aSHE [EARNED FRUM HER LITIlE GIRL ‘DA'ME BOUCHARD FOUND RE- LIEF IN DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. ‘They cured her Daughter’s Kidney Disease and she tried them her- self, with the result that her backache and heart trouble are Jonquiercs, Chicuutimi 00., Que., Apr. 17 (Special).â€"Encoura.ged to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills by the fact that they completely cured her litâ€" tle girl of kidney disease, Dame Jos. Bouchard of this village, is satisï¬ed she has at last found perâ€" manent relief from the heart trouâ€" ble and backache that have trouâ€" bled her for so long. “Yes,†Dame Bouchard says, in an interview, “I am happy to tell you Dodd’s Kidney Pills have made me well. They completely cured my little girl, twelve years old, of kidney dis-ease, so I made up my mind to try them for my backache and heart trouble. I have taken twelve boxes and feel sure that they will completely cure me.†Dodd’s Kidney Pills are doing a great_work in this neighborhood. They have yet to ï¬nd a case of kidney disease they cannot cure. Whether the disease takes the form of Backache, Lumbago, Rheumaâ€" tism, Urinary Trouble or Bright’s Disease, it is all the same to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They always cure it. lTimâ€"~“Shu1ve, the doctor says I’ve got tobaccy heart.†Sandyâ€" “Ye’re safe then, Tim. If it’s any- thing like so strong as the tobaccy ye smoke ut’ll shtand anything.†Bickle’s Anti-Consumptive Syrup needs no recommendation. To all who are familiar with it, it speaks ‘for itself. Years of use in the treatâ€" ment of colds and coughs and all ‘affections of the throat has unques- tionably established its place among the very best medicines for such diseases. If you give it a trial you will not regret it. You will ï¬nd it 25 cents well invested. Mr. Bilkins (ï¬ercely)â€"â€"“I owe you a grudge, Mr. Wilkinsâ€"a, grudge, sir; remember that!†Mr. Wilkins (coolly)â€"“Oh, that’s no- thing! I shan’t be alarmed, for I never knew you to pay anything you owed!†their failure was pathetic. ‘ “It is too bad!†said a. mutual lfriend to a sympathetic physician. «“The Smiths are so fond of each [other and used to‘ be so graceful land slender when» they were ï¬rst [married 3†“Ah., well I†replied the physiciâ€" For your own sake, don’t wait until it happens. It may be a headache, toothache, earache, or some painful accident. Hamlins Wizard Oil will cure it; Get a botâ€" tle now. Raw beef bones should never be thrown away, for if broken into small pieces they will make some excellent stock. - Cheapest of all Oils.â€"Considerâ€" ing the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest of all preparations offerâ€" ed to the public. It is to be found in every drug store in Canada from coast to coast and all country. mer- chants keep it for sale. So, being easily procurable and extremely moderate in price, no one should be without a bottlc of it. V Mr. Misï¬t (savagely)â€"-“Before I arried you, was there any dod- ering idiot gone on you 2†Mrs. Misï¬tâ€"“There was one.†Mr. Misï¬tâ€""I wish to oodness you’d {married him!†' rs. Misï¬tâ€"“I “Ah., well I†replied the physiciâ€" an. “Think how much more they are t9 each other now l†‘ “Edward, I’m ashamed of you. jBottom of a class of twenty-three [younger boys! Disgraceful E†“But ‘mother, it might have been worse.†WWQrse, indeed! How could it posâ€" ‘sibly have been worse ’1†“There might have been more boys in the Llass.†M1“. and Mrs. Smith were both growing very plump; every effort to reduce their weight had proved fruitless. and their discontent with their failure was pathetic. did!†gone. COMPENSATION. holds. 5e25,! ‘ ~ 5m Illlnard's Llnlmem Requires An Eflort to Get the Shop Women to Show the Goods. You may walk through the mud- dy old markets of Rangoon for hours at a time or through the brand new bazaar at Mandalay without any of the salespeople taking the slightest notice of you as a possible purchaser of their wares, ssys Blackwood’s Magazine. The deer little ladies sit cross-leg- ged upon long tables in front of the high cupboards containing their goods. They are placidly smoking or chatting or painting their faces or braiding their hair. They are not attending to business in the least. l/l “lift†'bCllbU U]. uuxuux, UUAIDJUOID at all ridiculous then a. gay rip 16 of laughter pass-es along the staï¬s, and then, indeed, the would-be customer is noticed; but otherwise the tourist is an object of no interâ€" est whatogver. It requires a‘great effort t6 get a Burmese shop .woman (they are nearly all women) to show you her silks, and when at last she has Spread her merchandise broadcast upon the table and you are revelâ€" Iing in the illusion that you are liv- ing in the middle of a, rainbow, with a. chance of holding fast to some of its colors, she Wlll ask her price (which is seldom more than one rupee too much) and will stick to it like glue. If the European is conspicuous- ly dressed or presents a, ï¬gure which the Burman, with his ï¬nely trained sense of humor, considers She is an indolent lady in many Ways who loves a quiet life, and she has determined that her most proï¬table course is not to haggle in the market place. So you may make up your mind that bargaining and persuasion are useless arts to practice in Burma, however valu- able they may be elsewhere. HOW THIN FOLKS New Accidental Discovery Gives Startling Resultsâ€"Puts Flesh on Thin People and Bounds Out Im- perfect Figures. For womenâ€"and men, too, for that mgr.- terâ€"who can never†appear stylish with anything they wear, because of abnor- mal thinness and angularity, this re- markable prescription is destined to solve the problem. As a beauty maker for the ï¬gure it is simply wonderful while it adds brightness to the eyes, and color to the Ghee s and lips. It requires no par- ticular dieting, but acts as an aid to nature by its peculiar action on the nerves and blood supply. The blood and nerves distribute over the body all the nourishment or flesh building elements obtained from the food. The trouble With thin peogle has always been that they do not a sorb or retain enough of the fleshy matter to make them ain in weight even to a norm 1 extent;_ ut this new discovery of blen ins certain harm- less drugs is a revelation to science and hundreds have gained from ten to forty pounds in a, few weeks. There is no den- ser of becoming too fat. When you get the right weight then Eton usmg. I. Dum]eyâ€"“I’m sure if you ac- cepted me I’d make you a. good hus- band.†Miss Brightlyâ€"“That’s out of the question, but I’m sure I’d make you a good husband if I accepted you.†Sleeplessness.â€"Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous de- rangement or mental worry, try a course of Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills. 'By regulating the action of the stomach whereby the trouble lies, they will restore normal conâ€" ditions and healthful sleep will fol- low. They exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is unrest they bring rest. The general health ana stren th is greatly improved in rm one from t 6 age of sixteen to sixty. omen soon g'e? glump, thh well rounded arms and ful net. and men become straight, strong- logking_ 3,de healthy. 1 In a half pint bottle get three ounces of essense of pepsm and three ounces syrup rhubarb. Then add one ounce compound essence oardiol, shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadomene compound (not carde- mom). Take a. teagpoouful before and after meals, and welsh before beginning. Fortuneâ€"tellerâ€"“Your future hus- band will be tall, have dark comâ€" plexion, and be very wealthy.†The Callerâ€"“Now, tell me another thing. How can I get rid of my present husband?†“I made my husband cross this afternoon,†said Mrs. Caller. “How was that?†queried Mrs. Ho- mer. “He was on the opposite side of the street, and I beckoned him to come over,†explained the other. Minard’s Llnlment r-ures Dandruï¬. Only one "mono qummz" That is LAXATIVEA 1173011031} {oâ€"rwih; signature St E. WJGRVOVE. ï¬led the World over to Cure 3. Cold in One Day. 250 Occasionafly those who say but little talk too much. SHOPPING IN BURMA. Simple Prescription Given. CAN GET FLESHY. Relieves Neuralgla. BUY IN PORT ALBERNI, 3.8. CLEANING LADIES‘ wmmc an ounuc suns Can he done perfectly by our French procen. Try it. PECIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult L,_ us in regard to'uny disease. Lowest noel in drugs of all kinds. rue-es fltced by mail. Send measure» mam. Ginsaas ï¬tted by a e. Write to-day for vzything doll in rst-class drug star/as to Dr. Bellman, Colllngwood, Ont. Montrea‘. Toronto, OJAW'; andâ€"Quebeï¬ Father (to lazy son)~â€"“I can’t, imâ€" agine how you can dislike work; to me it’s real enjoyment.†Sonâ€" “Yes, father, but I don’t want to give myself up wholly to plea- sure!†Sweet and palatable, Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is ac- ceptable to children, [and it does its work surely and promptly. IF you have a small or large sum to . invest, you should not fail to buy now 1n this wonderful seaport railway ter- minal of the Last West. We can prove our reliabilitg Write us to-day. L. W. BICK, A1,104 road Street, Vlctoria, B.C. EMEMBER FISHIS for Coucgg a COLDS The busier a man is, the better able is he to throw his energy into other work. Mistressâ€""And why did you leave your last situation?†Applicantâ€"- “I was discharged, ma’am.†Mis- tressâ€"“Discharged Then 17m afraid you won’t suit me. What were you discharged for?†Appli- cantâ€"“For doing well, malam.†Mistressâ€"“Why, what do you mean? Where was your last place ‘l†Applicantâ€"“In the hosâ€" pital!†. 55170113 Cm -,I), L~_I‘ A judge who is naver worth criti- cism is probably never wortn anyâ€" thing at am _ _ Thus bad Writing of signatures is affectation of the worst form. Beware of that terrible expres- sion, “I keep myself to myself.†A self is not worth much if it is kept to itself. A very little originality goes a long way. 7 - ' IS on} busy present we are apt to forget our past and those who helped to make it_for usz. It is easier to give a direct nega- tlve answer than a plau‘SIble evaâ€" swe one. The man who dodges the pro- blems of life often has a better time than the man who tries to solve them. One of the greatest mischiefs of the present day is the spirit of go- asâ€"you-please which prevails. “Now,†said the physician, “you will have to eat plain food and not stay out late at night.†W‘Yes,†re- plied the pwent, “that is what I have been thinking ever since you sent in your bill.†' Servantâ€"“Please, ma’am, can you give me my character?†Misâ€" tressâ€"“Certainly, Bridget; but what do you want it for? You are surely not going to leave me with- out giving notice ï¬rst?†Servantâ€" “Oh, you never fear, Ina/am, I’m not thinking of leaving you, but my sister’s going into service, and she (wants the loan of it.†if.“ ckly Mops coIIn than and land- Mlnard's Llnlmcn! for sale everywhere. vâ€"‘-- 'â€"â€"v . _.__ _, [Ilckly “up! sac-flu. (fur?- colga. lac-l. --_o.. i3 ritishï¬Amerlogn Dyein‘gA Gq. WORDS OF WISDOM. ISS UE N 0. 17â€"11. '25 dean; A Safe Pill for Sufferers.â€"There _are pills that violently purge and ï¬ll the stomach and. intestines with pain. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral purâ€" ‘gativ-e entering into their composi- ltion and their effect is soothing and ‘beneï¬cial. Try them and be con- ‘vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. North China is noted for retiring the best mules in the Middle King- dom. In Peking one will see mules quite as good in every respect as the Missouri and Kentucky pro- duct. The ï¬nest are employed by Chinese oï¬icials and other wealthy men to draw their “Peking carts.†These Peking carts have been un- til recently the only vehicle used by the Chinese to correspond with pleasure carriages in this country. Now the more progressive of the wealthy Chinese are beginning to use modern‘carriages. The latter, however, can only be used in city streets. The country roads are worse than any dirt road that can be found in this country and no carriage built could make a journey over them without breaking down. ed the doctor. “Let me see your tongue, please.†“What’s the use, doctor?†replied the patient. “No tongue can tell how bad I feel.†Mrs. Henpeckâ€"“Do you rememâ€" ber when and where we ï¬rst met 7.†Henpeckâ€"“Yes, it was on Friday, the thirteenth day of the month; it was at a dinnerâ€"party and there were'thirteen at the table.†There may be other corn cures, but Halloway’s Corn Cure stands at the head of the list so far as re- sults are concerned. BEST Liniment. in use. I got my foot badly bathed it well with MENT, and it was as MENT, day. A man was groaning because of his aching teeth. “Why don’t you go to the dentist?†asked one of his friends. “Oh, I haven’t got the nerve,†was the reply. “Never mind that,†replied the friend, “the dentist will ï¬nd the nerve all right.†Bad habits don’t seem so bad if they are yours. Your drug in will refund mom? if PAZO OINT- MENT fai a to cure any case 0 Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protmding Piles in 6 to 10 days. 50c. “TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Drugglsts Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. iMurino Eye Remedy 00., Chicago. But the gossip crop is never a. failure. ' Mr. Baggieâ€"“Confound that tailor! These trousers are a mile too long.†Mrs. Baggieâ€"“How much shall I turn them up †Mr. Baggieâ€"“About half an inch.†MR5.W1NSL0W’5 Som‘mxn SYRUP has been used {or over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEE'I‘HING, with PERFECT SUCCESS: It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN ;_CURES WIND COLIC'. an_d Griddle Cakes.â€"All batter cakes are better baked on an,ungreased griddle, as they rise and keep their shape, and do not follow the grease. You will be rid of the disagreeable smoke and the odor of burning fat. Your griddle need not necessarily be of soapstone. if you have an old griddle and clean it thorough- ly, being sure to remove all burned fat or batter, it can be used in the above way. two tablespoonfuls of melted butter is a great improveâ€" nient to all better cakes. Old Gloves.â€"â€"They cover your nail buffer nicely, and give a. high- er polish than the chamoi: skin. The ends of the old long glove make a ï¬ne jewelry bag by sewing a. deep hem at the top. And draw a m- row ribbon in so ml to clone bud open when needed. the best re medy for DIARRHGEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup†and take no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle. Minard's Llnlment cures Burns. Eh. “Are you feelip‘g yery ill 1†askâ€" REST AND HEALTH T0 MOTHER AND CHILD. consider MINARD‘S LINIMENT the THE MULES OF CHINA. PILES CURED IN 6 T0 I4 DAYS PRACTICAL AIDS. Yours very truly, ‘ T. G. McMULLEN. MINA‘RiYS" "L‘iNIâ€" jamm§d_.Late!S: \vvell as ever next H. w. DAWSON, Nlnety Colborne Street. Toronto. T does not matter what kind of a. farm you are looking for it will my you to consult me as 1 have several undred farms on my list. SEVERAEigeI-y ï¬ne ï¬ft acre Fruit k Farms. Good value rom Eight to Twelve Thousand. rflHREE {130 TEN_ A0193 ERQIT FARMS LBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN and MANITOBA LANDS, both improved mm unimproved. You should see me bo- fore gomg West. ' W. DAWSON, Ninety Colbornj _ 0 Street, Phone Main 6990 Day; Eigyns and Holidays, 272 Wright Avo., 'Pi’rk' 527. :FOR SALE~450 acres goodlandidealto} stock farm or game preserve. front- ing with three bays onto Luke Restoulo. Ontario. Fish and came abundant. snap for cash. Apply T. H. Smith. Bruadview, Sask. GENTS WANTEDâ€"$5.00 a day ea: . A , No experience needed. Sells on sxght. Absolute necessity to farmers. Doe. work of thirty men. Pays for itself in one hour. Write to-day. MODERN MACH- INERY 00., (Dept. 5), Sarnia. Ont. ' ANTED REPRESENTATIVES. eithor sex, locally, on goods necessary as bread. Salary 2 dollars per day and com- mission. Experience unnecessary. J. L. Nichols 00., Limited, Toronto. GENTS WANTED.~A study of other Agency propositions convinqes ul that none can equal ours. You wxll n.1- wuys regret it, if on don’t apply tor particulars to ravellers’ Dept... 23! Albert St, Ottawa. “Perkins looks Very happy these days.†“He has reamn to be,†Brown replied. “After hi's wife and children had been ï¬tted out with their summer' costumes, he found there was enough money left to buy a new straw hat.†GGS FOR HATCHING. Red Cu 8. 1 Buck Eyes, White, Barred Roe a. Black Minorcas. Write Geo. Pollock. Milton Heights, Ont. L systemâ€"constant practice â€" careful insxruction~a few weeks' complete course ~â€"tools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly. Write for catn- loxue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. ‘ ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In. (j ternal and external, cured without ain by 0 1‘ home treatment. Write ul efote too ate. Dr. Bellman Medical (10.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. spare time, no expel-lance necer aary. Our lines especiallï¬' ued by mothers and girls. Apply ept. A, Britp ish Canadian Industrial Company. Albert Sh, Ottawa. ‘ HE Children‘s Memorial Hospital. Montreal, Que., is enlarging ital nurslng staff, and is prepared to rgceive a pllcations from young women of good 6 ucation who are desirous of becoming trained nurses. Application forms will be forwarded on request. Accepted appli- cants will be given a. thorou 11 training in all branches of nursing. AdJ‘ess all com- munications to Lady uperintendent. Some men keep their religion in cold storage 51x days out of seven. g ASKATOON WANTS AGRICULTUR- k ISTB in all branches. Poultry farm- ers, market gardeners, dairy farmprs and hog rumors are badly required. Pncen are very hi h; demand great and supply trif- ling. lis is ypur opportunity. Bet- ter Write for partmulars to Commissioner. Boarddot Tradp, S‘askatoon, Saskatche- ruenthomte du ~ ' aseli/ OMEN WANTED to take arders in sparertime, no exggarlence _nec99~ inada. wan, Weatein In. 65" '10 to D m. w. L. WWII“: and miniâ€! unwound ‘IFTY ACRE FARMS from Two Thous- ‘ and Dollars up. F you have any kind of property to sell write me. AllaysNeuralgicPains NervousHeadache. (old in Head. IFTEEN to TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRUIT FARMS from Two Thousand lZVaseline Remedies inTubes. Cainphbr Ice.Borated. Carbolated.Camphorated. Whiteflxide of Zinc.etc. Eachfor special purposes * writeMmVasexmeBoakm‘ WHmmh-qhm 0mm “Newman. HEEE HUyDRED ACRE FARMS from W0 HUNDRED ACRE FARMS from Eight Thousand up. EARN TEE BARBER TRADEâ€"NE}! TON SCALE, s ecial price. Willon'l Scale Works. splanade, Toronto. ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson’- Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. ANVASSERS WAN'I‘KD Weekly nah“) paid.~â€"Altred Tyler, Lumluu, Ontario. UNDRED ACRE FARMS from Three \ Thousand up. FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. from 'I‘gveï¬tjyiï¬ve Hundréd up 'I‘valflz ' 'i‘ï¬oii’s’imi’ i115 AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS