Sr. 11. Classâ€"Elm Weléx-ick, VVesâ€" 19v Thompson, Lm-ne VVeldrick, Ina \Veldrick, Ethel Banks. Ida Richards, Edgar Simpson. Maggie Reaman, Aur- elia, Remnan. Dundruif is the (muse ()f haldm’ï¬? dandruff germs cause dundl uf‘f. Pal-- irinn Sage kiiis lhe gums; erndimu-s dandruff. stnpe falling hair and itching scalp. We will refund your Iumwy. if it, fails. to do this in two wot-ks, Par- isinn Sage will cause tho hair In grow, if tlw hair root he not, dead. It causes thv hair to grow thivkur, more luxuriâ€" ant, and puts new life into it. Pt. II. Classâ€"Gordon \Veldrick, Dt-rothy Banks, Efï¬e Richards. The girl with the Auburn hm)" is ml every package (-Pf Parisian Sag“. IL is sold for 50¢. by all dxnggists m- swat pnst paid hv The Gimux Mfg. 00., I’m-t Elie, Out. on receipt of price. Sold and guaranteed by “7. A. Sunder- Sun. Some of the Conservative papers admit that there are a few clever and even honest Grits in Canada. Those Grits are, however, all dead. The Toronto World does not alwaysehoose to wait for a Grit to die‘ before pro. nouneing its eulogy. As soon as Hon. Clifford Sifton expressed his opposition to the reciprocity bill The World discovered at once that he was the big man in the Liberal party. By The World, therefore, it is not necessary that a Grit should die in order to be praised. All he has to do is, to “kick over the traces.†Langstafl School Report for February, Jr. III. Classâ€"Nelson Simpson, Ells- worth VVeldx'ick. George Langsnafl’, Lgrflie'ljticb‘m‘ds, Eatiejlhglpman. _ THAT BALD SPOT Don’t let that h-xld spot, grow! G0 to your drnggist at, once and got a of Pmisiun Sage and if that don’t check the falling hair, and cause new hnir tn grow nnlhmg wiH. A number of people in the village and vicinity are again being worried by the receipt of what is known as the “chain letter." No fault need be found with the contents of the letter, except that God’s vengeance is threat- ened to'those who fail to pass a copy of the letter along to other people. No person should be disturbed by any such unreasonable threat. Writing letters is sometimes commendable, but there are other times when the, person can be better employed. Nobody ever dreamed in 1886 that such a haw as the above would lead to annexation, and there is no good reason to think that Canadians are less, Loyal now than. they were then. f‘Any or all of the following things, that is to say, animals of all kinds. green fruit, hay, straw. bran, seeds of all kinds, vegetables, plants, trees and ghruhs, coal and coke, salt, hops,_ wheat, pease and beans, barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat and all other grain, flour of wheat and flour of rye, Indian meal and oatmeal, and flour or meal of any other grain, but- ter,,eheese," ï¬sh, lard, tallow, meats, and lumber may be imported into Canada free of duty, or at a less rate of duty than ls provided by this Act, upon proelamation of' the Governor in Council, which may be issued when- ever it {ime to his satisfaction that similar- articles from Canada may be imported into the United States free of duty, or at a rate of duty not ex- ceeding that payable on the same under such. proclamation when im- 1 ported into. Canada.†When Sir _ John. Macnonald was Premier of Canada his government placed on the statutesvan act declar- ing that Canada Would admit Certain articles free of day when they were made free in the United States. Sec tion !9, Chap. 33, Vol. 1, Revised Statutes‘of Ganada, reads as followsâ€"‘â€" ‘V'ariotis reasons are given by the Conservative press why manufactur- ers and otherswoppoee the proposed trade Agreement ‘with the United States,'but the Chief reason given by bhemyis‘that: it would be disloyal to Britain, and 'likelv to lead to annexa- ticn. ' 'RYSHMOND HxLL. ONT" MAR. 9. 1911 @112 gamut! THEN AND NOW. } . QTHERE IS 'BUT ONE: The Next Sitting of Dimsmn Court to! N0.‘ 3, County of York, will be held in_ the Court; Room. 30-3 The undersigned is prepared tn ‘hundle all kinds of Wire Fencing at, Fifty Gents a Bad. Also the Russr'll Rail FencP. W. H. ESPEY, Ilnpmvs-d Yorkshire Saws fur snlu Some of them bred Sire Summmhill Grenadier 8th, Dem) Summm-hill Tupsy 5th. , Alsn 0. A. 0. No’. 21 Barley and Goose VVheal; for $096. MSW - WET. 34-' Every farmer should know that the price offered by the dealers for cattle, hogs, etc., is a fair one. How can he“ know this if he does not take a. farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or business man would be Without his business paper? There is but one farmers’ business and market paper, that is The Weekiy Sun. (Start 1910 right by gubacribing. 34-4 On the sider‘ond between Patterson and Maple, on or ahnnL the 18th of‘ Feb., a hing gt? Gents†Ties. Reward at Au 8-1-(mmvd brick haus¢l in the \‘i1â€" Inge of Headfm-d. Stable, driving house. and. 1 a‘cre of land. Possession it, any time. 24-33) Spruce Grove Stock Farm On Feb. 28th. a. heavy fleece line-d horse blanket. buckled breast. Lust between the Grand Trunk Railway crossing. Ynnge st, and Aurora. Finder kindly return [0‘ L. Innes & Sons, Richmond Hill. Dr“ 29M" Several fm'mï¬ in Markham and one in Richmond Hill for sale. House and lot, near Richmond Hill to se or rent. V Vacant. village- lnts for sulp. Also money to loan on First Mort- age on Real'PruperLy. Apply to Land. and Money Monday, Apr. 10,- Ing *1 f Wire Fencing. u E All letters from Canada must be addressed N . _to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- , â€" ment'in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: WED? & KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. 3mm for our private address. We treat and cm VARICOSE VHNS. NERVOUS DEBILYTY. BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and ullDiuuu Insulin“ h Men. CONSULTA o ‘ ' ° m.“ m Home Â¥nrmF5nEE BOOKS FREE. If ‘mblo to can write for ; Que-hon DRs,KENNE&KEï¬NE Y RICHMOND HILL _ V, W ,m H- , M“, _._ w, -._-_. “I we; troubled with Nervous Debility formenyyears. _ Ila it to indiscretion and excesses in you: . I became to dos ‘ndent and didn‘t care whether wor ad or not. I imagined everybod who looked at me guessed my aecre Imaginative dreams at night weakened 1 naeâ€"m! back ached. had pains In the mko mi'nhead, hands and feet were cold, tired the morning, White, ï¬ngers were shaky. eyes In , hair loose, memory poor, etc. Numbness in ï¬ngers set in and the doctor told me efeared paralysis. I tool: all kinds of medicines and tried many ï¬rst-class physicians. wore ,nn ei ric belt fox-three months, but receive little beneï¬t. I ' c was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy& . W , 3"“ "mun" Kennedy, though I had lost all faith in ""“‘"’“"‘,"""’ doctors. Like 9. drowning man I commenced the New nimon Tammy-m» and it saved my lite. ' The improvement was like megiieâ€"I ‘could feel the vigor going through the nerves. I was cured mentally and physica and continue to do so. nuns alumina: on no PAY . Ihave sent them many patients Inmmencmg at, 10 a. In. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure on and make a m of you. Under {uhfluence the brain becomes active. the hood purlfled. so that all pimples, blotchesand ulcers heal up: the nerves become strong as steel so that nervousnes bash! and despondenc disappear: the eyes become brl ht, the beeth clear, 11% returns to the y, and the moral. physical in 'memutl stemsare lnvlzora ; all drains ceaseâ€"- o more vital waste mm t e 1|me. on feel yourseltaman and know mat-ring cannot. be a failure. Don’t let quick! an:de rob you at your hard earned dollars. NERVOUS DEBILITY THE LIBERAL OFFICE, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Gristli 5:; Detroit. Mich. H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent. Richnmnd Hi1]. To Rent THE LIBERAL OFFICE: ’1". F. MCMAHON CLERK Lost Lost GEOLVUOOPER, 3‘ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WIT-H PARALYSIS \Villmvdalé, Ont. T. THOMSON. Richnnmd Hill. Petu- E. $11111!qu rgflptgg his expgflpgge: no .--_ Elgin Mills and amending acts. Notice is hon-eby given that all parties having claims against the estate of the said Henry Keflt'er. are required on or before the ï¬rst day nf April. 1911 to send to Hiram Kefl’er, Sherwood, one of the Executors of the said Hem-y Keffer. :L statement (If their claims with their names and addresses, and the nature of the secur- ity if any, hold by them. that after the said last mentioned date the executors will pl'OCEPCl‘ to distrihute the assets of the estate among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have then received notice. \VILLIAM COOK, 33 Richnmmi St. \Vost, Toronto, I‘Jxecnwrs’ Solicitors. Mn rah 3rd, 1911. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HENRY KEFFER. LATE OF- THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, YEO- MAN, DECEASED. 35-4; Lax-6&5 5 News is crediirs WHITE VVYANDOTTES, bred to lay. Trap nest uspd entirely. First pen headed by (:ntkel'el from Juhn S. Martin. $3 for 1:): eggs. Second pen headed by ï¬â€˜ué‘l’nrge bird, pulp _w}1ite, $2 fgr eggs. A Third pm.) headed byIéSCkex'el. Utility stock. $1.50 for 15 eggs. {JENNY R‘OYAL VJAFERS. 5â€"3 mus. Eggs for Hatching A quantitv hf Mundshuri Barley for sL-Od.‘ .Alsn about 40 tons 0f Ulm‘er, Timothy a ru_l_ ngd Ha House and almut g of an acre for gnu-den purposes. PasLnI-eand stablng fortwn cows and all straw re “1er I in win ter. THOS. 000K. 35-6 35-3 Fine large Bl'nud Sow, (Yorkshire) bred to Tamworth, dlw Apl i1 1. F. ELLIOTT, Lnt 21. Gun. 2. Markham. “AND "TAKE "FURTHER NOTICE gURSUgNT t9 R.§.O_. Chapter 129 One Thousand CEDAR POSTS. Apply \V. D. RICHARDSON, HA RRY SANDERSON, For Sale For Sale F 01‘ Sale: A annciflc monthly modwma far Indie! 1c reflux‘e and wan] [e the 1110:)303‘ free, hvhltdy :ml painlesr Nu aches or pmm on ap Now usvd by (We {.WOIadip-a ‘um‘d \x‘lJlus-tcagnin. 1nvigomto. 8 (Hana. Buy or yuur arug 'ï¬! only “man, with our Signature av I fucuof n-l. Avoidsubslyitutes. Hunter] nuz-ucuuu nit-.le 20 smmp. two per 1 ‘1 was, KUKEK’A CHIS. CAL (szxPA’M‘ To Rent MAIR BRO-8., Lrgt 71, Yunge St†Oak Ridges. :mdmf P.0. zmd Station. C ‘weefts Eat my ACaw'Bcwel7;"m Richmond Hill. bimoxr. Mica Cm rville 24- Tickets may be had from Caretaker at the Rink. ' 19 pigs, 2 months old, 10 tons mixed lmy. fmm 2.00't0 4.00 for Ladies-and Children. BAND 1N ATTENDANCE 'BOTH NIGHTS; Farm and Dairy TICKETS~IOc; 3 for 25¢; 7 for 50c, or 15 for $1.00. Children under 12 yrs., 50. The Weekly Sun Busu Man’s Magazine Daily News York 00. Daily. Siam,~ outside of towns and villages D8111 M8311 and Empire Daily Globe, York Co. Far mer’s Advocate Weekly Mail and, Empire Canadian Farm OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING from. 7.30 to 10.00 «ALSOâ€"â€" SATURDA Y AFTERNOONS. Family Herald and Weekly . Star, 1 year Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal" at $1 a year at the following rates:-- Wéekly Globe The Richmond Hill Skating Rink Every family should have both their local paper and a p A city paper SKATING For Sale, LOUIS NICHOLS. Vic. Square. wiil he W. H. PUGSLEY. Reeve. â€"â€"AGENCYâ€"- , J'. H. SANDERSON. V'.S. Sittings of R. 0. Rhode Island Rods and Buff Leghorn eggs. Apply at 34tf THE LIBERAL OFFICE. RANGrING FROM $800 To $5,000. 166 acre farm north of village. Buildings A1, Land in good state of cultivation ' AIS}; 100 acres on the 2nd of Mag-k- hum. REAL ESTATE [1011865 and Lots FOR. SALE -~NOW ON HANDâ€"â€" RATES RICHMOND HILIL - SIX VERY DESIRABLE For $31.38 MANAGER 960. 75C. 758. 1.48 960. 2.50 2.50 1.58 E50 1.50 900. 75c.