The Markham Sun,- Conservative, takesxa very sensible viewof. the situation at Ottawa. ' Last week that paper had the following editorial note: "It looks now as if the end of the session at Ottawa} was in sight. The government has decided that very here more talking will be done on theirside [of thehousein the hope that the opposition would follow suit. That the reciprocity bill will be pass- ed is now admitted by all. The op- position has been assured that no el- ection will take place till after the census is taken and the re-distribution which must necessarily follow. In this the government position seems well taken. I It Would not be fair to a large section of the Dominion to Jiold an election on the eve of a census and redistribution.†[{ICHMONYHiLi. 01m. MAY 4. 1911 In: ï¬ihml. Pursuant: tn R. S. 0.. chapter 129. Rind Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given (but "Ml parties having claims against, the estate of Donald Mullnv, who dk‘d on or almut'the 23rd day of February. A.D. 1911, are required on m- hefore the ï¬rst of June. 1911, to send Notice-to Breditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF -DONALD' MALLOY, LATE OF THE CITY OF T0- RONTU, IN THE OOUNT‘I‘ OF YORK, ESQULRE, DECEASED. to Jnï¬h Wals‘m, M.D., corner College St. imd Ossington Ave... Tm-nnto‘ a. ktatoment of their claims with their Names and addresses, together with the nature of the securitys if any, held by them. _ n .1 .- u ,1 mâ€, “And take. fnrthm- notice, that. after (he said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will proceed to distxihute the assets of Lb» estate among the parties chtitled-tlxeretn, having ï¬gm'd nnly m the claims of which he will then hm‘e‘wcened notice. - Pursuant to R. S. 0., chapter 129, and Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims 'ugmnsb the estate nf George Bartlett ‘vahery, who died on or about the ninth day uf Jung“ A.D. 1910, are re- quired nn m- befm-e the ï¬rst day (If June, 1911, to send to George B. New- her'v. Elgin Mills, a statement of their Claims with their nmneszmdaddresses, Luguther with the nature (2f the seek);- ity, if any, held by them. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF GEORGE BARTLETT NE\VBERY. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP \OF MARKHAM. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, GEN- TLE‘MAN, DECEASED. ' And take further nntice that after 1he snid last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will pxoceed to distribute the assets of 'the- estate' among the parties vntitled thereto; having re- gard only to the claims of which he will then have- r-vcoived notice. WILLIAM 000K. 33 RichuTond St. West, Tor-onto. Solicitnl for the Administrator. Dated April 27, 1911. .n. 4.2-2 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto, Solicitor far the Administrator. Dated April 27, 1911. .n. 41- Housp and lot, fol-sale on Mill‘street. Quinn-e of A First-Class Threshing Outï¬t for sn‘e, with mute principallv on Yonge street, consisting of an 18x20 Trac- tion Engine, a \Vntm-lon Sepul-atof' with Feeder and Stacker, an Oshawa Clover Mill with Stacker, a Climax ‘A’ Ensilage Gutter, and two Tanks and. Pumps. The. whole is in ï¬rst»class gunning shape, doing a good business in the very best neighborhood. Illâ€" heullh reason for selling. - For further particulars apply to; H. A. NIOHOLLS, Real Estate Agent. 39-tf Richmond Hill. / Threshing Outï¬t For Sale N OTIGE T o CREDITORS Seven colonies 0f bees. Apply to“- For Sale \VI LLIAM COOK. For Sale II. A. N ICHOLLS. 1?. COVER. Conéord. 43-4 43-4 ++++++M¢+Â¥$¢4~+4‘+M+++M+Â¥P Fw+d~++++$+++~f+~b+ ++¢++7+i~++ *i-M'I-H'l-M-iï¬d-HQ'MW+++_*WW++++%++W*#+++4â€!- We have still some good farms for sale. A few vacant, lots in the village the must. desu'nble for building un. Money to loan on ï¬rst murtgage. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. _ Real Estate Agent, 29»tf Richmond Hill. Mr. Fletclwr Thnmpsnn of the Sum- mit Hons» is offering $10. to he (livide $5, $3, $2 for colts rising 1 year, and also $10, divided the samv way, for ï¬llips or geldings. rising 2 years. sired by the impm-tpd stallion, Marquis of Uiiwal. at the Ridinde Hill Fuh- un the 24th of May. 41-5 40~Lf Seven Ymmg Tamworth Hogs ' six weeks old, from itnpnrggd stnck. A 12-Horse Power Gasoline Engine. nearly new, also :1 Concrete Mixel in good shape. Will sell cheap as I have two of each of above. Write 36~tf Land and Money Dns.KENNEDY&KENNEY PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT GANAD‘ FCR 20 YEARS fl I c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadlan Correspondence Depart- â€"â€" ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Me'dical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. RS.KENNE& KENNEDY CONSULTATION FREE VARICOSE vans. NERVOUS Dun-Irv. Book! Free on Dinems of Men. If unable BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS to chme-ike for a Question Blank for KIDNEY .nd BLADDER Dina,†HOME TREATMENT and all Diseases Peculiar to Man. Write for our private addressi Hyslop $25 Wheels- Special Prize Du, Knmmnv. Mme“. Dmncmn on Das. K. & K. Cor. Nâ€"iigï¬igafniï¬véiand G§iswold St. Detroit, Mich. For Sale For Sale For Sale CURE DISEASES OF MEN 4 JESSE WINGER, GE‘o. HARDING, To, PATENT Good Ideas may be secured our aid. Addreg,y THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. "dr, Richmond Hill. When yuu plnchase a Hyslup Bicycle yryu know for a. fact that it is the very best ymu- mom-y can ptls‘sillly buy. It, could nut be anything else and bear the Hyslnp name. Your assurance is 2-1 yems ‘nt' absolute wllnhility. and u respnnsihility behind it that eliminates every pussihle risk. Hyslup bicycles'm; intended to givv thv gréalest amount (rf all-round efï¬ciech at u pupulm pricP, and ale built on lines uf almnlutc thoroughness. Send at once fur Illustrated Folder, and see the surprising \‘ulué we) have. to (ï¬e-r before inwstlng in a wheel of any surt. Shuter and Victoria HYSLOP BROTHERS Ed geley. Du. K. 8; K. are favorably; known through- out Canada where they ave done bust ness for over 20 years. '1‘ ousands of patients have been treated and cured by their great skill and through the virtue of their New Method Treatment. When you treat with them you {mow you are dealing with respon sible physicians as they ovm and occupy their own ofï¬ce bulldin in Detroit, valued at $100,00& When they ecide your case in curable. lyonr worry is removed for on know they wxll not deceive you. '1‘ ey guarantee to cure all curable cases. No matter how many doctors have failed to beneï¬t you; no matter how much money you have spent in vain; no matter how dis- couragegi you may he, don‘t give up in des- pair until you Fer, a free opinion from these master specia ists. ’ If you are at present, within the clutches oi! any secret habitwhich is sapping your life by degrees: 1! on are Butterng from the results of past ndlscrev tionsï¬f your blood has been tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in 'dread of symp- toms breakin out and oxposmg your past; If you are an ering as the result of a mis- spent lifeâ€"Drs. K. J: K. are yourï¬ofuge. Lay your case before them confldentlel-ly and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. 35-3 mos. Stampede of Cattle Nerth of Town It is said there was considerable ex; citement on a. well-known far-m here- abouts When several head of fright- ened cattle recently undertook to break down the fence that kept them. oï¬Athe ljoadway. Thabuis one big advantage in a fence â€"to repel the attacks (if animals with just. enough “give†to protect them, but still with the strength and stémd- up ability that settles the matter that there is no getting thmugh, over or under. But the owner said that hls fence “turned†them in such a “kiné, gen- tle, soothing†way that they changed their minds in a. hurry, but were in no way injured by the‘shnck. The fence in question was the Ameri+ canâ€"“the fence of a million farms.†and its record of wear and.- weatherâ€" resisting quality is well Worth invest-i, gating by any ' farmer who wants every dollar of his fence money to go the farthestâ€"secure the most. Ameri- can Fences are sold in weights and sizes fwr'every purpose by 39 tï¬ H. ESPEY One Thousand CEDAR POSTS. ‘Applx YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURE!) *ia "Sts. TORON TO LIMITED We Treat Ind Cure ‘7 | Elgin Mill‘s: W. D. RICHARDSON, Vandmf RD. and Station. For Sale A. gent Subgcriptiens for Ilweekiy and (iain papers taken with “The Liberal" at $1 a; year atthe following rates:-- Family Herald and Weekly ‘ . Star, 1 year i gGC. . e \ w v if Weekly Globe \ l Weekly Méeil and Empire Farmer’s Advocate Canadian Farm Daily Globe, York Co. Daily News The Weekly Sun » â€"â€"’â€"AGENCYâ€"- J". H. SANDERSON. V.S. Daily Mail and Empire York 00. Daily Stew, outside of towns and villages Busu Man’s Magazine Farm and Dairy REAL ESTATE RANGING FROM $800 To $5,000. 166 mm farm north of village Buildings A1. Land in good state 0f cultivation Also 100 acres on the 2nd of- Mark- ham» SIX VERY DESIRABLE 110113855 @1101 Lots FOR SALE EVery family should 11an both ' ' their local paper and a city 'paper RICHLIOND HILL NOW ON HAND-â€" have all the good features known to modern musical science. WRIGHT BROS INTI FOB MTALOGIIE MANAGER FINE TAM W6 RECHMONE HELL The Next Sitting of Div1510n Court for. No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, DIVISIGN -‘ BUURT. Lax-ets 5 AND NOTAEY PUB L 10- Friday, j’une 2, Tng, ' Pre$sing meaning m Repairing Leases. Wills, Etc. Spbcial utientitm given t0 RIVCHMUND HILL. inmmencmg at 16 a. m. COAVeyanCinE‘. .HU'ME ’I‘. F. MCMAHON CLERK C Sweet to Eat tCandy Bowel MA L40 900. 2.50 2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 900. 750..