Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1911, p. 1

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AT THE LIGERAL‘PMNHKB a rususuma HOUSE ' *moamoun ammo“. Calls ‘by telephone sfimm Richmond Hill chargedM-me. ' [S PUBLISHED-avg“ 13 3 URSDA'Y MORNING 1‘ .JF‘."McMA'H.ON. Licensed. Auctioneer for she County oz york. Goals sold on consignment. annual «he 0! amok. ecc. promptly a. Handed to u xenon-01¢ rates Residence Unionfllle ’1‘ Saigeon. J I McEwon Mame WOIDOD Snlgeon ct Maren. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Yurk. Same “hauled to on ahorteatgmm Ind at rou- johs‘ble rates Patronage solicited ’ qufiNmuâ€"Tuesdays. 9.30 a. m. Lu Licensed Auctionee: (or ‘he County of 'York. re~ apermully soliclts your pamnge and friendly \aiuflr once sales attmded on the shortest notice :16. It ran; Ionable rates '1‘ 0 address King JOHN R. CAMPBELL. 4.30 p_.m. EGLINTUNâ€" Monday. Thursday. Frida y and Satlll'dfly mornings: Munda y. \Vcdn'vsdny and Friday evenipgs. TORONTO OFFICE, 129 Sherlumnw St. Gas and Cocaine f0: extractions. u n Gonldiéé; Mfifi'é‘rm.mum the above Dentist,’ RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9.30A‘M1'n 5 PM. Glazier, Grainer and Paper-- Hanger. HEWI‘SON MUSE PAINTER, I per atmumfi'n advancgj The Newton School of Music RESIDENCE; RICHMOND 'HIL V. VOL XXXIII. ‘0 DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL First house nnrth nf Atkinsan & Switzm-‘s sun-r. ' Calls from a. distance promptly attended to. VETERINARY SURGEON, BUSINESS CARDS. DR..:E.FJ. woons J. EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR E’viw ifiiberai Richmond Hill, Ont. 8TH SEASONâ€"l9]Uâ€"’ll Cl‘lnornhill. Emma a Pnormuon. J a E. Pren lame D. Go B I Phnne N0. 2102. fitterimzm RESIDENCE wanna. 5mm. Organs Repaired and Expert. Work Guaranteed _ NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING 8? 10303110., Canada PIANO TUNING Trim-plum», Main Ua‘g'le Address, "De-do." Mouov to low on [and lunch-“oi mortgages“ lowest rates Aurorn’ofllce-Bemm so to she old post omoa onc door we" at the sacrum: to tho Oman-w Bank waxuarket omenâ€"'mxree doors south of who pustollico 1‘ Hnnnnnwnmxuox 6 81V Konqm \uron LENqu & MORGAN A. (LP. Lawrence F. J. Daub-u- Riohmona Hill Banms'mm, Soum'ron, NOTARY, ETC. annntn Ofllc a. 83 Richmnhd St. st-t. XVesley Buildings. Bun-isms , Solicitors. Notaries, kc. Hume Life Building 00:. Adelaide 8: Victm-ia, Stag. I‘m-onto. l’tiuhmtnud~ Hill Uflice (“Liberal’ Ofl'lce), every Thai-May fm-vnoun. M "phi, Thursday afternoon. VVnud bridge, Saturday furenmm. Money to luuaat Fire Per Cl-nt (5%) Undertakers & Embnlmers, RICHMOND HILL& THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at, both places Prepare-5’ upils for the graded 9x- aminatinns 191d at, Tmuntu ()nnserva- tm-y of Music and Univexsity of £0- ronm. Special course in “Myer’s” Kinder-- gal-ten Method, p:u-Licularly hwlpl‘ul to begiunms. ’ > J» EDWARD FRANCIS, ' NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ET . the yv Danton, Grover &. Field H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC 'Cmnmissiunm. Gnuveyancer. etc. Insurance. and Real Estate. Issuer of Marl-.mge Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, It explains than; wa have Superior Courses. Expert Teachers, Beer. Sysmms‘ Many grmlnuteq earn from $700 to $1500 per annum. Do you want a, better position? Get. your education lwrelnud ynu will be properly prepm‘ed. All business Colleges are not alike. Graduate? of other business Culloges are attending our college this term. Get, the Beat. It pays. We place many of our student’s in good pusihons. College open all vear. ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Con. YONG: AND Aszrwusn 875. Toronto. Ont. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal A Large Catalogue of a Great School REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNRILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH Barristers and Solicllol‘h. VOICING AND . . . . STION REGULATING Eolz’n .7. 9110121501: THORNHILL ~ ‘ PISS Barristers. Snlictnnl. 6m. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY; MAR. 16. 191.1 . ;s recitals, aye given tln'rmghuut -:n-. > 13342 WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BROS. RICHMOND HILL Teacher of P1ano FREE mm. " In Essentials, Unity,- in' Non-Essentials, Liberty ;_ in all things,--Charity." Pnono Main 2984 ' Ganetry, Farm IIâ€"Honnrs: Marie Morgan. James Cusgmve. â€" Pass: Gladys Bull, Agnes 7 Boyle,- Mm-y Vanderhurgh, Gertrude 09$- x-m-e. Norman Francis, Gladys ()oww. inzel Ken-swell. , Bu :nk-Kvepi ng. Farm I--Hunm-s: J uhn McNuir. George Bailey, Duncan Reid. F 13d 'Sixppgm. {gel}! Ynluje-rptlrgll. Ph sica. Furm Illâ€"Honors: Harold Smlt :FI-ancis Gibsun, Rnlph McCon- nghy, equal; Glam. Oosgruve, Muriel gigebul‘uugh, Mabel Slfllth, Alice Mc- . aur. Pass: Mullen-t Redditt, )m-l S'ri'igenn. Harald Hzlgermnn, Edith Clement, Letm Ransnm. Ge-onwtry. Form lIIâ€"Hunm-s: Ralph MI:(}nxmghy. Laura Prentice. Muriel Rim-hm-ough. Pass: ’Fusler ‘Hickson: 0hr». Ons- Form HI,’ English Literature-Hun- mzu: Alice Manu', Luum Prentice. 013‘ Ht Cnglgrm‘e. _ Muriel _ Bisepulxpugp. Pass: Foster Hicksnn. Hazvl Renmari. Layla.» Prentigo, Ed. Morgan, Dull-{ii}. Pass': ’Fbsler ‘Hickson: 0hr». Ons- grnve. Ed. Mnl'gnn. equal: Lam-u Innes. Francis Gibson. Alice MuNaix'. Hazel RPHIIMII. Puss: yam-n. Innes. Mabel Smithfi Edward ’M(u‘g:|n.. Gan-l Ilill. Hazel! Rvmnun. Fustvr Hicksun, Hm-nld' Smith. English Omnpnsitiml. Form Hâ€" Pass: Mm ie Mal-gun. Nnmmn Francis. Julllrh‘ Gus'grnw, Glad 3 anip. Mmy Vands-rhurgh. Agnes uyle. Gertrude C(grqygqmdys 321)], Dguglasyagkin. English Uomposifinnâ€" Honogs: Laura Prentice. , Pass: Edwm-d Morgan. JAlice Mc- Nnil'. Laura lnnes, Mabel Smith. Haze-l Remuan. Ohm-a Guam-ave; Muriel. Riselmruugh. Foster Hicksnn. Franco’s Gihsnnnl‘lenry Buyqs, _Har(3k_i Snfigh. , Pass: \ViuniP Simpzon, Cecile Pear- snn. Amy Bull, Elvy Cunnm-r. Alan Francis. Duncan Read. 11(‘ils;V:gnder- lmrgh. Flunces Ford, Fred Th1)": son, me Ransom. Fred Simpsx’m.‘. em Bussingthwuite. Edith Clement, Louise “VittvL [:luEnld Haze-11mm. EH liin Cmn'pusitin'u. Edi-m Iâ€"Huli- mg: arript. Morgan. .Frenéhâ€"Palss: Muhél Smith. Alice Mt‘Nnir. Karl Hi". Pass: Winfiie Simpson. Jnhn Manin Leila Vanderhurgh, Rolm't Reddilt. Lenaarnsnm. Fred Thmupsnn. Francis Ford. Duncan Read. Fred Simpsnn,Geo.' Bufilyy._ Lnnis_e Witty. Enkiish Grannmfig Fun-nu Iâ€"Humn‘s: Hit-rim Moi-g3“); Alg'éhm. Fm-m iâ€"Hnnors: Fwd Thmupsnn, Winnie Simpson, George Bailey. flattie Myrgagn. Pass: Robert Refidltt. John D. Me- Nalr. Allan Francis. - Francis Fax-d. Duncan Reid, Fred Simpsnu. Cecile Peal-sun, Edith Clement. The Literary Circle spent a pleasant nnd profitable evenilfi at the home of MI. E. W. Moyle. . onday evening; Mr. David James presided. There was a large altenduncm and at roll call 30 responded by giving a quotation or stanza from Tennyson’s poems. Ad- dresses on the life and works of Ten- nyson were given by Rev. E. C. Currie and Mr. T. F. McMahon, readings were contributed by Mrs. Smith and Miss Agnew. and a number of songs and instrumental Selections were rend- ered by an excellent gramnphone. Before ndjnurning a committee was appointed to arrange for the. next meeting, to be held at the Parsonage, Thornhill. on the second Monday in April: also a committee for the annual bunqu‘et to be given in Maw. 0f Kidney Trouble If your back is constantly aching andjf you expeiience dull shoot,ng pains. vour kidneys are out. of order. If your urine is thick and cloudy or your assuges frequent. scanty or painfu , your kidneys and bladder are out of order. Neglect quickly brings on rheumatism, diabetes. lumhagu, sciatica. etc. Mrs. John \Vagner of 110 Hollis St.. Halifax. N. S., says: “Dull shooting pains would catch me across the small part of my back and extend into my shoulders and neck, often causing me to suffer with severe headaches and spells of dizziness. Spots would dazzle before my eyes and everything Would turn black. 1 would fall to the floor and be unable to get up again without assistance. A friend told we of Booth’s Kidney Pills and I begun their use. The first. box gave me relief and I am now well m “Y'dlstmng'” All (llilggists ‘ sell Bant‘h’s ,kid- 3 my Pills 500. a. ‘ box with a gnar- antea to relieve or your money ‘ buck. They are the world’s greatest. specific 7- for Kidney and '9 9” Bladder n-unhle. Postpaid from the proprietors, The R. T. Bnu't’th -. Ltd. Fnrb Erie. Snld and guaranteed by W; A. Sundexsun. Thornhinâ€"Langstafi. HIGH SCHOOL EXAMS. SURE SIGNS The monthly meeting of the Wom~ en’s Institute was held at, the «home of g Mrs. J. H. Kirby on Wednesday after- i norm of last Week. The principal feature of the. Irogramfne was a. sew- .imz contesb..w en the following re- . ceived prizes:â€"â€"Fnr hemming, 181,. Mrs. J. H. Kirby: 2nd, Mrs. R. Thomas; |for ,lmlton-hole: 151;, Mrs. G. Garrow: :2nd, Mrs. F. W. Roublev; for seam: lst. Miss T. Cameron: 2nd. Mrs. W. J. Johnson. The judges were ,Mrs. T. I Mathesnn. Mrs. J. W. Morgan and I Miss M. Jnlmsnn. ' ~ l A china. shower was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Rumble last Fri- :day aftel noon in honor of Miss Sadie Campbell., Quite a number of young ' ladies were present, and a. large num- l V n o 0 her at beautiful chum. preces were received. Thegynungmen were in- lvited for the evening. and a very‘en- ! jyngagfle 35:13? was spent._ R. W. Bro; Brown, D.D.G.. . of To- ronto West. Dist", No. 11, paid am, am- cinl visit to Vaughan Lodge, Tuesday evening. and after inspecting the First Degu-e very ably put on b W. Bro. McDonald, the Mnsbe! of t e Lodgfi. dedicated the Lodge Rnbm.’ Grand Lodge {net in the Lodge Room and was formed of the following members: was formed of the followin members: R. W. Bm. Brown. G.M.; . Bra. Mc- Leish. D.G.M.: R. ‘W. Bro. H. A. Nicholls, G.S.W.; V. W. Bro. Thom snn, G.J.W.: R. W. Bro. Francis. . Chaplain; W. Bro. Walker. G.D. of 0.; “I. Buns. Carleton and Cousins. Cup- lwm-ers; W. Bro. Hill. G. Supervisor; \V. Bro. Legge. G. Standard Bearer; W. Bras. Newbury and Braund, Grand Poursnivants; W. Bros. Saigeon and Kirby, G. Stewards. After the dedica- tinn all repaired to the. lower hall where the ladies had prepared a sump- tuous repast, and it is needless to say that it was greatly appreciated by the brethren. A leasnnt hour was spent umund the‘ fastive hand in speech- mnking and song. Brethren were pre- sent from Aux-om, Richmond Hill. Thornhill and Toronto. " It had of young'pébhle attended the Hal-g Times Carnival at Thornhill lust Wee . Mr. J. Manny of King has rented the huufit- that. was occu ied by the late Hem-y Kc-fler. and w th has fam- ilyflis mmjng i3 this month. An exploration tri a little out of common forms the ending story in the Mulch issue of.Rod and Gun in Canada. published by W. J. Taylor. Lid.. VVondstock, Out. In this story Dr. Luther Hm ve describes u. trip to Mouse. Factory am the very strenuous work he and his guide encountered during their return by way of the Abitilyi River. It is a story that will delight the hearts of all good sports- men. A paper on the Ancient and Honorable Brotherhood of Sportsmen holds up the highest qualifications for the members of tha Noble Brother- hood and describes some of the fine conduct necessary on the part of those who would join the exclusive l‘zlllKS. There are many other good things in the number. including the decision of Judge Hewson _on the_6ettlor’s rights tn big game. the confm'euces of the North American Fish and Game Pm. tect-ive Association. a‘ review ofthe New Brunswick game svasun, the Manitoba Game Laws. the Dash uclion of Wolves. etc., ufl’m-ding sufficiently wide- t-euding to Interestany and every sportsman concerned in the many game prahlems raised throughout Lha Dominion. A very pleasant- evaning‘was spent in th# Epwnrth LPnge last; week when the young penple of Headfm-d League: visited here. The tm-nnut both from Heudfm'd and this cmmninity was all that could he desired. It is almost safe to say; from the stand- point, of League Work. that, everybody mutant. The Heudfnld League gave the prngrammé, which cunsist.9d of n vvrv fine paper by Miss Haze-l Smith. Principal of Hendfm'd Public thuol. Miss Myrtle Gmuisky gave a. very fine snln. and Mrs. Levk and Miss Hattie Bx-ndie a duPt. Bemdes these there were many other good things in the musical line. At the conclusion of the prograhune all sat; down to a most in- viting banquet. prm‘ided by the Leag- uex-s of this place. Hendfm-d people behaved themselvvs so well that we will always be glad to see them in the future. ATHLETIC WORLD. The best prndlmtinn of the Athletic \Vnrld yet, issued is undoubtedly the Fem-nary number, its special alticlesfi on Canadian spm L from wash to cmle being particularly exhaustive and timely. The illustrations‘nt’ current, sport events are» splendid fwtlul'PS uf this excellent national spurts Hith- ziue. The editorial department l‘l‘l’ills a great number if hnme and frvwign happenings in the wnrld ut' pastime-S. The Athletic: V‘Vm-ld is filling in an able way a lnng-fwlt want in the (lan- adian fluid 0f spin-ts and recreations. ' Victoria Square. ROD AND GUN. Maple. l‘ D. HILL & (70¢, *++MW~§+M‘H-+MW+N§ For sale at the C. N‘. I Staiion, or delivered in t? village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL. For threshing engines. +++++++++¢+++++$+++W¢ NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. ’ Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. Purity Fpur alwafys wn hind. 7 ‘ All kinds of grain bought and highest possible pricen paid at' the-Elevator. Make Friends Happy By Buying a. Nice Box of the Highest 'Grr side of Confectionery. Prices Ranging from 100 to $5. A Large Assorted Stock of Nuts and Fruits ' in Season. Beef Extracts inâ€" 0x0, Boverell, Johnston’s. Liebig’s ' Prepared Soupsâ€" Chicken Chicken Gumbo Foodsâ€" J ; H. RAMER w. A. Sanderson COAL Foods for Invalids and Children ‘ [Singlccbpie'm‘ , 3 cts. Condensed Mfik Condensed Cream Patent Bariej Allenburr ’s No. 1. 2, 3 Nestle’s ilk F0011 I Horlick’s Malted Milk Ridge’s Food Arrowroot, Burmnda, .8830 and Ta pxoca Druga‘ist. OUR CON FECTIONER RICHMOND HILL No. 36 in the

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