Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1911, p. 4

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FREE ENTRANCE T0 CANADA Following 15 Third of the Series of Articles on Reci- procity Be-publi'shed from the Canadian 1 Century Magazine of Montreal. ' l lticaMONn HILL. 01:112. . _. . “___, SOME or THE CHARACTERISTICS WHICH HAVE WON FOR THE .. Siam: like _ 1T8 mam SINGING TONI} rrs EVENNESS 0! seal: 7 ITS RESPONSIVENESS 0" ACTION ITS BEAUTY OF DESIGN. and ITS CAPACITY TO WITHSTAND HARD USAGE WITHOUT BECOMING “TINNY.” The Gem-lay Piano is supreme in all those qualities which are the desire of musicians and music lovers. WRIGHT BROS. Richmond Hill Corn and Tobacco Agreement is adopted. The iiveizige- ‘ . , pint-3e of hogs in Chicago and Mllnl'l'PHl (From Th°_m'n“d‘““ Cantu”) or the five years ending December 3i. it will he remembered that. at one 1910' was “5 mumvsii" time an extensive area of South~E . . . ' _ ' Western Ontario was devoth to grow- _ ml Clgfic'fz‘fj)“ Méanélpdl ing corn. The duty on corn coming 1907 ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' 6‘10 7'4; into Canada. from the United States wus'" " 5'70 7‘,;, was removed and the Canadian mar- 1909 ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ F'g,’ 83,4 ket was immediately so flooded with 1910' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' 9'5” iiiipoi-tations of corn from the United ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' Sta-lies lith cm’“ gillwmg had 3“ [’9 In October, 1907. live hogs sold in almost completely abandoned by Can- I Chicag“ as low as $3_80 pm. (.wt” adian farmers. About the same time ‘ against $6.65 p9,. cwth at the same additional protection was given to time. in M(),,b,.e,,1_ Canadian tobacco grmvei-s, and the re- 1 During the. same periud prices ,if 5"“? “’“S "Mt tnbmfc" crops t‘mk, “18 ' hogs have. averaged lower in Buffalo PM?“ Pf 00"" crops m um" Pm'ltm 0“' i than in Toronto. Occasionally the tai-io formerly most noted for its corn. l prim. 309,, higher, a“ Baffin”, but cum- nionly it is lower. . what is me mam" with “mine ? The farmer of the Southwestern The farmers of the State of Maine States has a longer season than the have all the advantages that recipi-oc- l Canadian fai-iiicr. He not only has iiy could brine; to the Maritime Prov- I cheap corn, but he is able to grow sev- inccs of Canada and none of the dis- ; oral crops of alfalfa, and this enables advantages. They have free access to him to produce hogs very cheaply. the niuch-talked-of “iiiarket-of ninety! The Canadian packing houses ex- niillions,” and cannot be shut out of it ~ poet to be crowded out of business by suddenly by a. vote of Congress, as J the importations of hog products l'ioni Canadian farmers might be at any the big Chicago packing houses, so time under the. Reciprocity Agree- that the Canadian hog raiser will have. merit. They are nearer to the mar~ i no home market. kets of Boston and New York than any part‘ of the Maritime Provinces, The” is no Winter There. V ._ , V and yet the farmers of Maine are no ‘ p more pl‘spemu‘ than .thme “f New. In the severe Canadian sense then- Brunswwk, Nova Scotia and Prince . ié no Winter in Australia, Np“, Zenhmd , V g: Edward Island. Thev have no dreams and the AI. - - w. . “ . gentine Republic. battle “pm” the. Yam“ “f the market _“f can liveoiitdooi-s throughout the year. “may "Hum" pew)!“ They k"““' I so the farmers of those. countries do that the cost of railway haul shuts : “at have the expense “f wintersheltm. them olf from most of the markets of- ' .. ' u v . . . . _ I i ' 4 . .2122: Every famfly should have both no tail to rep t iem out. ‘he per- , d ,t Mb .V‘ . ‘1‘. ' ' ‘ centagc of increase in population is 1,3332% [Callie l a) less in Maine than in the Mm'iume ‘ of New Zealaml is for from the on -an ' * ' . I ‘ City paper It is tube feared that some people who say they will vote against reci- procity, not because it will not put -more money into the pockets of the farmers, are allowing their caution to run away with their better judg. inént. There is such a thing as look- . ing too far ahead. A morning paper gave a parallel case a few days ago, in which it was stated that the man who opposes tarifi‘ relief for fear it might. lead to annexation is like an old bachelor who will not marry for fear that his little boy may wander into the street and be killed by an automobile. ___â€"‘5 Evidently the Conservatives and Liberals of the West do not purpose making a. political question out of the proposed trade agreement be- tween Canada and the United States. The unanimous vote of the Saskat- chewan Legislature in favor of reci- , procity wsth our next door neighbors should have an influence for good in other, parts. Mr. Haultain, the strongest Conservative leader of the West, says that to vote against reci- procity would be like committing suicide. Evidently Mr. Ilaultain is speaking for his Province, and not for his party. It is not difficult that if Mr. R. L. Borden makes his con- templated trip to the Canadian .West next summer he will meet with a cool reception. _fl ‘ o- 0 rd. ‘ 'The farmers of this vicinity have been busy cutting wood. Mr. A. G. Bowes now has a pleasant drive every morning, as he is on jtiry duty. A ' Mr. Boston’s family is now enjoying pleasant talks over the phone. Master Roy Bowes’ hand, which was hurt sometime ago in the. root pulper. is about Well. Messrs. Charlie and'Nelson Harper of Downsview .. were guests of Mr. Melvin and Bert Witty Saturday afternoon and night. Sunday they were visiting other school chums, the Mr. Clan-ks. V. ' Mr. Jacob Baker of Buffalo has been visiting for some time in this vicinity. Some farmers have been plowing here already this year, but it was snow they plowed. not soil. ' â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘o.___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" BlR'l‘llS. , JONESâ€"~At Hope, on Friday, the 10th of March, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones,- a. 501). MASONâ€"At 24 Sinclair St.. Toronto, on ‘Sa turday. March 11. 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. England Mason, a son. DEATHS FREEK~At Barrie, on March 8, 1911, nl .iy ’l‘owiisley Frock, widow of the Lite James Flet‘k, formerly of Rich- iiioiid Hill, in her 90th year. ___. - I“. ,.,..,,__, v _ ' I . x22, Pig‘zlnces- l l d and. while Australia has a. vast in- . . . i I I - - - ererlle SM t0 “1"me “(’“S‘m S terior. the farms of Austialia are all of acres of abandoned farms in Maine, near the SH, (mast, so that the “MW”. - 7 . ' * ' . New Hampshire and Veiiiiciit. Many haul to new”, ports is not great. In of these farms were occupied for gain 5pm; of the fact that “my me WW I eratioiis, but the young 0914519 '“‘""*’d . much farther from the British market ‘ I I .0» a... ... m. we... 5...... . .. . . .. . . . . ., Subscriptions for weekly and and the 01d fun“ died phat? :Idnddrklb, iiiiminse quantities of - - i," 'l t ' t".‘a',.‘ild' ' - ' ' ’7 a. a... .. flog. US$31: Kiiiédfflif‘ daily papers taken With “The Liberal dian market is to be freely opened to 1 ' ‘ Canadian farmers may as Well make ‘ them as a result of the Reciprocity $ 1 a up their minds to give up the business Compact, and We get nothing in re- ot raising hogs it the Reciprocity turn. _ Family Herald and W eekly 0 Star, .1 year 0 ~L 1‘»: MM . (7%,... ~ w’» -' ,L I ‘ N Weekly Globe - l C‘ - ' Weekly Mail and Empire Farmer’s Advocate ‘ w- No NAMES 0R PHoTcs USED wn'aour WRITTEN CONSENT .sa NERVGUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave 'L through Lnrly Endiscretiom. Exceues and Blood Diseases. If you have any of the fol- ‘ '- , lowmg s mptoms consult in before it is too late. Are you nervous and weak, despon- ' a dent on Igloomy, specksbefore the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, I I kidne s irritable, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine. " pimp es on the face eyes sunken, hollow checks, carcworn expression, poor memor ', ' ifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tiredmornin s, restless night-s, changeable 1: moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, air loose, sore throat, etc. YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Treatment can cure you and make a. man of you. Under its lnfluâ€" ‘ once the brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disc. pear, the nerves become strong as steel, so that nervousness, baslifulness and des- ‘7 on ency vanish, the eye becomes bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the H ody and the moral, phySical and sexual systems are invigorated: all drains ceaseâ€"no more Vlle waste from the system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard ' earned dollars. We will cure you or no pay. EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No matter who has treat ed you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Freeâ€""The Golden Monitor" (Illustrated) on Secret Disease: of Men. QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Dns.KENNEhY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave; and Griswold St... : Detroit, Mich. v~ fi E c All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ,V ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to . see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ”- no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Canadian Farm I. ' 90C? . Daily Gâ€"lobe, York Co. Dailsyrrorhl/iiezjil)‘. and Empire, Daily Star, outside of. 13on and villages Daily News BUSy Man’s iMagazin-e The weekly Sun 900, gTflERE is BUT ONE, Every farmer should know that tho price offered by the dealers for cattle, bogs, etc, is t fair one. How can he know this if he does not take a farm business paper? What doctor or law- yer or business man would be without his business paper? There is but one imuiers’ business and market paper, that in The Weekly Sun. SStart 1910 right by subscribing. g ' If I. E Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: “ g 0 ,kgggé . DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. 0m. ‘ __ .4, read of , ‘ Ti for our private address. I I C - ‘ y i... - Farm and Dairy , x.'.,§.,‘--. .. ... ._... », ,. .. s v; k pen'enccs of anglers, shoot- e- ' ers and campers, or yachtâ€" Ladand oney For a V ' Aliâ€"MG“ ‘ " I'R iiig; or Adventure magmas Rm twisted in Coumafllfgg Several farms in Markham and one A quantity (,f Mandshm, Barley for ask your newsdcaler foi‘ in Richmond 1110 for sale. seed, A150 “mug 40 tons “yummy, The Richmond Hill Skating Rink _AGENCYâ€" ' “FOREST AND House and lot near Richmond Hill Timoih ; d M' (1 Ham . ‘1] h STREAL‘VI," or send to se or rent. y mMAlfi BROS" OPENWIEVeFRY ' J. H. V-S. us twenty-five cents Vacant village lots for sale. Lot 71 Yonge St.. J R r for four weeks trial trip, A ’ VVEDNESDAY - AND SATURDAY M-A NAG E . Also money to loan on First Mortâ€" ‘ 35.3 0-1; R'd es. large . illustrated Weekly gage on Real Property. d 1 g EVENING gag. journal of shooting, . ‘ Apply to from 7.30 to 10:00 i ' - - fl i ll]; - '_ ' __ r _Guri i. H. A- For Sale 8 NOW ON “AND 8 inew depart- ‘ R611 E ti t’. A l’, . - " i, . r 2911"- ‘ sftlidhnigiiil Hill. â€"â€"-â€" bATURDAY AFTERNOONS ‘ SIX VERY DESIRABLE ment has to 7 - -i , ldo with the - One Thousand CEDAR POSTS. from 2.00 to 4.00 I~I011§§es and Lots Apply _ for Ladies and Children. FOR SALE To Rent _ W-D‘RIQHARDbONv iBAND iN ATTENDANCE BOTH NiciiTs. C o u n t r y , HANGING FROM $800'r0 $5.000. Vandorl‘ RC. and Station. V ___ 35*3 mos- TICKETSâ€"100; 3 to 25a; 7 for 50c, or 166 acre farm north of village. 15 for $1.00. Children under 12 yrs, 5r. Buildings ~A1. Land in good state of cultivation Also 1-00 acres on the 2nd of Mark.- Home audits House and about % of an acre for v r oundin s. r - “u r g garden purposes. Pasture and staliling E Terms: $4 for two cows,_and all straw required ‘‘‘‘‘‘ , V i . in winter. _ ,. » . - 'l‘ickets'ma be had from Caretaker THOS. COOK. LOSli H at the Rink. y ~ ' a year, $2 for six months. We. send ,~ - i ’ ' - free on r’e- 34,19,_#,_4m,_ V.__,-.,(:‘.‘i}1.‘,'llf: . A , .7 ,_ ___-.. ‘ w. H. PUGSLEY, km”: _ , ,__, ___ quest our - OllFFl). 28th. a heavy fleece lined 24: Rrél'i‘. ' ‘ - catalogue of 1 .. horse blanket, buckled breasta Lost. _. I __ " ' H thdflbest. M _ J _ , between the Grand Trunk Railway " m n rm \hooks onlanidgor Inc and recreation. Fine large Brood Sow, (Yorkshire) crossing; Yonga st., and Aurora. ' 2:,::0;3:e§i$5;§:.§d,.mzw‘iifimm ~-â€"-* , ' - « . ' ‘ '1 s - - . ' ' . ' . . no ll in nrmninn n u work which ' . ' . . 1 . vommmmm w L- t 346 Broadwayme York. p dinner-ins, Markham. ’ THE, LiRERAL OFFICE, "i" . Apply at ' :- - ~ » r 3&3: - Richmond Hill. £000.25?Eviction“... mm. ‘34s! THE LIBERAL OFFICE.

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