Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Feb 1911, p. 8

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Auction Sales. FRIDAY, Feb. 3â€"Farm stock, etc., the property of Uhalland Bros. lot 3. con. 4, Vaughan. near Edglcy. Terms 9 mos. Saigoml & McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY, plaments &c. on lot 4. con. 8, Mark- ham the pro city of Abram Raymcr. ale at 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months. 1-1. Prentice. Auct. TUESDAY, Feb. 7~Farm stock. imple- nlents &c., on lot Zl, con. 2. Mark- ham, property of Frank Graham. Sale at 1 o'clock. Teims 9 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 8-â€"-Farm stock, ctc. property of Arthur Robson, lot 26, con. 8, Vaughan, near Kleinburg. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saig- _eon & McEwen. Aucts. ' WEDNESDAY, Feb. Sâ€"Farm stock. im- ‘ plemcnts.‘ furniture, etc., on lot 21. con. 4. East York. the property of W. VVilie. Sale at. 1 o’clock. Tel-ms cash. J. H. Picntice. auct. THURSDAY, Feb. 9â€"Farm stock. in)- plements, etc.. on lot 12, con. 2. East York. the property of Wm. Smith. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. TUESDAY, Feb. 14â€"Farm stock. im- plements, oic., pioperty of \Vm. Smith, con. 10.. King. Terms 9 (nos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saigeon & McEch. Aucts. TUESDAY, Feb. 15*Farm stock, eta} property of \Villls Lahmer, lot 11. con. 5, Vaughan. Terms 9 mos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saigcon & McEwen, Aucts. XVEDNESDAY. Fob. 15â€"Fitl‘ll') stock, implements, etc.. on lol 3, con. 4, Maikham, the property of Henry Denby. Sala at 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. THURSDAY, Feb. IGAFarm stock. etc, property of H. Palmer, lot 33. con. 11, King. Terms9 mos. Sale at l p.m. Saigeon 8; McEwen, Aucts. SATURDAY, Feb. 18â€"Farm stock. im- plements, ot(:., at Uxbridgc‘, the~ properly of Rolf Conner. Sale at I o’clock. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. aunt. THURSDAY, Feb. 23v-Farm stock. in)- plements, etc, on lot ll, con. 4. Markham. the property of Frank Sisle'r. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 9 months. J. H. l’rcnticc, anct. THURSDAY, Fob. 23-â€"Fili'lll stock. im- plements, ctr:., propcrty of Robert Watson. Gran-l road. Vaughan. Terms 9 mos. Saic at 1 p. ii). Saig- eon & McEwen, Ancts. FRIDAY. Feb. ZlA-Farm stock. imple- nlcnts, etc., lot 32. con. ’7, Pickering. the property of .I. “7. Curtis. Sale at l p.m. Terms 8 months. 'J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURDAY. Feb. 25â€"-Farm stock, im- plrmcnts. furniture, etc... on lot 5. con. 9. Markham, the property of N. Clottan. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 9 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. MONDAY, Feb. 27â€"‘Farm stock. imple~ lnents, etc.. on lot 10, con. 6, Mark- ham, the property of J. R. Hager- man. Sale, at 1 o‘clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. TUESDAY. Feb. 23-â€"Farm stock, c-tc.. property of George Cooper, lot 25, con. 8, Vaughan, Kleinburg. Terms Qmos. Sale at 1 p.m. Saigeon & McEwcn, Aucts. WEDNESDAY. March lâ€"Farm stock. implements, ctc., on lot 25, con. 6, Markham, the prnprrty of S. \Vagg. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tel ms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. THURSDAY, March Zâ€"Farm stock. im- plements. furniture, etc.. on lot 5, con. 3, Markham. the property of Albert Cross. Sale. at 11 o’clock. Lunch provided. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. ' TUESDAY. March 7â€"Farm stock. im- plements. ctc.. \Vcst York. Bradford Park. the property. of Frank Law- rence. ‘Sale at 1 p.m. TermsSmos.1 J. H. Prentice, Auct. WEDNESDAY, March Sâ€"Farm stock. implements, etc.. on lot 17, con. 3, Scarboro, the property of Robert Webster. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice, auct. THURSDAY. March 9â€"â€"Farm stock. implements, comâ€"2. West York, west of Davisvillr, the property of C. H. Shaver. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice. auct. THURSDAY. March iiiâ€"Farm imple- ments, cattle. sheep and hugs, on lots 38 and 39, Con. l. Vaughan (Stop 46. Met.), the property of W. D. Scott. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. FRIDAY. March lOâ€"Farm stock, im- lements, etc.. on lot 18, con. 4. arkham, the property of Chris. Nichol]. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice. anct. SATURDAY, March 11 â€" Clydesdale horsrs, high-bred cattle, sheep and swine. implements. etc., on lot 2. Con. 1. Uxbridgc. the property of James Hoivett.» Sale at 11 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. PrentiCc. auct. TUESDAY. March l4â€"Farm stock. im- lwments. etc... on lot 12. Con. 2, est York. the property of Andrew McKay. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Prentice..auct. Gormley Mr. Jacob Cuber, from the Bible Training School. Toronto. addressed the Sabbath School at the Brethreu’s Church lastSunday. At thcskating carnival in Aurora last Thursday evening aprize was iven to the person bringing the . argest number of people to the carni- val. Mr. Roy Nelson of this place drove a load of 39, but alargcr load »fii'l‘lved from King township during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sidcr loft last Thursday for \Vainflect.PcrryStation, in \Vclland county where they pur- pose making tlwirfutnre home. Mr. Sider was married but. a few weeks ago to Miss Alicu Strcklcy. She will be greatly II’IISSL'LI in church and social circles. Feb. 4â€"Farm stock. inr ’ It Never Pays Home Owners to be careless in making purchases of HARNESS, HORSE GOODS, orcvcn in the L matter of repairing, in all features, which go to make up a desirable place to trade. THIS IS THE PLACEâ€"goods I ‘ of absolute reliability, prices that are reasonable and fair in Harncss, Blan- kets, Robes, Mitts. and anything usu- , .ally found in a first-class harness store. Under $5 . . . 3c. $5 to$lO . . . 6c. Mercantile Fir Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Rimouski Ins. Co. York Fire Ins. London Guarantee 86 Accident CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS. A. J. M E Accidsnt - ~ . i & ‘ili‘ii Tiliéfiiliifi Special attention given to 6 ins. Go. Pressing Cleaning m Eepairing VW \._.~...,____._., 00. i9 NOTARY PUBL 10 DISTRICT AGEN TS P. G. SAVAGE A A leading grain growing Western Canada. struction, costing $70,000. Distributing and Land Collegiate Institute under con- ND A. G. SAVAG E Conveyancing, Leases. "Wills, Etc. REQHE‘W’HQNEJ . .60 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE SASK. and stock-raising centre in The Judicial, Educational, Office centre of Eastern g . . 5 Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Uhu'chcs, 25 , V - TRADE MARKS s Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. _ -‘ 3 , V DESIGNS ‘ ‘ Copvmcnrs ac. For full information address G. H. Bradbrook, Sec. Board of Trade. Anyone sending a sketch and description my quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an invention is probably Patentahle. mmunlca- tions strictly confident uI. HANDBUO on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securinaatonta. Patents taken through Munn 8; reset“: BIRTHS. HAMILTONâ€"In Richmond Hill, Jan. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hamilton, a daughter. MCLEANâ€"Near Richmond Hill. Jan. 29. 1911. to Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Lean, a son. MARRIAGES RYAN~LYNETT~â€"In St. Mary’s Church. i Rlchmond Hill. by Rev. Father Grant. on Tuesday. January 31. 1911. Mr. J. P. Ryan of Chicago to Miss Louise Lynelt of Richmond Hill. DEATHS HAMILTONâ€"At Elgin Mills, on January 30. 1911. Agnes M. Hamilton, aged 4'2 years. ‘ lntermentin Richmond Hill Cemetery, Wednesday, the first of February. MAPEsâ€"At her late residence. 71 Ritchie avenue, Toronto. on Tues- day, Jan. 24. 1911, Mary (Polly) Kcnnetsley. Wife of Truman A. Mapcs, and daughter of the late John Kennersley of Richmond Hill. Funeral Friday, 27th Jan.. at 1.30 p.m. Interment at Richmond Hill on arrival of special Metropolitan car. to Join a. (‘ ab Tina ‘ l Mythic: and figure Kimmy tiirtllérgdll ‘ Ever oooy should Join the Mutual Liters Mn» sic (Au of America. There is roihingelse 1 1:6 it anywhere, It costs almost nothing to join and the' ; benefits it irivcs are wonderful. Iterahies you to! purchase backs and period icaia. music and musicall ; Instruments special cut pricrs, It secures to- . ducad rut many hotels. It answers questions itree of cha be. It offers scholarships and valua- ‘ bis cash prizes to mrmbers. It maintains club yrooms In many Cl ilcsfor its members. In addition. vevery‘mem oer receives the official magazine enti- .1 tied Itv’ry Month" agilibification in a claim by . itselfdnclualmz 6 pieces 0 high-class vocal and in- stmmental musicaull size) each month without Piss ii" ‘“ °“- ‘3’. 1 I ‘ 1M%TP?FHING. EFITS FOR I e u yearly membemhlpfeeisOneDolla to which you get all above, and you may WITCH: xdrnw any time within three months it you :wanuo do so midget your dollar back. If you don tours to spec 31.00. send 25 cents for three month membership. Nobody can mum to us this otter by. You will 1; your money lane in ‘valua many times over. ul particulars will be sent tree 0 charge. but If you are wise you will - send in your request for membership with the _ ropor fee at once. The 25 etc. three months mem- ership orm- will soon chance. Write at once ad- Idresaingyour latter and enclosing $1.00 for tulir :lyrfggphgnzplbanhic o:- twenty-nvc cents for three lMUT‘UAL LITERARY Music 0mm p w r I No.- 150\Nnnnn an, N. Y. Ctly. E . No vomiting), no dis- tress. A safe and pleasing syrupâ€"500. ruggists. ‘ stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop’s Croup~ Remedy. One test will surely provp. “éiiéiiiiiié‘ F illggg, A handsomely illustrated weekly. culmion of any scientific journal. Terms for Canada. $3.75 a. year.possagc prepaid. Sold by all newsdealers. Mllllll a comm. New lgili Branch Once. 625 F at” Washington. D. Put a slipâ€"iiiâ€" Depreciation p _ Build with cypress NURSERY STUCK Atkinson, of Richmond Hill, calls on you. l 500 ACRES Ulla); CULTIVATION AT FIRST @ In the course ofa few days we will receive a carol Cypress Lumber from the Southern States, and will be prepared to fill ordersfor tanks, troughs, sash, green-house bars, &c. \Vc guarantee to deliver the stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that there is good money in representing a well- known. reliable firm at this time. Es- tablished over thirty years. Write for particulars. PELH AM NURSERY CO. exposure to wet and dry con-‘ TORONTO, ONT. ditions of the weather than any other material on the market to-day. 18-3m The Fruit Tree ‘ ' Specialists. Don’t place your order for spring until you have had our prices. Until . we have an agent. at Richmond Hill. Itw1li be to your advantage we will be glad to quote you direct. to give this lumber a trial; ' State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. Our trees are guaranteed strictly first grade, true to name. and to he delivered in first class condition. \Ve can save you money in two ways. Thos. W. Bowman 8: Son Co., Ltd. RiDGEViLLE, ONT. The price is about equal to good pine, but the wearing qualities are lar superior. quality considered, it is the cheapest and best lumber on Thislu‘mber will stand more lthe market to-day. Try it. L. Innes & Sons}. B UILDERS AND MILLERS RICHMOND HILL 23-211) l 19-3111 British - ‘ â€" CANADIAN ‘ l l l acids Ire acme. but than who mm Sui-son it Co..Portiimd, Mnine.will receiv. I B free. full information about work which I , how ’-an do. and llveui liome,ihai will my I l 'm" :3 , . r w M Q COLLEGE n: K _ in‘vflxl‘ugouiighé‘: gzliriuyn‘z ol-Tmiiaxl..zd N ' TIM \iI'E Plfll">ll free Thou: who sum m one! . sun at sun: [in]. I‘m-tuna. All It can i. Al'ill‘l ' l THE 3mm BANK Established l873 MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low cost unite» to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. 80 Branches $lOto $30 . . . 10c. $30 to $50 .' . . l5c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 87' RECETMQN’E} BRANCE E. M. flyrnc, Manager BRARCE‘SES ALSS: A? MlfiFLE-i MALREHAM, STGUl-“WELLE ANT.) GGR’RgLEY. GENERAL BLALKb‘MlTH, I ALL BRANLHES OF THE TRADE S'l‘li IU’I‘LY A'I‘TENDEI) TO. HOBSE-SHOEIN G A SPECIAL-TY PA’I‘RONAGE SOLICITICT) AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEE?) F. liliilllllilllilli. can in its lint Wc ask our customers to hold their‘ orders until our agent, Mr. John F.‘ TICKETS for {he Callailini‘ “inst procured at THE BANNER OFFTGE, AURORA Orders taken zit-â€" THE LIBERAL O FFICE RlouMoNn HILL. s+++é++s++tss+++++s++++++¢ What will you give for Christmas? _(,_ Let me suggest giving A Nice Box of Case Perfume .101...“ Hair Brush and Combs Ebony Brushes Manicure Sets ‘ Christmas Cards and Booklets Our line of Perfumes are very sclcct. Call and see them. \Ve will be glad to show them. I have a few good Dolls left. W. A. Sanderson Drugaist RICHMOND HILL '9'2940'b‘l04-M'I'N'l‘d’4' ‘1“? +1994"? ++i-Â¥+4¢¢+ ++~b~l¢+++$+++é~+ ++++ ++*+*++++++°¥°§”¥+4-%++++~b ++++éf+é+++++é+~r++$+$++ 40i- Q. 'i' Q'E'PQ‘W'I'fi-H: +++$i++++$®§++++++fi++++ s3 Willquale . Stuck Far HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES also ' EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS Some bred and others ready to breed. . 3w 0'. MCKENZIE Term M 1909. Ten per cent cheaper, ten per cont better for Business. Shorthand, and Matric. Booklet Free. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin FLGIEQ’ EEILLS ‘

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