Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 May 1911, p. 3

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Old Gent (proposing health of happy pair at the wedding breakâ€" fast)â€"”And as for the bridegroom, I can speak with still more confi- dence of him, for I was present at his christening, I was present at the banquet given in honor of his com- lng of age, I am present here to- day, and I trust I may be spardd to be present at his funeral.” (ALBERTA LADY TELLS or HER CURE BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. ’ , “Are you in pain, my little man '1” asked the kind old gentleman. “’No,” answered the boy, “the *pain’s in me"’ Simple and Sure.â€"â€"Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil is so simple in appli- cation that a, child can understand the instructions. Used as a liniâ€" ment the only direction is to rub, and when used as a dressing to apâ€" ply. The directions are so plain and unmistakable that they are readily understood by young or old. lalnard's Llnlmant 'Ol' salt OVOI’YWHOI‘O. i The most Obstinate corn5 and warts fail to reSist Holloway’s Corn Cure. Try it. ' .BANNflI FAIL TO “I don’t want my hair brushed Over myâ€"forehead any longer,” deâ€" clared Harold. “I want a crack in it like father’s.” ’QTRY MURINE EYE REMEDY» for Red. Weak, Weary, Watery Eye: and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Bmartâ€"Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c. $00, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. Eye B_ooks 1nd Eye Advice Free by Mail. « OMux-ine Eye Remedy 00.. Chicago. “Did young Skinnick’s uncle reâ€" member him when he made his will 1” “Must have. Didn’t leave him anything.” ' Is not Miss Reyome’s condition [an exact, description of nine-tenths of the ailing women of Canada? :The ddcbor did not understand her case. It was simple enough. it was Kidney Trouble. And Kidney Disease is the one great cause of women’s troubles. Dodd’s Kidney Pills always cure it. Mr. Herbert Bauer of Davisville, says he owes Gin Pills a. debt of gratitufis which he can never repay. He suffered (or year: with Bladder Trouble, and ‘could not pass Urine except by ‘muéh straining, which caused great. pain. You can try Gin Pills before you buy them. Write National Drug and Chemical 00. (Dept W 2), Toronto, for free sample. At all dealers, 500 a box, 6 for $2.50. “I think DOE,” replied the lady addressed; “I’m the mother of tha bride.” ' Hr. Bauer sent for a free sample of Gin Pills. The first dose did him so much good that he ordered six boxes and began to take them regularly. A month’s treatment completely cured him. “Are you a, friend of the groom’s family?” aSked the usher at the ch_u_§ch_ wedding. Beauvallon, Alta.., May 1 kSpecial).â€"Women who are nerv- jous, run downand suffering from :Rheumatfim, cannot fail to be in- terested in the case of Miss Ger- ftrude E. Reyome of this place. She lwas exactly in ,.that condition. Toâ€" day she is as she puts it herself “a Lnew person.” Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured her. Here is her statement given £971: publication : \ “My Kidney Disease started from fa, cold two years ago. Rheumatzsm iset in, and I was weak and nerv- Icuss, and in a. rundown condition. II was attended by a doctor who did [not appear to understand my case. gThree boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills Imade a. new person of me.” 'Was weak, nervous, run-down and suffering 'from Rheumatism â€" Dodd’s Kidney Pills made her a new person. GURED HIS BLADDER TROUBLE. WELL, HARDLY. v. “can my Vuuc. c. E. FOSDIQK. Agent, Diana branch .Corsets, 286 Yonge Btrequ Torontg Diane French Corsets Our offer to mail post pre aid on re- ceipt of 0c. one pair Dune French Corset! (Reg. price $1.60) met. wit such instant de- mand that. our allot.- ment for nmee pur- poses .is almost. clean- ed out. REMEMBER we cannot aflord to continue this offal-Jo order at once. INTEREST WUMEN In a school in a Western Ontario town is a little girl who has not taken pluckily t0 the mysteries of addition. “One’n one?” asked the teacher, while putting the class through the easiest of the addition tables. The little girl referred to was the only person in the class who cOuldn’t give the answer. “Two’n one?” asked the teachef. The little girl smiled confidently, put up her hand and when noticed by the tea~ Cher, Said, “Shoe polish.”â€"From Toronto Canadian Courier. Unless a thing is unL‘omertably‘e it seldom becomes fashionable. Ilnard's Llnlm‘em Relieves Neuralgla. Poppyâ€"“Did you and Jack have trouble in getting your father’s con- sent 2” MagnOIiaâ€"J‘NO; but father and I had a. hard time gettifig Jack’s.’ ’ Do it Newsâ€"Disorders. of the di~ gestive appartus should be dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to this end and one that is within reach of all, is Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills} the best laxative and sedative on the merket. Do not delay but try them now. One trial will convince anyone that they are the best sto- mach regulator that can be got. If a dose of Hamlins Wizard Oil taken at night will prevent your having a bad cold in the morning, isn’t it a good idea to have it ready to take the moment you feel the cold coming? “I wonder why that Miss Wrink- les always wears a veil?” “I supâ€" pose she has not the face to go with- Out it I” ~ “Sometimes,” replied the farmer 9 “but not when he is selling spring chickens.” ’ llnard's Llnlment cures Burns. Etc. She (complainingly)â€"“Y0u prom- ised faithfully than you wouldn’t Snlgke my more after January 1.’»’ “DO you think a memory for dates helps a. man?” Hesâ€"“13m not. I am éimply keeping up the usual amount.” ' On a recent Sunday some_3,000 people assembled near High Wy- oombe, Bucks., England, to assert what they believe 130 be their right to use a certain footpath which leads to Roundabout Wood. Efforts have been made to close this, and the footpath and the, adjoining land have been plowed up. After a meeting, the 3,000 marched in pairs over the plowed ground to make a quarter mile long footpath. Professor H. Biles said the classic dictum used to be that “on- ly numbers could annihilate,” but it was now antiquated! One Dread- nought could have annihilated Nel- son’s fleet at Trafalgar and for the matter of that the French and Spanish ships to boot. He was far from believing that the Kattleship limit had been reachedjn vessels of 28,000 or 30,000tons. Elr «up. 00- hirer-rcofifhe-‘lo' I first: Ill lun - o - a conu- Naval Architects Say the Limit Has Not Been Reached. The British Society of Naval Architects has been discussing the size of battleships and inclines to the opinion that the limit has by no means been reached. The dis- cussion brought out \the' ratio. of growth\in England. Battleships have increased in the last ten years 60 per cent. in displacement, 35 per cent. in length, 17 per cent. in breadth. In speed more than two knots an hour has been gained, and the weight of metal discharged in a broadsidehes made the amazâ€" ing growth from 4,000 to 12,000 pounds. Considerin the matter of cent, it was said t at two of the newest vessels could be built for about the price of three of the earlier and smaller loreâ€"Dreadnought type. The two modern vessels would, how- ever, take into action a main armâ€" ament one-third greater thap that of the three small vessels combin- ed, and their working cost and ex- pensiveness in maintainance and repalrs would be less. From these consideratlons Professor J. J. Welch thought the policy of buildâ€" ing big ships was justified. The unsettled question,. one which navu1 al officers could best answer, he} said, was whether ships of still greater size would not prove an ad- vantage. 311170113 6 CLAIMED OLD RIGHT. BIG GER BATTLESHIPS. YOUNG BUT WISE. NOT THEN. NO MORE. The north pole is cold and dis- tant. ) “Henry,’ whispered Mrs. Smith- ers, Straightening up in bed, “what’s the noise in the library '1” “Must be history repeating itself,” muttered Henry/drowsily. “G0 to sleep!” ' Dollyâ€"“No, I Won’t wash my face.” Grandma â€" “Naughty, naughty! When I was a, little girl I always washed my face.” Dollyâ€" “Yes, and now look at it.” BEST AND HEALTH T0 MOTHER AHD BHILD. MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tile CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS 3.11 PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC. and is the best remedy for DIARRHGEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Muslow'i Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. The Real Liver Pillâ€"A torpid liver means a. disordered system, mental depression lassitude and in the end, if care Ibo not taken, a chronic stale of debility. The very best medicine to arouse the liver to healthy action is Parmelee’s Vege- table'Pills. They are compounded of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other pills have their fine qualities. They do not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive sto- mach. “A Soldier should never lose his head in battle,” said the oificer. “Of course not,” rejoined the SCEâ€" citor. “If he did, his pension would be no earthly benefit to him.” “I can readily beliex‘re 'that,” re- joined MissSlashcr. “A girl who knows anything at all wouldn’t mar- ry you.” mnnrl’s Llnlmont Gurus Dandrufl. “As for me,” remarked young Muggsby, “I don’t believe in the higher education for girls. The one I marry won’t khqw Latin or Greek.” ‘ . Ml Yuri Ostrich fullm 00.. Ill,- H, SIS-Iii I'vlh "Jo TON SCALE, 3 ecial price. Wilson’s 0 Scale Works, splanade, rI‘uronto. womb affine _4__ selme lZYasoIine Remedies in EMS £apsicum.Boratgd. Mentholated.Wh1t¢ £arbolated£amphon flco. Camphoratqd.’ 2'3", ‘otc. Each for §p9cml “I rurposcs. Write for rec Vaseline Book. Chcsébhig'h Mfig’gfiéfiéha'biifm W .plume [3 Just the kind for which you woyld have (0 pay $5.00.“ any retml ‘store. It is extrl m e. fully lunches long, in all no on. with mllow fines of trey: l uh thut do not losc thuir cur hou' y. ‘P'ldlfl $1.00 today. for this 13 u: urtunlty not to be missed. We 0 ernlso In exkra. large Ind handsome $7.50 plume at $2.30. Sand your money by nil. c or maney mdm Remember Slut your many I' ll bl refunded If lhl plume is not unduly satishcm. Quickly‘HeaIs ISSUE NO. 18â€"11. A SLIGHT JOLT. Wounds frubtions __ rOY'OS $9.4“: BRANDING CRIMINALS. The branding of criminals, whieh Judge Rentoul sugests might be advantageously revived for the benefit of deported aliens, was abâ€" olished in England in 1778, says the Pall Mall Gazette. Until then, this punishment was inflicted in open court, generally in the pre- sence of the judge, the necessary implementsâ€"the iron brand, the chafing dish and the "iron gripper ,for keeping the hand steadyâ€"be- ing always in readiness. The us- ual brand was an “R” applied to the left shoulder. Child stealing, &c., however, were at one time punished by branding the offender with “R” on the shoulder (for rogue), “‘M” on the right hand for manslayer), and “T” on the aft hand (for thief); All mothers can put away'anxiety regarding their suffering children when they have Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. “What do you do to keep your hands looking so nice 2” “I don’t do anything.” Destined to be a Manufacturing and Shipping Country. The Japanese recognizethat their argricultural resources are limited on account of the'peculiar topogra- phical and climatic features of the country. The agricultural land has been subjected to intense cul- ture for centuries and cannot be improved much mxfl'e. The empire is thus precluded from becoming an important contributor to the world’s food supplies. It will do well if it can manage to produce sufficient food products for its own use. When the population increases it will necessarily become dependent upon foreign countries for food. Conseâ€" 'quently, the administrators have for some years aimed at making Ja- pan a manufacturing and shipping country. They have taken England as a model in doing this. Japan is not nearly so well endowed with natural resources as England is, but the progress lately made in de- veloping Japan’s shipping and ma-‘ Vnufacturing industries is remarkC gable. ’ Cecileâ€"“What would you give to have Such hair as mine 1” Jeanne â€"-“I don’t knowâ€"What did you give '1’ ’ Cholera. and all summer comâ€" plaints are So quick in their action that the cold hand 0f death is upon the victims before they are aware that. danger is near. ‘If attacked d0 not delay in getting the proper medicine. Try atdose‘of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s DySentery Cordial, and you will get immediate relief. _It acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effect 'a. cure. I was very Brickfl'wiithiflQiuriny and thought I would strangle. I used Min- ARD’S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. Nauwigewa‘uk, Oct. flit: Mgnard’s Liniment_ 90., Limitgd. “What sort of a. hat is a. wide- awake 2” “Why, a hat without a. nap, of course.” Japanese mines are generally well worked and equipped with ma.- chinery. Good and eflicient metal- lurgical works exist for the treatâ€" ment of metallic ores close to,the‘ mines. Japanese engineers have 'shown a good aptitude for mining and metallurgical work and they have been well backed up by local capitalists. There is every re‘ason for the belief that the remarkable progress made in the development of the empire’s nfineral resources during the past decade will be con- tinued and that this steady improve- ment will powerfully contribute to the working out of the national ideals of the Japanese people.â€"â€"En- gineering Magazme. ' It is almost essential for a. nation aspiring to rank well among the great manufacturing peoples to command extensive resources of coal, iron, salt, the alkglies, pe- troleum, limestone. and clays. Ja- pan, fortunately, possesses an abun- dance of such resources and is therefore naturally equipped for becoming what her political lead- ers are striving forâ€"the leading manufacturing and trading counâ€" try in the Orient. snzzggéggzg [kl ' noggin a JAPAn IN COMMERCE. Yours gratefully. Mm; C. D. PRINCE. \ ‘ ANGER, 'I‘UMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- L ternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write 11! before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. ‘Limited, Collingwood, Ont. PECI'ALISTS ADVICE FREE. Ionsult ' us m_regs.rd to any disease. Lowest noes 1n drugs of all ' kinds. ruases fitted by mail. Send measure ment. Glasses fitted by a 9.. Write to-day’ for anything sold in rat-class drug stores to Dr. Bellman, Collingwood. Ont. ’N ASKATOON OFFERS YOU SUCCESS b if ou are an intelligent, hard-work- ing agr culturist in any branch. You could not credit. the pros mrity of. our farmers unless you uctua 1y came and saw. Why not come? If you do, you will be sorry you had not.- uome years ago. Perhaps you are no: gotLiu along very well, except in the matter 0 years. Bet- ter do something for your children’s sake. Join our prosperity. For all information: write the Commissioner, Board of Trade. Sgskatoon, Saskatchewan. Western Can- a a. spare time. no experience neces- sary. Our liners especially used by mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Brit- ish Canadian Industrial Company, 228 Albert St“, Ottawa. EARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€"NEW systemâ€"constant practice â€"â€" careful instructionâ€"a. few weeks’ complete course -t.ools free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekhm Write for cat» logue. Molar Barber College. 221 Queen East, Toronto. GENTS WANTED.â€"A study of other A Agency propomtions convinces ul that none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret it if on don’t pply fog particulars to ravellars’ ept., 226 Albert, BL. Ottawa. OMEN WAN’I‘ED to take orders in spare time. no experience neces- ’ sex, locally. on goods necessary 9.! bread.- Salary 2 dollars per day and com mission. Experience unnecessary. J. L. Nichols 00., Limited. Toronto. pT KNIFE LANDS are now famous. ‘ Do not buy elsewhere until you see them; new railroads; new towns; rlces low. Write for particulars. Metcal and Rorke, Ovenstown, Sank. b ley. Good dbeningi for tradesmen and farmers. En lish speaking settle men’s. erte for llustrat pam hlet to Secretary. Board of Tra e, arshall. Sank. , MANITOBA LANDS in quarter. af or whole sections. Also in 1&1“! blocks from Five Thousand to Three Hundred Thousand Acres. on’t buy Western Lands without seeing me. . Street, Toronto. P one Main 990; niglg‘ts _g.u§ holidays 272 Wright J1 W. DAWSON, Ninet Colbornu Av'ehfiél'i’irkiife 53f SEVERAL good H11 dud Acre Farms L the County of eel from Five Seven Thousand Dollars. IF you are loqkin for a Fruit, Smock. Gram or Dury arm, consult me. u I have Severn hundred arms on my It“ and may have just the (arm you wnnc. H. w. DAWSON. Ninety Golhomm Strut. Toronto. when buying your Piano insist on having an Eltario. 'O'I'TO I'l IGELu HEAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val- ARM SCALES, special price. Wilson] Scale Works. 9 Esplanade, Toronto. IRUIT FARMS of 511 sizes muffin rjpr all the fruit. growing dink-iota u LBERTA, \ BASKATCEE A}? LMANITQBA LANDS n Ion: and blood- 'onihg. It is a aqmbwion 9f . . Awarth In,‘ gruptions, 11cc“, cuts, burns and bushes more quickly than any 0th“ known prepantion. It I: “wanna, quickly stops flu Imufln of I lore‘or cot, cum piles, lama! Ion! and_blooq-poh__oning. his! scientific purity. ME {hon V have prowd u. Alldmwt‘etnmmmboow lam-Bu]: 00.. Tm,jor pd». You would not put a Cpiflt mass of animal fat, colored by various mincnl poisons (such as many etude salve: are) into your child's blood by way of the stomach? Then why do so by way 0! the pores? Tokc no risk. Ute than the if; hum maul provided in -Buk. Zita-Bolt contain: That when you put g 3311:; onto your child's Ikh, It passes through the pate; and enters the blood, Just as surely :3 if you put it into thc child's stomuh? no truce of any inhnal oil 0: he, 9nd no pohogom mum-g! ' mick. ’ Prom mm to up“: it pgrdy herbal. ' FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ,mmp xgpnmsnmwlvns, eitheg 165111 5:31 Ions, «kits, Piano Action AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS who and

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