvught that he would Imt lung survh e the fall. That thought. pun ed emu-rt. He gradually gmw \vm kur, and pussvd awa y Saturday mm-uiiigrulmut 1 o’clock. ‘ 'l‘lw iflltf Sylvester Savage was born in’ Dnudw, Scutlzmd. and came ui'this country 57 years ago, Asyn clever mnrhinist. he had few rqllnis. He was sent uv'vr fn'nn Dunva w 'ussist' in: nmnnfncturing mt the Grand Trunk shops at Muntreal th firstlucmnotives éver built, in Canada. After three years in Munth he came in the (iuudv Lucmnntive Wm-ks in Tun-onto and Lhrrh assisted in building the first. [newnmlives ever quuufnciured in T0- mnto. Shun-Hy afterwards he Menu-wed m Pattursun when (he Patten-sun Agri- cultural"\\7kZ-iks.§.\\'§irr m tugeir infancy, and remained there cuntinuuusly until the firm lemude tu Wondstnck. He was fmenmn in tho- machine shups fur ninny. years, He decided not. tag” to \Vund‘stuck, hut 'ti‘m}: n, pnsitinn in the U. P. R. shops, 'i‘muntn, which he held fm- tvn years. He then I‘Plil'l‘d, and fur the past, 13 years had made his hunw nn lhefnrm with his Son John. Deiceased is survi\ ed by five sons-â€" -PPI(‘I', John. J’mnes, Andrew and (Jim flewâ€"fifteen grandchildren, and ten grenbgmudchildlen. In Scoflemd he married Margaret Gould. who pre- dt-gtjitse-d hm husband about, 14 years The funeral mi Monday was very laigr. After?» service. at the home conducted by the pastor, Rev. E. C. Currie, the remains were cnnvryed to their last, resting place in the Rich- nmud ~Hill Cemetery, six Uf the twelve grandchildren present bearing the cas- ket. That, his kindness of heart and chm ity uf spirit were rennemliered was nmnil‘est by the beautiful flnral tri- butes that, Were SPIN. Thvse consisted of a pillow by his sons; an anchor by his grandsons; a. wreath from thaem‘ plnyues of the Musse' -Hm-ri’s VVm-ks; a. floral harp by the éueen’s Own Mill- tm-y Band; and a spray fwm Mrs. P. Path-13ml. A- Fancy Dress Carnival willhe held in the Skating Rink 'here on Monday evening next). Jan. 30, when the fulluwing prizes will (be given:â€" Lndy or Gent Representative 'Cus- tume, lst plize $1.00. 2nd prize 500;_ Burlesque Unscume. lst; prize $1.00, 2nd prize 500: Ludivs’ National Cos- tume. lst prize $1.00, 2nd prize 500; Gents’ National Unstume. lat, prize $1.00. 2nd prize 500. Thnse in costume will have the ice uu1i18.30. The Vil- lage Band will he in attvndzmce. Doors upenut 7.34). AdmiSsinn: Spectawrs 10 cents, all Skaters 15 cents. Mr. H. A. Niélmlls, Real .r Eétate Agvnt. snld dming the ‘wpek “Crosby Hall,” the h’va'utifnl residence of the late lsmu: ‘Cmsbv. wit-h [ht- farm be- iunging thereto. The purchaser takes possession nhu‘nt the first 0f April and will make a. first-class cxt.i7en. An interesLihg and» prnfitnhle eVPnb is on the program fur next Friday evening. when Ml. D: D. Mnshim-g B.A., B. Pilf'd. of Toronto Normal St-lmnl, will give his lecture on “Habit.” This is the first of five ad- dresses Ln be given under tho auspices of the Epwm-th League and Guild, both 01" which will meet in this church. The Missinnai y Committees of the Lvlm sucie-Qies are selling for 25 cents tickets which admit, tn the five lectures, and you will confer a favnr upon ymll'svlf as well as swell missionary funds by purchasing fUl.‘ ynursglf mid family, The sncrmnent 0f the Lord’s Supper will be. observed in this church rm Sunday, Feb. 5. 1911. at, the morning service. The Pro-cummuninn sprvice W1" he held on the previous Friday evening and addressed by Rev. W. G. Back of Eglinton. Mr. Cut-He’s subject on next Sunday morning will he "'Tnking Stuck,” and in they evening “The Publicun’s Prayer.” ‘ Musical selections W111 be. furnished by Miss Trench, MissMcDunald. Mr. \Vaters and the orchestra. Don’t fail to he pwsent. Now is the time to place your Order for fruit,~and ornamental trees. We have the huge-st line of nursery stuck grown in Canada. Our Apple, Pear. i Plum, Cherry and Peach Trees are unsurpassed for .fihruns nmts. In small fruiLs the Herbert Raspberry l and Black Raspberries arenur heaviest l se-llers, as they are big money-makers for the snmll fruit grower. Our nur- series have been visilvd by some of the largest fruit growers in Canada. and uftur an inspection (If our tree-s they, have given _us their urdvrs. Write for l our catnlngue and give us a list, (If your wants. Brmvn Bros. 00., Brown Nurseries. ‘Vellnnd Cu.. Ont. FANCY DRESS CARNI VAL. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Our Telegraph and 1 Railway Agent’s; Course is a safe guarantee to a guod salau-y. Yuu can master iLin sixmnnths. Themaximum cost, is $60. You may pay as you go. On grndnutiun we aid you Ln secure empluymont. Our new catalogue oxplnins. \Vrite fur in. Central Tele- graph and Railroad School, Yunge and Gerrard Sts., Tur- untu. W. H. 811a w, President. T. J. Johnston. Principal. DEATH‘IANB BURIAL. CROSBY HALL. SOLD. 1 FRUIT TREES. WW+fl+¢me+M-iMW+0W+**+M+%€'*§ *Atkinson & Switzer; IVCONCRETE HOUSE ‘ RICHMOND HILL *¢ Ffié+$++§¢$*#% :. $1 fl l i. ++++~§°+++sÂ¥+¢ +'1"§°:Â¥'+ é+~§+++++$fi°§ +M'I'4"? *M-F'F'b'!‘ -!'+~!-W+:l ++++é~+§~§~§~¥éé'é‘é'é'é'é'fi‘é'Q-éé"545"?” '§‘++4-+4~;§"§"§'~§“§“§‘+’§0§'+'§"§‘~4§“§“§"§"§“§0§“1 b-Pi-‘ki'w'hhl-MM'I'H'I'M-a fi'éwtfi‘ **%MM+W%¢+++++4°++++¢ Men’s Heavy Black Vicuna Overcoats, Chesterfield _~.~_Jstyle.‘ superior ,quality', 'velvet collar, reduced price, each., _. ‘v . . . $8.50 Men’s Fine Quality'Black Vicuna'Chesterfield Over- coats, fly-h‘oht, velvet collar; reduced price, each . . ._ - . $6.75 A Great Saving on..." _ ' Men’s OverCOats We haveon hand two only Men's Fur-lined Over- coats that we will sell at cost. _Both have splen- did linings and collars, with an inferlining of rubber, and extra quality beaver cloth shell. J a nuarv 26. 1911 Men’s Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, reversible collar. regular$1.25 for $0.85 Men‘s Stride Pattern Flannel Shirts, in sizes 155. 16 and 16%, regular $2.00 fut . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’sTies, x'ogular50cfm' . .. .. .. 250and Boys’ Gaps, nice dark gray, fur-lined, ear caps, regular 5ch fm". . . Children’s Boots. sizes} to 7. regular 75c to $1.25 reduced tn 500 and RIBHMDNB HILL GENTS’ FURNRSHER DON’T FAIL TO SEE THESE COATS, AS, THEY ARE BOTH BIG BARGAINS NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR ~ ' Richmond Hill Hardware 60. Your Gain-0dr Loss Read carefully the following list:â€" [FOR-TEN? DAYS ONLY 1 Double Heating 001“ Eton, reg. price $35, sale price $30. 1 Double Heating Coal Stove, reg. price $33, sale prige _ r ' '1 Two-in-One Heater and Cooker, reg. price $20, salt} mice $17: 1 TWO-in-One Heater and Canker, reg. price $18, sale price $15. 1 Oak Heater, reg. price $12, sale price $10. Several small heaters at, bargain prices. also :1 few Second-hand Heaters from $4 upwards. Also, int-the NEXT TEN DAYS ONLY we will give a. special discount on all Cook Stoves and Rungvs in stock. One only Melntte Cream Sepalatnr. 19g. price $70, sale price $60. All Leather Mitts and Gloves at 25 per cent. discount. Bell Telephone 718 DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS #909900 THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CO. Bargainsâ€"Bargains QOQQQ“ 96%9909090000 +M++é4++¢$§éw++++++w THE NORMAN BATTY Manager PHONE 17 1.00 .75

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