Judgeâ€"“Why did you strike this man?†Prisonerâ€"“What would you do, your honor, if you kept a grocery store, and a man came in, and asked if he could take a movâ€" ing picture of your cheese?†« Winslow’s Soothing Syrup For a, score of years Dodd’s Kidâ€" ney Pills have been in use in Can- ada. They have been tried in thouâ€" Iands of cases and there is not on record a, single case where they have failed to cure diseased Kidneys. Thousands of Canadian men and women will tell you they owe their need health to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. COME REPORTS OF CURES MADE BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. Magdalen Islands, Quebec, tell of Mrs. Cormiel', a sufferer for six years, who was made a new wo- man by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Amherst Island, Havre Aubert, Magdalen Islands, Que, March 27 (Special).â€"That suffering women in all corners of Canada are being restored to health by Dodd’s K11;- ney Pills is shown in the press every day, and this island is not without its striking examples. Mrs. Peter C. Cormier, a well known and es- timable resident, tells the follow- ing story of her cute: “For six years I suffered with Rheumatism, Backache and Nerv~ ousness. I could not sleep nor eat, and I was always tired. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. “Hearing of cures by Dodd’s Kid- ney Pills I decided to try them. Seven boxes made a. new woman of Household troubles: Headache, Toothache, Earaohe, Stomach ache. Hamlins Wizard Oil cures these aches and pains, so why don’t you keep a, bottle in the house. Anxious Motherâ€"“Oh, profes- sor, don’t you think my dear little Reginald will ever learn to draw?†Professor Crayonâ€"“No, madam; not unless you harness hhn to a truck.†~ No child should be allowed to suf- fer . an hour from worms when prompt relief can be got in a sim~ ale but strong remedyâ€"Mother raves’ Worm Exterminator. fRflM EVERY BURNER ' [IF THE [lflMlNlflN Mrs. J.â€"-“John, there must be a lot of iron in your system.†Mr. J. â€"“Why do you think so?†Mrs. J.â€"“Because you invariably lose your temper when you get hot.†An Oil That is Famousâ€"Though Canada. was not the birthplace of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, it is the home of that famous compound. From here its good name was spread to Central and South Am- erica, the West Indies, Australia and New Zealand. That is far aï¬eld enough to attest its excellence, for in all these countries it is on sale and in demand. “Did you ever have appendici- tis’l?’ asked the insurance man. “Well,†answered the sceptic, “I was ‘Qperatcd on, but I never felt sure whether it was a case of apâ€" pendicitis or a case of professional curiosity.’ ’ QTRY MURINE EYE REMEDY‘ for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. «Murine Eye Remedy 00., Chicago. Beware of the man who is asham- ed to admit that he earns his bread by the sweat of his brow. A student of human nature de- clares that most men like to be jolâ€" lied and are willing to pay for it. Your drug ist will refund money if PAZO OIN'l’- MENT fai sto cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 500. mic! MOTHERS for their CHILDREN \VHILE wigEPFJIFECT SUCCE 8. 1t BOOTHES 870 NS the GUM6.A zAYS all PAIN: IC, and Is the an remcdy for 801 by Drug‘msta in every art of the we a 5.53 for“uu.w1nslowa Snowing . 1m 0, 1: nd. Twenc -flve cents I Gimneeed under t. Food In Drugs Act, .mw maggbmlm- Mlnard’s Llnlment Cures Dandrufl. Probably there is nothing more mansérious than an idle rumor. 7 "iii 8123 631M '1: Twénc -ߤré céhté"; g Ginkntoexao under tie Food Eng Drugs Act, mi’ï¬afï¬klvgï¬ um} REMEDY. PILES CURED IN 6 T0 [4 DAYS gm}! far over SIXTY-FIVE YEARS by Compulsory Domestic Service Pro- posed in Germany. Compulsory domestic service for girls and women as an equivalent to the universal military service in- cumbent upon man is a. novel pr'o- posal put forward by Fraulein Pauline Worner, a leading German feminist, in the current number of Die Deutsche Prau of Berlin. Fraulein Warner points out that compulsory military training has contributed enormously both to the mental and physical development of German manhood, and declares that similar beneï¬ts would be in- evitable if the women subjects of the Kaiser were compelled to un- dergo the training for which nature best ï¬ts them. She explains that it could be en- forced without burdening the naâ€" tional Budget, and that it is man who would beneï¬t most from the system, because the state would thus assure them competent and experienced housewives. Fraulein Worner thinks the marriage insti- tution would also become more po- pular if men knew they could se- lect wives who had done service with the “colors†in kitchen, laun- dry, nursery and sewingâ€"room.†“When it beéame necessary through the stress of war,†con- cluded Fraulein Worner, “to intro- duce compulsory military service there were many protests against such a ‘limitation of personal lib- erty,’ but Germans have lived to appreciate the incomparable bless- ings of male conscription. Would it be otherwise in the case of girls and women? “The edge on a razor,†said the garrulous barber, “improves by 1yâ€" ing it aside for a time.†“That beâ€" ing the case,†rejoined the victim in the chair, “I’d advise you to lay aside that one you are using for about 2,000 years.†Mlnard‘s Llnlmant for sale everywhere. Father (after a. long search for a boobâ€"“Well, here it is. I wonder why one always ï¬nds a thing in the last place in which one hunts 2†Souâ€"“I expect it’s because when “There might be less of the craze for higher education for women, but fewer girls of our lower classes would be compelled to enter indus- trial occupations.†we ï¬nd whit we’re looking for we stop hunting.†Impurities of the Blood Counter- actedâ€"Impurities in the blood come from defects in the action of the liver. They are revealed by pim- ples and unsightly blothes on the skin. They must be treated in- wardly, and for this purpose there is no more effective compound to be used than Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. They act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy pro- cesses have a beneï¬cial effect upon the blood, so that impurities are eliminated. Sheâ€"“Yes, I rather like Harry Fairfax. I think he’s got a soft spot in his heart somewhere.†He â€"“Don’t know about; his heart. I always thought it was in his head.†An old plasterer was called upon to give evidence in a law case. The opposing counsel tried to bully him. “Your name is John Dobbs 2†(‘Yes") “Are you the same John Dobbs who was sentenced to eight days’ imprisonment for using bad languâ€" age?†“No.†“Are you the same John Dobbs who was sentenced to a. couple of years’ hard labor for theft?†“No, that wasn’t me, either.†“Then you have never been in prison 2†“Yes, twice." “Ab! and how long the ï¬rst time?†“One whole afternoon.†“What lâ€"and the second time 7†“Only one hour." “And prav, what offence had you committed to deserve so small a punishment?†' “I hear your daughter is coming out this season.†“Yes; and the bills for it are coming in l†“I’m a homn decorator, and I was sent to px-ibun to whitewash a, cell to accommodate a lawyer who had cheated one of his clients.†Corns cannot exist when Holloâ€" way’s Corn Cure is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kills the growth. 312170113 FORCE WOMEN TO WORK. HIS CRIMES. Pullman tourist sleeping ’cars daily. For full particulars apply to B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.; F. H. Terry, Travelling Agent, Toronto, or S. A. Hutchinson,_ Manager Tours Depth-212 Clark St, Chicago, Ill. Via the Chicago, Union Paciï¬c and North Western Line, daily from March 10th to April 10th from all points in Canada. LOW COLONIST RATES'TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Personally conducted California tours in Pullman tourist sleeping cars on through trains leave Chiâ€" cago Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week. BERLIN ’S “ SIAMESE TWIN S.†Innocent Sister Taken to Jail When Other Was Arrested. For some time the Blazek sisters, who are inseparably united in the same manner as the famous Siamese twins, have been appearing before the public in a Berlin (Germany) music hall. Recently an ofï¬cer of the courts presented himself with a warrant for the arrest of one of them for having failed to satisfy a judgment against her in a suit for breach of contract and took the sisters to jail. The manager of the music hall, who needed them to ful- ï¬l the promise of his placards, hurâ€" ried after them, and, depositing the sum claimed, secured their libera- tion. TAKE A DOSE 0| (.7? THE BEST MEDICINE for COUCHS E. (20‘ Visitorâ€"“Well, son, what will you be when you grow up †Tom- my (aged nine)â€"“A soldier.†Vis- itorâ€"“But you will be in danger of getting killed.†Tommyâ€"- “Who’ll kill me?†Visitorâ€"“Why, the enemy.†Tommyâ€"“Then I’ll be ths enemy.†But it is said the matter is not to end there. No charge was made against one of the twins, yet she was subjected to the indignity of being carried away under police es- cort and flung into a‘cell. That is unheard of, even in Prussia. A charge is absolutely necessary, whatever the evidence may be. It is obviously a case ofrillegal imâ€" prisonment, Without a particle of justiï¬cation or excuse. Clearly someone will have to pay heavy damages. Or will the courts de- cide that the two women. are, in spite of their very distinct individu- alities, only one person? I ‘ 1 Faultless in Preparationâ€"Unlike any other stomach regulator, Par- melee’s Vegetable Pitls are the re- sult of long study of vegetable com- pounds calculated to stimulate the stomachic functions and m‘aintain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved their faultless character and established their excellent reputation. And this reputation they have main~ tained for years and will continue to maintain, for these pills must a1- Ways stand at the head of the list of standard prepayï¬tions. " The Professorâ€"“I want you chil- dren to go to my lecture to-nighf." Robertâ€"“Couldn’t you whip us in- stead, just this once, papa/Ff Ifllnard’s Llnlmem Cures Burns, EN. Father (meditating on Time’s changes)â€"â€"“Ah, yes, the fashion of this world passeth away.†Daugh- terâ€"“Indeed it does, papa! I shall want a new hat next week 1†To color kintchen walls, dissolve some permanganate of potash in water, and add sufï¬cient of this solution to the Whitewash‘to make it the color you require. ul'ckTyâ€"IE; éo; VisrcmnVaolidis; Le tho-t ndlu I. u o o B- 3 “rue BEST MEDICINE W for COUGHS a. COLDS ISSUE 13â€"11. as in her fossils and her great stal- actite caverns, opening into recesâ€" ses of the rocks a thousand feet ab- ove the sea. One of these caverns is over 200 feet long and 70 feet high, and, as the stalaetite pillars extend from floor to ceiling, the efâ€" fect resembles the interior of a cathedral. The name of the rock has undergone a change since that distant day in 711 when Tarik the Moor ï¬rst built his castle on it in :order to begin the conquest of Spain. It was then Gebel él Tarik ‘(the rock of Tarika). But the change ‘to “Gibraltar†is not serious if one pronounces the Moorish name ,quickly. ‘ Wonderful Stalactite Cave Over 200 Feet Long. Gibraltar is the only place in Europe where monkeys live wild. But apart from the monkeys, Gib- raltar has wonderful attractions, Cured 0f Piles by Zam-Buk. Mr. Thomas J. Hogan, Cham- pion Clog and Pedestal Dancer of Canada, who resides at 59 Cham- bord St., Montreal, writes: “It gives me much pleasure to let you know my opinion of your wonderful Zamâ€"Buk. For some time past I have ben troubled with piles, but this year I suffered so much that I was obliged to cancel a number of engagements. I tried all the so- called remedies that were recom- mended, but they seemed to do me no good. Having been advised to try Zam-Buk I purchased a box, and after applying it a few times I felt marked relief. I continued with the Zamâ€"Buk treatment, and the relief was extended into a perman- ent cure. I gladly permit you to use my experience as an illustration of the great value of Zamâ€"Buk.†CANADA’S CHAMPION DANCER Mr. William Kenty, , of Upper Nine Mile RiverLHants Co., N.S., says: “I suffered terribly from piles, the pain at times being alâ€" most unbearable. Zamâ€"Buk was re- commended to me. So I procured a. supply, and after a very short time Zam-Buk effected a complete cure.†Zam-Buk is also a cure for u]- cers, abscesses, eczema, cold sores, chapped hands, varicose ulcers, rashes, blood-poison, ringworm, cuts, burns, bruises, children’s abrasions, better, salt rheum, etc. All druggists and stores sell at 500. box, or post free from Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Zamâ€"Buk Soap, which may be had from any druggist at 25c. per tablet, should be used instead of ordinary soap in all cases of eruptions and skin dis- eases and for baby’s bath. Tommyâ€"Pop, what is ennui? Tommy’s Popâ€"Ennui, my son, is a. disease that attacks people who are so lazy that they get tired of resting. “Going to move this spring?†“I guess so. I heard my wife telling one of the neighbors that she doesn’t like the wall paper in the back bedroom.†To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have used MIN- ARD’S LINIMENT myself as well as prescribed it in my practice where a. Iiniment was required and have never failed to get the desired effect. 0. A. KING, M.D. Judgeâ€"“Have you anything to say before I pass sentence?†Pri- soner (who knows human nature)â€" “Yes, my lord; I should like you to have your dinner before you pass sentence upon me.†“A Grand Medicine†is the encoâ€" mium often passed on Bickle’s Antiâ€" Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from its use are considered, as borne out by many persons who have employed it in stopping coughs and eradicating colds, it is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a. ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once. The following is a good hint for ironing sheets. Instead of spreadâ€" ing out the sheet to iron, fold it in half, then quarter, and lay it on the ironing board as though to iron. Now iron the rest of the clothes on top of the sheet, turn it occasionally so as to reach every part, then fold it and begin on an- other sheet. In this way the sheets are iron-vi with very little trouble. GIBRALTAR’ S CAVERN S. MUST M'JVE. DEFINED. ’rpngy HUNDRED ACRES.‘ 99pm l ' ï¬Ã©â€˜ei“ï¬n‘é 115136611, "Eaéf' buï¬aiï¬i Thirty-one thousand. 50 ore] SEe n3é Vbefo'l‘e buying. UNDRED ACRES; Peaches twent - ï¬ve; Grapes four; Gravel Ron 1 Villa e conveniences; City close; Electria and Legm ghipning. W. 1’. Gender, Niar () NE HUNDRED ACRES, County 01 Kent, splendid clay and sand 109. forty acres good timber. Good brie house, bank barn, other out-building Splendid gas well on farm for fuel an light. Owner wishes to retire. Bargain for qqick sale. Address 41 Emilie St. Little Lad (after a moment’s tvhought)â€"“Well, you see, it’sythis way. She married again and I didn’t.†ara Fall; Can'a‘da.‘ Branlforu. ‘ GEN S WANTED.â€"$5.00 a day easy. 77 No experience needed. Sells on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers. Doe! work of thirty men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write to-day. MODERN MACE- INERY 00., (Dept. 5). Sarnia, Ont. Teacher (to new scholar)â€"“How does it happen that your name in Allen and your mother’s name is Brown 2†ARRED ROCK EGGS from Prize Win- nin Stock. One Dollar for thir- teen; uti ity stock seventy-ï¬ve cents. Nel- son Smith, Je;seyville, Ontario. A small boy looks forward to the time when he will be a man and can do as he pleasesâ€"and perhaps he will if he doesn’t get married. I EARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW J system~constant practice â€"â€" careful instructionâ€"a few weeks’ complete course rtools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cata- logue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Taronto. IRLS' White Lawn or Blue Dotted I Muslin Dress, 2 to 8; postpaid 380. Standard Garment 00., London, Canada. That I! LAXATIVE BROMO UININE Look {01' the siguame of E. w. G' ovx. duodcho World our to Cure 3. Cold in One Du. 85° Husbandâ€""Now, Mary, you don’t believe all those unpleasant things you are saying. You know I would die for you.†‘ ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. 111- (j ternal and external, cured withou‘ pain by our home treatment. Write us before too lgge. Dr._ Bgllynan Medical 00.. ill‘i/mit‘ed, Coluï¬â€™gwbbd, Ont. CARPET DYEING HR in nnaniaitv with “u: Wifeâ€"3011 you aggravate me so; I like men who do things, not mereâ€" ly say them.†v and Cleaning. This in aspecialty with the " British Amerlcan Dyeing 00' Send particulars by post and we are sure to satisfy. Address Box Isa, Montreal. Mlnard’s Llnlmem Relieves Nehralgla. It’s funny how sympathetic some people are when it IS useless. H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne St" Toronto. and In "no ample to mm. w. I... Ind Om; 1 BOOMIMI cm. flaunt. IFTY ACRE FRUIT FARM. Niagarq District. Ten thousand. RUIT, 'Frocx, GRAIN, .DAImg FARMS, all sizes and all price; TON SEJALE, s ecial price. Wilson's Scale Works, ‘splanade. Toronto. HIR’I‘EEN ACRES, fruit, good build} ings. Eight thousand. ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, and MANITOBA LAN US. LL RINDS OF FARMSâ€"Fruit farms | specialty. W. B. Calder, Grimaby‘ UNDRED ACRES. County Peel, good buildings. Seven thousand. ACREsfl 1.2_mi1es t9 London mm . 4 n _-_._- FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. W. DAWEON, vaty Colbprne St. Toronto. ' IF HE ONLY WOULD. Only one "anomo comma" AGENTS WANTED. EXPLAINED. FOR SALE. Blue Dottgd