A despatch from Ottawa. says: of the Customs revenue of the twel- for the ï¬scal years ending March,, Friday, perhaps better than any 0 mendous gains made by the great; IMEEESE GAINS IN EEVEEEE Winnipeg, Vancouver and Win es pro rata during the past year. The comparative statement fol each city being those for 1909â€"10, Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto .. .. .. .. .. Winnipeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vancouver “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Halifax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. John, N. B. .. . . . . . . Victoria .. Ottawa. ..... . . . . . . . . Windsor .. London . . . . . . . . Comparative Returns for the Fiscal Year Show Record Increases Terms of the New Treaty Negoti- ated With Japan. A despatch from London says: The new Angloâ€"Japanese commer- cial treaty, which was ratiï¬ed at Tokio on Tuesday, provides for reâ€" ductions in the rates of the new Japanese tariff on the chief British textile and metal imports in Japan. In the case of gray cotton tissues the duties are reduced from one- third to oneâ€"fourth, and on the most important tissues, pure wool and cotton mixed and linen yarns, a. reduction of oneâ€"ï¬fth is made. On certain classes or iron and steel plates, including galvanized sheets and timplates, there is a, concession of from twoâ€"ninths to twoâ€"ï¬fths per cent. ; on pig iron oneâ€"sixth, and on paints oneâ€"third per cent. Special- ties in Japanese manufacture will continue to be admitted to the United Kingdom duty free. The treaty will remain in force twelve years. Was/gespondent Over the Loss of Hi3 Home ny Fire. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Jos. Robertson, a farmer of Trans- cona, Man., was found walking into the city on Wednesday evening with} his throat out, and the constable‘ who met him took him to the Generâ€" al Hospital, where he may recover. He told a rambling story of having lost his place at Transcona by ï¬re, the damage being $2,000. He says he started to walk to the city at 11 o’clock in the morning and on the way went into an empty house and tried to cut his throat with a pocket knife. He lay down for a couple of hours, expecting to die, but got tired of waiting and set out again for the city. He has a brother at 24 Gordon street, Manchester, Engâ€" land. He is 40 years of age and unmarried. [Tneasiness Felt in Connection With the Royal Durbar. A despatch from London says: Some uneasiness is felt in connec~ tion with the Royal Durbar and the prevalence of the plague in India, where there has been a serious recurrence. Just now the weele average of deaths is 2,500, while at Delhi itself, where the durbar is to he held, there are 50 deaths each WHAT BRITAIN WILL GAIN SEVENTY . MINEBS The Victims Mostly Foreigners, but Include Several Mine Managers The ï¬re which caused the I‘uine horror, broke out from name un- A despatch from Scranton, Pa., says: At least 70 mine workers lost their lives in the Dunmore vein, alâ€" so China. vein of the Panel-est col- liery at Throop on Friday. Most (If the men in the mine are foreignâ€" ers. Seven mine ofï¬cials, however, are among the Victims. The Dunmore vein of the mine is 750 feet below the surface, which greatly impedes the work of rescue, making ï¬re ï¬ghting difï¬cult. The colliel'y is owned by the Scranton Coal Company, afï¬liated with the New York, Ontario and Western Company. FARMER’S BASH ACT. PLAGUE i‘s INDIA. o... .... .... ...... .. .- .. .. .. .. .... ..-- .... .... .... .- ‘ n. n... -... .... u...- --.. .... .... ........ IIIIII >41 ..-- --.- a...---. The ofï¬cial comparative statement ve largest ports in the Dominion 1910, and March, 1911, issued on ther means serves to show the treâ€" ports of entry in the country. dsor have made the largest increas~ lows, the. ï¬rst mentioned ï¬gures for and the second those for 1910â€"11:â€" .. $16,327,801 19 $18,330,183 22 .. 12,327,949 27 13,864,784 44 ., 4,999,238 16 6,478,163 02 3,657,242 90 5,499,736 65 1,815,996 36 2,141,923 26 1,627,627 89 1,772,964 09 1,533,137 94 1,560,359 09 .. 1,333,754 34 1,340,926 68 .. 1,240,612 14 1,539,575 87 1,129,683 72 1,265,457 37 1,084,075 48 1,433,720 31 928,315 02 1,007,109 31 Thinness is Embarrassing, Unheal- thy and Not Naturalâ€"Formula Now Used Which Adds From One to Three Pounds a Week. Everyone ought to .have some extra flesh on the bony structure of the body, both for the sake of health and self- esï¬eem. r “WHY BE SO THIN?†Most. thin people are sensitive to the harsh, unfeeling criticisms which are con- stantly being hurled at them by the more fogtunate weU-ï¬gured_ perspns. Everyone pities a thin, bony horse, but horses don‘t know itâ€"‘while thin people are both pitied and ridiculed. It ought no; Lope so, _buj; it is. A well-rounded ï¬gure, be it man or wo- man, excites admiration; not only for the ï¬gure but for the bright eyes, pink cheeks, red lips, and Vigorous carriage which acpom‘paqy‘ a yell-nourishqd body: "Eiilanéiï¬Iï¬ï¬Ã©iiihf‘ beauty" and soun‘d flesh abound, if the blood and nerves get enough nourishment out of the food eat. This prescription aids nature; helps ab- sorptwn, digestion and assimilation; helps dlstribute the blood and nerve elements which make sound flesh. Get the ingred- ients and make it at home. and see how very fast you gain in weight. In a. half pint bottle obtain three ounces of essence of pepsin, three ounces syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound essence cardiol, shake and let stand two hours; then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound, (not carda- mom). Shake well and take a teaspoonful before meals and one after meals. Also drink plenty of water between meals and when retiring. Weigh yourself before be- ginning. Powder Magazine and Store of Gasoline Blow Up. A despatch from Victoria, B. C., says: The powder magazine on Protection Island, Nanaimo, exâ€" ploded at midnight on Thursday. Two distinct shocks shook Nanai- mo, shattering plate glass windows and causing the citizens to fear that the Protection Mine had been blown up. The flames lit up the harbor and the city. The ï¬rst explosion was of dynamite, and the second ‘of a store of gasoline. John Jones, inight engineer, discovered the ï¬re at the magazine, and went to the telephone to notify the chief engin- eer., He was returning when the explosion occurred, and he was thrown forty feet, sustaining in- juries which will probably result fa- tally. Sir Henry Pellatt has purchased the 01d rifle range at St. Charles, near Winnipeg, but states that he has not decided what shall be done with it. Dr. Bell severely criticized the Health Department at Ottawa in connection with the smallpox epi- demic, and threatened, unless imâ€" provement were made, to isolate the city from the rest of the Province. known cause in the engineâ€"house at the foot of the shaft at about 10 o’clock on Friday morning. It is attributed to spontaneous comâ€" bustion. At the time there were 300 men and boys in the various veins and chambers of the mine. The flames set off accumulations of gas which increased the difï¬culty and doubtless increased the loss of life. The scene at the mine is heartrending. About the head of the shaft were gathered thousands of people including the relatives and friends of the men entombed. Ropes had to be stretched to keep back the crowd and to prevent a. stampede when the bodies were brought out. NANAIMO SIIAKEN. KILLED PRICES 0F FARM PRODUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES 0P . AMERICA. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April 11.â€"~Flourâ€"Win- ter wheat 90 per cent. patents, $3.â€" 25 at seabord. Manitoba flours - First patents, $5.40; second pat- ents, $4.90, and strong bakers’, $4.- 70, on track, Toronto. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Produce at Home ‘ and Abroad. Manitoba. Wheatâ€"N0. 1 North- ern, 96c, Bay ports; No. 2 Northâ€" ern, 94c, Bay ports, and N0. 3 at 910, Bay ports. Oatsâ€"32 to 33c outside, and 350 on track, Toronto. No. 2 W. C. oats, 36%0, and No. 3 at 35%0, Bay ports. Branâ€"Manitobas‘ $23, in bags, Toronto, and shorts $24.50, in bags, Toronto; Ontario shorts, $24.50 to $25.’ Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2 red and white, 81 LG 820 outside. Barley~Malting qualities, 65 to 67c, and feed, 50 to 55c outside. r Cornâ€"N0. 3 American, 51% ’00 520, Toronto freights.~ Peasâ€"No. 2 quoted around 800 outside. Ryeâ€"Prices nominal. _ Buckwheatâ€"No. I quoted at 48% to 490 outside. / Applesâ€"Spys, $5 to $6; Baldwins,» $4 to $4.50; No. 2 assorted, $3.50 to $4.50 per barrel. Beansâ€"Car lots, $1.75 to $1.80; and small lots, $1.90 to $2. Honeyâ€"Extracted, in 110 per 1b.; No. 1 comb $2 to $2.50 per dozen; I wholesale, $1.75 to $2 Baled Hayâ€"N0. 1 $13 on track, and No $10.50. Baled Straw-$6.50 to $7, on track, Toronto. v Potatoesâ€"Car lots, 80 to 850 per bag, and New Brunswick, ‘950. Poultry â€"- Wholesale- liriéeszâ€" Chickens, 15 to 16c per 1b.; fowl, 11 to 13c per 1b.; turkeys, 19 to 210 per 1b. Live, 1 to 2c less. Butterâ€"Dairy prints, 18 to 200; inferior, 16 to 170. Creamery, 27 to 28c per 1b. for rolls, 24 to 24%0 for solids, and 22% to 23c for sep- arator prints. EggskCase lots 18c per dozen. Cheeseâ€"Large, 14c, and twins at 1434c. Baconâ€"MLong clear, 11%0 per lb. in case lots; mess pork, $20 to $20. 50; do., short cut, $23.50 to $24 pickled rolls, $20 to $20.50. Hamsâ€"Light to medium, 150; (10., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls, 12%c; breakfast bacon, 1672 to 170; backs, 18 to 18%0. Lardâ€"V'i‘ierces, 11%c; tubs, 12c; pails, 12%c. Montreal, Apri} 11.â€"Oa.tsâ€"Cana- dian Western, No. 2, 38 to 38%0, car lots, ex store; extm N0. 1 feed! 371/2 to 380; No. 3 C. W., 37 to- 37%(3; N0. 2 local white, 36 to 36%0; No. 3 local white, 35 to 35%0; N0. 4 local white, 34 to 34%c. Flourâ€" Manitoba. Spring wheat patents, ï¬rsts, 5.60; seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.50; strong bakâ€" ers’, $4.90; straight rollers, $4 to $4.25; in bags, $1.75 to $1.85. Rolled oatsâ€"~Per barrel, $3.90; bag of 90 lbs., $1.95. Cornâ€"American No. 3 yellow, 57%2 to 58C. Millfeedâ€" Bran, Ontario, $22 to $23; Mani- toba, $21 to $23; middlings, Onâ€" ‘tario, $24 to $25; shorts, Manitoba, $23 to $25; mouillie. $25 to $30. Eggsâ€"Fresh, 19 to 210. Cheeseâ€"- Westerns, 12% to 12%c; easterns, 117â€"8 to 121â€"80. Butterâ€"â€"â€"Choicest, 25 to 25%0; seconds, 24% to 25c. Buffalo, April 11.â€"Spring wheat â€"No. 1 Northern, carloads, store, $1.02; Winter, No. 2 red, 92c asked. Cornâ€"N0. 3 yellow, 510; N0. 4 yel- low, 500; No. 3 corn, 49% to 49%0; N0. 4 com, 47% to 48c all on track, through billed. Oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 350 ; No. 3 white, 34%c; No. 4 white, 33%0. Barleyâ€"Making, $1.08 to $1.12. Minneapolis, April 11.â€"Wheat â€"- May, 92 3â€"8 to 92%0; July, 93%(:; September, 89% to 893â€"80; cash, No. 1 hard, 95 3-80; No. 1 Northern, 93 7-8 to 94 7-80; No. 2 Northern, 90 5-8 to 92 5-8c; No. 3 wheat, 875â€"8 to 915-80. Bramâ€"$21.50 to $22. Flourâ€"First patents, $4.25 to $4.- UNITED STATES MARKETS. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. COUNTRY PRODUCE. DAIRY MARKETS. HOG PRODUCTS. 1 ........... at $11,250 to“ . 2 at $9 to l tins, 10 to ), wholesale, No. 2 comb, per dozen. “I A despatch from Fernie, B. 0., says: Secretary Carter, of the disâ€" trict local, received the following telegram from Viceâ€"President Stubbs and C. Garner on Thursday morning: “International executive board fully endorse the position taken by the district. Representatives will be sent at once to co-operabe with district ofï¬cers in carrying, out the work in connection with the suspen- sion. Deny absolutely rumors reâ€" garding non-support. Internation- al will support to the full extent.†55; second patents, $4.15 to $4.45; ï¬rst clears, $2.75 co $3.05; second clears, $1.75 to $2.40. This megéage signiï¬es that a. long struggle may be looked for. All movements on the part of the min- Montreal, April. 11.â€"â€"-Choiceisteers spld at 6%0, good at 6 to 6%c, fairly good at 5% to 5%c, fair at 5 to 5%0, and the common at 4% to 43/4c per lb. Cows ranged from 3% to 5%0, and bulls from 4 to 5%0 per 1b. Hogs declined 20 to 300 per 100 lbs. WESTERN UEALMIEE STRIKE International Executive Assist the Men in Western Canada. ' Toronto, April 11.â€"Sheep were selling within a range of $4.75 to $5 per cwt. for good ewes, and at $4 to $5 for bucks. Yearling lambs were weak at $6.50 to $7, and hogs were weak, though unchanged in price. Spring lambs were steady at $4 to $7.50. Choice steers and heifers sold as high as $6.75. Good butcher cattle are quotable at $5.- 75 to $6 per cwt., and cows and bulls from $4.76 to $5.50. Common cows and cannerswere slightly off. Will Carry Crew of 100 and 200 Passengers. A despatch from Berlin, Gerâ€" many, says: An airship intended for transâ€"Atlantic travel is proâ€" jected here, and a company capi- talized at $2,000,000 has been formâ€" ed to ï¬nance the scheme. The pro- posed dirigible will be eight times larger than Zeppelin’s new Deutschâ€" land. The plans call for a vessel 775 feet long, driven by thirty mo- tors. It will be able to carry 200 passengers in addition to a crew of 100. Boerner, who designed the ship, claims that it will be able to travel from London to New York without a. mishap. Area of About Four Square Miles in Tokio, Japan, in Ruins. A despatch from Tokio says: The notorious Yoshiwari, the “red light†quarter of Tokio, was de- stroyed by ï¬re on Saturday. Many of these houses Were almost palatial in appearance, and a thousand of them were burned in a, little more than three hours. Six thousand fe» male inmates were rendered home- less. 128 Victims of an Explosion in Alabama. A despatch from Birmingham, Ala., says: By an explosion in the BRIDGE TO HOST $8,850,000 A deSpatch from Ottawa says: The contract for the Quebec Bridge was on Wednesday awarded to the St. Lawrence Bridge Company, an amalgamation of the Dominion Bridge Company of Montreal and the Canadian Bridge Company of Walkerville. The cost of the bridge, according to the estimate of the en- gineers on the company’s ï¬gures for the various parts of the work, will be $8,650,000. There has been ‘deposited with the Government as security for carrying out the pro- ject, $1,097,500, or 15 per cent. of the contract price. The award is made on the recommendation of a majority of a board of engineers, who have had the matter under conâ€" Contract for Quebec Structure Let to St Lawrence Bridge 00. TERRIBLE MINE TRAGEDY. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. 5,000 HOUSES BL'RNED. MONSTER AIR SHIP. ers indicate preparations for ï¬ghtn ing at every point. The attempt at Passburg to hav‘ miners turn out 100 tons of coal per day was the cause of a, littld excitement at that place, but na violence has been offered and thin is true of all places where men havl quit work. A visit to Coal Creek on Thursday morning revealed a. state of abso‘ lute quiet. Nearly all the single men have left that camp. One boarding house which usually feeds 75 to 80 men is now feeding only 25 or 30. The drives have been clean- ed and now that the International Board seems to have endorsed the action of district eighteen, the next move is hard to predict. Banner mines at Littleton, thirty miles from here, 128 men, all but ï¬ve State convicts, were killed on Saturday morning. One hundred and seventyâ€"three men were in the mine at the time of the disaster, but fortyâ€"ï¬ve were rescued alive. The deï¬nite death list shows two white and three colored free men, 111 colored and 12 white convicts. Not a man remaining in the mine an hour after the explosion is alive. ARNPRIOR CHIEF ARRESTED. Authorities Were Waiting for AI- leged Embczzlor’s Recovery. A despatch from Arnprior says: Charged with the embezzlement of $11,246 of the funds of the town of Arnprior, Chief of Police John Mattson was arested Saturday af- ternoon, arraigned before Magis- trate Burwash and committed for triel. He was taken to the county jail in Pembroke on Saturday night by Constable Cousineau to await his trial. The chief did not plead, the commitment being made by agreeâ€" ment between counsels representing the prosecution and his solicitor. Costly Improvmnmns to be Made to “S00†Pulp Mill. A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: It was announc- ed here on Saturday that $2,000,000 will be spent on improvements to the “S00†pulp mill, which was purchased last week by the Lake Superior Paper Company from the Lake Superior Corporation. St. Stephen. N. 13.. Customs Mike!- I Was Walking With Wife. ’ A despatch from St. Stephen, N. B., says: Henry Graham, collector of Customs here, fell dead in the street from heart disease, while walking from hi§ ofï¬ce to his‘ home on Saturday night, accompanied by his wife. He was '71 years of age and was appointed collector of the port in 1891. Duncan A. Morrison, a deaf mute of Hamilton, was run down by a' street car and killed on Sunday‘ night. Russel Vickers, aged fourteen. was shot and killed by a companion while playing at war at Bellevil‘le: C. VShevldon was arraigned in the Montreal Police Court on Sat- urday on three charges of fraud. sideration for over a year. They have recommended the acceptance of the tender of the St. Lawrence' Bridge Company upon a design ofl their own, which includes provis-i ion for street railway and drive-’ way. Hon. Mr. Graham believes! that the very best possible contract, has been made, and that these purer Canadian companies are fu1-‘ 1y competent to accomplish the task they have undertaken. As the Province of Quebec con-u tributed $250,000 and the city 0% Quebec $300,000 to the original bridge scheme, as subsidy for the construction of the roadways, Mr.1 Graham recommends that these amounts should be returned. WILL SPEND $2,000,000. FELL BEAU IN STREET.