IICERAL PRINTING t PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILLONT. (s PUBLISHED EVER! EEU LiSDAY MORNING Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. 1‘. F. McMAHON. Licensed Auctioneers torthe Countyof York. 6M0: shtended no on shortest notice and at roll» lot-able races Patronage solicited l‘xgqgï¬NHILIâ€"Tuesdays, 9.30 a. m. tu JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Licensed Auctionear for aha County of York. Goodmaold on consignment. General sale: of uockmm. promptly attended to at reasonahlc. rages“ ï¬esidance Unionviue Licensed Auctioneel m;- the County of York. re- speectully solicxts your patrontge and friendly influence sales attpnded on the shortest notice- gnd at remonable ates I‘ 0 address King G 1% Gouhliig, Newton Brook. “cent (or the above DR. E. J. WOODS Dentist, RICHMOND HlL’L WEDNESDAYS 9.30 A M N 5 PM. 4.30 p.11). EGLINTUNâ€" M unday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday" mornings; Munda y, \Vudnusdny and Friday evenings. I‘onox'm OFFICE, 129 Sherlmurm- St. Gas and Guanine fax extractions. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper~ Hanger. :51 per annum, in advance. W. HEWISON The Newton School of Music RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HII. T. VOL XXXIII. ‘6 '1' Saigeon. Maple DR. W. R. PENTLAND RICHMOND HILL F'u-st. house north of Atkingon 8r Switzer’s sture. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. VETERINARY SURGEON, Cl‘hornhill. bUS [NE-SS CARDS. J.’ EARLE NEWTON, DIRECTOR igeon. J K McEwen Maple Weston Salgeon a McEwen. Wit CZIMBIMI Richmond Hill, Ont. 8TH SEASONâ€"1910-’ll Eamon & 9302311101. J; H. Prentice D. G. BLOUGII. Phune Nu. 2102. wateriuam RESIDENCE iittditai. AT THE 55mm. PIANO-TUNING Organs Rap-irad and Expem Work Gusmmuod LEN NOX & MORGAN 310ro 60 loan on land anuchuulnzuxmwlt lowest ram v Auronofliooâ€"mmowu w the old porn om.†one door want. 01 the outnuu to the Outanu Bunk ' Newmatket calmâ€"Three doors touch of mo puntmure T Hmumnu hm;va G S'rV‘ Hanan: \urnra A. G‘F. Lawrence 1". J. Dunbar NATIONAL TRUST GHAM BERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. BARRKSTER, Somcm‘ou, NOTARY, ETC. Tux-unlit) Oflice, 33 Richmond St. \Vest, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“Libel-:11" Oflice), every Thursday I’m-mum". Maple, Thursday afternnon. VVnudhridxze, Saturday fun-noon. Lawrence 8; Dunbar, Barristersï¬oï¬citors. Nmï¬ee. to. Home Life Building 00:. Adelaide & Victoria 813.. I‘m-onto. Teh-phnne, Main Gable Address. "Dedn." Money ho hum at, Five Per Com. (5%) Richmond Hill A large 33.9033 31' £99911}! Furnishing Undertaken a: Embalm‘ers. RICHMOND HILL& THOéNHlLL Prepares pupils for the grade-d ex- aminations: held at, Tmontu Cumserva- tm-y of Music and Univelsitv of 1‘0- rontn. Special cmlrse in “Myer-‘3†Kinder- gm'ten Method, particularly helpful to begiunms. Glass recitals are given throughnut the year. 42-1y COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANC 3 I I Danton, Grover 8; Field Strictly First-cuss in all Departments None helm in the Dominion. Enjoys extensive patronage and graduates readily get good positions. Open enflre you. Enter now. Catalogue free. FROM APRIL 331) IN THE ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE H. A. NICHQLLS Commissionel, Conveyancer, etc. Insurance. and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL MISS MILLIE TRENCH J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC Barristers and Solicitors. VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING 5053 9.; ?am‘dion " THORNHILL Con. Youo: AND ALKXANDER 31’s. Tonou'ro, Our. NOTARY PUBLIC SPRING TERM RIGHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY. MAR. 30. 191.1 Barristers. Suliclurs. am. WILLIAM COOK WRIGHT BRO S. “both “Me; RICHMOND HIL-L Teacher of ham “Inï¬ssentialt. Unity; in Non-Essentials. Liberty {in all things, Charity." £11131. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Poona Main 2984 A Question for farmers Frmn The Canadian Century. \Vhen we allow vast quantities of y food frum Australasia and the twelve ! forum-9d ful't'i n nations to come freely into Canada ow are we going to pmve to American customs ntflcials . that the farm products we are trying I in send acrosslhe United States hound- ary were really roduced in Canada. 2 Ask your neig ihours this question. “’9 may he sure that the farmers of the United States will insist upon customs regulations that will prevent Canada becoming the hack dour en- trance- lo the United States for all the great fomlrxpuriing countries of the ‘ world. The enforcement ofthese regu- lations will he very annoying. The ; nvcessity of pmving that every con- sig‘mnent of food impurLPd into the United States from Canada is actually Canadian will scare American buyers. ,They will naturally pa lower pricrs for Canadian farm pro ucts than for ,Amrricau farm products when they haw to Lake the. risk of disputrswith customs officials as to whether they are genuine Canadian m come from ( countries overseas. Prices are always fluctuating in the United State-s, and while a cunsign- ment. of Canadian butter m- eggs is being hpld up at, the United States customs await.ng mnf uf genuineuess the price- may go uwu. Australasian Food tor Canada During the fiscal vear ending March 31., 1901. there came to Canada from Australia and New Zwlland 568.989 puumls of butter. 1.149.979 pnunds of fresh mutton and htmh. 107.383ip1jxtlllds of canned meats and small quantities ()fuLlwr meats. In view uf'thé fact thm such quantitivs are imported under the present tariff. what; may lm expect- ed when the dutivs on butter and cheese are abolished and the duties un meals greatly reduced as a, result, of the vaiprucity Compact with the United States. ' Fm-m Fruducts from Australia and New Zea anti cume in by way of bath the Paciï¬c and the Atlantic. New Zenlnnd fruze-n lambs cunning in by way pf Vancouver have been sold as fareustns Winnipeg. Alnrxzecunsign- ment of lamb carcases frmn New Zeflanq _hns jgst yeughed St. Jp_hn, N.B. The. New Zealand steamship "Aor- angi" is now on its way to San Fran- ciseo with 5,000 carcases of New Zealand mutton and large quantities of hotter. They cannot pass into the United States without payment of high customs duties. Is it not probable that such cargoes will be diverted to Canadian ports when the. Reci rocity Agreement goes into effect? here is nothing in the. Reciprocity Compact binding the United States to admit farm products free. or at reduced rate s from Australia, New Zi-aland and the twelve foreign countries that have favOured nation treaties with Canada. He Loses flls Bet A New Brunswick farmer writes to The Canadian Century us follows: “There may be something in what Von say about the danger of competition from great food exporting countries like Australia and Argentina. but I‘m willing to bet that not one. pound of food will come to Cannda from Switzer- land. which is one of the tWelve countries you mention as entitled to the privileges of the Reciprocity Agree- ment. What do you say to that?’ You lose your bet. During the ï¬scal year ending March 31, 1910, 227.954 The sudden death of Mr. John Bum of Old Gormley on Thursday, March 23. spread a feeling of Sadness over the Whole community. Mr. Baker had suffered for some timr previous from heart, trouth Some weoks ago while. helping to loud milk at Gorrnley station he had fallvn in an unconscious condition on tho floor. On the morn- ing of his death he had gone to the barn to do some chores. Only afew minutes elapsed when Mr. Stevens. his hll'I-‘d an. found him lying dead. Neighbor were quickly phoned for and conveyed him to the house he had so cheerfully left a few moments he-' fore. Mr. Baker was the youngest son of Eld. Samuel Baker and lived on the old homestpad on the townline at Gormley. He was a genorous, kind- hearted. [unassuming man and an earnest, Christian. He was a man who was loved and respected most by those.who knew him best, and that- means much. He was a member of the Bl‘t’thlell (Tnnker) Church, at which place the funeral Services were held on Sunday afternoon, many not being able to ï¬nd room inside, Rov‘s. P. Steekley and T. S. Doner ofï¬ciat- ing. Mr. Baker was 57 years of age and leaws a widow and one son (mar~ lied) to mourn his IOBSrâ€"COR. Will Farmers Gain or-Lose When Canada’s Door is Open? Is the United States Market Worth the Price We Must Pa for it under Reclprocisy. IN MEMORIAM.’ Mhmmflg pounds of cheese were imported into Canada from Switzerland. The Can- adian customs tm-iï¬ on cheese was three cents per pnund. Is it; nut‘ reason- able to suppose that. when Swiss cheese can come mtu Canada. flee the quantity imported will increase rather than diminish ? Even if the. Reciprocity Agreement. did not, let in Australia, New Zealamd and twelve foreign nations besides the United States, even if the favoured nation treaties cnuld be got. rid' of so that Canada. could 0 en its maikets to the United States one. the majority of {Canadian fax-mus would gain no- thing by Reciprocity, while they would Luke very (neat risks. Anyune wlm makes a careful study of the markets in the United States will note that the prices vary in differ- ent. sections of the countr . Buston, New York, Philadelphia; utfaln, De- troit. Chicago. St. Paul. St. Louis. New Orleans and San Francisco all have different prices, and there is a. still greater variation in prices in small cities, towns and villages thrgugllnut Elie co_nnu-y. The Canadian farmer should com- pare the prices he uhtnins for his pm- ducts in a small village near his farm. not, will: the prices in Boston. New Ym-k, Chicago or some other large city in the‘ United States. but; Wlth the prices obtained by farmers in small villages in the United States equally distant, fmm the great centres of population. He must take into cun- sidemtiuu not only the cost of trans- nl-tatiuu tn the big citiesl'of the nited States, but; also the middle- men's Ql-uï¬ts: A table of comparative prices in Montreal and Boston the week Reci- procity Compact was made was com- piled by The Montreal Herald, a Lih- eral newspaper with the assistance of wnumher of prominent reduce deal- ers and food experts. heese, eggs, live poultry, carrots, celery. lettuce. onions, squash. tomatoes, beans and cranberries all commanded higher prices in Montreal than in Boston. The best cwamvry butter was 1; cents per pound higher in Boston than in Montreal, while storage creamery butter was one cent higher in Boston. Dressed poultry nveraged about the some in tlw two cuies. Hay and oats were consider-{ably higher in_ Boston. Since then butter prices have de- clined in umst of the markets of the United States. A lending produce dealer of Muntreal received the other day a telegram frnm Chicago nffering 300 tubs of September creamer-y but- ter, cold stared, at 18 cents, Chicugn. At the time this telegram was received the same kind 0f butter was worth 24 cents to 25 cents in Montreal. Mr. Gage, President of the Toronto Board of Trade, ,recent‘ly prepared a, table of prices in Tot-unto and New York. comparing the annnto market repnrts with the New York market repurts as given in tho. New ank Commercial Bulletin. The table fol- lows. Pmd uctâ€"F I Bvab creamer" but! 91- in prints. whulesarlen Prime chickens. . .. . . Prime turkeys . . . . . .. Ducks Geese.. Bacnn .. . . .. Hams...... When'zthe hair thins out, on the top of the head and the bald spot is getting ready to appear in public. dun’t. get. discouraged or irritable. Just go to gour Druggisb and ask for Parisian age Hair Tonic. He will chm'gwycu 50c. fur a. large bottle. but, if it dnéa‘not. (Muse bail! to grmv where' the Illicit thinning n'ut nothing on this earth will. ‘ It; stops itching scalp and falling hair and makes hair gmw thick and abundantly. All druggists every- where sell Parisian Sage (m postpaid from The Gimux Mfg. 00., Fort Erie, Ont. See. that the girl with the An- bnrn hair is «m every bottle- Sold and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. And we want tn suv to everybndv, man, womwn and child. that you can have you: money back if Parisian Sage isn‘t the beer; hair grown; hair snvet‘. hair beautiï¬er and dandruff cure on the market po-df‘ty. ’ Mr. David Lloyd, Registrar of North York, died at his home in Newmnrknt Sunday. He was born in the Town-1 ship of King 69 years ago. THIN Prices In the United States llIUhCIIB- . . . . . urkeys . A LIBERAL OFFER Toronto New York price price HAIR 18 420 ..â€"â€"15†20 â€"22 ..â€"18 18 â€"20 15â€"16 15 â€"16 ..â€"14. 16 â€"163. .46; 1313â€"15 . ‘â€"â€"14 .â€"g§;c ++M$H+M++*++++* 4‘++++4Ҥ'-Â¥ 4i. _ ___. ___A. _ w. 5. Sandefsuni ‘r i Drugaist _ g IHCHMONDIHLLI 4- ++++¢++++++++*+*+++%++*Â¥*§ For sale at the C. Station, or delivered village and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL For threshing engines. NUT, STOVE, FU RNAC’E‘ ' Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. Purity Flour aIWays on hand. ' All kinds of gi‘ain bonght and highest possible pric'en paid at the Elevator. Make Friends Happy . By Buying a Nice Bo‘X of‘the . Highest Grade of Confectionery. Prices Ranging ‘ from; ,100.t.0'$25- , A» Large Asisdrted D. HILL & cog, Stock of Nuts and Fruits in Season. Beef Extracts inâ€" - 0x0, Beverell, J obnston’s. Liebig’s Prepared Soupsâ€"â€" Chicken Chicken Gumbo J. H. RAMER Foodsâ€" COAL Foods for Invalids and Children YOUR CONFECTIONER [Single copies,..3 ctï¬. Condensed Milk Cond‘éused Cream Patent Barley I Allenburry's No. 1, 2, 3 Nestle’s Milk Food Horiick's Malted Milk Ridge’s and Arrowmot. Burmuda, Sago and Tnploca. in the