Verse 1. Elijah the Tishbiteâ€"He comes upon the scene, like Melchize- dek, without parentage, and at once stands out as the mouthpiece of Jehovah, the God of Israel, in sharp contrastâ€to Jezebel and the ,worship of Baal, introduced by her. The element of mystery surround- ing his origin is preserved in the name given him. The implied name of a. place, Tishbeh, or Tishbi, gives no clue, as no such place is known. If the word translated sojourners is regarded, as it may be properly, as a. proper noun, the verse would read, “from Thesbon of Gilead," and this is in accord with Josephus. Somewhere, then, in the severe, but picturesque, district of Gilead, east of Jordan, bordering on the desert, the prophet had his origin. And the ruggedness of the hills from whence he came passed into his character. » Said unto Ahabâ€"He was a short man, like Paul, and the unkempt hair of the Nazirite fell over his shoulders. He was clad in rough attire. He waited for none of the usual courtesies and honiavges of the court. With bold abruptness, he breaks in upon the royal pres» ence and announces his startling message. Why should he fear on ‘Ahab, so long as he was the mesâ€" senger of the God of Israel before yhom I stand? Dew hor rainâ€"This was a, recog- nized form of punishment for apos- tasy. Compare Deut. 11. 17. For three years or more there followed a, severe famine which afflicted all Israel. James represents the drought as an outcome of the pray- er of Elijah, though that is not mentioned here. But the prophet does say that the curse shall be terminated only in accordance with his own word. 3. Hide thyselfâ€"~He would of course be in immediate danger from the revengeful disposition of Jeze- bel. The king himself seems to have had a. restraining reverence for the prophets of God. The brook Cherithâ€"As this was on the east side of the river Jor- dan, Elijah would be thoroughly familiar with its hiding places, 'for here he had had most of his trainâ€" ing. 4" The ravens to feed theeâ€".At- tempts have been made to elimin- ate the supernatural element in these stories of Elijah. Here, for example, the word “ravens†has been translated “Arabs†and “merchants.†But; it is not probâ€" Lble the story would have been thought worth repeating and pre- serving except for this miraculous element. Lessun VI.-â€"Elijah the Prophet ap- pears in Israel, I Kings 17. Golden Text, Psa. 34. 10. {HE SUNDAY SGHUUL STUBY 9. Zarephathâ€"Thither he was sent as soon as the drought had dried up the brook Cherith. It is the modern Sarafend. Un a promon- tory, about eight miles south of Sidon, it would afford botl: shelter in an unexpected place, and would not be entirely given over to the drought because of the unfailing Iountains of Lebanon. The haugh- ty Jezebel would scarcely think to search in her own Baalâ€"worshiping country for the prophet of the Lord. It was here that Jesus, cen- turies later, went on a. mission of mercy. As it turned out, Elijah went on a. mission of mercy also, as well as for the purpose of sus- taining himself. 10. A litt1e water . . . that I may drinkâ€"He had come a. long jourriey, through a. parched country, and must have been exhausted. 12. Jehovah thy. Godâ€"His speech ‘mrnis dress must have betrayed hi1. She herself was, of couxw, .‘ ‘F or Tea You Can’t Beat Lipton’s†INTERN ATIONAL LESSON, FEB. 5. Over 2,030,000 Packages Soid Weekly. Millions Who Drink It Recommend to You Delicious 21. Stretched himself upon the child three timesâ€"In order to in- duce respiration and give warmth to the body. He combined with his earnest prayer such simple me- thods of restoration as he knew. 13-16. One must not overlook the tremendous faith which was necesâ€" sary on Elijah’s part to speak these words, Fear not, and The jar of meal shall not waste. How long he remained here we do not know, but it seems safe to conjecture at least two years. 17. No breath left in himâ€"It has been suggested that this language is not decisive as a description of death. But it is certain Elijah con- sidered the lad dead. At any rate, whether he was actually so, or on];' on the borderland, it was through the prayer of the prophet that he was restored. 18. What have 1 to do with thee? â€"In her terror the poor Widow wishes this man of God had never come. It was a. common supersti- tion that death accompanied the appearance of superhuman beings. His coming, she thought, called the divine attention to some sin of her past which she hoped had been overlooked. A slumbering consci- ence is often awakened in the preâ€" sence of death. 19. The chamber where he abode â€"It is an unnecessary assumption that he kept under cover during this entire period. There were endless opportunities for_ him to satisfy his natural fondness for so- litary places. ' 24. Now I knowâ€"She had called him a man of God previously, but this rescue from death of her boy, made her certain beyond all doubt. And it also elicited from hera con- fession of faith in the God whom Elijah served. A statement has been circulated to the effect that the British Gov- ernment proposes in its Payment of Members Bill to ï¬x the salary at $2,500 per annum. The idea at ï¬rst was that $1,500 should be the amount, but it‘ has been urged since that that is altogether in- adequate, inasmuch as no man can possibly meet the ordinary expen- ses of a Parliamentary session out of such an allowance. The House of Commons may be the best club in London; nevertheless it is, like all other things that come under the category of the best, an expensive place. It is suggested that the ‘Laborists are likely to object to [anything more than $2,000. I have not a cakeâ€"The devasta- tion of the famine had extended as far as Zarephath, and brought with it widesperad misery. only a heathen woman. Elijah was to learn that even in the heart of a despised worshipper of Baal there was a warm sympathy and a capa- city for kindness which -no doubt went a long way toward softening» his own rough nature. AS GDUD AS HAVING A DUDTUR IN THE HOUSE That is what thousands of mothers say of Baby’s Owl; Tablets. These Tablets promptly and surely cure all the minor ills of babyhood and childhood, and what is more they are absolutely safeâ€"â€"they have never been known to harm the youngest babyâ€"~they never will harm anyonemthey are good for babies of all ages. Concerning them Mrs. Wm. Higgins, Karn, Ont., writes :â€"-“I shall never be without Baby’s Own Tablets in the house as long as my children are small. They are a wonderful mediâ€" cine, and are asgood as having a dogt‘or in the house. I gave them to my little boy for colic and they quickly cured him. I am always glad to recommend them to other mothers.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medi- cine Co., Btockville, Ont. PAYMENT OF MEMBERS. This warning will be read by thousands of people who only just succeed in getting through the day’s work without a, breakdown. If you feel always tired out, have but little appetite, andn poor di-‘ gestion, cannot sleep well, suffer from headaches, backaches and nervousness, it may mean that you are on the verge of a. serious breakâ€" down. ‘ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure weak, nervous, troubled men and women because of their direct ac- tion on the blood. Every dose of these Pills helps to ,make new, rich blood, which tones the vital organs, strengthens the nerves and brings renewed health and strength. Mr. Geo. Johnson, of Lequille, N. 8., suffered for some years as a result of overwork and strain, but found no help for his condition until he began the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Mr. Johnson says :-â€"“Whil-e working on a railway handling heavy ties I hurt my back and had to give up work. Later I was able to do light work, but for about six years 1 suffered from dreadful pains in the back and down my legs. This; condition became aggravated by inâ€" digestion and chronic constipation, and my life was one of constant misery. During those years I was treated by different doctors, but did not get any help. One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and proved his faith in them by presenting me with a box. It was more to please him than from any belief that they would be of service to me that I began taking the Pills. Before the box was ï¬n- ished, however, they seemed to be helping me; the pains in my back and legs grew less intense and the bloating in my stomach, caused by the indigestion, disappeared. I continued taking the Pills until I had used over a dozen boxes, when I found myself fully restored to my former health. I am now able to do heavy farm work, and for the past year have not lost a day, or had the least symptom of my for- mer troubles, and I attribute it en- tirely to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.†I Dr. William' Pink Pills the Only Hope for Weakened Nervous People Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. VVilIi9‘“s’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. " Speaking of present conditions in Scotland recently, the Laird of Ski- bo told of‘ distilleries lying idle. “Not a, man on our estate," Mr. Carnegie declareo, "not a, butler, a gamekeeper or a chauffeur, even to the captain of our yacht, but he is a total abstainer. On the ï¬rst of January each year, a bonus of 10 per cent. is paid to every em- ploye of the estate who can truth- fully say that he‘lhas not tasted liquor in the past twelve months except by order of his doctor. That is the most eloquent sermon for temperance that has ever been preached in Scotland.†ON THE VCRGE OF A BREAKDOWN The Maoris of New Zealand and, whilst holding their annual gatherâ€" ings, do not believe in going hunâ€" gry, as a glance through the follow- ing list» of. food consumed during a recent gathering will show. There were nine bullocks, twenty sheep, seventeen bags of shellï¬sh, eight tons of potatoes, thirteen '561b. bags of sugar2 200113. of cake, 1,100 21b. loaves, 220-gallons of milk, 4cwt. of flour, eight 50lb. boxes of butter, six large tins of fancy bis- cuits, four cases of jam, two tons of eels, one ton of pumpkins, beâ€" sides condiments and sundries. Fourteen tons of ï¬rewood were us- ed for cooking. The number of Maoris‘ present was 1,300. Bibbsâ€"~â€"“That was a remarkable escape of Boreleigh’s. It 3311 wonâ€" der he is alive to tell the tale.†Gibbsâ€"“Yes; and such a pity, “I know he isn’t handsome Caro- line,†urged the mother; "\but he is a worthy man, and I wish you could look upon his suit with a. ï¬t- tle more favor, for your father's sake and mine. Joshua. Thorn- buckle once saved your father from bankruptcy, and a. friend in need is a. friend indeed." “Yes, mam- ma‘,†answered Miss Caroline, list- lessly. “But he isn’t in-kneedâ€" he’s bowâ€"1egged.â€- - BONUS FOR TEMPERANOE. V) A LITTLE MAORI DE.J Ah. Traders Bank at Annual Meeting Favor Government Inspection. At the 26th annual meeting of the Traders Bank in Toronto, January 24th, the following resolution was passed :«â€"â€" It was moved by E ston, K.C., director, Mr. J. S. Williamson and resolved: “That the shareholders and di- rectors of the Traders Bank of Can- ada place on record their hearty approval of any legislation of the Dominion Parliament whereby an independent examination and audit under the direction of the Governâ€" ment of all Canadian Banks shall beï¬ made from time to time; Resolved, also, that Whilst the system of auditing should be de- termined by the Government, it is hoped that in the public interest, the method to be devised will be thorough and" efï¬cient, and of a. practical character, as the result of a. defective system would create inâ€" justice and tend to injure those who might be induced to rely on reports having the sanction of a Govern- ment or other ofï¬cial auditor. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Hon. the Minister of Finance.†If, as the Traders Bank share- holders and directors suggest, the Government does inaugurate a. scheme of inspection, it will be the most radical improvement in Ca.â€" nadien Banking procedure in recâ€" ent years. The Management of the Traders Bank must be credited up- on their stand upon this question. Government inspection of Banks is needed in Canada to make our sys- tem beyond question the most solid and efï¬cient in the world and those banks which, like the Traders, throw their influence in this direc- tion deserve the commendation of the Public. Other outstanding features of the 1910 business brou ht out in the meeting are given elow, and the\' will make very interesting reading to depositors, shareholders and those interested in the success and growth of the Traders Bank. Deposits increased over $6,003.- 000. Total deposits are row over $36,000,000. To keep up with the growth of the country. eleven new branches were opened, scattered from Porcupine to British Colum- bia. $348,360 was distributed in di- vidends and $100,000 added to re- serve fund, which now amounts to $2,300,000. Total assets now amount to $47,152,736: There are now 1,813 people holding shares in the Traders Bank and the number is constantly increasing. The Man- agement has handled the affairs of the Bank in an able manner, so that the development of the Trad- ers Bank is fully in accord with that of the country. The report for 1910 is one that will further in- crease the great asset which the Traders possesses, the conï¬dence of Canadians. Mr, C. D. Warren was re-elehted President and Honorable Eur] room commando nu ocnn vlow, mt]: ackuhod with us and truth wuhr, chum!- glus 1: every chamber. Temponkuro "gambit by Tint-moulst tho In.» dovolo nun il it???†using. Telephono in "cry room. (10].! prlvflogos. Cup-Aft, loo. Writ. tor ll mum: a . CHARLES O. MARQUETTE, TRAYMORH flOTEL COMPANY. ~ Manager. D. S. WHITE, Pmident. A nagnlnoonc ton-Icon flro- mo! nddlflon in an huh: oomplond, MLMI‘ this (no! [10150111 the uqu And no“ up-to- at. of Ail-mic 0 Gy Hot. I. A an femur. is the null nizo of he bod rooms. lYOl’I‘hlfl 10 foot Iquun. BANK INSPECTION. . F. B. Johnâ€" seconded by , shareholder, J. R. Stratton Viceâ€"President. The complete report for the year 1910 is being issued in handsome booklet form and will be gladly sent on request to any one any- where. Apart from special infor- mation concerning the Trader: Bank, it contains a. large amount 0! valuable Canadian information of a general kind and will be found very useful as a. work of reference. Send your enquiry to the Head Ofï¬ce, Toronto. A CLOSE CALL. The unfortunate bother mention- ed in this story from the London Telegraph will have many sympa. thizers. Everybody who has visit- ed a region much axfected by sports- men has had occasion to observe with regret how easy it is for per‘ feet incompetents to procure guns and ammunition, and how danger- ous the neighborhood immediately becomes. A near-sighted sportsman strolled into a, little hotel on the shores of Loch Carron, and complainingly said: “Just seen a seal, shot at it three times, and missed it each time.†At dinner, an hour later, he sat next to a. tourist; who had a. band- age round his head. "‘Had an accident!†asked tha sportsman. “Accident?†growled the other. “Attempted murder, you mean. I was having a bath about an hour ago, when some lunatic with a. gun ï¬red at me three times from the shore and shot part of my ear OK. I don’t know why such animals are allowed out without a, license.†Zam-Buk Worked a Wonderful Cure Mr. J. Nixon, of 901 William Ave., Winnipeg, a blacksmith at the C.P.R. shops, had his foot hardlyl burned by’ some molten metal fals- ling upon it. He says: “The burn was a, very bad one, and after the ï¬rst few days it left an open sore, which showed marked signs 01 bloodâ€"poisoning. It discharged freely and caused me terrible ag- ony. For three weeks I sufferedl acutely and could get no ease. At" last I obtained a. preparation from the doctor, which seemed to stop the discharging and made me quite hopeful, but ï¬nally the wound be- came as bad as Her. “I was then advised to use Zamy Buk, and from the ï¬rst application the helm gave me relief. The in<' flammation was thoroughly checln ed, and the poisonous matter clean1 ed away in a, very short time aften beginning with Zam-Buk. Healin then began, and in less than tw weeks the wound was healed. Zam-Buk is equally good for pile blood-poisoning, festering wound chaps, cold sores, children’ eruptions, scalp sores, vu- cose ulcers, chilblainl, m. druggists and stoves sell st box or post free from Zam-Buk 00. Toronto. upon receipt of Mice. Yo are warned againï¬t harmful su stitubes and lnfenor preparatian BURNS CAUSED OPEN SORE. Then silence re1_gned supreme.