l Nineveh shall be overthrown-â€" ’This was the message which Jeho- ‘vah had bidden him to proclaim the ï¬rst time, and Jonah had refused, not so much because of fear as be- cause of his presentiment that God [wished him to be something more ‘than the agent of Nineveh’s destrucâ€" tion, to be, in fact, nothing less I A than the channel of the divine grace (Jonah 4. 2) to these heathen, whose wickedness (see Nahum) he believâ€" ed called for a speedy doom. The actual overthrow of Nineveh took place in B. C. 606. I 5. Believed Godâ€"That is, they accepted the preaching of the pro- phet of God as direct from heaven, and believed their city was doomed. So they organized a public fast, reaching from the king to the low- est subject. Their putting on sackâ€" 1cloth was the outward sign of mourning and penitence. The cus- I=tom probably grew out of the anci- gent habit of wearing merely a. loin ;cloth, woven from goats’ and cam- ‘els’ hair, for a daily covering of the ibody. From this it became the garb pf religious ceremony. The reality ,of the repentance is further evidenc- ,ed by the people’s sitting in ashes (6)- ( 7. The decree of the kingâ€"Aha- tional rather than an individual reâ€" 'pe11tance is the only kind a writer 1 . . . . 'of this period could conceive m such ‘A noun mum . Not exactly sickâ€"but not feeling quite well. That’s the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tire-d, appetite ï¬ckle, sometimes headaches and avfeeling of depres- sion. Pimples or eruptions may ap- pear on the skin, or there may be twinges of rheumatism or neural- ia. Any of these indicate that the lood is out of order; that the in- door life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily de~ velop into more serious trouble. . Don’t dose yourself with purga- tives as so many people do in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives gallop through the system and weaken instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you need in the spring is a tonic that will make new blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this speedily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to make new blood, which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite, and makes tired, depressed men, women and children bright, active and strong. Mr. B. Martin, Deux Rivieres, Que, says: “About a year ago I was all run-down. I was pale, weak, and had but little ap- petite. I also suffered from a se- Vere pain in the back, and though Verse 2. Ninevehâ€"A city with a great population and one of won- iers of the ancient world. It was situated on the upper Tigris, capi- tal of Assyria, noted for its tem- les, palaces of marble and gold, anging gardens, libraries, broad walls, and elaborate water system. The city proper was about nine miles in circumference, but beyond its walls lay miles of common dwelâ€" lings, making a great city some sixty miles around. It was to this greater Nineveh (an exceeding great city meaning, literally, “great from God’s point of Viewâ€), a city whose diameter was a three days’ journey (3), that Jonah was called a second time (1) to go. days’ journey (3), that Jonah was called a, second time (1) to go. 4. Into the city a day’s journeyâ€"- The distance a. man could go in a. day, of course, varied. Probably through the crowded sections of a. populous city, preaching as he went, Jonah would go no more than six or seven miles. Do Not Use Harsh Purgativesâ€"A Tonic is All You Need I tried several medicines nothing helped me until I began the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and these :oon fully restored my health. I can strongly recommend these pills to every weak person.†- Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or: six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- fiams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Dnt. [HE SUNDAY SflHfll lESSflN Lesson theh, case: The inclusion of the beasts INTERN e 2. Ninevehâ€"A city with a, population and one of won- f the ancient world. It was d on the upper Tigris, capi- Assyria, noted for its temâ€" palaces of marble anti gold, lg gardens, libraries, broad and elaborate water system. ity proper was about nine Jonah Text, ATION; APRIL God’s FUR THE SPRING Matt 3 pity for 1 to 4. 1. AL 1 30 â€"A city ' 01 one 0: world. er Tigris :d for it: LESSON the how Golden ‘ with a of won- It was is, capi- its tem- 181 gold, ;, broad system. 2. Tarshishâ€"So far as Israel was concerned, this represented the ends of the earth; for, it was a. country in the extreme southwest corner of Spain. Taking ship to Tarshish was a. kind of proverb for a long journey. By fleeing to this distant port, Jonah hoped to put forever behind his back the odious commission of God. The magnitude of his sin is measured by the fact that he knew God to be gracious, \rnerciful, slow to anger, and, in spite of this knowledge, evaded the duty of making this known to the hated heathen. And now that he saw at length the unfolding of this abundant loving kindness of God, and his willingness to repent upon condition of the heathen’s turning from their evil, he thought it hardly worth while to live (3). 4. Doest thou well to be angry?â€" Herc he gives no answer, for he doubtless is silenced by the sting of the rebuke. But later, he con- cludes (9) that it is well for him to be exceeding angry, even unto death. He felt that it was right that his .prophecy should be absoâ€" lutely fulï¬lled, and he could not tol- . And so he did. But the change was not so much in God as it was in themselves. Just as he had suited his warnings .to the moral state in which they were (compare Jet. 18. 8), so now he suits his actions to the moral state indicated by their sorrow for their evil. Chapter 4, verse 1. It displeased Jonahâ€"He was jealous. It did not set well with the Israelites that God should postpone the doom of the heathen. while the world seemed to wait with groanings for justice. And that they should repent was parti- cularly offensive to them. is intended to give a heightened efâ€" fect to the picture of a people pros- trate in sorrowful supplication. This is in keeping with the temper of Orientals, to make every possible outward expression of their sorrow. They believed God would not over- look the sight of their sackcloth and ashes, and their cries and the cries of the neglected cattle. Perchance, when he saw these works (10), he would repent of his harsh purpose mmlmllllfl'jlliï¬u _ x va.,--a‘gg "-3.. fl' 7;»; .w ~ '1 I ‘ 1 q » *w'. J"' ’I 1 ‘ ll? ; "HI .’ ................................................................................. ‘iii{ééiï¬llHIMI"llllllllllillllllllllllll||||IlllllllllifllllIlllililllflllllllflQ! “(mi ........................................................................... ' in“...~ H mm r ' ""flllllllllll A. ED ‘55] $3,600 E1 Cash Prizes for Farmers UPPOSE your friend Bob Wilson, on the next concession, “pulled up†at your front gate on the way back from market and asked about that silo or barn foundation you built, you would be glad to tell him. wouldn’t you? And it wouldn't take you long, either, would it? And, as a matter of fact, you'd ï¬nd as much pleasure telling him as he would in listeningâ€"isn't that right? First you would take him over to yiew the silo or barn founda- tion. Then you would start to describe itâ€"its dimensionsâ€"fine kind of aggregate usedâ€"the proportions of cement usedâ€"number of men employedâ€"number of hours’ working time requiredâ€" method of mixingâ€"kind of forms usedâ€"method of reinforcing, if anyâ€"~and ï¬nally, what the job cos't. So that by the time you ï¬nâ€" ished, neighbor Wilson would have a. pretty accurate idea of how to go about building the particular piece of work which you described. In Prize “D†of our contest, open to the farmers of Canada, we offer $100.00 to the farmer in each Province who will furnish us with the best and most complete description or how any particular piece of concrete work shown by photograph sent in was done. The size of the work described makes no difference. The only tm~ pox-tam thing to remember is that the work must be done in 1911 and "CANADA" Cement used. ‘ In wrltlng your description. don't be too particular about gram- mar or spelling or punctuation. Leave that to literary folk. Tell it to us as you would tell it to your neighbor. What w. want are the facts, plalnly and clearly told. Now couldn't you do the same for us. with this differenceâ€"- that you stand a good chance of getting well paid for your time? Sounds simple, doesn't it? And H Li simple. 'And surely it is well worth your while when you think of the reward in View. Now sit right down, take your pen or pencilâ€"ml out the 1;. Canada Cement Company, Limited, Montreal ell Us“ How You Did It 5 The little ones who suffer from constipation, colic, indigestion, or any of the many ills that afflict children, will ï¬nd prompt relief in Baby’s Own Tablets-51 medicine that is guaranteed absolutely safe and free from all injurious drugsâ€"- in fact the only medicine for babies sold under the guarantee of a gov- ernment analyst to contain no opi- ate, narcotic or other “soothing†stuff. Concerning them Mrs. Er- nest Plamondon. Ste. Julie Station, Que, writes: “It is a pleasure for me to let you know what" your Baby’s Own Tablets have done for my children. My baby suffered terribly from constipation and al- though we had a doctor there was no change in his condition till I be- gan to give him Baby’s Own Tab- lets, but since then he is enjoying good health.†The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 6. A gourd~â€"Like Elijah, Jonah, thwarted in his purpose, withdrew tos’a solitary place where he could be alone with his distress. And there God came to him, as he did to ,Elijah, in compassion. The gourd was a fruit of a, vine that grew very rapidly and spread its broad leaves as a protection from the sun. when planted by such booths as that of Jonah, or near the trellises of houses. 10-11. Thou hast had regard for the gourdâ€"The meaning of this part of the story is clear enough: If Jonah’s care for the poor gourd is so great as to excite his pity and even anger when it withers away, crate any divine forbearance with the foes of his people. In this he was a. true type of Israel, for even after the exile they continued to chafe at the prosperity of the Gen- tiles. In their pride as the chosen of God they nourished a. fear that others than themselves might be the objects of the inï¬nite grace. BABIES WHO SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION You may a prize by doing so shall not God show pity to the thou- sands of people of Nineveh, especi- ally the helpless little children (these that cannot discern between their right hand and their left), and the innocent cattle? So the closing impression of the book is one ‘of a. compassionate heavenly Father who has regard for all the works of his hands. LIPTON’S TEA Every dealer who handles "CANADA" Cement will also be given a. supply of these circularsâ€"and you can get one from the dealer in your town, it that seems more convenient than writing for it. tached couponâ€"or a post-card If it's handierâ€"and write for the circular which fully describes the conditions of this; the ï¬rst con- test of the kind ever held in Canada. Having decided to compete for one of the prizes, your ï¬rst step shdld be t) get all the information you can on the subject of Concrete Construction on the Farm. Fortunately, most of the pointer: that anyone can possibly need, are contained in our wonderfully complete book, entitled “What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete." A large number of Canadian farmers have already sent for and obtained copies or this free book. Have you got your copy yet? If not, you’d better send for one to-‘day. Whether you are P1“ 0. contestent for one of our prizes or not, you 5â€" really ought to have this,,_book in your library. 9"â€â€œ1‘ For it contains '9. vast amount of information Ind 500k- Qnd e[guns the: no invaluable to the _’ Nameunuu Contest will close on November 15th, 1911â€"311 photos and de- scriptions must be sent in by that date, to be eligible for one or these prizes. Awards will 'be made as soon as possible thereafter. The decisions will be made by a, disinterested committee, the fol- lowing gentlemen having consented to act for us, as the jury of award: Prof. Peter Gillespie. Lecturer in Theory of Construction, University of Toronto; Prof. W. H. Day, Professor of Physics. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph; and IVan S. lMacdonald, Editor 02 “Construction.†“For Tea Sold Only ‘in Airtight Packages Give it a Thorough Test. Try it Alongside t‘xe I? est; You Will Agree That the Best IS You Can’t Beat Lipton’s†*mw FUN ERALN WREATHS. The fashion of sending great quantities of wreaths to funeral: is on the decline in Paris, and at the result 5,000 to 6,000 workmen and workwomen, on whom 18,00( persons depend, are unemployed. The decline in the vogue of lab: wreath is traced to a, well know: Paris preacher, who urged bereav ed relatives to spend their mone‘ on masses for the dead instead 0 flowers. inmtip.