“I’m going to guess it at once," Bell said. “Reginald Henson has been here. Did he happen to know that we had a kind of patient un- der the roof ‘1†-7,†.4, Steel promised to doâ€" so, and the two returned to Downend Terrace together. They found Heritage 8. little excited and disturbed. “1713073776117 know 1 have had a, visi- tor?†he exclaimed. Heritage explained that Henson seemed to know something about it. He expressed a. desire to see the patient, but Heritage’s profesâ€" sional caution had got the better of his friendship for_ once. 'u “life, i“ didn’t,†Marley said, thoughtfully. “I argued in your favor against my bg§ter judgments. “Matter of philanthropy, per- haps,†Heritage suggested. “A matter of murder,†Bell said, sternly. “My dear fellow, Van Sneck was nearly done to death in yonder conservatory, and his would- be assassin was Reginald Henson.†“I was never more astounded in my life,†gasped Heritage. “1 have always looked upon Henson as the soul of honor and integrity. And he has always been so kind to Bell’s sanguine expectation that Van 'Sneck would be ready for an immediate operation was not; quite correct. “When we have Van Sneck all right again, we’ll be ready to ask for a warrant for the assailant. You’ll let me know how the opera- tion goes on 2â€? Later on, in the course of a long intenview with Marley, Bell and Steel ,opened the latter’s eyes to a considerable extent. 'V‘U‘Buâ€"{ybï¬â€™hééer deemed me guilâ€" ty, Mar1¢y131 _ _ _- . «1 “It’s a good thing you were ï¬rm,†Bell said, grimly. “Henson watched Steel and myself out of the house. He wanted to see Van Sneck.†“We shall pull him through, eh, Heritage?†said Bell. “Well, I must congratulate you, sir,†he said to Stgel. “For his own purposes, no doubt. You say thnL ha in;st you a. home after your iléirfonuuut-‘35 came upon you. He came to see you frequentâ€" ly. A_nd yet ho always harped upâ€" . , u w \ I‘ i .' ,E ‘J ' if.†7’ V ' v - â€"- on that wretched hallucination of yours. Why? Because you were the Carfax family doctor for a. time, and at anv momem: you might have given valuable information concernâ€" ing the suicide of Claire Carfax. Tell Heritage the story of Prince Rupert’s ring, Steel.†David proceeded to do so at some length. Heritage appeared to be deeply interested. And gradually many long forgotten things came back to him. “I recollect it all perfectlv well,†he said. “Miss Carfax and myself were friends. Why, she showed me that ring with a great deal of pride, but she did not tell me its hisâ€" tory. She was very strange in her manner that morning; indeed, I warned her father that she wanted to be carefully looked after.†i“17)71divshe sziy how she got the ring?†Steel‘a»sked. “Oh, yes,†he said, presently. “She said it was a present from a good bov. and that Reginald Hen- son had given it her in an enve- lope. I met Henson close by, but I didn‘t mention the ring.†“And there you have the whole thing in a nutshell 1†Bell exclaim-. ed. “Nothing of this came out at the inquest, because the ring story was hushed up, and Heritage was not called because he had nothing to do with the suicide. But Hen- son probably saw poor Claire Carâ€" fax Show the ring, and he got a. bit frightened, and he kept an eye upon you afterwards. When you broke down he looked after you, and he took precious good care to keep'your hallucination always beâ€" fore your eyes. .1 n uuu JV“.- VJV “You are quitc right there,†Heritage admitted. “He mention- ed it this afternoon when I said I was going to take part in the opera.â€" tion on Van Snack. He asked me if I thought it wise to try my nerves V-‘s- v-aâ€"v ‘â€" ‘V'.' v I quickly nops noudhu. cun- colda. heal. the duo-c And luau - - - 25 cent. @Izlhiiacum Primes Rupert’s Ring, [AFTER XXXXIX. OR, THE HOUSE OF. THE SILENT BORROW. “Mr. Reginald Henson to see you, sir.†A servant looked in with this in- formation and a card on a, tray. There was a. slight commotion out- side, a vision of a partiallywrecked bicycle on the path, and a dusty ï¬gure in the hall with his head in his hand. I t “The gentleman has met with an accident, sir,†the parlormaid said. Henson seemed \to he knock- ed about a great deal. He was ridâ€" ing down the terrace, he said, when suddenly he ran over a. dog, andj “I fancy evérything is ready now,†Bell said, at; length. "After dinner toâ€"night and this thing will be done. Then the story will be toldâ€"4’ ‘V‘Ybuumusb stay here till E011 feel all right again,†David‘suggestfed. V Pregentlyv Henson professea him- self to be better, but every time he moved he suffered exquisite ia‘gony. “Hadn’t we better-send bin to the hospital?†Davidi syggesï¬ed: ‘ A specially powerful electric light had been rigged up in connection with the study lamp, and an opâ€" erating table improvise-d from the kitchen. V‘i‘thï¬s for?†was B61171; brutal response. -“There’s nothing whatâ€" ever the matter with the man. He is shamming.†V Despite His injuries, Henson ate a hearty dinner, partaken of on the dining-room sofa. Heritage'appeared to be ready and eager for the wqu‘befqre him. “And now, do not let me detain you, as you havevbusiness,†he smiled. “I shall be quite comforâ€" table here if you will place a glass of water by my side. The pain makes me thirsty. No, you need not have any further consideration for me.†Morning brought a long letter from Chris Henson to David, giv- ing him in detail the result of her recent interview with John Raw- lins. "â€"Hémléy back with his eyes half closed. He seemed to be asleep. u light.†“And I hope you told him he was talking nonsense,†Bell said, hanâ€" tily. “There, let us change the sub- ject. The mere mention bf that man’s name stifles me.†so soon again with the electric “VI rfancy we can leave him néw,†Bell said, with deep sarcasm. “We need have no further anxiety. Rest is all that he requires.†Once the trio were in the operatâ€" ing-room Bell gave one rapid glance at Heritage. V“-I\i(v);w:iï¬guov and fetch Van Sneck in,†Bell _said. . u A The patient came at length. A moment or two later and he was gone under the influence of the ether administered by Bell. A case of glittering instruments lay on the table. The strong elecâ€" tric light was switched on and hung just over the head of the uncon- scious patient. ’ -n n ....... y..-__,,, ' Heritage made an incision. Bell was watching in deep admiration, yet the big electric light flittered for just a moment, and Heritage stood upright. ~ “Don’t be a fool,†Bell said, sternly. The knife was cutting deep, deep- A snarling oath broke from Bell’s lips as the light flickered again and popped 'out suddenly, leaving the whole room in intense darkness. Heritage cried aloud. David felt a. hand guiding his ï¬n- gers to the patient’s head. “Press the sponge down there and press hard,†Bell whispered. “It’s a matter, of life and death. .Another minute and Van Sneck lwould have gone. Heritage, Heri- tage, pull yourself together. It was no fault of yours the light went outâ€"the fault is mine.†Bell stumbled down the kitchen stairs and returned with a. candle. The electric lights were out all over the ground floor with the excepâ€" tion of the hall. One of the circu- its had given out completely, as sometimes happens with the elec- tric light. Bell leapt on a table and turned the hall light out. A second later and he was dragging the long spare flex from the impromptu op- erating room to the swinging cord CHAFTER XL. Van Sneck opened his eyes and stared languidly about him. A little later and he lay snug and still in bed. There was a look of pleasure in the eyes of Heritage. ‘-‘I’ve.‘_seved' him and he’s saved me,†he said. “But it was touch and go for both of us when that light failed. But for Bell I fancied that I should have fainted. And then it came to me that it was 'some trick, and my nerve returned.†“And another second- would have seen an end of our man,†Bell said. “He’s coming round again. get those bandages on, Heritage. l’ll look after the mess. GiVe him the drug. I want him to sleep for a good long time.†“Will he be sensible to-movrow ‘2†David asked. _ “I’ll pledge my reputation on it,†Bell said. 7 “Never to ieave you again.†Bell said. “It tried you high, and iound youiinot wanï¬ng.†_ “Finished,†Heritage said. with a triumphant thrill. “And suc- cessful.†' digiï¬Ã©-féom was in( pitchy darkness, for the lights there had been on the short circuit over the hall lamp. With a, knife he cut the cord loose, he stripped t71ev00pper wires beneath, and .mp7 idly poined one flex_ to_ the_ other. alt-’3 amateur work, but I fancy it will do,†he muttered. u “Heaven be praised,†Heritage murmured. “But how was 1t done?†mBéll’s face was stern as he took the kitchen candle stick from the table and went in the direction of the dining-ropm. “No,†he_ said, ï¬rmly. “I’ll do it. It was a cruel, dastardly trick to play upon me, but I quite see now that it was a trick. Only it’s going to make a man of me in- stead.†It seemed a long time to David, looking on, but it was a mere mat,- ter of minutes. "‘"Cbme Uwith me, and L’llj ex- plain,†said, curtly. " ' . 1 as1evep, He subu, lauguyun‘y‘. “Liar,†Bel] thundered. “You have been plotting murder. And but for a mere accident the plot would have been successful. Ydu came here to stifle the (light at the Snap went the In“! switchâ€"there was a. sudden cry from Heritage as the big lamp over nhe head of Van Sneck flared up again. Bell raced into the study and shut the door. “A trick,†he gasped. “The light was put out. For heaven’s sake, Heritage, don’t gct brooding over those fancies of yours now. I tell you the thing was done deliberate- ly. Here, if you are too weak or feeble, give the knife to me.†The’l'équest had a. sting in it. Heritage pulled himself together. Henson looked up from his sofa with a start and a smile. “I am afraid I must have been asleep,†he said, languidly. I." 'â€"â€"-â€" .â€" ._._ ulckly stops coudhsvcm’as'colâ€"d's VI: ' a throat and Inn‘s. ' - I - 85mg... Concreï¬e ‘ Fence are sightly, strong, permanent. Concrete is, in many localities, cheaper than wood, for" fence posts, and more durable than stone, brick or iron. Our book, " What The Farmer Can Do With Concrete" is sent FREE. It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but walks, curbs, horse blocks, barn foundations, feeding floors, well curbs, drinking troughs, silos, dairies, and many other farm utilities where cleanliness, strength and durability are required. Many of these things are simple and inexpen- sive to make, and may easily be put together in “The night that you lured Van Sneak here by a. forged letter and left him for dead." ' Henson gasped. “You have a little knowledge of electricity,†Bell went on. “And you saw your way pretty clear to spoil our operation to-night. At the critical moment all you had, to do was to dip your ï¬ngers in the Water and press the tips of them against the live wire in the wall- plug. You did so, and immediate- ly the wires ï¬red all over the cirâ€" cuit and plunged us in darkness. But the hall light remained sound, and Van Sneck was saved. If it is any consolation to you, he will be as sensible as, any oI us to-morrow._†very moment when we were oper- ating on Van Sneck. You thought that all the lights on the floor would be on the same circuit; you have been here before.†“Are you mad 1†Henson gasped. “When have I b\een here beforeâ€"†“rm - 1 17 Henson had rigen to his feet, pale and trembling. Bei’l approached thg: china wall-plug and pointed to it. “Hold the candle down,†he mid. “There! you can see that the surface is still wet, there is water in the holes now, and some of it has trickled down the distemper on the wall. You ought to be shot where you stand, murplerous dog.†Henson protested with some dig- nity. It was all so much Greek to him, he said. He had been sleep- ing so quietly that he had not seen the light fail. Bel} cut him short. “Get out,†he cried. “Go away; you poison the air that honest men breathe, and you are as ï¬t and well as I am. Van Sneck awakened the next- morning entirely rational and af- ter he had breakfasted Bell ques- tioned him. ‘ a who get little exercise. feel better all round for an occasional dose of "NA-DRU-CO†Laxatives They tone up the liver, move the bowels gently'but freely. cleanse the system and clear the brain. A new, pleasant and reliable laxative, prepar’eci by a reliable firm, and worthy of the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark. 25¢. a box. ll your druggist has not yet stocked them,‘ send 25c. and we will mall them. ‘ NATIONAL DRUG &. CHEMICAL COMPANY V OFQANADA. LIMITED. MONTREAL. 21 tell everything!†he cried, horse tamed 1n exlswnc‘oâ€"XS y'eui-II 7 Bi WHOLESAL DRUGGXSTB. spouu MEDIOAL 00.. one-mm and Bamflolozlstl, Goshon. 1.. ' BRAIN WORKERS your spare time. 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COLT DISTEMPER “I buy two Rembrandts from a workman who not know how much they be worthâ€"ï¬fteen marks I pay. I work in with Henson all time and he say we not sell two, we sell one to Littimer. Littimer pay us his price. I when he saw Bell had everything. “I have trouble when I am a. with police and ‘Henson give away and they catch me and take my Rembrandt. “Not long ago I buy cigar case at Walen’s for Henson and he not pay me back the money. I know he try to have something ‘on Mr. Steel, so I write to Mr. Steel ask- ing him to see me. Ach! Henson get the letter and he forge Mr. Steel’s name to a. note and tell me to come. “When I go to Mr.‘ Steel’s house, Henson let me in. I am drinking and I not see him till I am inside. Then he draw a knife and I know he wants the Prince Rupert ring. It is in my pocket and I take it out and drop it while we ï¬ght. Then he cut me and I know no more.†(To be continued.) With DY-O-LA you can color either Wopl. 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