Cum mo?lfl'm Mr. Israel Zan‘gwill will discourse on Jews among the nations; Dr. L. L. Zahanhaff the author of Emer- anto, will discourse on internation- al language ;. and Mr. Edwin D. Mead, of Boston, Director of the vhibernationle School of Peace, will Epeak on the organization of a. '{world ass6ciation for encouraging Inter-racial goodwill. Dr. Moses Ga/ster will repreSent the Royal As-- ciatic Society. The great number of races that will be represented may be gatherâ€" ed from the fact that some ï¬fty countries have promised to send delegates. There will be present \over twenty-ï¬ve presidents of par- ‘liaments, the majority of the memâ€" bers of the permanent Court of Arâ€" bitration, and of the delegates to the second Hague Conference, .twelve British governors, eight British premiers, over forty colonâ€" tial bishops, about one hundred pro‘ fessors of international law, the leading anthropologists and socio- logists, the ofï¬cers and majority of the council of the Interâ€"Parliament: ary Union, and other distinguished persona-ges. Among those who will‘ read papers will be several promin- 'ent hebrews. , "It is better to 11339 in loving than Io gain by self-seeking. The originator of this congress is Dr. Felix Adler, of Columbia Uni- versity, New York. In the summer of 1906 a conference wac convened at Eisenach, when it was declared that though the modern consicenoe had advanced in general sensitive- ness and strength, it is, neverthei less, internationally weak. _ The modern conscience is indeed’ fast becoming alive to what are known as social problems in the interior of the community, yet it has not learnâ€" ed to apply itself with adequate power to the problems presented by racial divisions. In order to remedy this growing evil, the Uniâ€" versal Races Congress will be con-j vened in London, and its prime ob ject will be to cultivate mutual knowledge and respect between Occidental and Oriental peoples. The British Government has given this congress its moral and materâ€" ial support, and all the invitations to the foreign states have been deâ€" spatched through the agency of the Foreign Ofï¬ce. Representtives of All Mankiqd to Meet in London, England. A most unique congress, to be known as the Universal Races Con- gress, is to open in London, Eng- land, on July 26. This congress, which will last for three days, will indeed be a romance of realism. .All mankind will then assemble in council in the very heart of the British Empire. IS a recenl: interview her fathe! says: “Edith is better than ever. She has no return of dropsy since she was cuned by Dodd’s Kidney Pills, over seven years ago. She goes to school and is healthy. I always keep Dodd’s Kidney Pills in the house.†There’s a. moral for parents in this story. Many a child has grown up to a. life of gain and suffering because its kidneys were neglected. A life of health and usefulness is aSsured if the Kidneys are kept in order with Dodd’s Kidney Pills. CONGRESS OF ALL THE RACES McTa gut, Sask, Feby. 2'7 (Speciaf).â€"â€"Th&t no child is too young to have Kidney Disease even in its worst form, and that Dodd’s Kidney Pills will cuie it in any form has been abundantly proven in the case of little Edith Harris of thin! placer. ,l‘wo doctors said she would die, but to-day she is a healthy,- happy girlwflealthy Kidneys in children the guarantee ‘0! a happy, useful lite. In May, 1903, this little girl, then two years old, was so swollen wiï¬h Dropsy that her waist measure wal increased from 18 inches to 34 inch. as. Two doctors said she must die. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her and todqylshe i_s as mgrry» and_h_en.1tÂ¥xy a child as is neighborhood; HERE IS A IAlE LITTLE EDITH-HARRIS CURE!) 0F DROPSY BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. to beTound in th}! WIIH A Mï¬RAl I import all my ivory from Africa,_ and the only explanation I can give is that the elephant may have had false tusks.†' ‘ 1 “That may Be tfue,’ replied the dealer, “but it is no fault of mine. “Xes, I believe you did,†rejoin- ed the proprietor calmly: “What’s wrong with it?†“Yéu said the handle was genuâ€" ine ivory. and I ï¬nd it is artificial,†said_j:he irateparty. “See here,†exclaimed the angry man, “I bought this cane here last week.†' Knock. and the .door will be open- edâ€"â€"for you to get out. An Oilv of Morit.â€"â€"Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil is not a, jumble of me- dicinal substances thrown together and pushed by advertising, but the result of the careful investigation of the curative qualities of, certain oils as applied to the human body. It is a rare combination and it won and kept favor from the ï¬rst. A trial of it will carry conviction to any who doubt its power to re- pair and hegl. “Is she well married 2†“I should say so. She’s been trying for years to get a. divorce and can’t†Reforms come/slowly bvecaUSe we all would rather wield the axe that bear the knife. are. They need no introduction to ‘ those acquainted with them. but to" those who may not know them they are presented as the best preparaâ€" tion on the market for disorders of the stomach. Illlaron Vllll no flushing. 'Ifhoy come ham. cred with snow. Half a teaspoonml of Pain- norin hot sweetened water will prevent any theta. Avoid substitutes, than in but on. “ P‘iukillor "â€"Pury Baitâ€"260. and 50.. Onl one “BROMO QUIHINE" That 15 LA‘ ATIVE BROMO QUININE' L003! for the aignptxire of E._ W. GROVE. Used tm World We? Ebvéthe K ésld‘iï¬ {ï¬gï¬a}. Small but Potentâ€"Pamela’s Vegetable Pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their ï¬ne qualities as a. Corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant deuï¬md everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they ' DRILLED GRAIN. Drilled grain will yield from one ï¬fth to oneâ€"fourth more crop than the hand sown. The drill deposits the seed in the soil at a. uniform depth and this cannot be done by hand sowing. When~sown by hand many seeds fall in depressions and are covered too deeply by the har- row, while others are left on top of the ground and are not covered at all. The roller should follow the drill. After the durbar’ ceremonies, which will last a week, the King and Queen will visit Khatiwandu, the capital of the independent naâ€" tive state of Nepul', lying between Bengal and Thibet. The journey to. Khatiwandu is one of the most fascinating that can be made in In- dia. There is no railroad and the royal party will have to travel by road into the\ .Himalayas. The road, however, is good, and as the best tiger shooting in India. is to be had in the Nepaul-ez Terai, it is probable a, great shoot will be ar- ranged. Arrangements for the durbar are already in the hands of Sir J. Hew- itt, who has been relieved of his duties as one of the Provincial Lieuâ€" tenantâ€"Governors to prepare for the historic event. It is well known that King George is anxious to shoot an In- dian rhinoceros and these creatures survive only in the T-emi. That the durbar will be in the old fort at Delhi and not on the open plain outside the city, as was that of ten years ago, is no accident, but the evidence of the great pre- cautions of the Indian Government against any opportunity for an atâ€" tempt on the royal party by dis- loyal natives. ’ The Durbar Will Be 'Held in the Old Fort at Delhi. It is now deï¬nitely settled that the Indian coronation durbar or state levee shall be at Delhi, the ancient seat of- the House of Timur, on December 12th, of this year. Thusthe ceremony, which will be of overwhelming magniï¬cence, will avoid any of the native feats that fall due about the beginning of the new year. ‘ No man whi) can be indifferent to the sorrows of men can have the love of heaven in him. THE KING’S VISIT TO INDIA. kl ï¬vi if’iv â€" Vâ€"wl v. 3% “2:7. °' :" $"-°‘-°°'§'o'c.§1‘ SUBSTITUTION. my}? Husbandâ€"“I never saw a better box, my dear.†Wife~“John1,-\vusn’t that a good box of cigars I gave you on Christ- mas?†r There is no moral health without human helpfulness. Mlnard’a Llnlment Cures Dandruff. “Tommy, you don’t take after your father much, do you ?†“No, ma’am. But, gee, you ought to see fhe way 111a does sometimes!†Corns are caused by the pressure of tight boots, but no one need be troubled with_them long when so simple a remedy in Holloway’s Corn Cure is available. ' Mlnard's Llnlmem Relieves Neuralgla‘ Mrs. Jouesâ€"-“Did you really ex- ect me to accept you the night you impose-d?†Mr. Jonesâ€"J‘Yes, love. Just bgfore I got to your: house I heard a dog howl three ’cimeï¬L saw the moon over my left shoulder, and walked under a ladder.†A angina cough driven sloop And canton away. You can conquer it wm: Allen’l Lung Balum. which relievos hard breathing, pun in tho ch.“ and irritation of flu throat. Give 1! truly to tho chum-on. If the undergraduate takes to his heels, it is the “bulldo'g’s†duty to follow. He may not lay hands on the man, but dogs his footsteps un- til midnight, When the student is compelled to “knock in†to his own college. His name is then obtain- ed from the porter, and a heavy ï¬ne awaits him the next day‘. Another famous user of Zam-Buk is Mr. Frank Scudsmore, the famâ€" ous War Correspondent, who says: “Some poisonous dye on my underclothing came in contact with" a small ulcer on my leg and blood poisoning set in. Inflam- mation, pain and swelling. followed. My medical man’s treatment did-not seem to do any good, as ulcer after ulcer broke out, until my left leg from knee to foot was one mass of sores. It had seventeen deep ul- cers at one time. I could not put my foot to the ground, and was really in a pitiful state. A friend advised Zamâ€"Buk, and I applied this herbal balm. It was really wonderful how it soothed the pain and aching and gave me ease. Zam-Buk is a. cure for piles, é’Uâ€" zema, cold cracks or chaps, ulcers, ringworm, poison, cuts, abscesses, burns, children’s rashes, abrasions, and for all skin injuries and dis- eases. All druggists and stores sell at 50c. box, or post free from Zam- Buk 00., Toronto, for price. Refuse imitations and substitutes. “I have found Zam-Buk most re- liable for healing cuts and abras- ions; while fer tne relief of skin irritation it is invaluable.†“A few mees 5f Zarhâ€"Buk healed the sores, “and the limb is now per- fectly healthy. ' Mrs. Prospect Park (at midnight) ~â€"“Mortimer, I thmk I hear a. bur‘g- lar down in the front hall !†Mr. Prospect Park (philosophical- ly)â€"â€"“Henrietta, with two bicycles, Willie’s wooden horse, the hat-rack, umbrella-stand, r and the baby’s mail-cart‘for him to run into, you wouldn’t ‘think’ you heard a. burg- lar if one was really there 1†Many faméus persons have testiâ€" ï¬ed to the great value of Zamâ€"Buk, and amongst the most recent is Adâ€" miral Rodney M. Lloyd. Writing from the Royal Naval Club, Ports- moutl},_Eng‘la.nd,~ he says: It is easier to prevent than it is to cure. Inflammation of the lung! is the companion of neglected colds, and once it ï¬nds a Iodgment in the system it is difï¬cult to deal with. Treatment with Bickle’s Anti- Oonsumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prevent inflmmaï¬ioï¬ from setting in. It costs little, and is as satisfactory as it is surprising in its results. Tells What Zam-Buk Did “foflillim. FAMOUS BRITISH ADMIRAL. ACCENT ON THE BOX. 'i’s'SUE N0. 9â€"11 With a sigh of weariness Miss‘ Smith drew off her gloves and went slowly _to the piano and began her song. The other ladies waited until she was fairly settled. Then they took up and continued their con- versation where it had broken off. It is a way they have. Many mistake soft» words fox-V te'n- delj, loving waya. “Won’t you sing something, Miss Smith?†said the hostess sweetly. “I’m afraid I can’t,†replied her visitor. » “Oh, but you must!†joined in another visitor, “you really must. We know you haivo a. Iov_ely voice.â€_ 11‘ 1 “And wé are dying torï¬gar' 37311,.†said another. The great judge must look at our ‘luxuries when he hears our talk of _1j)ve for the needy. “You say you are in love with Miss Baggs ’2†“I’m sure I am.†“But I can’t see anything attrac4 tive about her.†“Neither can I see it. right.†CORPS WIND OOLIC. And h the be" remedy~ for DIAnflHGA. sold by Drums“ in every put of the world Be sun and salt for ‘Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.’*and an no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents I bottle. Gmrunteod under the Food and Drugs Ann Juno Goth. 1000. Serial Number 1093. AN OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, ‘Weak, Weary, Watery/ Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. QMurine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. the c-H'm'.’ no'ï¬â€˜lix‘s thavéufsfxiï¬vï¬" £7332 CURB IND OOLIC. And pg" remgdy; niLnuum‘ a-.. L" n_.__ Your drug ist will refund monoyif'PA26‘OIN1‘- MENT fai l to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Binding or Protruding Piles in 6 to “days. 60c. Ru been used for over SIXTY-FIVE- YEXRS by mmoss 0t MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE msmma. with PERFECT svccxzzss. n. SOOTIIES the C-HIL . nongrgg the_GpM§,AL_LAys nu PAIN: nnnm n In“ An 1 Sore Throat is no trifling ail: ment. It will sometimes carry in- fection to the entire system through the food you eat. Hamlin! , Wizard Oil' cures bore Throat. If you fear to soil your hands in helpfulness you may be sure you are deï¬ling your heart. No man ever knows how much he misses when he loses a chance of giving a. pleasure. gm. Winsiow’s Soothing Syrup Mlnard's Llnlment for 5an everywhere. Thor. II Io Such Thing :3 I harmin- cough. The trouble goes from bad to worse union chock- od. Allen‘s Lung Bsham cures the worst of nolds. It allay: inflammation and clan the all puns». I had rather be kissed by an ,enâ€" emy than wounded by a friend" who enjoyevt the job. ’ The chairman at the dinner of the Bristol (England) Licensed Vic- tuallers’ Association, proposed that chronic drunkards should be segreâ€" gated, made to work at an honest trade, and prevented from marry- ing until they are able to live like other people. - Miss Bumâ€"How dare-d you kiss me! Didn’t you hear me say “Sir†when you asked me if you might Jack Slangerâ€"I thought you said ((Cert.†“I am sorry to be critical, my dear,†said Mr. Lambkin,,“but this pie"is not the kind that mother used to makeâ€"not by a long_ shot.†“It’s too bad, Henry,†said Mrs. Lambkin, amiably. “I don’t know what to do about it. Perhaps you’d better ring her tip over the ’phone and tell her. She sent it over this afternoon.†WOULD I-SOLATE DRUNKARDS. A tandard Medicino.â€"-Pa.rme- lef egetable Pills, compounded of ontirelyf vegetable substances known to have a. revivifying and salutary affect upon the digestive organs, have through years-of use attained so eminent a. position that they “rank a811, standard medicine; The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the woakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. Gentlemen, â€"â€" My daughter, 13 years old, was thrown from a sleigh and injured her elbow so badly it rennined stifl and very painful for three years. Four bottles of MI- NARD’S LI'NIMENT completely cured her and she has notï¬ bani) troubled for two years. Yours truly, V J. B. LIVESQUE. St. Joseph, P.O., 18th Aug., 1900. Minard’s Liniment Co., Limited. ‘7You PiLEs chBD IN 6 To :4 DAYS THEIR LITTLE WAY But it’s in the Bank, all HOlST. sawmwamm Bï¬'iï¬n’h "" Rummy Robinsonâ€"“Yes, mum; once for a. Whole yearI turned me back on likker.†Kind Ladyâ€"“Ah, my noble man, what were you do- ing at the time Cl†Rummy Robin- sonâ€"“Driving a, brewer’s drayj mum!†“I want a. license to marry the best girl in the world,†said the young man. “Funny, isn’t it?†commented the clerk. “That makes thirteen hundred licenses for that girl this season.†When .you see a. bride on the train with tears in her eyes it is a sign either that she is sorry to leave her mother or that her new shoes hurt her. One of the commonest complaints of infants is worms, and the most effective application for them 'il Mother Graves’ Wbrm Extermina- tor. Ila Substitute for "Tho D a L" Menthol Phatâ€, uthough some unscrupulous dealers mu lay then [1, Recommended by doctors hospitgh, clam md everybody for plumâ€. “than, on. mnard's Llngmam Cures Burns, Etc. “I see you are wearing a. hero medal.†“Oh, yes. I got that for life-saving.†“Life-saving, did you say?†“Yes, I drove an automo- bile and never killed a person}? ANGER, Tumors, Lumpl. etc. Interns] and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. 'Writo at: before int-(3.. Dr. peuutan Medical 00.. Unit's: Coilingwood. 70m. L‘ lion acres in most futile districtl Spook! lmpecflun excursion in April. Write now. Ibewart & Mathew» 00., Ltd., Cult, Ont. Agunts wanted throughout; Ontario. ‘ LEARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW systemâ€"constant practiceâ€"careful lulu-um iouâ€"a. few wookl' complete courseâ€"tool- trot. Gradnutul earn twelve to olghtun doll“! weekly. Write for «mono. Molar nub" College, 221 Queen East, Toronto, MEX AND WOMEN WANTED to "pro-out u! Locally. Two dollars per day ml") and commllsion. No experience necosury. wrtk J L. NICHOLi 00.. Limited, Toronto. ad hdod Sum wouid loo been: dyed. our: in your town. writ. [root to} Hunt "no es ‘ rod. 3?: I: Drltlsh Amerloan Dyeing Oq "‘POWDRPAINT'; ,uv nvwv-nv ....-._ .7..., non. P: l {or-{flat 1h v. hâ€"oii}. "\Vï¬ï¬â€˜m “0nt MAOKINHR 0°. (009$. 5‘ at“ Your Overcoats' GENTS WANTEDrâ€"lgqo o. d on}, oxperlonoo Modad. all on Ikt. Ab rte noon-[t1 c9 igl’gon. w___ “out; SAMPLES AND COLOR CARD FREE POI THE ASKING. The Poygdlfgz-gint Co. It gives the bes! results and sdves you 75 per cent. on your paint bill. For any purposeâ€"either for inside or outside†useâ€"you should try. Rooï¬ng Fire, lehtnlnd Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Ornamental let us know the size of any roof you am; thinking of covering and we wiiirmake you an interesting offer. Metalliqï¬quing co. Lin-ma ~ MANUFACTURERS- TOBONTO and WINNIPEG â€"-PAINT WITIIOUT 01L- OE’I‘HWEST FARM LANDS.-lelf n. m“, INTERESTED IN PAINT . 21 Front Street-2.. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED FARMS FOR SALE. If You Are WANTED. ' ’t O rem 3?; need a N 3nd cal - ï¬lial-1