RICHMOND HILL, 0N1. Asz. 2% [911 Elm 'chiï¬'iberal, Thu Rh-lmmnd Hm Band hem hlmn svcured fur tlw Fair nu VivLm-in Day. Elm‘ï¬uu of Offiva M 1hr-- Epwurlh Lvngue, F1 iduy m'vning of [his wvvk. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kaitlin of Bun-iv SptnLTuesdnv with the MK vs RvdditL. ()au'lnad of Portland venwnt, just rived at, the EIE’VIILUI', fm- snip. Miss Barnett um! Mulw- Ev Kay are visiting thir cuusin, \V. l‘iuylv. Mr. Dwight: Godwin uf Pmkhfll visited his sister, Mrs. Uurriw. nu Mun- day and Tuesday. Ht‘v. G. RHIWILS will prenvh in the Mulhndiat Church uexb Sunday umrn- iug. Rev. '1‘. L pram-hm] ll Sunday vvm Miss Mary Trench is sp ‘nding Easter \vwk at Ax'nprim' \\ iLh her brother. Mr. \V. Trench. B.A. Mr. and Mrs. Fhl'tllOl‘, Tnmntu, \VQJH‘ guest's nf Mr. and .‘jl‘<, \V. A‘ “flight over Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Miss Marv Rumble of I’ultors‘m spent, m‘vr Sunday with her grand- nmther, Mrs. J. Rumble. Mr. T. F. Livingston and Mr. Re-g- gimle Stewart, of I‘m-(mu: spout (Nvl‘ ~- -.I II 1 \l. . ‘\Y... n - r V . Easter \VILh Mr. and Bruwningr. A gnng hf twalve mvn vngrlgud in stringing lnlt-phmw wirvs bu Tumntn have \wvn hoarding: at, the Don ininn House the past wee-k. Many 01d friendé called on Mr. 1‘91ny, Puslnmstm, Tm-sdav. and 0f- fm'ed their congratulations on his 89th hilthdny. Mr. ’i‘vefy is enjoying ex- cellent health. Lndies’ black cotton huse, pvr. pair 150: ludies'tan cmmn huse. por pair 25v; hnys’ heavy ribbed 00(11):) hmtu. "Buster Brmvn Brand.†per pair 26v. Atkinson & Switzer. At. the Hm‘iu-y Smnkex- hvld in the Lorne Hall. \Vudm-sday PVPlling (‘f lust week Mr. \VHILH' Eyr‘r \Vnn fix-5L prize in the Prugrvssive Euchre cuuLesl. The prize was a Silk ulnhrulln. Butter cream sodas, in 3-1h. pails. pm' pail 30c; ingex‘Sull cream ChPtâ€"‘SP, par pkg. 151-; Heinz‘s tomato snup, per (.in 15c: Heinz’s prepared nmstnrd. per bottle 150. Atkinsnn & Switzvr. The Christian Guardian will he ,Spnt tn end of [911 to a new subscriber fur $1.00. It, should he :I Weekly visitor to evm y Methodist hnnw. Address:â€"â€" \Villiam Briggs, \Vesley Buildings. Turonto. Out. MPu’s ï¬ne Pennmn's Balm-igan un- derwear, all sizes, per garment: 50c; men’s fan‘cv cuttqn and Iisle hose, per pui1'256; men’s police suspenders. th‘a strung webbing, per pair 35c. Atkin- son & Switzer. Lm'd’s Day, April 23, Min S. M. Junes of Beamsviliv, Ont... will preach at, Sherwer at 10.30 u.m., and 7 p.111. Subjects: "I (mu du all things through Christ which sLI-ungthened me.†and “The right. hand and 1,110 luft hand.†Come and In ing your friends. The VVilkluson Plough \Vorks. founded by Mr. Gem-g0 \Vilkinson at Aurora Over forty years ago, but which removed to ’l‘umnro Junction in 1899, have made an assignment. The asaobs are, said In he about half a millinn, and the liabilities a little less. \Vork is not suspended, and it is thought. that a snLisfucmry adjust- ment may he mudv, and the work Continued. Mr. H. A. Nicholls left; Tuesday evening on a trip to the \Vest, and expects to be away two weeks. He went in a, company of twelve from Tornnm. 'Am-(n'u, Poterbnr'o, Elm-n and other places, a number of the party having investments in View. Mr. Nichnlls purposes going to a point beyond Edmonton. \Vhile away Mr. Nichnlls‘ business will he in charge nf Mr. VVn). Sheppard. The five provisional (lix-ech-s ap- pomtvd t1) (‘ndmvm- Lu unorganize th Newton Tanning Cnmpnny, with (ushers llltl’l‘t-Ste'd, met in lho Cnuucil Chamber last evening. They l'epm-ted that :1. little over 3510‘000 had hem sub. scribed. but that at least, $5,000 was yet needed if the husim-ss is to he cunâ€" tinued. It was decided to keep the SL001; hunks 0pm} until. next, “’9!!!le- dayr‘evening. whon another ninetiug will he held in the snnw place. It, is, to he regretted that, so, fnl u numlwr of our business nwn have nut, suen their way clear to take slack. Slit/11M the tamwr‘y he run L0 im fullc-st cup-(wily it will mean a goml deal tn the stun»- keepï¬rs: shuu'hl It (lisuppeeu' altogether it WI†21150 111mm much to them. hunk will rampen m-xt Monday L<>CAL§ M EETING RE TANNERY. 'l‘. Munis (if Victln'iu (MIL-g9 r] in the Mvthudist, Chm-uh vvenidg. Mi's um Mm W m MillmLe-s of lust meeting read and cunï¬rlm-(L ‘ Thu Bum-d met in the Villugv ClPrk-‘s Ofï¬ce un Aprilsâ€), 1911. All the mem- Int-’1'?“ prest'nt.“ v A lellm- was rI-ud from r-m-tnin th-r payers rumplnining --f n pig pen which h ulu fair In hewa :1 nuisance and ask- ing fur its rl-mm-nl. Mr. MrDuunld was presvnb and ad- dm-ssed llw lllt'Plillg MI thv subject at i>sluu A (‘mmmitts-v (-nnsislmg r-f Messrs. MrNuir. menu :md \Vright. W;l~‘ up- pninte-d ‘u mtulviuw th nwuw- uf the prmniws m-mpluinml Hf \vil h n \ ivw m Hw \‘UllIlilln uf thv lhfï¬uulty. tlw cum- “lint-'6‘ In Wan nu Mnudny night nvxL. The Swwlm-y w ‘s insh m tml L0 huvv The Swwlm-y w ‘s insll m tml L0 hu Hm lnqwcmr nulify [hp Villngo-rs h.1\ v Uwin pn-m‘sw drum-d and put, (H'dc-r by Lil» Hist. (If MHV. Buunl udjnurnml. The Central Business C(illegv nf Tu- I‘uulu has arranged tn (lumen: Lu Iht‘ Riuhmund Hill Fair a Special PIlZP \\'lll('ll will enableth winner to attend that Sl'llUHl for three umnths without (-m‘t Inf tuilinn. TlIli is vquivulent tn (-m‘t nf tuilinn. 'l‘hiwi is vquivulent tn $30 in ('nhh. The prim) will he awarded- in! the) llk‘sl. spwjmmi in Penmanship (-xhihitwl m‘ Ulll‘ Fair on the Elm (if May. Thu writing will he jlulgvd by Mr. \V. H. Shaw, Prinripal of thr- (h-nlrnl Husiw-ss (Millage. without knowing tlu' idr-‘ntity (If any (:umpeti- Lm'. The rumputiliun is 0va1 to all pupils in Yul‘k County. nnt dwing higher \vnrk than that Hf entrancv ()xumiimtiuns in High Suhnuls. Fur particularsapply In Mr. Shaw. nrsee l’iize Lists. whirh will he printed and cmnpleted in a few days. PR ESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 'l‘lw subject nf study nit the Guild rum-Ling nu Friday evening will lw “SlmliesinGwalithvsâ€"Juslma.†Mr. UH). Allisuw leader. and Miss Mnhel Vanda-burgh essayist. Rev. \Vuller Alums (bf Aurnrn will preach next Sunday in valmngp with MI. Currie. b‘pvciul music will also he gixen. R. ‘V. Chm-tram. (me of a gang of men whn have been putting up extra. wires nu the teleln-ne palm. conner‘t- ing Newnmrkvt; Aux-urn. King City. Richmond Hill and other places with Tumutu was suddenly killed in New. market on Mnnduv. The llllle‘tllllfltt‘ ynung man was drawing :L tvlvphune wile frnm undor :1 f(‘l’ICr! whOn it came in (‘UHLHCt/ with u live trulle wire. causing ulmnst instant, death. Th? hume nf dvce‘usvd was in annmnvilll- where he was the only support of u \vidnwrd mother. York Cunnly representatives invlml- ing \Vurdtâ€"n Bull, ex-\Vm-den \V. H. Pngsley, ()nunLy Clerk Ramsden. and the County Solicitor. M r. T. H. Lennnx. K.(l., had a (:nnforpnce with Hun. Dr. Remune a few duvs ago relative to the Grand Runds movement. The county ofliviuls urged the Minister of Public \Vm-ks tn give- spwdy npprm‘al tn the plans 31» lel the East York and \Vest, Ym'k fnlnu‘rs and Tnmnm citizens might. have the earliest, possible hem-ï¬t, of [he appropriations granted. Hun. Dr. Reuume promised prompt consider- ntiml. The Bible Class of the Presbyterian Church, Maple, will have a Scotch Evening in the School Room on Mon- (lay evening, April 24. Rev. J. \V. Gordon, 8.0., will give a L:le on Burns. Mrs. Dalziel of VVundln-idge will sing songs fmm Burns. There will also he Scntch readings and rvci~ mtions. vai'eshments will he served after the progrzunme. Admission 15 cents. The entert'rdumeni will com- mence at 8 o’clock. There was a large congregation presenL at the survics» of the \Vnnwn's Auxiliary on Sunday evening. ’l‘hf‘ sermon was prvached by Rev. J. W. Morgan, and a special service of Easter music was given by the choir. The offering amounted to $29.50. A legture nn Tuberculosis. illustrated by lime-light Views. was given in the schonl-mmn of the Methodist Church last Thursday evening by Mr. G. B. \Vutsnn 0f Toronto. The funeral of the late Robert Bax- ter Hf Chicago, and fnrmerly of Fish- erville, took place here on Tuesday morning of last week. Mast-(3i George and Miss Marguerite Bailey are spvnding the week at Mr. Nglï¬'man Rumhle’s_. Tympgrfmceï¬â€˜lle. MI. and MIR. .1. G. McDonald and family of Aux-um spent, Good Friday with friends: in the village: Thv umuthly mueLing of the VVom- en’s Institute was hvid at the home of Mrs. H. (3. Bailr-y lust, \Vednesdny afternoon. ’A pnpm- (m the subject, “IS a \anun‘s Time W'mth Any- thing?†was wad by Miss E. Ruper}. A The annual meuting 0f the \V. M. S. will he held on VVednesdny. 19th inst“, at the home of Mrs. Saigeml, when- the electiun of uï¬icers will take place. The Virtm'iu Square Branch of the \V. I. will huld :1 regular monthly meming at tho hnnw of Mrs. (71)“sz- Sluult-nlrurgll nu \Vediwsduy. April 26, :11 13.1%). The fullnwing will he the prugm1111:1(‘:~â€"“KH-\ping Moths Out, of Clothing.†Miss J. Ever: snlu, Miss \Villi-nusrm: (lmnunstI-minn (1f honing ï¬sh†Misx‘ Huppvl': nxchunge (11’ recipes. Ex ezzyhody welt-mum $30.00 SPECIAL PR IZE. BOARD OF HEALTH GOOD ROADS PL ANS. SCOTCH EVENING. ELEU FROUUTED. Victoria Square. A. J. HUME. Sucre-tary. Maple. to in Last Sunday. April 16,‘ marks the? third aliuiversm-y of the Methodist Uhoir undei“ the leadership of Mr; John Dmidsou.‘ That. this anniversarv ‘ fell on Easter-:Sunday was a delightful ‘ Coincidence. both from the. standpoint i of an appreciative congregation. who I for three year's had listened with ever- admiriog pleasure to a' (hull which never failed to make the service of song oueof real Worship, at the. same time satisfying the musical taste oft those. especially attracted by the skill- ful tendering; of high-class music. On the other hand the Easter song sen-ice “as an opportune, time for the ‘ choirmaster to present, his choicest musical selections. and this he did in a captivating manner to a most wor- shipfnl audience of delighted listeners. The securing of Mr. F. Funstnn for this special occasion was appreciated ' by all. and the solos and duets by him and our own Mrs. Davidson, whose sweet alto is ever rharmiug, were proâ€" nounced “par excellence." Miss Al- meria Clubine also sang a solo which leflectu-d nu little credit upon her own patient petseveram-e and that of the choirmstster during the last three. years. The other members of the choir did their full share in the singing of several beautiful anthems. excellent in Wolds and more excellent in song. i The music was interspersed \vithi short addresses and Scliptural readâ€" ings by Rev. E. T. Douglas, pastor, and Rev. A. J. Young of Victoria College. Though several must desir- able membets have been obliged to \vithdiaw from the. choir owing to removing from the vicinity. yet Mr. Davidson still continues, for a fourth year, his arduous but pleasant task. with renewed encoutagement from the congregation, who have expressed their heat-liest appreciation of his able services and those of Mrs. Davidson by augmentng his salary another twenty-ï¬ve dollars, as was done a yearago. At the annual meeting of the Ep- worth League on Tuesday evening the following ofï¬cers were electedzâ€"Mr. E. J. Francis, President: Mrs. E. J. Francis. First Vise-President; Miss Florence Glnbine, Second Vice-Presi- dent; Miss Pearl Breakey, Third Vice- President: Mr. Arthur Thompson, Fourth Vice-President; Miss F. M. Buwes, Secretary: Mr. E. Perry, Treasurer. The, pianist to be. chosen by the. Committee in charge of the programme for any selvice. During the year the League purchased a piano for which at their next payment they will have received credit for $50, with sufï¬cient left in the treasury to cover over half the amount of the following instalment. The new executive will assume their duties the 1st Tuesday in lMay- ' T‘lhexe was a fair attendance in Vic- lm'in Hall Saturday evening whenï¬th'e Mithadden childre}: gave t_heir' emntfr- tuinmenb under the auspices of the local court, A.0.F. Mr. F. W. Butt. the nrgauizvr. acted as Ithnirnmu, and between the twu‘ parts «If the pro- gramme gave much useful information relative to the benefits of the order. The- LWU juvenile; artists Muster F. A. Ray Mnandden (and little Miss Muriel K. MucFudden. spnke \VPll, played well on their mnslcall instruments, and sang well. In fact their skill in music and song is much hpynnd their years. They ware; encored .aguiu and again and usually wrpgin’ded. ‘thnhly Ll’lc prettiest thing, l\(gn,,\vu$ the banjo snlo “Selmstnpnlï¬ by Master Ray. ’ At once, 16 work ‘on 'a farm in family of three; 40-3 The undersigned has now on hand a GENERAL GROCERIES CANNED GOODS, 82c. A GROCERY STORE UP-TU-DATE Call and see me, or ’phone EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN 39-4 Housekeeper Wanted LORNE STORE W. 8. SAVAGE, Lorne Block suuh us yuu may obtain under the very lwstmnditi: ~ns at The Jeanl Busizwss (Jullvge ut' Tul'unlu, is a sure pnsspm-t to sucuvss. Thnumnds h :L \‘ L' purved it. \Vhy nut, inn-sli- lg'im for ymlrswif? Our free mlLalngue explains. \Vrite fnl“ in. \V. H.‘SHA\V, Principal. BUSIï¬ESS" EDUBATEUN Thornhiil. Applv to. and goods will be delivered fresh stock of ++++é~+++ +++++++4 WM. GOHN. D011 x w, Ont. +++++++$Mz~11Â¥+~t~+++++4k++++++ h+-I-++++++++- ~§~++++++++++++++Â¥ Of the many breakfast foods on the market we carry the best, of which we quote:â€" %+++€ '*+%+i E Malta Vita, 3 pks. for 25c. iShmdded \Nheat Biscuits, 2 pks. for 25C. 3 Toasted Corn Flakes, IOC. pk. K Quaker Wheat Berries _and Puffed Rice, 100. pk. I? Tillsons Pan Dried Oats, 10c. pk. ESwiss Food, [00. pk; ++-§~§' EApitzeo Grains, pks. for .25c, EReliance Breakfast Food, 2 pks. for 35c.r 1; Wheat Granule in 6 1b. bags, per bag 30c. ECream of Wheat, 5c. 1b. f3; Now is the tilne to make your home more cheerful. I We have a complete stock of Wall Paper, Carpets, Oil- : cloths, Linoleums, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Curtain EMusuns, Lace (.lurtain's, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, ' i and Brass Exténsion Rods. *+++++F *+4€ iAtkinson & Switzeri l-++W+H +++~Â¥~~l~++~Â¥++++++ 4°++¢++++++$$+$+4 ++¢+++4°°1°4°+4€ +++%'§“§â€Â§"§"§"§"§“§"§"2"§"§"§"§~%~++Ԥ~5+ 9‘5"? +++++$++é++é++°¥+++Jï¬+°§°++++4 '6' r+++++++++++++++++++t $2"??? 60%"?+4“?-§“§*+{"§'++~§‘++Ԥ'*‘%"§°~!'+~i~++-r April 20, 1911. Men's Pateht Boots, sizes from 6 to 7%, regular $4 00 and $4 50; while they last Men's Ties, regular 50¢, a nice choice left, for . Ladies’ Dongola and Box Calf Boots, regular $3 50, per pair RIBHMflNU HILL GENTS’ FURNISHER ' NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRlETOR BREAKFAST El: 0 0 D S; gGALORE; PHONE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. REGINA PNEUMATIC mmumouseï¬leaningl Bell Telephune 18 It is a little early yet but it's coming SURE Make it as easy as possible by using the ¢¢¢§o§o THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE C0. to clean your carpets, rugs, curtains, upholstered furniture, &c. It is easy to operate, thoroughly renovates carpets, rugs, &c , without removing from the house. V\e will rent you the Cleaner by the day or hour. Call and see it and enquire about cost of using it. RICHMOND HILL ++M+ wink-#3? ~++M+-+M +++++~M~+ $529M ~§-++++ M+++++++33§++M+ ~+++ â€"AT T H Eâ€"â€" VACUUM CLEANER NORMAN BATTY Manager Phone 17 $2.50 -35 2.50