WEDNESDAY,’ April 12â€"-â€"Farm stock; implements. furniture. &c., at; lot. 28. can. 1, Markham. Thm’nhill, the property of Leander Chapman. Sale -at; l n’cluck. Terms 7 months. J. H. Prentice, Aucb. ‘ FRIDAY, April 14-â€"Farm stock, im- plements. furniture, etc, on lab 8, con. 2, East York, Bedfm-d P. 0., the px-opm-tyhf \Villiam Lcuschner. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 6 months. J. H. Prentice, Aucb. SATURDAY, April 15â€"Farm stock. im- plements. Etc" at lot, I, can. ‘4, \Vhib- chm-ch. GUl'nIlHy. the mummy be- lunging to the estate of thc' late. John Baker. Salp at 1 o’clock. Terms 7 mumhs. J. H. Prentice, Auct; * - v _ MONDAY. ~April 17â€"17mm] stock, im- plemvnts, furniturn. &c.. an int 29, (Hill. 4, Seal-hum). the property (If “7m. Hum. Salem-1 o’cl’nck. Terms . cash. J. H. Pmnticc, Aunt. TUESDAY. April 18â€"Hrausc'lmld furm- LUI‘P, bedding. (lishcs, :K'cu at the w‘sidencp. Buttunviflc. the property ‘ oF'TLmsL Cusgx-uvc. Salembl o’clock. “ Terms cash. J. H. PrenLice, Aucb. Our trees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst grade! true to‘nnme, and'to' b'e delivei-ed yin ï¬rst/class“condition. ,.>V§7e can Save yoï¬' money in two wa-Ys. V 19~3m We have an agent ‘at Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct. State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. ' Don’t; place your order for spring until you have had our prices. Until We guarantee to deliver the stock in frond conditxon and up to contract grade. We can. show that there is great} money in representing a. well- knrmvn,'reliable ï¬rm at this time. Es- tablished over thirty years. Write for particulars“ 183m PELHAM N URSERY CO. We a’sk our customers to hold their orders until our agent, Mr. John F. Atkinson, of Richmond Hill, calls on you. ‘ ‘B T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬reï¬ Wednesday of eaoh'monbh. » Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month . ' Public Library and Bea-ling Boom-0pen Tuesday. and Saturday evening‘s. r Enworth Leagueâ€"Meets everv Friday. Junior Epworth League meets‘ every Fri- dav afternoon at 4. - .- Presb terian Guildâ€"Meets every Fridey M: 8 Inn-in be Church. Strangers wfll be given a eordml welcome - v RANGING FROM $800 TO $5,000. 166 acre. farrï¬ north of village. Buildings‘Al. Land in good state of cultivation , ham. Methodlst Churchâ€"Services“ 10.80 a. m.. and 'l p. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. evening. ,Biohmond Lodge. A F and A M -â€"Meets Mon- day on_ (3 before full mpog v AGENCYâ€" J. H. SANDERSON, V.S. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 81). m. m, mat and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at. 11 mm. Pr sbyberian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 111., and i. . Sunday School at 2.80. Prsyer,meeting T madam evening. _ . Roman Catholic Church-:Servnces on sleep. nag-Le lgqulqyglat 9 .a. 1;}. an}: 10.30 a. m. at 03051303ch- ‘ I SIX VERY DESIRABLE .4 I-Iouses and Lots ' FOR» SALE \u wunu muu uu' Camp E1g1n,8 o s â€"Meets second; mid t‘omeh‘ Wadaesdax; = , REAL ESTATE " fliï¬ï¬diéét Lodge, 1.0.0 .F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- day gndjzglrd Fnday of m9nt_h.__ Thos. W. Bowman & Son 1Co., ' ' Ltd. L " RIDGEVILLE, ONT. N. B.â€"Regiatered letters must be handed in 5Q least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above montioned hours for closing. 'ij Lodge._4o U Wé-mm third We "nesday But“ further notice sushi" ha 910M ï¬t the Richmond Binrést» ’ 7 ' u touowazâ€" ’ Mail Closesto‘ the south ‘ yggyma...... . Goï¬ï¬Rioï¬moï¬d A770 F -â€" Meets fourth Fri- The Fruit Tree - Specialists; Also 100 acres on the 2nd of Mark- . MONEY ORDERS flours for issuing Money 0mm:â€" MORNING ............ .. EVENING .. NURSERY STUCK a .“RICHMOND HILL Lâ€"NOW ON HAN Dâ€"-â€"-; 3300 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION POST OFFICE DFFICE 6mm AT 7.80 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster MonNmG.... EVENING. Auction Sales. Village Directory TORONTO, ONT. Morning Mail arrives 8.15 Evening Mail arrives €43 Mail Close: for Aurora.- MANAGER rum-a The Next Sitting of Div1sion Court for No. 3, County of York, Will be held in the Court Room. Will: M'nt Mu‘aLJI Dated March 27. 1911. DIVISION - BUUBT. Pursuant to R.S.O. chapter 129 and Amending Acts Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the estate of Isaac Urosby who died on or about the‘7th day of January A. D., 1911. arerrequifed on or before the ï¬rst day of May, 1911. to send to Mrs. Amy C. Crosby, Richmond Hill, a statement of their ciaiins'with their names and addresses, together with the nature of the secuiity if any. held by them. A 1 AND TAKE FURTHER. NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the executi-ix will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the partiesaentitied thereto having regard only to the claims of which she will then have received notice. WILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St. W.. Toronto. Solicitor for the Executrix. a I mm are sérmâ€"e. but mono mm wrwe g Simseu :..( .Pm-nmd, Jainemiurcccivc T; free. {mi foormmirm sham work which I ' A my . l I o v‘ a 3 ! Imv mu do. mu. .) .cm. hmneJhM v.11] ply v- ’w‘ * Jam from? to Ed: par day. Some have ’ urr wk. ymzngnr chi. Capital l: Mm ~3ng at one! A. A21 ix new. .V ,,3 2,“, M" -.L.:171:1f~e ‘1 mum: nu. “unp‘n um: 0am IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ISAAC CROSBY, LATE OF THE VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, GENTLEM AN; DECEASED Notice to creditors ‘W e carry'a. large Sample Book with more expénsive papers, at greatly reduced prices. ' ,. ._ Few remnants on hand suitable for small roamsat ram-bargain. . , r A choice’of many neWpatterns for this spring'in latest designs; ‘ P- G. SAVAGE ROOM % .300 M PAPER ' PAPER gï¬ï¬MWRNuo GEO. : MCDONALD, Richmond Hill YORKT ON Friday, june 2; 1911, RICHMOND HILL For full information address G. H. Bradbrook, Seé. Board Of Trade. Commen’cmg at 10 a. m. A leading grain growing. and stockâ€"raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction. costing $70,000. 'The Judicial, Educational, Dishributmg and" Land Office centre of Eastern- Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newsgapers. 'I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK arm. '10 inner I ‘ ' .L:."l‘(h‘[r 38-4 $20 in Gold,‘ the one suggesting the name as second choice will receive a Book of Family‘Season Tickets \ CONDITIONS lâ€"Names must be submitted before March 21, 1911. and will give'to tpe person sug- gesting the most suitable name Toronto=P0rtDalhouSie Route, , whichwill go into commission June 15th, 1911. desire a name fpr the NEW STEAMER now being built for For a. Suitable Name Niagara, St. Catharines 8: Toronto Nav. C0. 4â€"The decision rests entirely with the ofï¬cials of the company. Coupons must be sent; to 3â€"MuSt‘ not be 33 me as any on Canadian Marine Register. 2â€"Must not be longer than two words. Horse owners“ to be careless in making purchases of HARNESS. HORSE GOODS, ore-ng in the matter of yawning, in all fPatui‘es. which go Mfrnalke u'pvn desirable igilnce to Maiden THIS 15, THE PLACEï¬gn’nds of 'abs'olute reliability. prices “hit; are reasonable and fair in Harness, Blan- kets, Robes. Mitts; undiavnyth‘i'n‘g usu- ally found m a ï¬rst-claus'hmrhoss amt-e. I suggest the name Address Signéd $20 in --~Gold“ NAME WANTED .4 ‘- Mu... V , General Passenger Agent, / St. Cuthminos. #3696337665fï¬963m’ ' JOHN PAUL . Q Date 8A8 K. The run yearly membership fee is One Dollar for which you set all. above, and you may with- draw any time with: three month. it you want to do so andget your dollu- luck. It you don‘t care to span 3]. 00. send '5 ounce tor three months membership. hoboay can mom to all [thin otter by. You will vt‘ our one, bee in .value man times over. u out emu-s will be sent tree 0 charge. but I! you are wine you will send in your requel £91- maElbOflhip git; the. ma!- fm n§m|M mu n..- __- _, send In your requelt If; ï¬lambfl'flhip ï¬lm the mt}: fee at once. The m. the. emonthn mom- Mp oflellyvlll 5001: change. Write at once ad dressing you! latter and gnoloulqs 31.00 for full' ear’a membership or went the cents for Jynonths to ‘ ' r ‘ an†_ tr'nmr. LITERARY music cum *- No. 150 Nun-an St“ N. YJIuy. _77._v- -- vv... â€" v-uv gnaw "In ' Make and Save Hone for “You. Ev bod; should Join the Maï¬a! Liter Im- alo cm of menu. Therein nothm else I ke It anywhere. It costs almost nothln to 0m and the} beneï¬ts It gives are wonderful. enable! you to: rut-ohm book: and periodicals music and musical; natrumenta at special out prices. It secure: re- duced rates at many hovel]. n “men questions ï¬res or chaise. It omen scholarships and mum .ble cash pr tea to members. It manning club ‘yrpoms in many cities to! Its members. In addition. every member receives the 0mm m ulna antl- tled “ Ev’lar Month†3 nblleaflon n a clan by ‘itselfJn In 1138 pieces 0 high-clasp vocal d in- strumen a! muslognll unetgmhrmqnthflwl “9119 an»... (Aha-nun. m A--- ._ wexm char «3- n ‘iaa‘ea ln'oi'é" 11;":a:""%“' gggï¬ggméygnon? rm]: 83%;“ FOB. AL- EETFQTETEG‘? A ï¬andsoméli mnsfmtgd'eveeklvy. Largest Eir- culution of any scientiï¬c journal. Term tor Canada. $3.75 a year. postage prepaid. so (1 by all newsdealers. MUHN & Case'wmaflewjark nmnhh rum-.. M: m in mfl Tana: MARKS DESIGNS, . Comments &c. Anyone sending a sketch and deucrlgtion may quickly ascertain our opinion flea w ether an Invention Is probably atentable. Communica- tions atriotlyconfldent a]. HANDBOGK on Patents sent. free. Olden; agency for secur atents. Patents taken .t rough Munn 6t 0. meet“! spagal 205m, without chï¬ge. 1n thq; CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. -RICHMOND HILL British W. HEWISON Sééiééï¬Ã©Ã©fï¬Ã© ï¬ï¬IEiican; V -V-. IIqu IUI Branch 6533367625 1“ BL. Washington. D. 0. Branches also at Mable. Matkï¬am. Slwgvluc and Go‘nnloy‘. HOUSE PA INTER, ‘ ‘ savingsBank Department at Every Branch. _ is Richmond Hill Branch' is received in but savings Bank Department, and is. sufï¬cient to open an aecbunt and entitle the Depositor w a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be witth at‘ any time without delay, I ' . » N L ww~ra73 WJW‘OF CANADA 809» A. DEPOSITIOF ONE DOLLAR Ten p911 cont cheaper. ton pm' cunt better for Easiness, Shm-Lhund, and Mattie. Bonkle Free. L. E. HAND. Manager. R. A. Farquharsoan. A., Erin Cor. Yonge S: Bleor Sis. 38¢? Willowdale Cassel’s Ma azine, per annum . $5. The Story eller . . 1.70 The Quivur . . . . . 1.50 Musical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls’ Realm . . . . 1.5 " Little’Fulk's . ‘ . ', ' . 1.5 Chums .. . .. ' . ' . r 1.51 SubsCriptinns taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to CASSELLS & COM PANV 42 Adelaide St. W ‘ ' Toronto PENNYROYAL VJï¬.FERS. It is not necessary ‘-_sen~d to foreign coua‘trie: if): magag zines. Read the following-- The monthly magazines oi the above company cover‘ every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Cans. ada by yearly subscription at low rates. ' '- C A S S E L 3’ Canadian 391110.? ï¬shing Company ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRA DE- STRICTLY ATTENDED ’1‘0. 4 Some bred and others ,readg to breed. GENERAL BLACKSMITHL' ELGIN - MIL-14$ F~.- J.* mamas -HOLSTEEN ‘ BULL CALVES PATRONAG’E SOLIciTED :. AND SATISFACW‘ION GUARANTEEn F. 5. WOUDWARD. SHOEING LAME AND INTERFERING HORSES A BEECH.ka , ‘ EEGfl’E“ TAMWGRTH SOWS Aspecmo monthly modiema for indie: to msborp and regulate ï¬lm mensw" producing free, honme mm pumice: ï¬lachnrgu. No engines or pains on up rowh Now used by averalg-Occ ladies nee used will use again. Invigm Mp... these organs. Buy 01' your drug‘gxsl only those with our signatuw‘acmsl tueoflubeL Avoid substitutaa. Sealed nruonlarx mallet! acammp. $1.00 I x. Addrell. EUREKA CHEM! AL OOMPANY. \Dunom man. also Stack Fame J. McKE r; ZIE so Bunch» 1.51