Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Apr 1911, p. 8

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A quantity of Bumper King Outs ’fovsale. v JOHN' CHARLES. 392 Don’t pint-e your order for spring until you have hzgd our prices. Until we have an agent; at Richmnnd Hill, We will be glad to qunte you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking {qr Cutalngue. Our trees are guaranteed strictly first grade, true to name. and to he delivered in first class condition. We can save you money in two ways. 19-3111 _ B '1' of Temperanceâ€"Moat: am Wadmuduy or each month. Fhfhflrigadoâ€"Meete first “and” or out: Ann Public bemry and Reading Boomâ€"Open Tnuduy. and Saturday evenings. Euworth Leagueâ€"Moot: oven Friday. Junior Epworbh Lucio meets every Fri- dlv “Samoan at 4. Presbyterian Guildâ€"M6“: ovm Friday M8 pm. in the Church. Btnngm wm‘bo given 3 cordial welcome Hothodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 111.. and 711. 11:. Bands. School n 3J0. General prayer meeting Thurs ay. evening. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M ~Mveh Mol- duv on or before full moon Court Richmond A O F - Moots fourth Fri- dey n Ivy Lodge. A0 U Wâ€"«Meops thin We nude: 0! each moufih Gimp mm. 8 0 8 â€"-Meeh mend and font): ngegrlayi_ ,18-3m Church or Englandâ€"BQWiOOI a: 8p. m; In, 2nd 1nd m: Sunday. Third Sunday n. u an). Pronbytermn Churchâ€"Services n n I. m., and m. Sunday School a» 2.30. Punt muting Eli-uron evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on snor- ntio ‘gqulqygat 9 ha. 1}}. mgd 10.?!) a. m. V ‘ We guarantee to deliver the stock in good condition and up to contract grade. We can show that. there is good money in representing a. well- known. reliable firm at this time. Es- tablished over thirty years» Write for particulars. We ask our customers to hnld their orders until our agent, Mr. Jnhn F. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill. calls on you. PELHAM NURSERY CO. TORONTO, ONT. " in“ or'Ss't Lod o, I.0.0.F.. mock um Wedneac in] 5nd 311m! Fr day of 954311 mgnqh._ MONEY ORDERS Hours for issuing Money Orders:â€" MOBNING 8.00 ‘ EVENING 6.“) , N. B.â€"-Registered letters man he landed in It lent Fflteen mum who: 91ml: also above mentioned hours for closing. ‘ ” OFFICE CLOSEB AT. 7.80 P. IL ‘ M. TEE]?! Postmaster Until further notice M511. will hoolon utthe Richmond Hill Post 08103 as inflows:â€" ‘Mail Closes for tho South 7 r r Thos. W. Bowman & Son Co., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. We Send 1' «free on re- quest 0 u 1' catalogue of t h e b e s t [books on outdoor life and recreation. Terms:"$4 ayear, $2 for six months. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. CO. 346 Broadway, New York. new depart- ment has to do with the C o u n t r y Home andits sur_r_oundings. with for four Weeks’triaLtrip. A large i‘lustrated weekly journal of shooting, fishing, natunl hisâ€" tory and yachting. A ~ â€" pen'ences of angler ers and campers, c Adventure . "FOREST AND R0 STREAM,” or send “us tweptx-fisfq Acent_s NURSERY STD CK The Fruit Tree Specialists. 600 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION POST OFFICE NOTICE mynuma..; ..... 8.0 EVEfiffiG. Village Directory Seed Oats Morning Ml“! “rim 6.15 Evening Mail arrives 6.15 If you D ' like to read of the ex- pen'ences of anglers, shoot- ers and campers, or yacht-z terested in countr life: ask your newsdw er for: Pattvrsun Fax-m, Richmond Hill P.O. ing' or if ion are in- 38-2 An 8â€"roomed brick b01159 in the, vil- lage of Head’ford. Smblm driving house and 1 acre. of land. Possession at, any time. 34-211) T. THOMSON. Dated March 27. 1911. Sittings hf R. 0. Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 for 15 Eggs. ' RALPH \VIDEMAN, that after the said last nwntiuned date the executrix will prncePd to distribute the assérs of 'the estate among the parties entitled théletu hnving regard only to the claims of which she will then have received notice. WILLIAM COOK, - 33 Richmnnd St. W.. Toronto. Sulicitur fur the Executrix. Pursuant. to 81.8.0. chapten 129 and Amending Acts Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Isaac Umshy who died on or nbuut the 7th day 0f January A. D., 1911. are required on m- befnre the first. day of May, 1911. to send to Mrs. Amy C. Crosby. Richmond Hill. a statement of their claims with their names and nddressl‘s. tngether with the nature of the secuiity if any. held by them. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ISAAC CROSBY, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF 'RICHMOND HILL. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK,GENTLEMAN, DECEASED Notice to creditors We carry a. large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. . Few iemnvants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain.“ a A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. I (im IIIF/l-é-M!) I CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, P. G. SAVAGE Bronchitis; Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back.- Sold and guatanteed by R 0- O M fig R 0 O M PAPER PAPER GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill OQQQMMQQQO33g One good Buggy and one cutter. Apply R. A. VANDERBURGH. |1YOME| (mm/m IIIF/l-o-Mi) YOR KTON For full information address G. H. Brudln-nok, Sec. Board of Trade. For Sale For Sale To Rent A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributing and Land Office centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churchesh25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital. 2 Newspapers) Richmund H11]. Elgifi Mills. and will give to the person sug- gesting the most suitable name the one suggesting the name as second choice will receive a Toronto=PortDalhousie Route, which will go into commission For a. Suitable Name desire a name fot the NEW STEAMER now being built for Niagara, St. Catharines & Toronto Nav. Co. 3â€"Must. not be same as any on Canadian Marine Register. CONDITIONS lâ€"Names must be submitted before March 21, 1911. 2â€"-Must not be longer than two words. 4â€"â€"The decision rests entirely with the officials of the company. Coupons must be sent to JOEN PAUL, It N eVer Pays Horse Owners to he. careless in making pm-rhases nf HARNESS, HORSE GOODS, or 9" Hill the matter (if repairing. in all features. which go to make up a desirable plane to trade. THIS IS THE PLACE-gum]: of absolute re-linhility. prim-s that are reasonable and fair in Harm-as, Blan- kets, Robes. Mitts. and anythan usu- ally foundlm a first-class hymns slum. Book of Family Season Tickets I suggest the name Signed . . . . . . . Address. . . . . . . $20 in Gold NAME WANTED June 15th, 1911, General Passenger Agorvlt, St. Cn‘thzuines. 0.9933676799969330». $20 in Gold, SASK. Me m... w...“ w. on my :01- three months mmbgnh‘iprfigm;:n°:nord to as ch!- olror by. You will g: lll' money [no In value man times over. 1 particulars will bo‘ “ugh-e9 0 charge. but It you {to glue you will In ‘â€" A In um. can...» a... _‘_ Â¥ .-., A. ‘aaia'ii'y'our' “$653523 éi'fifim'f'flfi‘i '{i‘é ‘ rope! fee u once. The 35 cu. three memb- mem- enhlp otter will soon change. Write at once ad- dressing your letter and enoloalng 31.00 for full yeum :IIhlganMD or twenty-nu cents tor three on ‘ “THAI. LITERARY HUSIO CLUB ‘ No. lsonusc..N.Y.0uy. Chance :0 Join . Club That WI]! )1qu and lave may for You. Evergbod lhould Join the Mutual Liter Mu- ‘aio cm of motion. Theron nothin else I e It ‘nnywlero. 1: co.“ dmostnotlun Glazier. Grainer and Paper~ Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HIL'. inddso’me'ly' 'ui‘fifmzdiééil'y.‘ mesa Eu». cAnlntlon of any scientific journal. Terms tor Canada, $3.75 a. you a 6 id. Sold by in newsdealers. ' no we mm m & 00.2mm» New ng 0mm 6% 1“ Sta Wuhmzton. D. "Féc'éfiié £51163 {Hf-o speak! you“. {#119116 fiw‘m; fiv'éfi‘dofi' ii préSnBi'y'r FEEéfiEEch-fi' 1! FE“!!! 9985919“ “4-. "Alma, BEEâ€"nil; 9,9. ib'nTfi'ee. 6’1niéii'igéfiéTtéflb'fi'fi'figaiéni" 39‘ .3399} WREMREEQ 16°61” W. HEWISON : .2 ALL annnmmas' B ri t i sh CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO “Euâ€"613V; and curlefiailrlififi for the whole family. Also illus‘rated pamphlet. Séiéiitifié Tillman. A supplement to the new odiuon has brought it tullyu to dnte. I hnve been hmking through { e latter wnh a feefln of astonishment at its completeness, an 3110 amount of labor flat. has been put info if. G. 8; O. MERRMM 00.. must Win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language. of h : n is indeed a xuan‘ciouswork; itls difficult to. onceive of a dictionary more exhuusfive and complete. Rmrythingia in n -nnt only what we might expect to mu m sud: 11. Work. but also wha! few of us youldgvcr hqvg t Inqught of logkjngfpr. (the highest award) was given to the In. ten-nations} n the Wor'd's Fair. St. Louis. x. H. Sayco, 11.11., D.D., 9! Oxford Iip'lvoy'si'ty! England, hag recento {mid L. E. HAND. Manager. Bnnchni blue .0 M3910. flux-khan. Scoumiuo and Gormloy. THE STANDARD BANK F R E â€""A Test In Pronunciation. ruct ve and entertaining fl: PUBLISHERS, SPRINGFIELD. MASS. HO USE PA 1N TER, THE GRAND PRIZE Established 1873 Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants. Municipalities. Corporations, fauna: and private individuals. ‘ 30 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. Richmond Hill Branch ~ OF CANADA 4 Atompléte Banking Service Ten pm‘ cmxt Che-ape]; ten pvr cent better- for Blisitw Shorthand, and Mattie. Booklet, Free, R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge & Bloor Sts. ." in. f PENNYROYAL \NAFERS. 38-tf Willowdale Gussel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.?“ The Story Teller . . 1.70 The Qllivrr . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . . l.5( Little Folks . . , . 1.50) Chums . . . . . » . LEM The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. If is not necessary send to foreign couatric 1 u maga~ zines. Read the following:â€" Subscnptinns taken at THE LIBERAL Office, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PAN‘V 42 Adelaide St. W Toronto C AS'SE L LS’ Canadian P 11 b _- lishing Company ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED TO. ' GENERAL BLA'CKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS F. J. WOUDWARU Some bred and others ready _ to breed. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES PATRDNAGE Snmm'mn AND SA'msnac'rlos GUARAN'I‘BIH) SHOEING LAKE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY EIGHT TAMWORTH SOWS . WOUDWARD. Aspecmv: monthly medicine for ladla w restore and negulato the mower roducinr; free, healthy nnfl pnluleu lsehurgu. No aches or pmns on M) much Now used by ovex‘xufioohdiou nun used wulusengaim Invigotale. the” organs. Buy of your dnglsfl only those with our signature wrot- Kncool' label. Avoid substinxtea. Boiled n‘rlloulnm mane“ 2c stump; . JAN“ nlxnm', . Lox. Addrelifiumx'fiflfijafl OOIPAN x. buxom. It“ also Stock Farm J. MCKE N ZIE 30 Bunches

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