[Presented by lecil Harmsworth to British Nation. It was announced nearly four months ago that Dr. Johnson’s house in Gough square, Fleet (street, London, had been acquired by an anonymous purchaser, and was to be placed in the hands of trustees as a national memorial to jthe great Londoner. Elvility and took them up into a gar- jret which he used as his library, 'Where, besides his books, all cover- ied with dust, there was an old crazy :deal table, and a still worse and older elbow chair, having only ‘three legs.†llamas With Good Health Through the U33 of Dr. William’ Pink P1118 Her brightest day for every girl and every woman is the day when she looks well, feels well and is well, but with most of the fair sex isuch days are rare. Instead they suffer from a painful languor, have a terrible weakness in the back, headaches that make everything seem blurred, and a ceaseless ach- ing in the limbs. These and other strials afflict girls and women through the lack of rich, red blood nature is calling for. Dr. Wilâ€" liams’ Pink Pills have given the ,joy of_ real robust health to thou- jsands of women who are happy to- ;day because these Pills actually lmake the rich, red blood that makes weak ones well and strong. 1This statement has been proven over and over again Here is fur- ;ther proof from Mrs. C. J. Brook, Manitou, Man., who says: “After la busy term on second class work, followed only by a short time of re ilaxation, and a. strenuous two and ‘a half months normal course, in March, 1906, I began teaching ischool. I had a heavy rural school, :with a large attendance, and con- isequently a large number of grades, thus I found the work a great nerv- ous strain. This added to the over- work of study, previous to teach- ;ling, soon resulted in a “run down†’condition. When vacation. time lcame I did not pay much attention lto my condition as I thought the holidays would restore me, but as I resumed work again I soon found his was not the case. One mornâ€" , ng when I came to breakfast every- thing reeled before me and I almost ,fainted away. The‘lady with whom ‘I was boarding advised me to take r. Williams Pink Pills. She al- ways spoke very highly of them, her :daughter having used them With the most beneï¬cial results follow- ing a severe attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I decided to take her advice, and had only taken a few boxes when I began to improve in healthâ€"and such an appetite as I had. I rapidly gained health, my face had a healthy glow, and I gained in weight. I have since of- ten recommended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to others who have used them with equallv beneï¬cial results, land I believe the Pills to be a. standard remedy tor the ills for which you recommendhthem.†1 It is now known that the pur- ichaser is Mr. Cecil Harmsworth. ‘According to the latest announce- ;ment, the house will be dedicated ‘as national property “as soon as suitable arrangements can be made.†THE BRlBHTEST DAY ~ FDR EVERY WflMAN DIPLOMATIC. Young Manâ€"“So Miss Ethel is your oldest sister. Who comes af- ter her?" Small Brotherâ€"“Nobody ain't come yet; but pa says the ï¬rst fellow that comes can have her.†It, was in Gough square that Dr. Johnson toiled at his dictionary, which was commissioned by the chief bookâ€"sellers in London in 1747 for a fee of 1,800 guineas. The doctor had an upper room ï¬tted up like a counting house, in which he gave to the copyists their several tasks. According to Northcote, it was to Gough square that Reynolds took Roubillas to call upon .Johnson, who “received them with much ci- You. Ban get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 ‘cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Last year the house was put into a good state of repair at a cost of some hundreds of pounds, and care was taken to preserve the charac- teristic features of the interior, which is in much the same condition as when Dr. Johnson lived there from 1748 to 1753. Mb" DR. JOHNSON’S HOUSE. 8. Woeâ€"An indictment of the landed proprietors, who, by joinâ€" ing house to house, and seizing up- on every nook and corner of real estate, crowd out the poor and de- prive them of residential privileges. We have seen, in the case of Naâ€" both, how tenaciously every land- owner clung to his holdings, since the rights of citizenship were mea- sured mostly by a man’s possession of so much soil, and, once depriv- ed of it, he was in danger of beâ€" coming a mere slave. Such evicâ€" The hedgeâ€"Jehovah had provid- ed Israel with every possible re- straint and privilege. This is rep- resented by the fact that this vine- yard had not only a hedge of thorns but also a. wall of stone. But now all protections are to be trodden down, and the nation is to be left to the mercy of the invaders. 6. I will also command the clouds â€"â€"â€"With this the veil, if any still re- mained, was entirely removed. For none but Jehovah can withhold the rain. 7. Forâ€"Introducing the prophet’s twoâ€"fold application of the parable»: (1) The vineyard represents the peo- ple of Israel, and especially Judah, the plant of his delight; (2) The grapes he expected were justice and righteousness, and the Wild grapes he found were oppression of the poor, and the cry of the oppressed. The words in the Hebrew at this point are wonderful in their studied correspondence of sounds, the effect being to deepen the impression, that the natural result of so much care of his people, on the part of Jehovah, has been cruelly pervert- 4. What could have been done moralâ€"This reminds one of\the sad wail of Jehovah in Isa. 1. 2, “I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.†The case of the Owner of this vine- yard of human beings, the people of Judah, is a strong and unanswer- able one. He justly looked for the fruits of righteous character, but instead was rewarded with only the semblance of grapes, the poison of hyprocrisy. 5. I will tell you what I will doâ€"â€" There is nothing unreasonable in his decision. The prophet’s hearers" have already practically consented to the justice of such a judgmenp. THE SUNDAY SBHUDL lESSflN Verse I. My wellbeloved . . . my beloved â€" The difference in the words is merely one of rhythm. Isaiah is about to declare to the people of his time that their coun- try is in danger from the just judgâ€" ments of Jehovah. But he conceals his purpose by telling this story that all can understand. Who the beloved ‘ friend was, therefore, would hardly be asked. A very fruitful hillâ€"Literally, “a horn, the sun of Iatness,†a word for “hill†peculiar to Isaiah. From Jerusalem it was possible to .see many a bright romontory given up to vineyard cu tivation. 2. Digged . . ~. gathered . . . . plantedâ€"The work of cultivation was as perfect as the situation. The; choicest grapes to be found were introduced. In addliicn, a, watch tower for the caretakers added dig-3 nity and protection tc the vineyard. ; The Wine vat would be hewed out of} the solid rock, forming a. receptaciet for the juice from the press. He looked . . . grapes â€"â€" The con- ï¬dent expectation of a vinedresser, who had exp-ended such pains on his property, would be that a fair return should come for his outlay. Instead he gets grapes that are only so in appearance. 3. And nowâ€"Marking an advance in the unfolding of the story. The prophet ï¬ttingly seeks a, verdict from the men he addresses, as to what a husbandman ought to do in such a. case. And with this appeal Jehovah himself enters the ï¬eld, and the assemblage can be no 10n- ger in doubt as to the drift of the parable. Song of the Vineyard (Temperance Lesson), Isa. 5. 1-12. Golden Text, Isa. 5f22. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 21. 10. One bathâ€"About eight gallons (of wine). This barrenness of. the land, “Jehovah’s remedy for land- grabbing,†is still more pointedly portrayed in the proï¬tlessn'ess of planting grain; for one ephah shall be the sole return from the plant- ing of ten ephahs (a. homer being ten or‘ twelve bushels, or ten times as much as an ephah). - 11. Rise up early in the morning -â€"To drink in the morning was reck- oned by the Romans and Jews a shameful practice. Sensuality, in the mind of the prophet, goes along with avariée. The latter, after all, is simply self-gratiï¬cation in an- other form, and the two often go hand in hand. 12. The harp, etcâ€"Mirth and music ï¬lled their feasts, but it was like a din in their ears' that drown- ed out the voice of Jehovah, and rendered them insensible to the op- eration of his' hands by which he was plainly about to execute a ter- rible judgment upon them. Mrs, Aime Guenette, L’Immaeu- lee Conception, Que., writes: “My little boy suffered greatly from colic. I gave him castor oil and other medicines without helping him in the least. One day I saw BNJy’s Own Tablets advertised, so Wrote for a, box. I found them so good that; I always keep them in the house and Would use no other medicine for baby." The experi« once of Mrs. Guenette has been that of thousands of other mothers. Not only do the Tablets cure colic, but they cure constipaflon, vomitâ€" ing, indigestion, make teething easy, banish worms and make baby bright, active and happy, The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. MabeLâ€"“And did your grandfaâ€" ther live to a green old age ’Z†Jack â€"“Well, I should any so! He was swindled three timea after'he was seventy.†tions of the smaller owners of pro- perty were common in this age, and called forth the bitter denuncia- tions of other prophets '9. In mine earsâ€"Jehovah takes the prophet into his conï¬dence, and the prophet, in turn, makes the startling announcement that all these evils are known to Jehovah, and that he will not suffer them to go unrequitted.‘ When they are secure in their houses great; and fair, feasting no doubt on the spoils of their avarice, then shall come upon them the curse described in the following verse. er. W Ah ilisect an inch long has half an inch of soul. An ugly woman shuns the look- ing-glass. Tighten the cord of your helmet after vi tory, muu. -v._,. Whevna birds are unknown, the best i153 peerless. _ NVThe pupil should walk seven feet away from his teacher lest he tread upon his shadow. Iléeting is the beginning of sep- aratlon. . SUFFERED GREATLY FRUM (JULIE Life is like a candle in the Regard an old man as y" ur JAPANESE PROVERBS wind. fath- The fete is as old as the Revoluâ€" tion, when it ï¬rst seems to have been begun. In the time of the Directory there were two fetes, the fete of the old people and the fete of the golden wedding. This seems to have been a Very pretty affair, to judge from the account in the Debuts. There was a procession of oxen, with their horns crowned with flow-91‘s, followed by children Celebration of a French Festival as Old as the Revolution. Reimst the 'centre of the cham- pagne dlsturbances, has just been celebrating an interesting event, the golden weddings of usixt old couples. We are not told whether they all came from Reims, although the celebration may have been lim- ited to the department? Wm. Geraghty Mam. Dlr. THE COMING CITY OF THE WES? EFFEBS UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES (FOR INVESTMENT WAINWRGHT, ALBEm BUY REAL ESTATE ’s T E A L SIXTY GOLDEN WEDDINGS. From Our Own Estates to You, Specially Blended and Picked for Cana 1a. Fragru; t, Delicious and Invigorating OTS $50 to $|35- $10 Cash, $5 per Month. Holman“ LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT WAINWRIDNT Sit right. down now and write us. It won't cost you anythinr for full‘ ingormptxog. pgn’tdlet phis‘ ogportun ity 911p past without at lunat investig- “For Tea You Can’t Beat Lipton ’s†Sit right down now and information. Don’t let this atinz it. Send in the nttao? and do not work hard all your life, The man whose ambition doesn't. rise above holding his '0b and drawlu his pay. will never have any thing but work and t. e bure neceaslmel of life. any thing but wh‘f‘k am}! they bare' necessitfenï¬ 5f 1&3: A great umtier of the world's larg‘eiit fortunes were foundad on emu shrew ' % esta‘e investment. era’s an op orwmtï¬ for you 9 start. younel on the road to success. if you're w de awa enough to open the door to opyortu‘nï¬tywhen she knocks. muuuu "1‘ Idâ€) ‘l'luuu bankl. was, “(minis-n, pur'bmen ._ G. “'1‘. AP;_S>}_1 Riki: EmEEYmKigrnTcion haï¬. ‘i‘iï¬poo acï¬Ã©EE'bpéx-TRER. if; parï¬men . G. '1‘. P. Shops. with a latte payroll, stock yards. om. Wu wonder that WAINWBIGHT is termed tho oamlns city at tho ost~that we are enthushatio about it? "rm Grand Trunk Paciï¬c wm have a $75,006.09 Hotel here when the llne '5 completed ‘0 the 0088‘. In 1903 WA WRIGHT wag unbroken prairie. To-duy it has I pop. 3119.110!) _9l_ {.50 zrgdoq_ntrc_oth camp‘xltngideyulju, chugohea, M. ft; Bend in the nttaéhea'coupon'at 6née. Town Please send me full particulars NAME PROV. Over 2 Million Packages Sold Weekly: Modem Really 8: lnvestmenls. Limited 96-97-98 Commerclal union Bldng., Montraal At Paris, in August, 1797, there was a great festival in honor of the old men, who were all given seats at the opera, when "a grac- ious Hebe crowned their white locks with garlands of roses,†and the [soldiers present-2d arms. The idea of the fete was the encourage- ment of the family circle. Th-a old man, who was a happy grandfath- er, was fete-d as an encouragement to the younger generation to fol~ low in his footsteps. The same idea is to be found in our curious observance of the Dunmmv Flitch, but We have no fete of the golden wedding corresponding to that held at Reims last weekâ€"The Westâ€" minster Review.‘ crowned with violets, by youn men wreatth with myrtle. and 013 men with garlands of olives and girls dressed as vestal virgins. of your property In Wainwright. 8 ea.-Treau. U. W. Baku