BIG NATIONAL PROJECTS Government to/Build Hudson Bay Line and Welland Canal ed to the Commons on Friday, on a motion to go into supply on the estimates for the Department of Railways and Canals. ‘ ' The Government proposes to proâ€" ceed at once with the construction of the Hudson Bay Railway for the ‘ ï¬rst 170 miles from Pas Mission to Split Lake. Port Nelson will pro~ bably be the terminal port of the new railway. The railway will be built by the Government, and a. proposal will be submitted to the House later on for its operation. }! despatch from Ottawa; says: Hon. George P. Graham’s annual review of the transportation prob- lems of the Dominion was present- A new'or enlarged Welland Ca.- nal is projected, and three different routes are under consideration. With an improved St. Lawrence- route, Canada need fear no compe- tition from Wahe new United States canals via Buffalo 01' Oswego. The development of the country would EXPERIMENTSWITH BAWURE Concentration of Low Grade Ore of Wide Beneï¬t to Canada ’ 'A despatch from Ottawa says: OE great commercial importance are the results of magnetic concen- tration experiments with raw ores announced in a. report just issued by the Department of Mines. It is a. well known fact, states the re- port, that the deposits of merchant- able iron ores hitherto discovered in Canada are very limited in ex- tent; indeed, the blast furnace companies in Ontario had to import over 71 per cent. of the ore smelt- ed in 1909. While, however, the supply of merchantable iron ore in Canada is limited, enormous quanâ€" tities of low-grade ores are known to exist. The megnetic concentra- $2,000,000 Addition to Plant of Can- ada Cir Company. A despatch from Welland, Ont., says: The plant of the Electro Me~ tals, located in the factory district of Welland, will be doubled in size. this spring. The company havei been exceedingly prosperous, and haveJound it necessary to have in- creased accommodation. United Motors, manufacturers of automo- biles, will erect their factory build- ing the coming summer. As soon as arrangements can be completed, the Sons of England will erect a large lodge and office building. It is understood that additions amounting to over two million dol- lars will be made to the plant of the Canada Car & Foundry Com~ pony here. Tcnders His Resignation as Direc- tor of Experimental Farms. A despatch from Ottawa says: Dr. William Saunders, director of Dominion experimental farms, has tendered his resignation to the Min- ister of Agriculture. It will take effect at the end of the present month. Dr. Saunders, who is one of the best known men in the Do- THE ACT WILL BE AMENDED Legislation Will Allow Only Bona Fide Residents to Vote on Local Option A despatch from Toronto says: An important change in the local option law, which will Considerany alter the. situation in some muni- cipalities, will/be introduced in the Ontario Legislature during the present session. The change will practically limit to bona ï¬de resi- dents of a municipality those entit- ledto vote upon a local option by- '“ï¬'on. W. J. Hanna, Provincial Secretary, in replying to Mr; W. Proudfoot, _, during the‘ discussion DR. WILLIAM SAUNDERS. WELLAN D IND U STRIE S. justify the carrying out of both the Welland and the Georgian Bay Canals at no very distallt date. UuLAWAU w. . .-_‘, Under the power policy of the Government. on the Trent Canal, power will be supplied to central Ontario municipalities at compare» tively the cheapest prices in Can- ada. The Intercolonial Railway last year yielded a surplus of $623,164.- 66, and for this year the surplus is estimated at $690,000, after paying over $300,000 on equipment renew- al account. on my uuuuuuu The total cost of construction of the National Transcontinental Rail- way to its completion from Mone- ton to Winnipeg will be $145,339,- 700. The total expenditure to date by the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c Rail- way Company on the prairie and mountain sections of the G.T.P. is $53,201,498. It is expected to ï¬n- ish the mountain section in three years. tion of these ores into products equal, and in many instances su- perior, to the best natural ores ob- tainable, is, therefore of great im- po'rtance. Of particular interest were ex- periments carried out with two shipments of iron ores from the Bristol mineswin Pontiac County, Quebec. The c‘bnclusion arrived at is that by either of the two methods the concentrates from Bristol ores would yield very desirable low sulâ€" phur material 'for the manufacture of iron by either the electric or or- dinary blast furnace. A recent ex- amination of the amine revealed the existence of an are ï¬eld of 90,000 square feet. minion of Canada, has been direc- tor of experimental farms since 1886. His reason for resigning is that of late his health has not been good. He proposes to take a. long holiday in Europe, and will sail for England in May next. He is 75 years of age, and lived formerly in London, Ont. - No Other Way of Clearing Entrance to Sydney, Nova Scotia. A despatch from Halifax sayszl It may be necessary to use dynaâ€" mite to open Sydney Harbor to navigation. The ice in the harbor is nearly sixteen inches in thick-1 ness, but the real obstacle is an ice barrier, which has formed across the mouth of the harbor, and which is now about sixteen feet thick. It is made of lolly ice and snow, and effectively keeps’all shipping from the port. The dynamiting of this huge mass of ice is now being con- sidered. Sea. captains say that [it can be moved in no other..way. It would take a whole summer’s sun to melt it. Very few people have any idea of the quantity and thick- ness of the ice on the coast. A sea captain stated that in some places the ice has piled tier upon tier, unâ€" til it reached the great height of DYNAMITE T0 'oPEN HARBOR. égmething like sixt} feet. 'over the three-ï¬fths clause, stated that the Government would intro- ‘duce legislation that would put an end to the complamts made by both temperance and liquor people in connection “with local opigion con< tests under the present law. The" amendment will prevent property- owners from voting unless they are residents of the municipality inter- ested. “The 1mm who lives ï¬fty miles away from the place can have no real interest in a. local option contest,†explained Hon. Mr. Hanna. PRIBES 0F FARM PRIEDUBTS BREADSTUFFS. Tloronto, Mar. 14.â€"Flourâ€"Winâ€" ter wheat, 90 percent. patents, $3.- 25 at seabord. Manitoba, floursâ€" First patents, $5.40; second pat- ents, $4.90, and strong bakers’, $4.70, on track, Toronto: REPORTS FORM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Manitoba, wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, 97 to 97%0, Bay ports; No. 2 North- ern, 95c, Bay ports, and No. 3 at 32%0, Bay ports; carrying Winter storage at Goderich, 1c extra. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home and Abroad. Barleyâ€"Making qualities, 64 to 65c outside, according to quality, and feed at 53 to 55c outside. "Vdrltaa'ringihieï¬rtâ€"NEJ. 2 white and red Winter 80 to 810 outaide. Oatsâ€"Ontario No. 2 white, 34 to 34%0, on track, Toronto, and 31% t6 32c outside. No. 2 W. C. oats, 361/20, Bay ports, and No. 2 at 35 to 351/20, Bay ports. .d m Cornâ€"No. 3 American, 510, To- ronto freight. Peasâ€"~No. 2 at 80 to 81c outside. Ryeâ€"65 to 670' outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 1 at 46% to 490 outside. Branâ€"Manitobas at $22, in bags, Toronto, and shorts. 24, in bags, Toronto. Ontario bran, $22 to $22.- 50, in sacks, Toronto, and shorts, $24 to $24501 Applesâ€"Spys, $5 to. $5.50; Bald- wins, $4 to $4.50; Greenings, $4 t0‘$4.50; No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to $4.50 per barrel. A ._,, . A. AA Beansâ€"Cur lots, $1.75 to $1.80, and small lots, $1.30 to $2. Honeyâ€"Extracted, in tins, 10 to 11c per 1b.; No. 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, wholesale, $1.75 to $2 per dozen. Baled hayâ€"No. 1 at $12 to $13 on track, and No. 2 at $9 to $10.50. Baled strawâ€"$6.50 to $7, , on track, Toronto. ’ I; Potatoesâ€"Car luLS, 80 to 856 per bag. ___. . . . A t wb. Poultryâ€"Wholesale prices of dressed poultry :â€"»Chickens, 15 170 16c per 1b.; fowl, 11 to 13c per 1b.; turkeys, 19 to 210 per 11). Live, 1 to 20 less. ' ~ ' Butterâ€"Dairy prints, 19 to 200; choice rolls, 18 to 190; inferior, 16 to 18¢. Creamery, 26 to 270 per 1b. for rolls. 24c for solids, and 22 to 23c for separator prints. Eggsâ€"Case lots of new-laid, 22c per dozen. Cheeseâ€"Large 13%c, and twins :at 13%0. Montreal, Mar. 14.-â€"Oa.tsâ€"-Cana.- dian Western, No. 2, 38% to 38%(3, car lots, ex-store; extra. No. 1 feed, 37% to 38c; No. 3 C. W., 37% to 37%c; No. 2 local white, 37%c; No. 3 local white, 36%0; No. 4 local white, 3534c. Flourâ€"Manitoba. Spring wheat patents, ï¬rsts, $5.60; seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat pat- ents, $4.50 to $4.75; strong bakers’, $4.90; straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.~ 35; inmbags, $1.90 to $2. Rolled oatsâ€"Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 90 lbs., $1.95. Feed barley, earlots, “4..., Y exâ€"store, 49 to 500. Cornâ€"Ameriâ€" can No. 3 yellow, 55 to 560. Mill- feedâ€"Bran, Ontario, $22 to $23; Manitoba, $21 to $23; middlings, Ontario, $24 to $25; shorts, Mani- toba, $23 to $25; mouillie, $25 to $30. Eggsâ€"Selected, 23c; fresh, 25 'to 270; No. 1 stock, 20c; No. 2 stock, 180. Cheeseâ€"Westerns, 113-8 to 12¢; easterns, 11% to 11%. Butâ€" terâ€"Choicest, 26 to 26%0; seconds, 24 to 253/20. UNITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, March 14.â€"Wheat-â€"- May, 97 5-8c; July, 98% to 98%0; September, 90 5-80. Cashâ€"No. 1 hard, 99%0; No. 1 Northern, 98 to 99%0; No. 2 Northern, 95% to 97c; No. 3 wheat, 93% to 96%0. Branâ€"- (10., BUWuua, “JR-Vt) vv Wan-1v. Buffalo, March 14.-â€"-Whea.t â€"- Spring, No. 1 Northern, carlowds store, 81.04%; Winter, No. 2 red, 930; No. 2 white, 940. Cornâ€"No. 3 yellow, 49¢;-No. 4 yellow, 44%c, on rack, through billed. Oatsâ€"eSteady. Barleyâ€"Malting, 950 to $1. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. 7 Montreal, March 14. -â€"« Choice steers‘soId at‘Sc, good‘at 5%0, fair. 1y good at 5%«3, fair at 5c, and com- mon at 4V, to 4%c per 1b. Prices for cows were Kc per lb. lower, $20 to $21. Flourâ€"First patents, $4.65 to $4.95; (10., seconds, $4.55 to $4.85; ï¬rst clears, $3.05 to $3.55; (10., seconds, $2.95 to $2.70. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. THE DAIRY MARKETS. COUNTRY PRODUCE. A despatch from London says:‘ The naval estimates issued Ion: Thursday night provide for the ex-l penditure of‘$221,962,500, an. in-. crease of $63,000,000 over the pre-( vious year. The cost of new con-: struction is ï¬xed at $15,318,585. The ‘ programme includes ï¬ve Dreadâ€"i noughts, three protected cruisers,‘ one unarmored cruiser, twenty den stroyers, six submarines, and an increase in the personnel of the. navy of 3,000 ‘men: A A h __ [ BRITAIN’S NAVAL PROGRAM Estimates Show Increase of $63,000,000 Over Previous Year. The Right Hon. Reginald McKen- na, First Lord of the Admiralty, favored ï¬ve dreadnoughts, but the radical section of the Cabinet and Liberal party of the Cabinet and Liberal party insisted that four would sufï¬ce. Mr. McKenna’s statement shows that a. comprom- ranging from 3% to 5%c, and bullsa were M to ‘Ac per lb. cheaper at from 3% to 5c per 1b. Sales in calves were made at from $2.50 to $8 each. Sales of selected hogs were made at $7.50 to $7.75 per cwt., weighed off cars. ' Toronto, March 14,â€"Choice heavy cattle, butcher or export, $5.- 65 to $5.90; good to medium heavy, $5.50 to $5.70; light medium, $5.35 to $5.45; mixed, rough, common, 84 to $5; general run of cows, $4.40 to $4.75; good bulls, heavy, $5 to $5.25; medium rough, $4 to $4.50; canners and common, 82 to $3. iSheepâ€"Firm at $4.50 to $4.85. Lambsâ€"Light, ï¬rm, at $6 to $6.- 75. Hogsâ€"Market steady and un- changed at_ $6.75'f.o.b. and $7.05 fed and watered. Heavy hogs over 220 pounds, 500 less. Big Powder Plant 60 Miles From ' Chicago Blew Up. A despatch from Chicago says: The big plant of the Dupont Pow- der 00., located near the little town of Pleasant Prairie, just across the line from Wisconsin, near Ken- NIAGARA PUWER FOB FARMS A despatch from Toronto says: The way has been opened for the extension of the Hydroâ€"electric ser-3 vice to all the unorganized villages and farming districts 'in the power zone. Hon. Adam Beck’s promised bill to provide for the local distriâ€" bution of electrical power was inâ€" ‘troduced in the Legislature on Wed- ‘nesday, and when it becomes law e'nterprising sections of municipali- ties which have hitherto been pre- vented from securing power be- cause of the opposition'of other secâ€" tions, will be able to go right ahead. The measure embodies the local improvement principle, in that it provides the means whereby only the portion of the municipality be- neï¬ting bears the expense. Under Bill Introduced in the Ontario Legislature by the Hon. Adam Beck ' FIFTY PER CENT. INGREASE‘ Census Commissioner Blue Tells of Ar ‘ rangements For Coming Census. A despatch from Ottawa says: “We hope and feel that the census of Canada, to be taken this summer will show an increase in the popuâ€" lation of the country over that of the last ofï¬cial census in 1901 of at least ï¬ft per cent,†said Mr. Arâ€" chibald lue, Census Commission- ler, on Thursday morning. . Mr. Blue stated that all the Commis- sioners had been appointed and that the enumerators would be appoint- ed shortlyf ' A. _ , The work will be commenced on June 1 and will consume more time than the last one, owing to the large increase in populationend the "ad- ditional ground to be covered. Ac- cording to Mr. Blue’s estimate the census will show the total popula- WHOLE TOWN WIPED OUT. ‘ise has been reached between the ’insistent radical demands for naval leconomy and the Admiralty au~ lthorities. According to this, by (April 1 the battleship Neptune, the ~armored cruiser Indefatigable, and 'ï¬ve protected cruisers will be avail‘ ‘able for service, while the vessels lunder construction will include ten ‘battleships, three armored cruisers, .se‘ven protected and three unarmor- _ed cruisers, thirty-two destroyers, and twelve submarines. It is pointed "out that a consider-r able amount, of the estimates is to be increased pay for the betterâ€" ment of the men’s conditions and dgckyard construction at Rosyth. It is said that a. heavy new con- struction programme, which will in- clude eight Dreadnoughts, is pro- jected for next year. osha, and sixty miles from Chicago, “blew up†on Thursday .night with terriï¬c form. The shock was felt for many miles around. . In Chi- cago many large buildings in the loop were shaken. The Boston store, one of the largest buildings in the loop, was so severely shaken that large plategglass windows were broken and fell on passing pedesâ€" trians in the street below. Pleasant Prairie is entirely wiped out, and not a building remains of a once prosperous little town. One life is known to be lost, but up to the present time it is impossible to say just how many more. The proâ€" perty loss is estimated at $1,500,000. London Paper’s View of Their Di- versions in Canada. A despatch from Ottawa says: In the Senate on Wednesday, Segqar tor McDonald, of British Columbia, called attention to an article in an English paper, the Mirror, which he said was misleading, as it order. ed servants to go to Canada, where the custom was to allow domestics to go boating arid play tennis each aftérnoon. or number of residents may apply to the Council of a municipality to enter into negotiations with the Hydro-electric Commission. The Council must, after taking certain steps, enter into a, contract with the Commission to supply power to the applicants. The municipality may issue debentures to cover the. expense incurred and levy a special rate. The rates charged for the power shall be large enough to re- turn to the municipality the interest and sinking fund upon the debem tunes. the terms of the bill any residexji Unorgahized villages may apply to the township Council upon the same basis as groups of individu- als, the costs incurred to be speci- a-lly assessed upon the village. PARADISE Fok DOMESTICS. tion of Canada to be nearly 8,000,- 000. In 1901 it was about 5,371,000. The estimate is largely based on the immigration ï¬gures for the past ten years and the natural increases during that period. Mr. Blue said he felt that the Maritime Provinces would show a slight increase. ~Unfortunately for these Provinces, however, many im- migrants who originally intended to settle in them had been lured farther west. He thought, how- ever, that in spite of the small imm migration to the eastern Provinces they would show an increase over 1901. All the other Provinces of the Dominion would show‘substa'n- tial increases. The Provinces o.‘ the northwest would show large in. creases.