This is a splendid example of the grand. work Dodd’s Kidney P’ills are ‘doing among the plain people of ‘iCanada. Kidney Disease is the commonest of all ailments among those who have to work hard, be- ‘cause the kidneys are the ï¬rst part of the body to feel the wear and tear of heavy work. flllRHl THE WIFE Thomas Lauriault had Kidney Disease and his wife Bright’s Disease, and Dodd’s Kidney Pills made them both well. ‘ Lac Cayamont, Que., April 16 (Special)â€"â€"There is a. world interest in the simple story of Madame Thomas Lauriault of this place. In her own words, it is as follows: “Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured my husband of Kidney Disease and myâ€" self of Bright’s Disease. We recom~ mend Dodd’s Kidney Pills to all who suffer from Kidney or Bright’s Disease.†GREAT WORK DONE I DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS IN ONE QUEBEC FAMILY. I When the kidneys go wrong the blood goes wrong, and the whole body goes wrong. Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes and Bright’s Dis- ease are the usual results. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure these by simply curing the kidneys. Sheâ€"“They say that an apple a day will kgep the doctor: ayvay.â€â€˜ “Heâ€"“Why; stop there? AnVonion B, day will keep everybody away.†To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. â€"â€"Exer‘cise in the open air is the best tonic for the stomach and sysâ€" tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sick- ness follows. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills regulate the stomach and liver and restore healthy action. It is wise to have a packet of the pills always on hand. “ J6hnnyâ€"“W1 pats a. ministexï¬â€™l†suppose a lion Instead of hoping for the best, get busy and hustle for it. Illlnard's Llnlmem Relleves Neuralgla. Young Ladyâ€"“You say you were on a raft for six weeks, and had nothing to eat but mutton. Where did you get the mutton from ‘2†01d Saltâ€"“Well, you see, miss, the sea. was very choppy 1 Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. ‘ Clear the excresâ€" :ences away by‘ using Holloway’s Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly Johnnyâ€"“Grandpa, do lions go to heaven?†Grandpaâ€"“No, Johnny.†Johnnyâ€"“Well, do ministers Z†Grandpaâ€"“Why, of course. Why do you ask 2†‘ “My mistress isn’t at home, ’ma’am,†said a, domestic to a cal- er. “Oh, indeed,†was the sweetly sarcastic response. “Will you , lease tell her that when, I saw her Eeeping from the front window as came up I felt; very much afraid 1nd painlessly. Just one setting of thoroughbred Eggs may be the means of working I revolution in your poultry busiâ€" ness. Plan to raise a ï¬ne flock of generâ€" ml purpose standard bred birds this season. They will yield much more satisfaction and proï¬t han a mixed flOCk. Give the setting hen a thorough dusting with insect powder two or three times during incubation. This may save your little chicks from lice and mites. A punctured grafter now and then is relished by all honest men. When the chicks can get away h‘om it at will, plenty of heat under )he hover is argood thing. the was I" mm! 110;; Bahâ€"1.. cutorcolvdwsiwheï¬.‘ an that! and bind- - - - 25 cent... Sbhbés Cum 'onr drug in will refund money if PAZO DIST- IENT {m sto cure any can of Itching. Blind, bleeding or Procrudmg Piles in 6 to “dun. 60c. PILES CURED IN 6 T0 I4 DAYS “BY THEIR FRUITS.†POULTRY POINTERS. A DEADLOCK. AND HUSBANI] H10 l7) DONE BY He who serve-s his fri’ends is nevâ€" er out of 3 10b. fiKri'lling tuime may mean the suiclde of success. "r‘ulvei oneself is the ï¬rst requis- ite to rule others. Soldier’s Deadly Choler Caused Unusual Stir in Barracks. A remarkable affair took place recently at the Infantry Barracksg York, England. A private soldier was taken before 001. King for a minor military offence and admon- ished, but not punished. When commanded to leave the room he drew a. bayonet from one of thel guards and made a determined rush at the colonel. He was stop- ped by Captain Peel (adjutant), who had a desperate struggle for the possession of the weapon. It was not until several members of the Guards had interfered that the man was overpowered. Colonel King and Captain Peel were unin- jured, but the man had a ï¬nger broken in the struggle. He was conï¬ned in custody. 7â€" The Vgrgaï¬er the pncertainty the more posmve the lgpoqut mam. Tï¬erakreragre soâ€"cavlled blessing in disguise is yery unsat‘isfacygry: ï¬vAHy mah who looks for trouble is blind to his own interests. NB man is there miserable' than he who strives merely to please himself. " Many people prefer theoretical to practical work, but they don’t like to take their pay that way. When a man begins to argue with his conscience as to whether a thing is right or wrong, it’s safe to de- cide that it is wrong. In going down the stream of life the average man tries to make a. noise like a. motor boat. I kly I pa c a In one. colds. b‘ '.°mo:z';nd|:n 5.. - o - Sana MRS.WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for thcir CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tile CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle. A Remedy for Bilious Headache. â€"To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are recommended as the Way to speedy relief. Taken according to directiï¬'ns they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pains in theIhead will cease. There are few who are not at sometime subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. Customerâ€"“Are you sure this is real Ceylon tea?†Wellâ€"informed Young Assistantâ€"“Certainly, sir. Mr. Ceylon’s name is on every pack- age.†“Mabel, dear, do you ever feel timid about asking your husband for money ’2†asked a, parent of her new1y~married daughter. “N0, in- deed,†replied the young wife, but he seems to be rather timid about giving it to me l†“TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY“I for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. ,Murlne Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mall. w, OMurlne Eye Remedy Cm, Chicago. “That sentence is not incorrect,†said the professor, “but it sounds odd to the Englishspeaking ear.†Try discounting your burdens by counting your blessings. Sore Throat is no trifling ailâ€" ment. It may carry disease germs to any part of the body through the food you eat. When you feel sore throat coming on, use Hamlins Wiz- ard Oil. Mlnard'a Llnlment Cures Dandruff. He who waits for dead men’s shoes is liable to get cold feet. Complete in itself, Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator does not requlre the assistance of any other medicine to it effective. It does not fail to do its work. Teacherâ€"“You don’t know what this word is?†Pupilâ€"“No.†Teacher~“What is your coat made of?†Pupilâ€"“Father’s 01d pants.†mnard's Llnlment cures Burns. EN. CHARGED WITH BAYONET. BEST AND HEALTH T0 MOTHER AND CHILD. POINTED PHILOSOPHY. PROBABLY WOULD. Famous Medical Man Says He‘ Fears It Worse Than Smallpox. Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, the» famous physician and surgeon, who has just published his alltobjogra- phy, has this to say of grip :â€"â€"†When the very Lip breaks off one blade of a pair of scissors the point may be renewed by ï¬ling or by rub- bing hard on a. Whetstone. The points will be uneven, but they will cut. The same tleatment is good for blunted needles. Some men ï¬nd courage only when they lose their tempers. In its initial stages a cold is a, lo- cal ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result is often the development of distress- ing seizures of the bronchial tubes and lungs that render life miser- able for the unhappy victim. As a ï¬rst aid there is nothing in the handy medicine line so certain in curative results as Bickle’s Antiâ€" Consumptive Syrup, the farâ€"famed remedy for colds and coughs. “Of all diseases I fear the effects of grip more than any other. I would rather have an epidemic of cholera or smallpox, or both to- gether, than one of grip. The dis~ ease is even more contagious than either cholera or smallpox. Suf- ferers shor'ild remain at home for their own beneï¬t until convales- cent. For several days the disease is being spread before the sufferer is likely to go to bed, when the proâ€" babilities'are many suffer from pneumonia, or some other complica- tion which could have been avoid» ed. The time must come when the law will compel the reporting of every case of grip to the Health Board as is done with other con- tagious diseases, from the fact that the beginning is generally'so mild in character that the necessary care is not taken until too lateJ’ ‘ i“ - a, $P150’Si. THE BESTJï¬EmcmE. t ""POWDRPAINT’" MII’III’I-"S Llnlment for 88'. OVOI'YWHBI'I.’ Knickerâ€"“What is a swimmingâ€" hole 2†Bookerâ€"“A body of water entireâ€" ly surrounded by boys.†THE EARTH’ S CRUST. It is now believed that the solid crust of the earth cannot be thicker than 32 miles. From the earth’s internal reservoir the heat radia- tions are believed to be passing away into space continually, but this loss is compensated for to some extent by the heat received from Only one "IROHO QUINIHE". That in LAXATIVE BROMO UININE, Look for tho signnnre of E. W. G OVE. Und the World our to Cure 3. Gold in One Day. 250 the sun. The Powdrpaint Co. TORONTO Easily applied, gives you a. hard permanent ï¬nish that will wear for years. Sand for Color Cardâ€"and full particularsâ€" Yloaae mention thls paper. You’ll Save Both Time and ‘ Moneyâ€"as Well as'a Good Deal of Trouble if You Use ‘ lfor.CoucHs .6 COLDS I7 GRIP WORST 0F DISEASES. -â€"PA1NT WITHOUT OIL VICE VERSA LATER. ISS UE N 0 15â€"11. “I had one very good boy of the name of Thomas, who saved my life when I» had a bad attack of fever. My temperature rose to 107 de- grees. The boy persistently kept pouring cold water over my head after Letting down my hair. I was quite unconscious and slept for ï¬ve days.†She followed the route taken by the Duke of Connaught in her tour of South Africa, but [continued right up to Equatorial Africa, mak-‘ ing an especial study of native con- ditions in the Congo. ‘fFor hundreds of miles,†says Mrs. Roby, “I was alone except for black bearers. When the bearers became mutinous I would deal with them unaided. A Pointer to Housekeepers. Look at the ï¬nancial side of Zamâ€" Buk’s use. A cut sustained in the home, the store, or the work- shop, results, say, in festering or bloodâ€"poisoning You have to'lay off a day or two. What does that mean when pay day comes round? Zam- Buk insures you against that loss! A little Zam-Buk applied to such an injury prevents all danger of bloodâ€"poisoning, takes out \ the snlgrtipg {ind heals. ‘ Her Only Escort Was Her Black Bearers. Mrs. Roby, wife of an American brain specialist now residing in Japan, is the ï¬rst white woman who has ever travelled the wilds of Cen-' tral Africa. without a. white escort. Mrs. Roby, who has just returnâ€" ed to London, went to Australia in Octob’er, 1909, then to New Zeal- and, the South Sea Islands and thence to South Africa, arriving at Durban last May. Heads of families know how cost- ly doctoring is. Be wise and act on- the preventive line. A box of Zam-Buk in the home is so allâ€"round useful. The baby’s rashes, the old- er children’s cuts and bruises, the inevitable burn, out, or scaldâ€"for all these, as well as for more seri- ous ailments, such as piles, ulcers, eczema, ringworm, etc., Zamâ€"Buk is without a rival. Dangérs of Shavingâ€"You get a. cut at the barber’s shop. A little Zam-Buk smeared on the wound prevents all danger. If any ailment has been contracted, Zam-Buk cures. Zam-Buk Soap is as good as the balm, but in a different way. Washed in Zamâ€"Buk Soap the skin is disinfected and disease germs 1y- ing upon "it are killed. Mothers will ï¬nd it unequalled for baby’s bath. Some women say they want to vote, Some other say they don’t; Some men say we’ll see them vote. Some others say we won’t. Zam-Buk Balm and Zam-Buk «Soap are sold by. all druggists and stores at 50c. for the balm and 250. tablet for the soap. BEST Liriiihgnt h} uge y‘ImngtT'x-I-Jâ€"yflfaétnbaï¬fé jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- MENT. and it. was as well as ever next day. YoursJery Hwy. _ Many a young lawyer fails to make good because he practises at the wrong bar. Useful in Campzâ€"Explorets, surâ€" veyors, prospectors and hunters will ï¬nd Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the result will be the preâ€" vention of pains in the muscles, and should aï¬ut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. It’s as useless to worry as it is to tell people not to worry. ‘/ Flattery is the tribute that vanity exacts from f1fi€nd_ship. Men who have never failed don’t believe in luck. Hard work is the best antidote for hard luck. "â€"Aiiiberal-minded wbman is’nt al- ways giving her husband a piece. of it. "Fortunately for most of 1178, we are not compelled to follow our own advice. ‘ WThVeflman who lives right, lives the longestâ€"If not in years, in sat- isfaction. iwrâ€"‘VV V "7' ‘ > n I V; ‘ I‘ ' One day of'Onomefthmï¬ng k.anfl ; \WJ†generous acts ls Y‘or’h‘a ‘ 870 Se.‘ and hr tree sample to Dam. w. L. ï¬shness and deceit. usnm Di‘u‘; ; Chemical 09.. Tenant... I consider MINARD‘S LINIMENT the WOMAN TRAVELS AFRICA. HOW TO SAVE MONEY. SNIPS OF WISDOM. WHAT THEY SAY. very trullir, T. G; Me ULLEN. 1 WENTY ACRES FRUIT EARM; buildings. Five thousand. r ‘ EN ACRES FRUIT FARM, gdbd bulid- mgs. Thirty-ï¬ve hundred. ACRES, Township Ennisklllen,06un- ty _Lambton, soil rich clay loam. 25 acres umber, frame house, number of out-buildings, 2 1-2 miles to Oil Sprin I. Will exchan e for smaller farm. '1‘ E WESTERN EAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, LTD, London, Ont. TON SCALE. 5 ecial price. Wilson’s 0 Scale Works, ‘splanade, Toronto. GENTS \VANTED.~*$5.00 a. day easy. V , No experience needed. Sells on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers.â€" Doe. work of thirty men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write today. MODERN MACH- INERY CO., (Dept. 5), Sarnia, Ont. agents only, for two new popula: nes; good salary and commission. Aggy 1831» CANADIANHINDUSTRIAL - {A G E N T S WANTED. â€" Experienced i PANY,’Ei1ï¬i£éJf'2§é_kIBéR Vsife‘éif‘ï¬ttEVE. D in: agric ltural community has won phenomenal prosperity from a, wonderful soil. What are the farmerg in your dia- trict dome? Why not vartmipate in our prosperlty? Come here if you want. to make the most. and best of your energy and ability. At any rate. do it for your children’s sake. Write for all information to Commissioner, Board of Trade; Saska- toon, Saskatchewan. Western Canada. fi’Jéï¬yw‘t‘é‘ée." éï¬dï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬' 'e’zirTFt‘v'v'elw’le be eighteen dollars weekly. Write for out» l_ogue.MMolt§r Barber College, 221 Queen IF you are looking for the best. PRE - IUM proposition in Canada, one th appeals to everyone, up 1y to SELLER . Advertising Dept., 228 A bert Sh, Ottawa. EASY MONEY without capital; gather- mg ferns, flowers, rooms and herbl anywhere. We pay $60 ton for evergreen branches F.O.B. cars. 100 brin s rioo lists, samples and advice. B0 AN CAL ï¬UREAq, 7 Columbus and Rcdfleld, New Haven, Cbnn. u‘lAvAI ‘n.. gnu- system~constant practi :- adrift-l instructionâ€"a {ew‘wegks' complete‘couru DYEINCI 1 CLEANING! “BRITISH AMERIGAN DYEIQIQ 00." E4551"; Toronto ‘1 ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- L ternal and external, cured withou‘ pain by our home treatment. Write ul before too lure. Dr. Bellman Medxcal 00.. Limited, 0011 ngwood, Ont. Lookrfbr agent in your town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. Nativeâ€"â€"“Why did yqu leave the civilized east and come out here to the wild, unsettled west to live?†Newcomerâ€"“Because the folks around where I lived slandered me and said mean things about me.†Nativeâ€"“Why didn’t you make them prove what they said?†Newcomerâ€"“They did.†Vai‘éé'i'ihcf H. w. DAWSON. Nlneï¬l Golborne s:.. Toronto. AflaysNeuraléicPainï¬ Misï¬eadache. Cold ln‘Head'. lZVageline Reni‘edieg inTubu. CamphSk‘ Ite.§oratgd. v Carbolated.Camp!md Whité.0xid¢ of Zinc. etc. Eachfor spécial purposes ONSULT me before buying again. ASKATOQN'$ spl‘en'did En'gliqh-speakf anmwm 0mm MW EARN THE BARBEiz _fI‘RADEâ€"NE1W_ ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson’l Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN. \and MANITOBA LANDS. .. Forth very best, send your work to the LL KINDS OF FARMSâ€"Fruit far-mi a specialty. W. B. Calder, Grlmnby.) UNDRED ACRES, County Peel. Sevé; thousand. UNDRED ACRES‘ éSunty Hanan. good locality. Light. thousand. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. W. DAWSON, Ninety ColborneWSt... Toronto. ‘ Wri‘taforf'myaseï¬mBodm THE REAL TROUBLE. AGENTS WANTED. FOR SALE. To introduce our latest Parisian model we will for the next thirty days on re- ceipt of 90 cents mail you, post paid, one pair ‘ DI- ANE" French (,7 Ms, REGULAR PRICE $1.53 Made in whlta French cou- til with 4 Hose supporters, sizes 18 to 80. c. E. FOSDIGK. Agent. Diana French Corsets. 286 Yonge St. Toronto Reference: Any Bank or Express Co. French corsets.