_ AT THE 'JSERAL PRENTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RIOSHOND HILL,0NT. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. ’i‘. F. McMAHON. J ’1‘ Baigeon. J K M Maple ‘ We: Salgeon & McEwen. [S PUBLISHED EVERY L‘ 3 LI R-SDAY MORNING: THORNHILIâ€"-Tuesd:Lys, ‘936 :I.’m. in 4.30 p.m. SGLINTONâ€" “unduy, Thursday. Friday and Satin-day nun-nings: Mundn'y, \Vvdnusdny and Friday evenings, [‘ORGNTO OFFICE, 129 Shu‘rhunmw St. (33,3 and Gnu-tine f-u extractions. 'meonaed Auctioneers for the County of York. 81138 Itcended to on shortest notice and at res.- sormble rues Patronage solicited JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Lidonsau Auctioneer for ma county of York. 30015 sold on consignment. General sales of amalgam. uromptly “tended to at reasonable r3581 ï¬esidence Unionviuo Licensed Auctioneex for the County of York. re- speeflully soliclts your patronage and friendly inflr mme styles nth-"med on the shortest notice Ind at mlonable rates P 0 address King G R (iddiï¬mg, Busth Brookmzentfor the above F) e :1 ti Ht, RICHMOND HILL WEDVESDAYS 93:3A M T0 5 RM. Glazier, Grainer and» Paper- Hanger. The‘NewtOn School of Music Richmond Hi11,.0nt. W. HEWISON RESIDENCE. RICHMOND H111 FALL TERM. OPENS SEPT. 6, 1910. VOL XXXHI 4'51 per annum, in advance.] ‘i 133.. W. R.-PE1\TTLAI\TD RICHM'ND HiLL' a, BUSINESS CARDS. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. .FH’SL house north uf' Atkinson & Switzter’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, '1‘ hornhill. HOUSE PA INTER, DR.’ E. J. WOODS J. EABLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR. m» 323mm: 8TH SEASONâ€"1910-’ll EDITOR & Paormm‘on. J= H. Prentice I). G. BLOUGH. Phone No. 2102. «mammary RESIDENCE aktttlftai- mural. J K McE wen Wanton Organs Repaired and Expert Work Guaranteed PIANO TUNING & G P‘. [nwreuce F. J. Dunbar NATIONAL TRUST'GHAM BERS 20 ST (1‘... TORONTO, Canada BARBISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond St. \Vrst... \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Lilwml' Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenmm. Maple, Thursday afternoon. ' \Vnmlln-idge, Saturday forenonn. Ba wistvrs and Sollclmrs. Money no loan on land snucuubue. monk-mesa; lowest rates Auroranfï¬ceâ€"Remm'eo to the old post 01110.; one duor wean ot the ennmuce to ï¬ne Out-arm Bank Newmarkei ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the p mt ulï¬ce T HERBEB'A'LENNOX G STV MORGAN Aurora. ‘ Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries, M. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide 6; Victoria Sts.. I‘m-onto. Tel: phone, Main Gable Address. "Dedo." Richmonq Iâ€"Iill Munev to luamlut, Five Per Cent (5% A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at, both places (Juliet-takers dz Embnlmers. RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC CC MM] SSIONER. CONVEXANCER, ETG‘ Perm-es pupils for the graded ex- aminations held at Tmuntn Conserva- tory of Music and. University of 1‘0- rontn. Special cmuï¬in “Myer’s†Kinder-- garten Method, particularly helpful to begi n nvrs. Glass recitals are given throughout the year. lv-42 Lawrence & Dunbar, gENNQX & MORGAN Benton, Gfowr & Field ELLIOTT I‘l'lfl‘D (nu-run nun“ “ranted: Young Men and Woman to prepare for positions 0f Trust and Responsibility wvnrth $40 to $100 pc-r month. The famous Stands far ahow the average busi- ness collvge of this cnuntry. Its lecord for placing students in posi- tions is a remalkahle one. Large Catalogue free. 003. YONG: AND Auxmmtn S-rs. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Commissioner, Ounveyuncer, etc‘ Insurance, and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH‘ VOECING AND . . . . ACTEON REGULATING 301:3: 5. 27aut'dson THORNHILL L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC , Barristers, Snlictnrs. 8m RICHMONDHILL, ONT., THURSDAY, FEB. 2. 191.1 WILUA M COOK TORONTO. ONT. WRIGHT BROS. REGHMOND HIIiL Teacher of Plano ' “In Essentiaic, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in“ all things, Charity.†$212,131. Phone Main 2984 In his: article on “The Mn’r'nnn Re- vivnl uf Pulygumv,†in the February McClure’s, Burton J.Hendriuk speaks nf Lh‘v deceptive attitude Of the Mor- umn Church towmd plural marriages, which, whjle. ib' vpvnly repudintvs, svurelly encuumges polygamy. Mr.‘ Hendrick says: "The anti-Mormon View is that this public repudiation of pr:lygamy is simply pint of the Max-mun game. Its purpose is to blind the outside world. The Mm-Innn policy is secretly to pro- mote and encourage polygamy. and outwardly tn rppudiate it. The Clitic most friendly to the Mormons must admit that, outwardly. many circum- stances lend color tn this VIPW. The one pic-eminent fact; is that the Mur- mnn Uhunch is a great secret society. Nnn-Murmons are never permit-ted to enter its temple-s; the rites and in- ‘strucliun that takes place in them an: newrnflicially made public; all memâ€" bers nf the church are oath-hound, under the must frightful penalties, not to reveal these mysteries. Mormons who have "gone through†these tem- ples wear day and night an under- garmenl; inscribed with mystic sym- bols, as a pvrpctual reminder of these oaths. The church has its mariiage recurds. but never permits thu‘ non- Mormon public to see them. The puhlicalinn of these. records would go a long way tmvard prn'ing, or dis- proving, the change that the church chenuragcs polygamy; but thvy are hrld inviulate in the temples. In 1901 the United States Senate attmnpted unsuccessfully to subpoena. them. If these records are entirely innocent, and if the statemt-nt of the church is tnw, that. the entries cnnculn only marriages that are Valid in the eyes nf the civil law, why should they not be produced 'r’†- ' On Tuesday. Jan. 3lst. aLS a. m., in St. Mary’s R. 0. church. thv marriage of Miss Louise E. Lyncu, fm-meyly‘uf Richmond Hill, tn Mr. P. W. .Ry'a‘n of Ohicngn was snlA-lnnized. The hr-ide hmde very prelty in a tuilun'd [mule suit of navy blue broadcloth, with hat, to match. and was intended by her sisu-r-in-lnw, Mrs. F. Lynett, while. the groom was suppm-ted hy‘ his lu-uther-in-lmv, Mr. F. Lynne-Lt. Re'v. Father Gmnc nfï¬cmted. The wedding breakfast was held at, the humth Mr. F. Lynetyt after which the happy couple left by afternoon train amid sl‘mwers uf gund wishes fur a shun-b honeymoon. after which they will re- turn to their future home in Chicago. BAND CARNIVAL. A Grand Carnival in aid of the Richmond Hill Band will be held in the nnk next, Monng evening. the 6th of February. Cash prizes of $1.00 for ï¬rst. and 50 cents for second will be given for best, rep. costume. not, na- tional; burlesque costume; ladies’ national custume; gents’ national cos- tume; best lady skater in cuétume; best. ent, skater in costume. There will a so be prizes for boy’s national, and girl’s national custume. Those in costume have ice until The full band Will give it special progrlmi of music. Admission, 10 cents: all skim ers, 15 Cents. Our citizens all appreci- ate the seirvices (lithe band, especially in the warm summer evenings, so come along and help swell the receipts next Monday evening. 0! Kidney Troublé ’If your back is constantly aching and if you experience dull shunting pains. your kidneys are out of order. If your urine is thick and cloudy or your passages frequent, scanty and painful, your kidneys and bladder are nut of order. Neglect quickly brings on rheumatism, diabetes, lumbago, sciatica. etc. Mrs. Juhn Wagner of 110 Hollis St, Halifax, N.S.. says: “Dull shouting pains would catch me across the small part of my back and extend into my shouldprs and neck, often causing~me to suffer with severe headaches and spells 9f dizziness. Spot's would dazzle before my eyes and everything would turn black. I would fall th thp fluul‘ and be unable to get; up again without Assistance. A fnend told meof Bm)Lh’s Kidney Pills and I began their use. The ï¬rst, box gave me relief and I ma now well and m su'f'“g-" _Al) druggists ‘ SP“ Bnuth’s kid- - uey Pills. 500 a. hux.with a guar- antee to relieve '3 or your money "I hack. They are ‘the world’s greatest speciï¬c for Kidney and bladdvr trouble. Postpaid from the prnprietnrs. The R. T. Booth 00.. Ltd.. Fort Erle. Sold and guaranteed by \V. A. Sanderson. MORMON CHURCH A GREAT SECRET SOCIETY. SUB-E SIGNS LYNETTâ€"RYAN. The following letter of sympathy was sent {.0 Mrs. Isaac Crosby by re‘ quest of the members of Richmond Lodge, at, “new last meeting:â€" DE_’A&_ MRS} CROSBY,â€" On behalf of Richmond Lndge, No. 2.3. A. F. & A. M.. we extend to you our sincerest sympathy in your recent sud bereavemehb. Our community and our lodge have suffered a severe loss by the death of our late brother- whose genial presence was \velcnmed by us all but a. short. time :Lgn, and Whose absence we now so sincerely muurp. A life such as his needs no eulogy. He was an earnest Christian, an :icbive worker in both Church and State. The community as well as the Lodge shall miss his quiet. dignity. his wise counsel, his ripe judgment, his many deeds of charity and love. We extend to yo}: our sympathy in being bereft, of a devoted husband. and to ynur son in the loss of a kind and lnvin‘g father. we pay to his memory the honor to which a life so long, so useful and so honorable has justly merited. xry . . In this'ulnnely hour of affliction we commend you to God. our Heavenly Father, who sustains us when sub- jected to a stxain of woe by the blessed assurances of an unbroken circle in the Home beyond. [Signed on behalf of Richmond Lodge.] A The assertion has been made that agricultural papers could not practice what they preach. but the Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine has the courage. of its convictions. Faith backed up by works is the kind that carries strongest proof to the doubting mind. Believing earnestly in this principle, the publishers have followed up their valuable line of Orchard demonstration by purchasinga farm of 135 acres, six miles north of London, where the methods advocated through the paper will be worked out in prac- tice, and where new ideas may he tested before being recommended for general adoption. The farm is what is known locally as the old Sifton place. The rolling land, while natur- ally good, has been worked out and infested with weeds till it has become about, the dirtiest farm in the Gou‘nty of Middle-sex. The barns are dilapi- dated and the fences down. Altogeths er it presents an excellent opportunity for showing what can be accomplished in restoring it run-down property. The Managing Editor of the Farmer‘s Advocate Will live’on the place, super- intending it with the assistance of II. Competent working foreman. This is not to he an experimental farm, except. inculentullv, nor yet a. model farm save in so far as any Well-managed farm should be a model. It is simply a. farm run on a straight commercial ,basis, where strict accounts Wlll be kept and the information published from time to time. “Good farming without frills †is the motto. There was a large cr-nwd of specta- tors and skaters at the carnival last Saturday evening. The ice was rather soft. owing to the mild weather, but there Was a, good deal of sport, and quite 2:. number were in Fancy and Hard Times Costumes. The prizes were awarded as follows: Ladies’ Best, ‘Represenmtive. Flmence Nixon. Bride; Gents, Elmo Ketfer, Sergeant; Hmd Times, Ladies’. Mus. Mylks; Gems, Rnssel Rumble; Gent's Race. Wm. \Vuuds; Ludies’, Elsie Snider; Bay’s, \Viltred,WinLers: Barrel Race, VV'. Wogd‘s nnd__Ha.l:old Kirby. . M15: Wun. Wood, of Edlï¬nntun. is spending a few days visiting with friguds-iy tb§.\'i_lle3ge. _ Mr. Allah Knigh‘i, of Toronto, spent (wer Sunday \Vlth his friend, Mr. F. Richardson. Miss LeeHn Keffer as Japanese Lady and Mr. Austin; Robinson as High- lander Lunk ï¬rst prizes ~§LL the carnival at, ’l‘horuhill. _M1-. J. Maw. of Minesing, is visiting at M 1-. G. Garmw’s. The skating party on Monday even- lng was eujuyed by a large number of yuung penple. Supper was served in the schnuh'uum of the church, and the pr'gceeds amounted b9 $17._ Miss Opal Stewart, of TOI'UntO, is Visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. VVnuds. The regular Quarterly R‘eligiuus Services will be held in the Metlmdist Ohm-ch next Sunday morning, cum- mencing at 10.30. Service will be held at Concord in the evening. The mnnthly meeting of the Wom- an’s Institute will be. held at the home of Mrs. J. Kirby next: Wednesday afternoon. The principal feature of the programme will be a. sewing cun- Leg‘t: A good attelgdnncejs rgqupsted. ORCHARD DEMONSTRATION. LETTER OF SYMPATHY. 1 Maple. T1103. A. LAMON T. F. MCMAHON For sale at the C. N. 4 Station, or delivered in t' village and vicinity:- STEAM COAL Fed" threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. ' Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle ana‘hogs. Purity Flour; always on hand.‘ 7 All kinds of grain bought and highest possible ‘pricefl paid at the Elevator. Make Xmas Happier By Buying a Nioe‘Box of the Highest Grade ' of Confectionery, Prices Ranging: from' ' 100 to $5. A Large Assorted Sto'Ck of - r Nuts and Fruits in Season. D. HILL & 00., CASSELLS’ Canadian P u 'b - ï¬shing Company The monthly mxgazines ot the above crmpany cover avery variety of Interest, and can now be obtained in‘ Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. It is not necessary > send to foreign countrie: t )r magav zines. Read the following»- Cassel's Magazine, per annum . $1.5 The Story Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls‘ Realm . . . . _ “1‘ Little Folks . . , . 1.56 Chums . . . . A. 1.56 Subscupiions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce; or may be sent to CASD‘ELLS & COM'PAN‘! 42 Adelaide St. W Tororto J. H. RAMER COAL YOUR CONFECTIONER [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 30 in the