implements. etc" on lot 25. con. 6. Markham, the property of S. Wu g. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tenns, 8 mont 9. J. H. Prentice, anct. THURSDAY. March ZmFarm stock. im- plements. furniture, etc., on lot 5. con. 3. Markham. the property of Albert Cross. Sale at ll o'clock. Lunch rovided. Terms, 8 months. J. H. tice. nnct. TBURSDAY. March 2.â€" nrm stock, implements. etc.. in Etobicoke. the property of W. M. Dixon. Terms 8 months. Sale at 1 o‘clock. Saigeon 3: McEwen. Roots. FRIDAY. March 3â€"‘Ffll'm stock. im- plements, etc.. lot a), con. 3. Etuln- coke, the property of Charles Fisher Terms? months. Sale at 1 o’clock Saigeon & McEwen. ands. MONDAY, March ï¬â€"Fm-m stock. im- plements, etc., lot 32. con. 1. Vaugh- an. the property of W. J. Rankin. S-tle at 1 dc ock. Terms 9 months. J. H. Prentice. nuct. TUESDAY, March 7.â€"â€"Fnrm stock. im- lements, etc., on lot 89. con. 1. ing. Yomre st., the property of AB. Milgate. 7 Inunths' credit. Sale at 1 o’clock. Saigeon & McEwen. “new. TUESDAY. March 7â€"Furn‘r stock, im- lements. etc.. West York. Bmlford ark. the property of Frank Law- rence. Sale at I p.m. Terms 8‘mos. J. H. Prentice. Auct. . WEDNESDAY. March 8.â€"Fm-m stock, implements, etc.. Inear Bradford. the property of G. F. Fisher. Terms 8 months. Sale at 1 o’clock. Saig- enn 81 Stoddart. uncts. . - WEDNESDAY. March Sâ€"F'arm stock, implements, etc.. on lot 17, con. 3, Scarboro, the property «pr Robert Webster. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Premire. amt. ' TAORSDAY, March 9â€"me stock, implements, etc.. near Conkstown. the property of D. R. Russ. Terms 8 months. Sale. at 1 o’clock. Snigl eon & Stoddurt. nucts. TSURSDAY, March 9.â€"â€"Fn_rm_‘ _,_s_.t(_)_ck, implements. flll'nitlll'9,::etdnl lot 35. con. 6. Vaughan, the pr yperty bf N. A. Mnlloy. Sale at 12 o’i: oak.- Terms 8 months. D. G. Blougb, anet. THURSDAY. March 9â€"â€"Farm stock, in) lements. con. 2. ‘Vest York. west of avisville, the property of C. H. Shaver. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms. 8 months. J. H. Prentice, zmct. FRIDAY, March 10.â€"Fnrm stock. im- plements, etc.. on lot 9. con. 8. King, the property of F. W. Uilruy. Terms 8 months. Sale at 1 o’clock. Saigeun \ & McEwen. uncle. ‘ ' FRIDAY. March lOâ€"Farm stockrilml- «plements, etc.. on lot 18.7001). 74. Markham, the proPerty of Chris. Nicholl. Sale at l o clock. ':'1‘;crm$.i8 months. J. H. Prentice. mist. " ’ SATURDAY. March 11+:ClydPSdN28 horse-s, high-bred cattle. sheep and swine, implements. etc., m: int. 2. con. 1. Uxbridge, the pruperby of James Huwetb. Sale at 11 o’clock. Terms, ,8 months. J. Prentice. mch ‘ MONDAY. March 13â€"an stuck, im- .. ilements. etc.. «m ‘lob 17,, con._ 7. augha-n; the property of John IiGn-eenwnnd. Terms8mnnths. Sale ntllu‘clouk. Saigeuu & McEweu, allots. ‘ . TUESDAY. March l4â€"Fau'm stock, im- lements. etc... on lot. 2, ' can. 2, est York, the property of Andrew McKay. Sale at 12 n’clock. Terms, 8 months. J. H. Pruntice. :mcb. WEDNESDAY, March 15~Fnrm stock. implements, furnimrvxtu. on lot 18 cnn. 3, East. York. The pl open-ty of Samuel Morgan. Sale at 10 u’clnck. 8 month’s credit. Lunch provided. J. H. Prentice, Anct. THURSDAY. March Iiiâ€"Farm imple- ments. cattle, sheep and hogs, on lots 38 and 39. can. 1. Vaughan (Stop 46, Men), the pruperty of \V. D. Scott. Sale at l o’cluck. Terms 10 months. J. H. Prentice, Aunt. FRIDAY. Malch l7â€"«Fnrm stuck, im- plmuents, furniture. «40., on Int 4, rear uf con. 6, Ernst Gwiliimhurv, the property of Riuhurd Harper. Sale at 12 o’clock. '1‘ 'run 8 mzmth’s. J. H.‘ Prentics. A21 Eon: 8, Vat an. Kleinbm-g. Terms 9 mos. Sn 3 at l p.11). Suigeon & McEwen. Aucta. WEDNESDAY, March Lâ€"Fa-I-m stock, implements, etc., in Etobicoke. the property of Jas. Onulter. Twins 8 months. Sulentldclwk. Saigeon and McEwén, Anew. WEDNESDAY. March ljâ€"Etyn stock, Markham, the pro rty of Frank Sislel'. Sale at l oclock. Terms 9 months. ‘J. H. Prentice; a'uct. THURSDAY; Feb. Ziâ€"Farm sï¬ock. im- lements, etc., yroperty 'of Robert. union, Grave road, Vaughan. Termstos. Sale at. l p.11). Saig- eon & McEwen, Aucts. ‘ FRIDAY, Feb. tatâ€"Farm stock, imple- ments, etc., lot. 82. con. 7, Pickerin . the propel-t of J. W._Cm'tis. Sn e at 1 pm. erms 8 months. J. H. Prentice. Auct. SATURDAY. Feb. 25â€"Car load of Heav Drau ht and French ï¬llies and'ge - ings mm Quebec,“ the Woode-idge House. \Voodbridge, the property of J. H. Brillinser. Bale all o’clock. Terms 8 moutha. Saigeon & Mc- Ewen. Anew.- SATURDAY. Feb. 25â€"Fax-m stock, im- plements, furniture, etc., on lot. 5, con. 9. Markham. the property of N. Olmtan. Sale at 1 o'clock. Perms, 9months. J. H. Prentice, auct. ' MONDAY, Feb. 27â€"Fau'm stock. imple- ments, etc.. on lot 10. can. 6. Mark~ ham, the property of J. B. Hagen- man. Sale at l o’clnck. Terms 8 months. J. H. Prentice, Auct. TUESDAY, Feb. 28â€"Furniture. &c.. at. Mount Joy. con. 8, Markham. the property of B. Lehman. Sade at 2 o‘clock, Texmscush. J. H. Preno Lice. auct. TUESDAY. Feb. 28â€"Farm stock. etc" propertx of _Geor§‘e pqnper, [gt '5, THURSDAY, Feb. 23â€"Fm-m sfdbk.’i'm- pleuggnts, et_c., on lot 14,; cgn. 4. Auction Sales. SATURDAY, March ISâ€"Fm‘m stuck. implements. etc" at, Bedford Park, the property of Robert, Finder.» Sale at I o’clnck. Terms 8 munths. J. H. Premise, nuct. TUESDAY, March 21â€"17mm: stock, imâ€" plements, furniture. etc., on lot, 33. cm). 3, Scarlmrn, the prnperty he- lunging tn the estate of the late Fletcher Mal-gun. Sale nt, 10 o’clock. Ternsz months. Lunch provided. J. H. Prentice. Auct. ' THURSDAY, -M:\r. 23â€"Farm stock, im- plements.etc., at, Willowdule, Yonge Street, the property of John Mor- gan. Saks at, l n’clock; Terms 8 . months .1. H. Prentice, Auct. DRURY~At Lsmgstaff, (m the 14th of February, tnMr._ apd Mrs. George Drury a flunghlur. - SAVAGE~IH 'Tm‘unto. on th? mth Frln-um-y. ~1911.10 _ and Mrs. A. S Savage, :1 sun. LANGBTAFFâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Wvdnesday. Feb. 22L_;l9ll, to Dr.. and Mrs. Langstuff, a sun. ' The lecture nn Friday evening, Fell. 17, under the auspices of the Epwurth League hi the Methudist chm'ch'und the Yuung People’s Guiid Of the Pres- byterian chm-ch was a great success in every why. The. number in attend- wus large. The Orchestra was at its best, the singing was nmst hearty. and the lecture, which though different from what was expected in the ï¬rst, was most acceptable to all. ~.Rev.. A. F. Mackenzie was the speaker of the evening, and for an hmn' held the wrapped attention (if the large nud- ience. MI. Mackenzie spoke lar ely ni‘ his \vnrk- in cummctiun with red Victn: Missinn. He uhnwed by ex- amples drawn from experience how in the saving (If a, little. childhthers Were rescued from lives of sin through her influence. I‘lnww girls coming as strangers to the city were rescued from lives of sin ny the sisterly and timely interventinn nfthe deucnuess. Hmv- pum- drunkards who hadn’t drawn at snher breath for many years were lifted up by the power of God until they had become sober indus- trinus and respectable citizenst By these. and many other examples Mr. Mackenzie am his hearers a View of Toruntcnn the great wm-k carried on there by the penple of God that we seldom see. Hereafter this Rev. gentleman will always he \velcmne to our tu_\vn n_s :1. public speaker. During the e'vening Rev. E. C. Currie gavv’u: mus sulu und Mr. \VElLt‘l'S con- tributed a unmet sulu. W/ L # reasonable and fair in Harness, bum. / :‘V ï¬ll/V522 - kets, Rubes. Mitts. and anythan usu- . 1 "4f "/37 a nlly found In a “rat-class burnt-as Mun-e. GEO. McDONALD‘, Richmma H111 YORKTON F or full information address G. H. Bradbrunk, Sec. Bum-d of Trade. Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Rimouski 1113.00. ' York Fire Ins. 00. ~ . London Guarantee .86 Accident CONFEDERATION LIFE ASS. 3. SAVAGE m A. G. SAVAGE A leading grain growing and stockLraising Centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con? stmetion, costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distribnsing and Land Ofï¬ce centre of .Ea‘sne‘rn Saskatchewan.“ 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, :2 NeWspapers. LECTURE. BIRTHS. DISTRICT AGENTS The Next Sitting n1 Divmnn Court to: No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court. Room. DIVISION. - BUIIHI. GET THE BEST to be én‘reless in mnking purchases of HARNESS. HQRSE GOODS, «fr evrn in the matter nf repairing, in all features. Which, 30 to make up a desirable place to nude. THIS IS THE PLACEâ€"gnuds of nbsjo'lule reliability, price-s that are reasunnhle and fair in Harness, Blan» kets, Rubes. Mitts. and anything usu- ally féund m n “rel-class burnt-as slul‘t‘. It Never Pays Horse Owners fludl sum 1):†.hcm 2380 Quarto Page: New Plat". moomumuou. Rickshaw New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles. based on the lntegt census returns. NewBiogx-aphical Dictionary containing the names of over 10.000 noted persons. dateogbigth, dcgth. etc. Edited by w. '1‘. mum's. mm. rum Unitedsmtes Commissioner of Education. lggï¬edjgï¬EveryHome xi REE, unxcmaquw 111mm mm G. a C. MERRIAM 00.. ‘ Publishers; Sprl'nxflold. Mlâ€. 25,000 New Words 'x .. \ waned f cc Th: w whom-n m smqu um; huh {01:33qu At‘ a u“- n QJLwULL Monday, Feb. 27, 191-1, ma hm. mo Ilium - ' Regular Edition7xmxl§£§ndwu swam De Luxe Editionzyxsï¬xl! iii. Pran {xvii lame platen, on M» 'pnpor. ! uttnt binding: 'Alsg )ysbstcr's Cong;ng magnum-y RICHMOND HILL Cnmmencmq at 10 a. m. Recently Enlarged ~ WITH wd. In newâ€. but thou van um. P‘IUIIQD & .l’onllnd, )1 “mam! rcqogv‘. ‘ an, (all informalion about work which kw am; do. and live at homeï¬hu will pay hut-(mm m $0; per day. Same hur. l dav Either wax. ynm g at old fluvial] .. \ waned f cc T w wharf-rt M mm 'I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK SASK- \Vv guarantee to deï¬vn-r the stuck in gum] chudilmn and up to Contract grndv. We can :‘a‘hmlv that uwre is good mom-y in represvnling a well- known. I'vliabk ï¬rm at, this Lime. 33- tnblished over thirty years. \Vrite for (articular-s. \Vv ask our customers 1n hnld thon- nrders until our "gent, Mr. Juhn F'. Atkiibsun, nf Richmnnd Hill, culls on yuu. ' RICHMOND HILL - Dnn’t place your order for spring until you have had our prices. Until we hav’e an agent, at. Richmond Hill, we. will be glad to quote you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. ' Our trees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst. grade, true to name, and m-be delivered in ï¬rst class condiminn. We can save you money in two ways. A. J. HUME 183m Bythe Trusteé Board at the Methn. dist chm-ch, Victmin Square, for painting and decorating. and also ful- varnishmg the Woodwork M" the church. Tenders received by the un- dersigned on or bem-e the 6th of March, 1911. . W. F. NICHOLS. 2-3 Secretary. 19-3m A seven mom-house on Yonge street. Richmond Hill. Hard and soft. water: Gut-den with good fruit, . ' J. H. SANDERSON. 33-tf (RE J. L. HAnms’ ESTATE) Also for sale 101' an acre oppnsne the above. FELHAM NURSERY CO FINE TAILflRING Tenders Wanted. Thus. W. Bowman &Son (20., - Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. Dividends on paid up Capitalâ€"Twelve per cent. per annum. Toronto, :1» January, 1911, ' GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, rRxsouncxs Gold, Silver 3nd Giwemt _' ' > _ mam Notes - - - $3,084,584.36 Due by Banks . . . 1,113,928.93 Govq'nmentlndocherBonds 2,910,243.84 on Cal!’ and Bills - - - 24396563.!†Gavanme Deposit to' secure Cinculaï¬on - mama) Bani; Pmioes - - 677,965.32 one: Assets - . - 161,052.61 NURSERY STOCK B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO The Fruit Tree Specialists. 600 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION AND NOTARY PUBL I‘C Conveyancing, Leases. Wills, Etc. Apply to Spc-cial attentiun given to The Standard Bank of Canada TORONTO, ONT. Pressing Cleaning ~ Repairing To Let. ‘ ‘ .’ Head-05cc: TORONTO Record of Business as at 318t January, 1911 Ten per cent cheaper, ton per (39M better for Business. Shorthand, and Mamie. Bonkle Free. ' 833.427.338.14 R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. ESTABLISHED 1873 THE BANNER OFFICE. AUBO :A The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now b3 obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. C A S S E L L 8’ Canadian P u 'b - ï¬shing Company TICKETS fur the Canadian: “’08! prumn-ed at, It is not necessary > send to foreign countrie; l )r maga- zines. Read the followingzâ€"w Cnssel’s Magazine, per annum . 3 . The Story Tuner The Quiver . . . Musical Home Journal . The Girls’ Realm . Little Folks Chums - n n - ' ’ g ' ¢ rrrrrrw 933888. a Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to 38-tf ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TU. tickets ter the West CASSELLS & COM PANX 42 Adeialde St. W Toronto Willowdale GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS F. J. WEDBWABD Dividends Notes in Circulation Deposits - . ’ . Due to Banks . .. . Luann-ms 0 Capitai paid up $2,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and Proï¬ts .. 2,010.05009 THE LIBERAL OFFICE RICHMOND HILL. OI-(lm-s tn ken altâ€"- PA'I'BONAGE Soucxnm ASD SATISFAC'FION GUARANTEE!) SHOEING LAME HORSES A SEBCIELTY Some bred and others ready to breed. F. J'. WUUDWARD. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS also Stock Farm J. MCKENZIE General Manager. {4- 135130200 @,fl,3,503. l1 370.148.28 60,018.00