Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Mar 1911, p. 8

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ited from Friaayy till Monday at Mr. W. T. Rubinsan 8. Miss F‘. Nixon. a. pupil of Miss Nellie Jnnps, has passrd successfully her first, car’s examination at the College of usm. Pl‘he organized Young Men’s Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School were entertained at the Methodist, Parsonage on Friday evening. On \Vednesday of last week a. pleas~ ing event took place at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McNaughton when their daughter Isabel was united in marriage to Mr. W. Kurtz of Kinders- ley, Sask. At 11 mm. the bride en- tered the drawing-room leaning on the arm of her father. and attended by her Sister, Miss Ethel McNaughton, While Rev. Mr. Glover of Victoria. University supported the groom. The bridal party took their laces under an ever reen arch, and t]? ceremony was per ormed by Rev. J. W. Gordon. Miss A. McNeil played the wedding march. In the afternoon the he py couple left for a. trip to Buffalo. .Y. They leave this week for their western home, and take with them the best wishes of their many friends for a long life of happiness and prosperity. Another marriage of interest to the people of Maple took place at All Saints’ Church. King City, last Wed- nesday afternoon, when Mr. Norman Bumble and Miss Sadie Campbell were unith in matrimony by Rev. \V. J. McKitti-ick. The young couple will reside on their farm at Temper- anceville. and all their friends wish them every happiness in their new home. A very pretty wedding took place on March 22 at “Eytou Lodge,” Maple, when Miss Isabelle Louise, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mac- Naughton, was united in marriage to Mr. \V. O. Kurtz of Yellmv Gmss. Sask. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. \V. Gordnu of Maple. as- sisted by Rev. G. \V.‘ Back of North Torunto, under an arch of evergreens and flowers. Mr. .1. Badger and family start this Week fur Amazon. Sash, where they own a farm and intend to reside there. anther eclipse of 'the sun for 1911 falls ‘hn Oi-tnhm- 12th, but, will not be visible Mll‘Canudn. The bride entered the drawing-room, leaning on the. arm of her father. to the strains of Mendelssohn‘s Wedding march. played by Miss Agnes McNeil. The. in ide. looked charming in a gown of embroidered BruSSels net over white satin with peml trimmings and with a. \n-il of Limerick lace caught with a wreath of orange blnssoms. She car- ried a bouquet (if white roses and was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel Mnanughtun. Who Were a, gown of pale blue satin embroidered. and car- ried a huuquetof pink roses. The groom was supported by Rev. G. H. Glm-er of Toronto. During the signing of the register Mrs. J. W. Street sang "0 Fair, 0 Sweet. 0 Holy.” The gruum's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace. The happv cnuple were. the recipients of many beautiful and use- ful presents. The bride received a cabinet of cutlery from the congrega- tion of the church to which she be- longed, shnwing the high esteem in which she was held. MARRIAGES ‘EI‘YNDMLLâ€"SMITHâ€"On March 17. 1911. ‘1-y’ ffisw Rev. S. W. Dean, 21L99 Hume» 'mwm‘quvou Tm'ontu. Mr. \Villiam J. "fliyuf'dfi'll, formerly of Vaughan. now mf AWh‘yta, to Miss Lizzie Smith of Hawki-‘thne, late. of Can‘ville. FISHERâ€" PATTERSON â€"â€" On Saturday, March 25. ‘1911. at th!‘ Methodist The bride’s going-away dress was a tailured suit of Oxford grey with toque to match. After a dainty Wed- ding hreakfast the bride and groan) left for a. short trip to the States he- fm'e starting for their future home in Saskatchewan. About, eighty guests w ere present. The Canadian Farm has been taking a post-curd opinion (if its subscribers on the reciprocity agreement, now before. Parliament. and after four Weeks’ campaign the repiips show that the farmers of Canada are overwhelm- ineg in favor of the agreement. The l'PpliPfi from Ontario show a majority nf five to three in favnr; in New Brunswick. two to one in favnr; in Nova Scutia, three to one; in Prince Edward Island. almost unanimous in favor; in Manitoba, four-fifths in favor; in Saskatchewan, almost unani- mous in furnr; in Alberta, ten tn one; in British ()nlnmhia, npinion appears to be quite evenly divided; in Quebec, five Lu two. ECLIPSES OF THE SUN. During the presént year. 1911. the-1 0 will be two eclipses, bulb nf the sun. The first nt‘ the‘se occurs on April 28, and will be total. This April eclipse will be visible in Canada and the :United States. It. is scheduled to *liegin at half-past liva in the after- ‘mmii and last just. nne hour. The Don Cnrlns Janos. Evangelist, of Louisville, Kentucky. will deliver twn lvctm'es nn “A Trip to Palestine and Egypt, ’ Lnr‘d’s Day, April 2. at 7 [).In.. and follqug evening at 8 p.m. He will also speak Lord’s Day at 10.30. BARBEnkâ€"In Riqi‘mmnd Hill. Thurs- day, BIL-arch 23.1911, Snnmel Barber, only .3011 of Thomas and Sit”). Bax-hen; :lged I yi’nl'. H “10$” 8 d;l_vs_ Jll'Pl'llllâ€"‘Ht in RAJ-Hmund Hill Ceme- Lgry, AquthLZJ. Migs F. Bag}: of fiichmopd Hill Xi’a- March 25. ‘1911. at th!‘ Methodist Pnrsm'mge,-anle. by Rev. J. W. Mnrganflflflmas Fisher of Concord tn Lmfiu Mammy»), daughter uf Alfihfikk‘lréflflhfierson of Cult-ville. KURTZâ€"MACNAUG HTON. Sherwood. I' fiEmis Maple. I'HURSDAY, March HEWâ€"Holstein cattle. horses and farm implmuents, the propelty of J. A. Goulding. Downs- View. Sale at 12 o’ciock. Terms 8 months. Snigvnn & McEwen, Aucts. FRIDAY, March Ellâ€"Farm stuck, im- plements, turniture. &c.. at Crushy Hall. Richmond Hill. the. property belonging to the Estate of the Late Isaac Crushy. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. Saigeou & Mc- Terms 8 months. aaxgeon 6: Mc- Ewen, "nets. SATURDAY, April lâ€"Furm stock. im- plements. grain, hay, &c., on lot 13. con. 1, York, Lansing, the. property of L. M. Kt-merer. Sale at, l n’cluck. 'l‘elms, 8 months. Snigeon & Mc- Ewen, AucLs. SATURDAY. April lâ€"anuahle IUD-acre fen-m, farm stock, implements, furni- lure, &c., on lot 15. cnn. 6, Mark- llam, the pruperty of \V. J. Smith. Sale at 12 n’cluck. Seven munths' credit, for chattels: terms for farm made known un day of sale. J. H. Prentice. Auct. reasonable and mu‘ In nul'm-ss. Dmn- kets, Rum-s. Mitts. and anything usu- "} I ally found In a first-class harm-as atnl'e, GEO. McDONALD, Richmond Hill P.” G. SAVAGE. AND A. G. SAVAGE Life, Fire & Accident [ii-Em 57?; iSport vfifllé andfl i â€" periences of angler: ers and campers, c Adventure new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home and its surroundings. Terms: $4 ayear, $2 for six months. STREAM," or send us twentyâ€"five cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shootingI fishing, natural his- tory and yachting. A We send i free on re- quest our catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recféafic’m. YORKTON FOREST AN D STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. Mercantile Fire Ins. Co. Western Fire Ins. 00. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Bimouski Ins. 00. York Fire Ins. Co. London Guarantee 86 Accident CON FEDERATION LIFE ASS. For full information address G. H. Bmdhnmk, Sec. Buard of Trade. Auction Sales. A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction. costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and Land Office centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital. 2 Newspapers. If you ’ lfike to read of the ex- periences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht- terested in country life, ask your newsdcaler for “FOREST AND C Sweet to Eat swam: um. DIST RIC'I' AGEN TS jng; or If you are m- It NeVer' Pays Horse Owners Toronto=P0rtDalhousie Route, June 15th, 1911. and will giVe to the person sug- gestingthe most suitable name to be careless in making purchases of HARNESS, HORSE GOODS, m-ewn in the math-r of repairing, in all humus. which go to make up a desirable place to blade. THIS l5 THE PLACE-goods of uhsulule reliability, prices that are reasonable and fair in Harm-as. Blamo kets, Rom-s. Mitts. and anything usu- ally found In a first-class harm-s; atm-e. For 3 Suitable Name the one suggesting the name as second choice will receive a which will go into commission desire a name for the NEW STEAMER now being built for Niagara, St. Catharines 8: Toronto Nav. Co. CONDITIONS lâ€"Names must be submitted before March 21, 1911. 2â€"Must not; be longer than two words. 3â€"Must. not be same as any on Canadian Marine Register. 4â€"The decision rests entirely with the officials of the company. Coupons must be sent to Book of Family Season Tickets $20 in Gold NAME WANTED Signed . . Address . . suggest the name General Passenger Agclit. St. Cuthmines. $20 in Gold, JOHN PAUL, 8A8 K. . . .Datc and amending acts. NuLice is hurvhy given that all panic-s having claims against, the estntv of the said Henry Ketfer. m-e requirml (7.] ur lu-fnre the first day of April. 1911 In send tn Hirnm Kel’fer, Shel-wand. um» uf l he Executor; 0f the said Henry Kefl’vr. a stateuwnt of their claims with lhvir mum-s and addrwssvs. and the nature nf the swar- ity if zmy, hwld by (lwm. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that. after the said last. nwntimwd (late the execnturs will [)I'ocvvd Ln dish-ilmtv the :15th mi the estate nnmng thv pur- lies Pl]i.lll(‘d them-m. Inning regmd man to the claims 0f which they shall have then received "mica. \VILLIAM 000K. Mn rch 3rd. [911. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OI“ HENRY KEFFER. LATE OF THE T0\VNSHIP 0F VAUGHAN. IN THE UOUNTY 0F YORK. YEO- MAN, DECEASED. PURSUANT tn Chants-1' Notice to creditors}. J. WflflWARD May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer’s market. sud by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has n( equal es a Farmer’s Business Paper." Good farmerl rely on it. For price see out dubbing oilez. Thetull y mmbammp Yarn 240nanIL-‘r which you s all above, and gun Irv-"v v.1 Jrnw any lune Within thrce man: 2-. if 3 want to do no and .- : yuur dollar buck. If y ion'ccaro to wen “.00. send 25 cents for thr. month! membership. Nobody can afinrd to w ‘ thll ofler by. me will get. on! money bu , value mun firm-s aver. Ful particulars wm ' sane tree 0 charge. but if you are wise you w; send in your reque‘t 1‘":- memhershtp with t‘.) taper {en atonce. 711525 cts. three. mourns men: ‘ «ship of!" will noon chanae. Write ut once ad \drenlng your l'tter nnd cnclnahm $100 for tul, ‘yenr‘s membeuhlp or twenty-kw cents for the: th to £€JTRIAL LITERARY MUSIC CLUB No. 150 Nan-an an. N. YLgny. MURN A: (70.. M pm Sc‘nm'rmr Asmmmn‘. con inuu to :m! m Suliumrrs fur Patents. Caveats. Tram. Marks. CthSghU. for the United Swans. (hnndn. upland, rune". meumy. am. Hand Book nbout ammo mm free. Thin «evnn anru'cxlmnvnoo _ Prtimwmn. mid g‘rrnme. M K" {t 00.;n‘now-oe . .WM. .. v“- _ in ma Scmn'nnc Al mums. the largest. Magma moat widon Elrtuhlled wlentmo paper. .31); you Weds”. Splendid saw-Vina; Ind Sumronlna in- rnrmuma, Specimen copy of the Helen-(Inc Angr- loam pent Iran. Addmw MUNN A: 30. Sclmlna lulu»! URI-o. 201 Ste-tawny. New Y'mt. '57Cl{\brot fun 2502. En) qywhf‘re. It costs almnrb‘nnuung ' ~u-rl1Ls it p'vnsare wan! W“ 22!. Kuwahqn .lrcuu ‘3 Wuhan" iponm. mats, T 1151: mm n‘x .stmmcxzt ar .4! «mt pE‘IC’ 5-. lt s need rides at m- y hntqiz. no to 02 COLFZT' 1T 0mm}: who! Ie cash prize» L) In." mime ' uomsm m.‘ J #1 'rs: Ham-4w Ms. lunr'w'e": very memhwr, . iv , ‘ map:me m fled " liv‘r ' Rf nm ’1” C>Lmbi Va. Lself.illc!m. ‘ ’ ofhlg‘mti trumemal mus'mt’ i: 55:30,: en. 21 mon' :rtrzs char ‘3: 7: Emu-5x in, 13".“ AN GET A15 0 THESE: B244. ‘IQST yam ‘- THE SWDARD BANK. Tam: MARKS DESIGNS commune 8c. ‘ Anyone sending a sketch 3nd decor! tion may Quick) ascertain our opinion tree w ether an Invent on is prob-bl! eventsble. ommunicae Hons atrletlyconfldeut ml. WINNIE)!”lJ on Patent. lent free. Oldest ngency for :0 3 £34,611“. Patent: taken 1. r0131): Mum: a; realm ergo, in tn! Maw 20m 1199“ vm‘lnomel mumEstEfiveekl .‘ Lugâ€" ' VéatV Eu. £33101: of £11 scionunc Jamil. Terms to! ad 83.75.. mpoatase n l Soldb Lunevzideslemy ' ’ pad. , mg!" & Gunfigm Newlggk encamasrs Won. L. E. HAND, Manager. Bronchos also st Maple. Markham. Stoufi'viue and Gotmiey. B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO 'Sfiéfififié :Ffilificafl. EsQ-blished [873 BOBunchu MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Richmond Hill Branch Safety, convenience and low cost unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory Way of sending sma“ sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 . . . 3c. $l0to $30 . . . 10c. $5!o$lO...6c. $30to$50...|5c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 33RicbmundSt. W9s1,Tm'nntn, )xecmm's’ Soliciturs. FARM PROFITS Ten per cent cheaper. ten per epnt better for Business. Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklet Free. R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yon'ge &‘ Ewe: Sts. Canadian P u b â€" fishing Company It is not necessary send to foreign cou.1tr1e ! )l maga- zines. Read the follow1ngz~ Gassel’s Mngazhw, pen-annum . $1.5: The Story Teller . . 1.7( Thu Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls' Realm . . . . 1.5K Little Foiks . . , . 1.5L Chums . . . . . . 1.5‘ ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TU. CASSELLS’ The momth magazines 01 the above company cover every variety of interest, and. can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘ 42 Adelalde St. W Toronto Willowdale PENNY ROYAL WAFERS. 38-tf PATRONAGE SOLICYI‘ED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SHOEING LAKE AND INTERFERIIW HORSES A SPECIALTY F. 3. WUUDWARD. Some bred and others ready to breed. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS A specific montmy mvdwme for lldlel tr restore md mgulue the menses producing free, hwdmyvnn-l pdnlou diacbugu. Nu when or pain: on up Krone!) an used by over 30,000 Mica ncv uaad will use again. Invigornte. these organn. Buy 0! your dmgglsfi only than with our signature heron {Accent-be). Avoid substitutes. Sealed p-rncular» mule}! mpAҤ_I_uo'0'pe_r â€"hmlar»;n;fleitrkrnrtirfip. £1.00 ; )0: Adam 1’13):le 03 Ill AI. uoflPANY. Union. In; also Stock Farm J. MCKEN ZIE

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