’Eggs for hatching. $1.00 for sitting bf 15.- Best strains of \‘Vhite \Vyan- dotLes and VVhitp Leghornsi 37-3 A Fiistâ€"Clalss Threshing Outï¬t f0!- ‘sn'e. with mute principallv un Yunge ntrvet. consisting of an 18x20 Trac- tinn Engine, a Waterloo Sppurutor with Feeder and Stacker. an Oshawa Clover Mill with Stacker, :1 Climax ‘A’ Ensiluge Gutter, and two Tanks and Pumps. y’l‘lie whnle is in ï¬rst-class running shape, dning :1 gold business in the very lwst neighborhood. Ill- health reason fur selling. For furthm' particular? apply to H. A. NICHOLLS, Real Estate Agent. 39- Richmnnd Hill. "If anyone hag cause to object to the recigroeity pact, it is the American farmer who yieldslusa more lucrative market gthan we open to him. But even hé stands to lose little, and should viseloome the agreement as a ï¬rst step; toivards breaking down of that absï¬a'dhdd‘ chaotic tariï¬' under which lie has been for generations fleeced." ' It is not surprising to ï¬nd that the principal‘ farm jpurnals in Canada are very‘mueh in favor of the proâ€" posed trade agreement; between the Dominion and the L'niged States, giving this country a larger mark et for their products. The Canadian Farm. the Weekly'Su'nLthe. lanmers’ Advoeabe and‘ other pa pars have each given» nanny good reasons ‘why the larger market would be beneï¬cial. The Falfmers’ Advocate. had; the fol- lowing {editorial note in= a recent issue:â€"ï¬ ' ' Evidqntiy the Orangeviile School Bbérd are- guided more by common sense than by bigotry. It would be unwise f0 dispense with the services of a good teacher if her religion is her only “fault.†A woman "who signs herself “A Loyal Protestant," writing in the Sen- tinel, says: “The Orange‘ville School Board is composed of at least one- hal‘f'Orang‘emen, and yet they have one Roman Catholic school teacher lnjheirschool, and are now about; to engage another of the same faith.†“I have no fault to ï¬nd with the teacher. She is a nice person! I be- lieve, but: I have lived among Catho; lies and know what they are.†“In view of recent proceedings among Roman Caiholics is it; wise to give them this power," &c. A When many of the foremost men ot the world are working to bring about universal peace, does it not seem a pity that Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, president of: the C.P.R., speaks so lightly and so'fl'ipp'antly of the borrcrs of war. Sir Thomas is reported as saying a few days ago, “It is very nice to hear all those noble purposes for the avoidance of war, but one is inelined, to question whether the sup- pression of war is good for the world. A war, now and then acts after all, as a sort of clearance of the surplus population." With some- people it seems to matter little how ‘ many mothers 5nd widows are bereaved, or how many children are left to face the world alone. ‘The world must be cleared of “surplus population.†' Threshing Outï¬t I For Sale The Orange Sentinel claims there is a “sqlid papal party†in Canada, and argues that there should be a “solid Protestant party." The Sen- tinel sa'y'sWThe Roman Church plays one partysagainss the .other, ready to take. any side which seems to promise them the greatest advan- tage." The diï¬'erence seems to be that; “whereas the Catholic Church is freeu-to take either side in politics, the-Sentinel invariably supports the Tory partw. @112. ï¬iheralg WMQND HILL; 0m... Anne. mm For Sale J. HICKSQN, Richmond Hill. 353 mos. V A 12-Hm‘so Power Gasoline Engine. nearly new, also :1. Concrete Mixm in good shapw. Will sell cheap as I have two of each ofalwve. VVl-ite 36-tf Hnuse and about 5} of an acï¬e for garden purposes. Pastuxjeund stnhling fox-two cows, and all straw x-equlred in winter. THOS. COOK. \Ve have still some good farms for sale. A few vacant. lots in the village the must desmlhle fur building an. Money to loan on ï¬rst mortgage. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. ' 1. Real Estate Agent. 29~tf * Richmond Hill. A board of tariff experts. (-9.09me appointed by the United States Gnv- ernl'nent tn compare Canadian and American prices. has l'Ppfll‘tc‘d on the price nf eggs at, Buffalo. Turnntu. Bm» lingtnn. VL., Muntl-eal. Lancaster, N.H.. Shel-Invoke. Qua. Ogdenshnrg, N.Y., Prescott, Gnu, Bmgnr. Eastâ€" ,pm-t, and Calais. in 'Mainv, "and St. Stephen, N.B. ' Land and Money One Thousand CEDAR POSTS. émfly . The duty onUé-ggs Cunning into Gan- adn is three (rents per duzvn. If the Reciprocity Agremnent gnes into effer {his’duty will he l'é’fllOVf-d and the im- pm-tatiuns of eggs will greatly in- crease. - Deductng nur total exports (If eggq frum our total imports of eggs it will he found that, Canadians consumed 728.489 dozen more eggs than the total ptflductzion uf eggs in Canada. 0m- egg exports amounted to 164.- 835 dnzen,_ but only 39.917 dnzm) Went from Canada tn the United States. an that W9 buugbt from the Am‘ericans 717,399 dhzen more eggs than we snld to them. Canada sold 33,465 dozen eggs to Great, Britain, 20,917 doze-n m Newfuundland. 10.700 dozen tn Born" mudu, 2,1915 dozen to the British \Vest Indie-s. 44,100 duzen tn Cuhn, 12.555 tn St. Pierre and a feW dozen to British Gnlann. Mexico and Chiba. Canada; imported 893,324 daze!) eggs The statewnent of prices prepared isr during the ï¬scal» year ending March -' for the mth 'uf January. 1911, and 81, 1910. From the Unith Slate-s: U19 result of the ‘enquiry is slmwn in alone 757.316 dnzm e gs came ,tgflGan- the following table: adn. China sent us 7375 dnziin'. 'and ‘ ‘thlesnh. Hong Kong 41,245 doan, while small - PM“, price pm. (“2' quantities came from Great Britain, B if] N Y ‘ Fri‘nqe and Japan. 7 TAU-mil“. n. L. ... .... . .. $ .t‘“, We Bought Over Nine" Millidn Eggs fréiï¬ they United States Last Year and Large Quannimes from China. Canadians Eat Eggé F‘me V‘l'VIany _. - Countries 0T I c All letters from Canada must be addressed ~ to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- “ ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor ofï¬ces which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: Write for our private address. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRYTTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No lumen on £5 Evgrrhfléiï¬c.Confldenï¬lL Quention List and Cost of Tram-n: as.K NNEDYMENNEY VARIGOSE VEINS GUBED it: HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit. Mich. W. D. RIEï¬ARDSON, Vzlndm'f-P.O. and Statid‘h. For Sale, For Sale To Rent JESSE VVINGER. IQ“ NO NAME; USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for 'Weeks. DRS. KENNEDY 8r. KENNEDY, Windsor. Ont. “Heavy work. severe strainin and evil habits In youth brought on Vancose Veins†_ When I war ed hard the aching would become severe andI was often laid _up for a week at a tlme. My familg {physician told me an operation was my only hopeâ€"Jam; I dreaded i . tried several specialists. but soon found out all the wanted was my money. I commence to look <g.me all doctors as lxttle better than rogues. One day my 033 aske me why I was off work so much and I told. him mg condition. He advised me to consult L‘rs. Kennedy & Kennedy. as e had taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tan: _wa an’on TREATMEKT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the ï¬rst month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. Ho ver Icontinued. treatment for three months longer and was row rded wichacomplete cure. I cou‘d only earn $12 a. week in a machine shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose 3-day. I wwhall Meters knew of your valuable treatment; _ ‘ _ ___ (From The Canadian Century) Ca n-viile. Ed geley.. 37-3 Two Thousand Dollars on ï¬rst mort- gage farm property. Enquile at 37-4 House and lot on Yonge So. not 85x325; frame house: seven large rooms; hardwood flunrs downstairs: stone foundation; good cellar; large lawn; cement; walk; hard and soft water; good garden, with n mule-Ly of fruit; trees; stable; three minutes? walk to car. A good sevenâ€"roomed house; hard and soft water; fruit, flower and vege- table garden. Apply on the premises. MRS. J. L. HARRIS, 39-1 Richmond Hill. The rupnrb nf »LhP United Stun-s Government PXperts nlsn déallé‘. Will) the prices nf (vthvr farm prnducts m the qu countries. The Canadian ‘rentm-y will publish thv ï¬gures in future issues and those \Vblbl‘t’ild them will he cunvinm-d that Canadian farm- ers' have nnthing to gain by Reci- procity with the United Sam‘s.“ ' " Ruciprncity will giveCmmdinn fun-m- m-s the privilege of selling their eggs in the Unite-d States at luwvr pricvs than they can get for them in Canada. and it, will give furmvrs nf A'nstru- lHNlH. the United States and twelve other foreign (:nlnlU‘lt‘fl the right, to send eggs into Canada free of duty. Bufl’aln. N.Y. . . . Tun-(mt, Ont. . . Ogdenshnrg. N.Y. Pl't’SCOlt. ()nt ... Lnnoanu-r. N. H.. She: hrnukv, Qum Burlingl. Vt. . . Mmm'vnl. Que. . . Bangui; Me. ,‘mlais. My. . E/tstpnrt. .MP .. . . 6L. Stuphen. N.B. It will he note-d that thl‘ pricvs in hunch wow nonsidmahly higher than in the. United States. Five- gï¬nd Beef Ringers fm‘ sale. Apply to BERT flOPPER. Money to Loan For Sale To Rent For Sale THE LIBERAL OFFICE. JOHN H: pig-£0031. C. LOCUST. Rich timnd- Hill. Richmond Hill. .27 235 “EU .26 . 40 .30 . 32 RANGING FROM $800 T9. 1355.000. 166» acre farm north of village. Buildings A1. Land in good state of cultivation Also 100 acres on the 2nd of Mark- ham. V â€"â€"-A’GENCY~â€"â€" J'. H. SANDERSON. V.S. REAL ESTATE Farm and Dairy lion‘ses and ï¬llets.- FOR V The Weekly Sun Busu Man’s Magazine Daily News Bail}: M5311 and Empire York 00. Daily Star, outside of .towns and villages Daily Globe, York Co. Weekly Mail and Empire Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Weekly Globe Family Herald and Weekly Star, 1 year _ Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with “The Liberal†at $1 a year at the following rates:-- ‘â€"NOVV ON HANDâ€"â€" Every family should have both their local paper and a. ' city paper RICHMOND HILL SIX VERY DESIRABLE have all the good features known to modern musical science. [RITE FOR CATALOGUE MANAGER vumll/Au" nu “13' tress. A safe and pleasmé§;rupâ€"50c. rugzists. GROUP The Next Sitting ()1'*Divis10n Courttor N0. 3, Countypf York, will be held in the Court Room. DIVISION - RICHMOND HILL A. J. HUME Monday, Apr. L0,, 19-19,, FINE TAILflRING RATES RICHMOND HILL AND Commencing at, 10 a. m. NOTARY PUBI. IO Leases. Willa, Etc. special attention given to COuveyanc-ing. Pressing Cleaning Repairing 'EKEM MCMABON. CLERK stopped in 20 minutes sure w1th Dr. Sheep’s Group Remedy. One test will surely prove. No vomjying, no _dlS- 750. 750. 1.40 900. 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.5 1.50 900. 75G; BBURT. 900.