If it has been ï¬nally decided that Councillor John Tyndall is to have a monopoly of seeing that in future our Park is to cease being used as a cattle ranch, should not some other member of the Council be appointed to keep the hobbledehovs from look- ing in the windows at the Masonic Hall during the progress of enter- tainments? This is most annoying, not only to entertainers but to the audience. And to be serious we be- lieve that that work should be part of the duties of our village constable. If his salary is too low let it be mieed. RICHMOND HILL. 0N1. FEB‘ : THE REV. IRL R. HICKS 1911 ALMANAC. The Rev. 11-] R. Hicks Almanac for 1911. that guardian Angel in a hundred thnnsund homes, is now ready; Not, many are now willing to be without it, and the Rev. 11-] R. Hicks Maguzme, \Vnrd and \Vm-ks. The two are only One Dolinr a. year. The Alumnae is 35c»prepaid. Nu home or ofï¬ce should fnil to send for thpm, L0 \Vord and RN nrks Publishing Company, St. Lohis, lu. ' Some Interesting Facts Concerning S. A. Immigration Work. HRM LABORERS AND DOMESTICS Commissioner Unumlis and C‘winnel Lamb, Directul of The Army’s Emi- gratiun VVm-k, have just l'etwrm-(I from an extended tour making arrange- ments for the placing of the immi- grants that Will come to Canada. under the auspices of The Salvation Army in the spring. These will principally consist (If lnbm-L-rs for farms and du- Inestics. During the past year The Anny has arranged the immigration of almut ten thousand persons to this cnunti-y, and arrangements are being peifucted for the bringing of a larger number during the Next) sensun. A nuinbm (if Canadian Ofï¬cers will shortly he visiting the Old Countrv for the pmpose (if svltecling, advising and cinnducting parties. Farmers and others in Ontario who desire to secure labor for next: spring should at once get into touch with The Sulvutiun Army, as we understand thew is a great demand for The Army’s immigrants. VVi-ite for in- formation and application forms to Brigadier H. Morris, Innnigrntinn and Unlunizatinn Deparunont. James and Albert Sm, Tuman M 1's. J sayggâ€" The immdï¬rmng that come to this country Lhiuugh The. Army are nfaa highly desirable class, being specially selected by experienced agents who are familiar \viLh the class of workprs that Canadiqu farming conditions Cull fur. The ten thousand immigrants of l:st your were selected frum over 100,000 applicants. It Will thus be seen how sen-re is the process [If selection. “1 have fuund Parisian Sago to he the lwst, sun“) and hail tonic and dressâ€" ing 1 have ever ll‘ik‘d. My huh- had hven cunning nut, in combs full and was vvry dry and brittle and the scalp xvi-Ls always itching and full (If dan- drufl". l have u§¢d two bottles 0f PHIL-inn Sage and it, has stopped my _A preacher grew fervent in exhort- ing to an honesbliving. and near the close of his sermon he said: “Let. every person in the house who is paying his or her debts stand up†Instantly every man and woman in the house save one, was standing. After they wele peacefully seabed the dominie asked, "Now let Lhose stand up who aref nob paying thL-ii' debts,†and a. lung, lean nmn of sixty or more years (:loLllHl in a swdv looking; suit of the past decade. slowly assumed :1 p01 pen- diculnl- position in his pew. “How is it, myl‘riend." inquier the minister in astute. Lone, “that, you are the only ono of this intulligent‘, congregation who (lows not mveb his obligations i" Thelemky individual meekly answvrl ed, "1 run a. nmvspnper. and the brethren hum who just stood up are my subscribers, andâ€â€"â€"The minister 1’) Mike in abruptly with. “We will 01 use with the hmwdiciion.â€â€"Ex. ' hair from falling, the itching and danâ€" drulf have disnppmred and my hair is ï¬ne. and snft and glussy. I would not he. wilhuub this fine Hair Tonic for many times the price." Fur women, mm or children Parisian Sage is withouL any doubt; the finest preparation for the hair. Duintily perfumed, it is free from grease or stickiness and might tn he whale awry member (If the family could use it daily. Large huttle 50 cents. all all druggists nr from the proprietors, The Girqu Mfg. 00., Fnrt Erie. Ont†pust- paid. The girl with the Auburn hair is «In every package. Sold and guar- anteed by \V. A. Sanderson. Falling Hair Han-is ul' \Vappellu, Sask, nth medlcme tor ladies )c‘gulajre tho; mensoa' , healthy 111:1 punk-s: mines or puma an up - asud by over $0,000 ludia; 1 wmqï¬wagajn. Invggnmtzv: N6 v 1m our Manchu? acre»; Avoxd subautum Salad vx ‘ 3mm LI) per u.“ 8:" ...... . .u «r a-cuuy. we, Puma†cnfg'hcifi Unison. m WAFERS 2. 1911 Weekly Globe to Jan. 1, ’12 Weekly Mail and Empire to Jan. 1, ’12 York Co. 7; Daily Star, outside of towns and villages Daily News BuSg Man’s Magazine Farmer’s Magazine Farm and Dairy Every farmer should know that tho price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How cam he know this if he does not take a. farm business paper? What doctor or hw- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but one farmers’ business and market paper, that in The Weekll Sun. ehStart. 1910 right by subscribing. Every family should have both their local paper and a city paper PAY WflEN WEED QTHERE IS BUT ONEg Our New Method Treatment can. cure you and make a. man of you. Under its influ- ence the brain becomes aclive, the Llood puriï¬ed, so that all pimples, blotclies and ulcers disappear. the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, bashfulness and des- gondenc vanish, the eye becomes bright. the face full and clear, energy returns to the ody at} the moral, physical and Lexual systems are invigorated: all drains ceaseâ€"no more Vital waste from the system. Don‘t, let quacks and fakii's rob you of your hard earned d011'avl‘s- We will cute you or no pay. , READER: No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. . Books F_|"ee-“Thq Cylgien Moniior†(Illustrated) on Secret Diseases of Men. Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a. premature grave through Early lndiacretiom, Excuses and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- lowing sympnoms consult us before it is to.) Lute. Are you nex'vuus and weak, despon- dent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circlls under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and lo; SeS sediment in urine. Fimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow (2110 kg, Caz-cworu expxes ~11, poor memory, ifeless, distrustful, lack energy my] strength, tired mornings, res; ~ 3 nights, changeable moods, weak manhood, premaeure decay, bone pains, hair 10", e, sore throat, etc. V H a a E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: Write for our private address. W NO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED Vii/TROUT WRITTEN CONSENT “‘31 rs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON'REQUEsf DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. EVERYTHING PREVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL YOU W’ILL BE A WRECK NERVGï¬ï¬-s’ EEEE'BEMTY ï¬rst! by the N62; Method Treatment‘ 21-331 The undersigned is prepared handle all kinds of Wire Fencing Fifty Cents a Rod. Also the Russell Rail Fence. Wire Fencing \V. H. ESPEY. 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 75c. Elgin Mills. to as A smv cum? to the pr-mnisws (1f the undersigned. 1(vt,4.cun.+’, \VhiLchm-uh, on or uhuuL the lst of August. Thv nu'nvr- mnv have same by proving property and paying 8Xi)"l)~'t5 . n .n‘v‘ 24- Tit-kots may he had from Caretaker at, the Rink. “CANADi A’N PluURIAL†THE NATIONAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE fmm 2.0!) to 4.00 for Ladies and Children. BAND IN ATTENDANCE BOTH NIGHTS Sevoml farms in Mm-klmm and one in Richmond Hill for sale. House and lot, near Richmond Hill to sell or rent, Vucarlhvillage lots for salz’. Also monvy to 10:11) on First Mort- gage nu Real Prvprrtry. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent, 29-tf Richmond Hill. Exqvisitely printh m‘. ï¬ne (‘03th paper. Pictures of \vell-knmvn people. of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches hf pictures in mch issue). Appeals to Canadians its the great ilâ€" lustrated papers of anlnu appeal [q the English pvoplo. Nun political. Absoluu-ly m) ax“ to grind. Its aim solely to Flame and in infm'm. lust be seen in be appreciated. Ton cents a copy. Ono dollar a your. The Piu- tminl Publishing 00., 142 Peter St. lVInrtre-ul. 21-va TICKETSâ€"10c; 3 for 25c; 7 for 50c. or 15 for $1.00. Children under 12 yrs.. 5c. OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EV Eï¬lNG Land and Money The Richmond Hi}! Skating Rink '1 Ci periences of angler: ‘km ers and campers, c Aï¬vamwe new depart- ment has to do with the C 0» u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayeat, $2 for six months. " . We send free on re- quest our catalogue of the best : books on oufdoor life and recreation. FGREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway. New York. 5 new depart- ment has to do with the C 0» u n t r y Home and its surroundings. T erms_: $4 books on oufdoor life and recreation. FGREST AND STREAM PUB. 013. 346 Broadway. New York. â€"ALSO#- SATURDA Y AFTE RNOONS Estray otice SKATING from 7.30 tn 10.00 SMI-zTSON. will he W’. H. PUGSLEY. Reeve. Gm'mh-y L: Pursuum to [hr‘ judgmr‘nt and m-dvr fur sale [1de in this mum) and hsz fng duLe \Vedne-sduy, the IL‘ML day (11" January. 1910. there will he sold with the :lpprnlmtibn' 0f J. A. U. Uzunm-un, ,Equil't", the Ofï¬cial Referee, by J.\ T. Suigeun. Auctiunver. at the Inkermunn [Intel at \an’lmidqo, at the hour of ’.l.‘\VO O’ULOUK. on THE 25TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. A.I). 1911, HIV fol- In the High Court of Justice lowing lands and piemiscs, vilu: ’l‘lu: undivided moiety in All and Singular that certain parcel or [mg-th laml and. premises situate, lying and lwlng in the Township of Vaughan, in the- ‘mumy of York, and. known :is the numb-west quarter of Lot numle- valvv, in the Ninth Concession of the said 'I‘nwnship of Vaughan. subject In the, life estate the-rein uf June MC- Ar-Lhur uf the Village of \Voodlnidgu, \Vidmv. J. H. SANDERSON. VHS. s) 1-; This property will he nfl’vrec‘. for sale subject t0 a» reserved bid as has been “XML TERMS OF PAYMENT T911 per cent. of the purchase monev 0n the day of sale and the balance on m‘ before the 81h day of April, 1911. Date-d at Tm-nntn this Twenty-fourth day uf pecan-bet, 1910. REAL ESTATE Notice is ian-hy givon that an ilppliC’dLiUh w'H he made to the Lngisâ€" lalure of the Prmince of Ontario at, the next Ss-ssinn theienf for an Act to incnrpmate a Company undvr the name "Tomntu Interul-han Railway.†granting such Company authority and pnwer to survey, lay out, construct, Complvte, equip and maintain a rail- way in he operath by steam (Jr einctriciry, or pal-tone and part by the other, from a point in “1' near- Lhe City hf Toronto, thence in a Nmtherly N" North Westerly direction passing through the. 'l‘mvtmhips vf Yul‘k, Vaughan and King in the County of York, in the Prmince of Ontario. and the Townships 'uf VVvsb (iilliman-y and Innisï¬l'in the County of Simcoe in said Prmince, to a paint in 01- near the Tuwn 0f Barrie in the said County Hf Simona. RANGING FROM $800 TO $5,000. 166 acre farm nnrt.h,0f village. Buildings A1. Land in good state of cultivation Further particulars and conditions of sale made known at the time of sale nr hy refvrvm-e to A150 100 acres on the 2nd of Marla ham. SIX VERY DESIRABLE liouses and 140ts FOR SALE An eight 11mm brick house on Yonge Street. Furnace and other conven- iunces. 10-“ N THE MATTER OF THE LAST WILL AND 'I‘ESTAML’JNT OE" \VILLIAM ARCHER. LATE 01" THE 'l‘U\\'NSHlP Ub‘ VAUGHAN 1N THE COUNTY OF YORK. DECEASED. Lax-ets 5 ?c.§¥%f...â€t..'?§. For Sale or Rent â€"â€"NOW ON HANDâ€"â€" RICHNIOND HILL 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Tomntn. J. A. U. CAMERON, Ofï¬cial Referoeu RITCHIE. LUDWIG & BA LLANTYNE. 157 Bay Street, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicants \V I LLI A M (200 K, AGENCYâ€"â€" Notice MANAGER Apply to D. HILL.