Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Licensed Auctioneel for the County of York. re- ipactfully solicns your patronage and friendly inflr euce sales attvuded pn the shortest; notice and at. reu ionabl‘c rates 1‘ 0 address King Salgeon a: McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salon When-led 1.0 on shortest notice and at rea- ‘acrible rates Patronage aoiieined [accused Auctioneer for she County of York Goods sold on consignment. General Rules of amalgam. promptly inendedso at remsonnblc ra_§es__ Residence Unionvilla The Newton School of Music MONEY TO LOAN 0N FARM PROPERTY 3‘3-3m G R (ioulrliué: 111;;{5011 Brook above JOHN R. CAMPBELL, Telephone Main 5577 CLARK, MCPH ERSON. CAMPBELL & JARVIS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 4 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL,ONT. (1‘. F. McMAHON. NOTICE OF REMOVAL THORNHILI â€"~Tuesdnys, 9.30 :1. In. to n u†,J v, -V. †.V. .... 4.30 p. m. :IGLIN'1‘0N~ Monday, Thursday. Friday and Saturday Illumings; M-yndny, \Vvdnusdny and Friday evenings. I‘ouox'ru OFFICE, 129 Slu-rtmm-m- St. (in-Ls :md Guanine fun extractions. ts PUBLISHEDEVEKY L‘HU RSDAY MORNING T Saigeon, Maple T) e n tint, RICHMOND HILL WEDNESDAYS 9:3OA MTo 5PM. HAVE REMOVED THEIR OFFICES T( THE KENT BUILDING, 156 YONGE STREET, DR. W. R. PENTLAND 51 per annum, in advance.] VOL XXXIU. CO FH'SL hnlls‘k' hurt-h nf Atkinsun & Switzer’s store. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’1‘1‘10rnhill. J. EARLE NEWTON, DERECTOR Richmond Hill, Ont. bUS [NESS CASDS . DR. F. J. WOODS 8TH SEASDN#19104’11 @112 (Eibeml J; H. Prentice RICHMOND HILL D. G. Bhflvflfl. Emma & Phune Nu. 2402. ï¬tteriuarg RESIDENCE gamma. 5mm. 9302313103. J K McEwen Wesbon . agent for the TORONTO. .‘9 Special course in “Myer-’5†Kinder- garten Method, particularly helpful to beginnms. Glass I-ucitnls the year». Pt-opzu-Ps pupils fur the grader] 9x :nuinatitms held at, Toronto ()nnservw tux-y of Music and Univexsity of 1‘0 I'Ontn. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing kep at; both places Undertakers a: Fullbalmers. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Richmonc. Iâ€"Iill NATIONAL TRUST CHAMBERS 20 KING ST E.. TORONTO, Canada. Ten-phone. Main Cable Address, “Dedu.†BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY, Tumult," Ofï¬ce, 33 Richmond ‘Ve-str, \Vesley Buildings. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (“LiY Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fnrenoul Maple, Thursday afternnon. ‘Vnudhriduv, Saturday fort-an J. EDWARD FRANCIS, NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER. CONVEYANCER. ETC. Ofï¬ce), every Thursday 7 f(»1~(‘*:1(â€";‘-;l';. I Maple, Thursday afternnon. ‘Vnudhriduv, Saturday fort-noon. Money to loan at Five Per Cent (5%) Mouov to loan on land anachnuel mortglgesst v lows“ rues Anmruomceâ€"Remmeu to aha old post 0810.: one dour was; or the entrance m the Outlaw Hunk Newmnket mare-Three doors south of who m “ p-Istuiéire v 1’ 11833831 [.zxzmx A GuF‘. [mwrcuce F. J. Dunbar Burisunï¬aucitm. Notaries, kc. Home Life Building (30:. Adelaide & Victoria. SLR... I‘m-onto. LENNOX & MORGAN Org-us Repaired sud Expert Work Gum-unwed Con. Yams: AND ALEXANDER STS. Tononro. ONT. Strictly Firstâ€"Chm; in all Departments Mme better in the Dominion. Enjoys 8X31 naive patronage and graduates readily get good positions. Open entire yeur. Enter now. Umtalngue tree. PIANO TUNING ELLIOTT BUSI N ESS COLLEGE MISS MILLIE TRENCH RICH HIL-L Teacher of Plano Danton, rover & Field REAL ESTATE, ETC. THORNHILL Commissionm, Cnnveyancer. etc. Insurance. and Real Estate' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Lawrence & Dunbar, Barristers and Solicitors. SPRING TERM E. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC .7051: .7. flauidson THORNHILL Barristers, Sulicturs WRIGHT BROS WILLIAM COOK FROM APRIL 32m IN THE VOICING AND . . . . ACTION REGULATING RICHMOND HILL. ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL are given throughout 42-1y “In Essentials, Unity,- s‘u Non~Essentials \ KIT‘II’I 332;}31. TOR, NOTARY, ETC. 33 Richmond St. G 81“? Human: . ELLIOTT. Princl'oal Pnone Main 2984 Di heml' - A pleasant hair dressingulndies liKe' it. and your druggis‘tguarantees every ; lmttle that he Sells at 500 and stands really to refund your money if it fails to do iLs work. By mail pnstpaid from Gll'UllX Manufacturing 00., Fart Erie, Ont. See that she Girl with the Au- bum Hair is on (each package. Suld and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. Preserve Your Children‘s Hair Every muthm' should see that her 3hildreu’s hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wonderful hair restm'er and germicide. A little neglect, on your punt nmv may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up. Prevention Better ‘1 han Cure Parisian Sage is H rigidly guaran- tved hair I'Fsturm' and cures all scalp diseases. pei'vents hnir from falling out and creates a rich luxuriant/growth of hair, :1 glory to woman and the pride of man. June. Commissioners to take the census uf Canada. arp being appointh by the Dominion Government. The commis- sioners for York County are as folâ€" lowsz~0entre York. J04. S. \Vallis. Humher; North York, (7. W" David- son, Mount Albert; South York. R. L. Urmvfmd. Emery. The. cmnmis- sinners will commence their work through their deputies the fme part, of 1....n Langsta-ï¬ School Report for March. Jr. IIIâ€"Over 80%, Nelson Simpsnn. 0ve1‘50Z: Ellsworth \Veldtick, Leslie Richards, Gem-2'9 Langsbaff. Sr. IIâ€"Over 80%: Lurne ‘VvldriCR, Ethel Banks. Wesley Thnmns, Elva. Weldrick. Over 50%: Inn \Veldrick. Maggie Renlnan. Ida Richards, Edgar Sirnpsn_n, Gurelig Reamun. Pf. IIâ€"'0ver86%‘{1§£§i-&Eh \Veldrick. Over 50%: Efï¬e Richards, Dorothy Banks. u| .yuuu nusseu,†ny NewLnn Muc- Tavlsh. with repl-nductiuns of some. of the artist’s paintings; "The Ethics of Titlt’B.†bv Genrgv Clarke Hullnnd: “Rosehery and the Lune Furl-ow," by H. Linton Ecx-los; “Old Military But.- tons,†by R. W. G9;|i-y..PI-esidt-nt of the Lundy’s Lane Histnricnl Society; “A Newspaper of 1810," by A. J. Clark; “Montgomery (If Quebec.†by W. S. Wallace, with short, stm'ies by Isabel Ecclestmm Mackny, Alan Sulli- van. Guce Murray Atkin. St. Clair Moore, and put-ms by L. M. Mout- gnmery, Don:le A. Fraser. Jean Blewvtt. Carroll 0. Aikins, and M211" garet O‘Grad y. lere is at smsunahle flavor in the ï¬lst article of the April Canadian Magazine. It; Is "Easter at Jerusa- lem." by A. R. (larnmn. Mr. Cal-man gives u must readablv muznnut, uf what one sees at. the grmt centre «If Easter festivities, and the illustratiuns are excellent; Other articles of spvcial intcrvst arn “The Philnsnphy 0f Tip- ping.†by Phil Ives. with pen and ink drawings by U. \V. Jefferys: "The Art 23' Jnhn .Russell,†hy_NewLnn Muc- OI; mulion Cuuncil ndjnurned tn meet. at, \Vright’s Hotel, NulnlL-Lun, on Saturday, April 29. ‘ That. [ho nulluctm-s, A. Hambh-tun and H. RUHIPI-furd. he paid the sum of $40 (-ach. hI-ing balance- uf salary. Byâ€"law Nu. 2H. appointing a Trlmnt Ofï¬cer fur Llw current, year (with the namv «If Jutst McCleuwut. King City). received its several readings and pzlssvd. ‘ That, the hy‘law granting Imnns to snow 01- wire fence (m lines bnunding on highway lines he I'Psltilldt’d. this msnlutinn nut to "ifs-ct, any fence built. prior (-0 Januzu-v. 19â€. On motion Reeve McMm-chy (19- mande yens and nnys, which rvsulted ma fulluwxâ€"Yeas. Lemon. Deacnn and \Vells: Nays, McMm'chy and Phillips. Motion cm rivd. That Rolwrt Ruthelfm-d. Collector South R0". 1910. be nelieved from c01- lvcting tava fur the mud sum of $84.63. fur reasnns stated in sworn return. That A. Humbletnn, Collectm-Nm'th Ruâ€, 1910. he reliwved fl'mn collect,ng taxes for Lhwtutnl sum of $98.84, for xvi-sous stated on MVul'll return. That D. Mcï¬iil und'Wm. Glass be each paid $10 for auditing the town- ship uccmmts fur 1910. That “7. J. Wilson he refunde $1 re dug Lax, he being assessed fur a. bitch in lieu of u. dug. and that, \Vm. Mcqu-rnll be refunded $1 fm- bring \\’l"f7!)gfllnv assassed. That M. Mcéglimu Dug- gan. :wsessnrs, each Ieceive the sum uf $520" salary account. M inuces ufvwlï¬rsvtmlisecting read and conï¬rmed. The fulluwing remlutions wvre passed:â€" That thv fullnwing wit-p fence humus he'lmidg {aghang M .Irray, $3.68. Council met; at Temperature Hull, Kettlehy, nn Saturday, March 25. Members all present. MOTHERS! TO TAKE THE CENSUS. CA} NADIAN MAGAZINE. KING COUNCIL. , Liberty; in all things, Charity." Mr. Charles W. Fetch. Evangelist. of the Church of Christ, will preach here on Lord’s Day, April 9, at 10.30 a.m., on “Following Jesus Afar Off,†and at7 p.m. on "The Perfect Law.†Alldare most cordially invited to at- ten . Holy ()mmuuniun will be celebrated in Zion’s E. L. Church Easter Sundav morning. During the holy week pru- cs-ding, servicvs will be held in the church each evening. commvncing at. 7.30. Saturday evening excepted. A Preparatory Service will be held Good Friday morning at 10 o’clock. The public are cordially invited to all or any of the services. B Classâ€"George: 1341712811“ William Sudler. * Mr. Klinck was a. man of much indeo pundenca of thought. and opinion. His 'intvgritv of purpose and action was ‘ most consistent. He was always un- ' willing to place himself in what, might swm a fulsP position. and one of his nun-de charactelistics was the desire I that, his work should stand as that of a. man who believed in doing homesth i and wr-ll whateveij he undertook. Jr. IIIâ€"Rhoda. Barkeiléfi‘Xivin Smith 359. Sr. IIâ€"Ma‘ud Hart 349. Rnsie Henâ€" l'iqks 288. Mall‘V Dean 254. I Classâ€"Olive smith 2233;153:191")- kay 211, Jessie Comisky 179, Mary Hemiqks 17%: Daisy Bart, 138. Jr. IIâ€"Oharlie [mg-4.135 226. Annie Richards 15?. Fred. Henricks 65. Jr. IV~Thnmas Fo‘inrtvuâ€"iI-IEZQ. Percy Elsnn 244, Hector Patel-sun 221, Pres- to!) Elsm) Beckie Fountain 126. Sr. I Vâ€"Rov Smith 564. Gladys Hehnkuy 509. Thunms Smith 429. Elsie Hart 314. \Vm. VVeHman 248. Report of Headford School for March. “The young cnuple left) this morning (Thursday) for Calgary and Buntf. “\Vhen they return they will take up their residence in their new home on Mason street. in the Stnckvn addiz lion. Mr. and Mrs. Charles are both well and favorably known In this community and have the best, wishes of everyone for a long and happy life.†Graham Klinck was hom near Rich- mnnd Hill, Ontario, Canada. April 12. 1830. and died at, the home of his idaughter, Mrs. Charles Cullins. at ' Castleton. Illinois, March 27. 1911. ; lacking but, ï¬fteen days of reaching I the end of his eighty~ï¬rst year. He was the youngest, of eleven children lmrn to Leonard and Elizabeth Brown ; Grant Klinck. and is survived by one ; [number and one sister. ' “The residence. of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walter was the scene of a very intel- esting event (In \Vednesdav. March 22. when then-daughter. HaZel Lucille. was united- in marriage tu our es- teemed fellmv tmvnsmau. James Ver- unu Obi-lies. The service was per- formed by Rev. Wiggins at 6.30 n’clnuk. The house was tastefully decorated fur the occasion, and after the ceremony the guests, who were only the immediate relatives and friends of the contracting parties, par- tunk of a sumptuous repnst. The bride was elegantly attired in a rnbe of white messuliue silk and carried bride‘s roses. The gifts were both numerous and beautiful. ‘Vp copy thP fullnwing marriage no- tice f mm The Castor Ad vance,Alherta, of Marc-l} T_he_¢ zrqnm is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ton-sun. The fnnvml was held from the resi- dence hm-e \Vednesdny afternoon. con- ducted by the Rev. Charles Ayling of ()hmum, a, nephew of the deceased» and inlerment was in the Princeville UemeLerv. Sn passes the life of a good man. which found its fullest, expression in the kindness. the devotion and the strong faithfulness of a husband and father. in iï¬fnncy. and the other. Knowlton G.. lives in Knoxville, Illinois. The daughters are Mrs. G. A. Collins. Castletnn. Illinnis: Mrs. W. F. Bayes. Galesburg, Illinois. and Ruby J. of Pnnceville. March 2, 1859. he and Miss Sarah E. Alexander were married, and this union of more than ï¬fty-two years is brake-n hy the death of the husband. To them were born ï¬ve children. three daughters and gwpsons. One son died At the age of 1977yiéal's Mr. Klinck came to Princeville and here has been his home for “Pille sixgyï¬wo years. 77 y n -n-.. The following parakraphs Iii-giant; frqu ghe 'l‘glgphqne: , The Princeville Telephone records the death of Mr. Graham Kliuck, who was an uncle of Mrs. Jesse Grant and Mrs. Amos ‘Vn'ght of this village, and who ï¬gmgerly lived in Richmond Hill. DEATH OF GRAHAM KLINCK. \VEDDING BELLS. Sherwood. 6. 1911 By Buying a. Nice Box. of they _ a Highest Grade {of Confectionery. 4 Prices Ranging I from 1 100 to $5. EA Large Assorted Stock of ; Nuts and Fruits } in Season. Make Friends Happy All kinds of grain bought and highest Bossible ' pricen paid at the Elevator. hand. NUT, STOVE, FURNACE Best Scranton coal. Also Tile. Bran, Shorts and American Corn for cattle and hogs. Purity Flour always on For sale at the C. Station, or delivered viiiage and vicinity:â€" STEAM COAL fMWWH'PMH-h+++9 J. H. RAMER . HILL & .00., w. A. Sangemni h...- __.. A Prepared Soupsâ€"â€" Foodsâ€" Beef Extracts inâ€" YOUR CONFECTIONER COAL 0x0. Bovemll, J ohnston’s, Liebig’s For threshing engines. Foods for Invalids and Children [Single capies, 3 (its. Patent Bark-y Allenbnrry’s No. 1, 2, 3 Nestle’s Milk Food Horlick's Multed Milk Ridge‘s Food Ax-rowroot. Burmuda, Sago and Tapioca Dmgeist Chicken Chicken Gumbn Condensed Milk Condensed Cream RICHMOND BILL No; 39 in' the