.Miss Elimteth anmm spent a Week at Eflgvivy with hvr friend Miss Ethel ‘Bt-vpbensun. @112 ‘i’ï¬ihcml. RICHMflRD HILL, 0x12. APRIL. 27,1911 M A cm- I Elevator. Is it not Limo our Village thm-s “1(er getting the nil sprinth in shape? Yong» street is getting wry dusty? “le Yankee" Sved Potato CnHer mues time and lahm‘, pays for itself in we flu)". Call and SF? in. The, Rich- mund Hill Hm-dwmv. Go. The East, York License vammissinn- 01's have deci‘dvd h: inspch all huh-Is in “Hair district lwfnn- grunting or re- ‘wwing any licenses this year. The ï¬rst, monthly practice of the Richmond Hill Fire Department will lake place next, Monday evening. Every ï¬remen is x-vquestk'd L0 be in his place at 7.30. Men's knitth ties, assay-ted calm-s, 250 each; men’s leather halts, black. glvy and um, 25C. 500 and 750 each; nu-n’s fancy comm lluse, 25c pail. Atkinson '&Switzer. Mr. A. E. Combs, Principal of St. Uzlthnrinvs Collegiate Inslitute and former Plim-ipal of the Richnmnd Hill High Suhunl, has been appointed Vice- Prcside-nt of the Ontario Tuncllvrs’ Assoeiutiun. “The Yankee†Seed Pumtn Cutter saves lime and labor. pays for iLSelf in Due day. ‘mll and see) it. The Rich- umnd Hill Hardware Co. . Golden “West pause, 100 tin; Farmm-s’ suger com, 10¢; Lin; Riverdule select June pvnse, 120 tin; Old Mill canned pumpkin. 12:: tin: Aylnwr choice tn- mntnes, 1530 Lin; Regal salmon, 20c tin. Atkins-an & Switzer. Buster Brown black 1/1 libth cotâ€" ton hose, splicpd knees and legs. seam- ‘less feet, all Asiaâ€"'3. pair 230; ladiws‘ silketne cotton linse, assorted calms, per pair 25c; ladies†and misse-s‘ funny vmhruidm'vd count) hUSL', 251: pair. Atkinson & Switzer. At the Rabepayers’ Meeting Tuesday evening Mr. Pratt was nppninted to secure V01unteer§ for digging U'EES 0n Arbor Day. Mr. Sanderson fur secur- ing men for digging holes in‘the Park, and Mr. Hicksnn for the streets. Over elght months for $1.00. The Christian Guardian will be sent to any address in Ummda m :1. new subscriber Ll) January lst. 1912, for $1.01). It was never sogond its now. Every Metha- disL in the Dominion shuuld road it \veokly. Address William Briggs, \Vesley Buildings. Tnmnw, Onb. [)..Qp;lra f(,r Arbor fly 5. The Nurth Toronto Progress, pub- lished from Eglmton, has changed hands, the former proprietor. Mr. J. M. Letsche. sold to The Times Pub- lishing Co. The new edxtor is'Mr. W. L. Cuttell, and the new manager Mr. \Vm. Marv. ' NEW INDUSTRY FOR AURORA. On the 15th of May Aurora late- pnyers will Vute (in n byâ€"law which propnses to loan the POSlLlYB Clutch and Pulley \Vnrks $10,000 for a. peiiod of twenty yams, exemption of taxes on their buildings and plant; (exotipt. school tax) for it period of ten years, and free waLm- for drinking put poses. As security for the guaranteed loam the company will give a ï¬rst mort- gage on their building and plant. ‘hey also guarantee to employ at. least, 25 men the ï¬rst year, 50 the second, and 75 afterwards, The VVest, York License Commission- ers have granted the following licenses for1911-12:â€"â€" Woodbridgeâ€"John T. Moore and Nelson R. Eukin. York Townshipâ€"J. J. McNamara. ‘Fishervllle (three months for repails). W. B. O’Leary, Fail-bank, transfer to MLE; 01182111. Toronbg. Fléming, Lambtun Mills; Frank McCutcheon, Lambton Mills, two months to sell out. Lambbnn Golf and Country Club. Etobicokeâ€"Mrs. Emilv Nolan, Isling- tun. Ambrose O’Brien, New Tumnto. “7111. F. Young, Mimic-0, three months’ extension. « Thus. J. Buland, Humbm' Bay. \Vm. Miles, Humber Buy, transfer to the nominee of the Grand Trunk. Frank McDonald, Thistle-town. Farms along Yunge street continue 1:0 changg-hfujds. A‘fgxy dilys ago Mr. _,‘ .- <nn D. W. Ulubine sold his farm of 100 acres at Elgin Mills to E. Lefevuer and J. C. Hayes of Toronto for nearly $12,000. We understand the purchasâ€" ers purpose laying out the farm intn small lots, to be used for gardening purposes. Mr. Clubiue has. since sell- mg his farm, bvnght from Mr. John Klinck. lot 32, can. 2, Mm'khalm con- taining 115 acres, fur $7.000. On this funn there is .1 lzugo orchard. brick- clatd house and good bank barn. 11()CA11!~‘ ‘WEST YORK LICENSES. had of Maize Gluten at the CHANGING H ANDS, Friday, The sour» of business men from On- tm-iu, inchfling Mr. H. A. Niclmlls of this pint-e, and Mr. J. M. W'uitnn uf Aurora. who it’fl, here Tnvsdny of last web-k tn inspect, their land near Ed- monton. and make armngmuents fur culmination, see-m to he wvll satisï¬ed with {hvir' pluspvcta. ’i‘hoy have uh iuwmi themselves tn he interviewed liy re‘nnrtm-s. and ham- freply ex- pressed ti)('l)lSPin'S (m reciprocity and (1mm qm-stiuns. \\’9 «0113' part of an article fruit: the St. Paul Dispatch of Api-ii 20. as fullmvs:â€"â€" "Travelling in a private car fI-nm Tin-mm» to Calgary and Eilumnhm. Allwrtu. Nun‘s-ï¬ve hilllkt‘l‘ï¬. capitâ€" alists and N‘le estate nwu (if Ontario stnpped fnr thi- day in SL. Paul. plaised the city. discuer reciprocity. mid uf :| big colonization project, which is the principal uhjvct. of tlwir (rip. and did some sight-seeing, “Tlmopzu‘ty represents an Ontm-iu cmnpany which mvns uppl'nthnvly 150.000 News in Alberta. nu which the company intends tn cnlnnizv young men from Eastern Ontm'in. The trip is being made Lu inspect the: lands and nmku, arrangements for tho: advance guard hf the culuniszts. Why will start, for thv \Vvstfin a few wee-ks. “The party was heads-d by T. A. Neely of )Ienfurd. Ontario. and in- elude-(10. H. Hartman nt Clurkshurg': J. M. W'nltcm. Alum-n: A. H. Gm]. fl'ev. all bankers; and Humm- Ried. H. A. Nichnlls nf Richmund Hill. H. A. Ried. B.A.. and Warner E. BI-oley, capitalists and teal estate nwn. All are strong fur rpciprucity. They de- clau-e the cnInnianinn project, is, toa cox-min thunt. based upnn the proba- ble aduptinn uf the recipx-ncitv agree- ment. “ ‘TheI mï¬ï¬onlinn of tlw l‘f‘Clpl‘OCltV agl‘rvmt'nl.’ said J. M. \Vullnn. ‘mmns much to \Vestm-n Canada, and in fact tn the entire country. “'9 ï¬gure, however. that. it, is the \VvsIH-n (mun- try which will draw 1hr] hush from the passngv of the pact. \Vv have gained Control of this large tract of land in Alberta at u can‘npm-atively low price. “ ‘A reciprocitv trt-dty hutweeu Oun- Hdzl and the Uniu-‘d States “71†mean thrlt'lunds in Canada, will appreciutp. Alrmuly the Hudson Bay Umnpuny’has added $5 an acre to the price of its lanth. That. is a criterion, und I ven- ture to say that, with the adnptinn of the pact lands all over the country will advance in pricv. It is our inten- tion tn’send nut to Alhm-tu the young men of Eastern Canada who are lnhk- ing for a sly-(LN, in life. Thu-e are hun- dreds available and we hme made certain we can ï¬nd enuugh to start. a good siznd ngil-ultur'nl Culnny. \Ve expect the lYl'H‘MINfllt will begin with- in a few \Ve-oks.’ “7“0. H. Hartman also spukc favor- ably fur lecipx'ocicy.†&c.. &c. In compliance with the wishes of :1 uumlwrnf ratepayers. :md :le the re- quest, of the Ratepayers†Assurinlion. [{QPVQ Pugsley has prnclaimed Friday, the 5th day of May, as a public holi- day, said (luv to he called Arbor Day, for the purpose uf giving the citizens an opportunitv to plant shade trees. andï¬lsn m dp any other work that may se‘em advisable with the object of beautifying and adding to lhe Ht- trnctiveucss nf the village. IL is to he hoped that all our citizens will try and keep the 5th of May for the purpose for which it is intended. ' The directors of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society art) anxiuus to interest all young people in the School Children’s Section at the next. Fair nu Victoria Day, and the Prize List this year 'will be of special importance. to them. To stimulate activity on part of teachers and senior pupils in writing the Bnm‘dhas amt-ranged tn provide a Three Months’ Schnlm-ship in the lead- ing Business, 00119959 in Canada as a Special Prize fur the best specimen exhibited. ' MITE BOXES IN AID OF MUSKO- KA FREE HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Mr. \Vatson, Secretary of the Na- tional Sanitarium Association. again passed through our villuge Monday. At present the Association that, Mr. Watson represents is placing Mite Boxes in the Branch Banks through- out. Ontario, in nrder that all good people so inclined may have oppor- tunity to make contributions to the Mnsknka Free Hospital for poor Con- sumptives. We commend this “(Jan- ada’s Greatest Charity†to all our readers. V“ J ... "I have fuund Parisian Sage to he the best scalp and hair tonic and dress- ing I have ever used. My hair had been coming out in cumhs 'full and was vet-v dry and brittle and the scalp WM always itching and full of dun- druff. I have used two bottles 01' Parisian Sage and it, has stopped my hair from falling, the it_ching‘ and INSPECTINQ THEIR LANDS. dandruff have disappear-ed and my hair is ï¬ne and soft and glossy. I would not. be without, [his fine Hui? Tnnic for many times the price.†v. For \VUIHPI'I. men or children qu‘is‘ i'in Sage is without any doubt the finest preparation for tlm hair. Daintâ€" ily pelfumed, it is fx'ev fmm grease m.- stickhwss and ought to be where eve-1 y nwmher of the family could use it daily. Largo bottle 50 vents, at all dl-uggicts. m' from the proprietors. The Girnux Mfg. 00.. Fort, Erie, Ontu postpaid. The girl with the Auburn hair is un every pnckag‘n. Sold and guaranteed by \V. A. Sanderson. Mrs. Jus. H THE SCHOOL EXHIBIT. Falling (Hair ARBOR DAY. :u'ris of VV’appella, Sask, The Mechanics’ Hall, Anmm. which seats 500 penplo, was Well ï¬llpd Sutur- ‘ day mening when the questinu of the pmpnsed Heuiprocity agreement with the United States was under discus-l sinn. The chair was occupied by Mr. l Baldwin. nmym- M" the cum}. The‘ ï¬peakers wme ’1‘. U. Rubinette. K.U.: g N. \V._ Ruwell, K1); 1" nym- Fem-sun uf Newnm'rket. ’l‘hnnms Vance and J. 0. Allen. All [he sppukvx-s were Ian-2 thusiastic in suppm-L hi the pact, and although opposition speakers were in- vited lu address the met-Ling none re- Spljl‘ldgl’l. “The following telegram wa's "Regret. llnpnssihlu tn attend nit-et- ing tu-night as intmide'd. Strongly snppOI-t pmpused reuipmcity with United States. It will upvn free most, valuable markets right, at our dnm-s fm- ï¬shérnwn. farmers. lumlwrmen. fruit/and dairy products, which will greatly increase the prusperily (if the people. It slmuld lie suppurted by evgi y true Canadian." Ffl-Snl WSre'natm- Anuch. Campbell, whu was unavoidably absent:â€" â€" 'Bgfnilj‘e'réltï¬illg, the fullmving resolu- tion. mm‘ed by L. L. Hartman. and secandf-d by Jympqfljll. was (nu-lied:â€" “This meeting, being A rnpresenta- Live gathering of the electors of North York. Liberal and/ Cunservative, de- sires to express the opinion that it, has been clmrly demonstrated that the rvciprocicy agreement, about to be en- cervd mm with the United States will he of incalcnluble beneï¬t to all sections of NW community. “Br-lining such to be tI-up, we here- by exprvss su-onglv our approval of the agreement, and we hope that, the influences which have been brought, (:0 [mn- agninsb the passing of the measure in the Hnuse of Commons wiH curly be withdrawn.†Th9 fulu-Lh uf tho series of Missinnmv Lectures under the auspices of the Young Peuples’ Societies of the Pres- byterian and Methodist Churches will he held on Friday even'mg, April 28th. This promises to he the must insp'n-mg lecture yet dvhvm‘vd in the St’l‘iPS'. Mr. J. AI Palersnn, K.(). of Toronto. is a man of irneslinmhle value in the Lay- nmn’s Missinnm-y Movement, and his lecture. “The Church the hope of Mis- sions, and Missions the hope of the Chum-h" will he ruplebe with interest and instruction while Mr". Paterson's ability in his prufvssion assures us of a most delightful evening. A ’phnne communication from himself this week announces a. certain fulï¬lment of his engagement in Richmond Hill. At til?mmnnlnwetingnftheEpwni‘th League the folluwing ofï¬cers were el- ected:â€"- - President. Mr. Allen. -' 15L Vice President, Miss Sndiv Smith. 2nd " * ' -“ Miss Marv Trench. 3rd “ “ Miss Ethel Switzel'. 4th “ “ Mr. McMahon. 5th " “ Mrs. McMahon. Secretary, Miss Jenn ApplPton. Treasurer, Mr. Foster Hicksun. Organist. Miss Nm'n McMuhrm. Assistant, Mrs; L. Patterson. Any of mu- citizens who “muld like to have tree-s to plant in front of their propelty along the streets: are qumut- 0d to lean» word at The Lilwml Ofï¬ce before the 5! h of May. Arbor Day. At once, to work on a farm in family of lhlje'o. _ 40-3 The undersigned has now on hand a GENERAL GROCERIES CANNED GOODS, 81c. EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A GROCERY STORE UP-TOâ€"DATE Call and see me, or ’phone and gonds will he delivered RECIPROCITY DISCUSSION. Housekeéper Wanted LORNE STORE MISSIONARY LECTURE. W. 6. SAVAGE, Lorne Block EP'NORTH OFFICERS. such as yun may obtain under- thevm'ybestcnndiliunsubThe Central Business College of Tux-unto. is :1 sure passport to success. Thousands h :L v c prnvvd it. \Vhy nut investi- gate fur yourself? Our free catalogue explains. \Vrite for in. \V. H. SHAW, Principal. BUSINESS EDUBéTiON Applv to‘ fresh stock of é'i'H-i-é-Enï¬ NOTICE. ++++++M WM. GOHN. Dollar, Ont. +P+4~+H+~P+++~Â¥if§+$+$¢$$$¢% MM+W'M+M*+*W+%Mé-i ++++~§+++o§i€ ~4~~§~++~w~z~++ Of the Infamy breakfast foods 6n the market we carry the best, of which we quote:â€" ?' ’Ia‘lta Vita, 3 pks. for 25c. 7 hredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 pks. for 25c. ++¢+++++++++++ t‘l'ï¬'tWW‘t'Ht‘l U) Toasted Corn Flakes, 100. pk. - Quaker Wheat Berries and Pufl‘ed Rice, 100. pk, Tillsons Pan Dried Oats, 10c. pk. Swiss Fodd, Ioc. pk. a I“? +4°4®a~Â¥+4°+++ Apitzeo Grains, 3 pks. for 25c. 'iRgliance Breakfast Food, 2 pks. for 35C. 1 Wheat Granule in 6 lb. bags, per bag‘3‘oc. ECream of Wheat, 50. 1b. Now is the time to make your home more cheerful. We have a complete stock of Wall Paper, Carpets, Oilâ€" : cloths, Linoleums, Art Sateens, Cretonnes, Curtain Muslins, Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, 3! and Brass Extension Rods. ‘ M4.“ R 0 0 R O O M PAPER PAPER“ +++++H++++4 +++++++i~+++~$++ Fiï¬-{'4' 4‘+'§'++'§"§'+°§“§"§ ++++é°++$++ï¬ A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. Few remnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain. 00009009990900999909 We carry a. large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. P. G SAVAGE - ‘ . i Atkmson & Swflzer‘g RICHMOND HILL ‘2. $+§+~M+M+++M~M++++++M H"!- +4-++++++++++++++++4MM++M ; J‘*+*+++++'Â¥++*++'Â¥++++ig §‘~§"§"%"§' i'+£44-++¢¢+$++++++$++++++++~r April 20, 1911. The Richmond Hill Boot and Shoesmre We are carryingr the largest and ï¬nest lines of Boots and Shoes now we have ever had. But of course We cannot carry all the different lines that might be desired. But as we are down buying every week we can get them for you. And we guarantee to ï¬t and satisfy or we do not ask you to take them. Give us a trial and see if we can’t swe you maney. ‘ BREAKFAST £130 0 D S; gGALORB; NORMAN J. GLASS PROPRIETOR PHONE ORDERS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT'AT’I‘ENTION. WWW-M $33M ~H~+++ k++4o+++++§zgw++++++ 9999906767§¢¢+N+¢o¢+ Phone 17 é'x