And the postmaster is not the only one in this neighborhood who has found relief fmm their Kidney «ills in the old reliable remedy, Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Others there are whose Rheumatism has been re~ 'lieved, Whose Dropsy has vanished, land Whose Urinary Troubles have lbeen cured. For if the disease is of the Kidneys, or caused by the Kidneys being out of order, Dodd’s Kidney Pills never fail to cure it. Dyment, Ont., May 15, (Special)â€" lohn Olberg, postmaater here, and Wellâ€"known throughout this’ entire Ieighborhood, is telling his friends Ihat Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the sure for all forms of Kidney Disâ€" lase. And when they ask how he knows, this is the answer he gives: “I was troubled with Baekachc for a long time and Dedd’s Kidney Pills cured it. That’s why I recomâ€" mend Dodd’s Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Disease.†l Why suffer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted out by us~ ing Holloway’s Corn Cure. [HE PUSTMASIER ' IEllS HIS FRIENBS “Poor Riggsley! I met him a, mo- ment ago, and he seemed to be ter- ribly depressed. I hadn’t heard beâ€" fore he mentioned it that he had lost his wife. When did it happen ’l†“His wife '2 Riggsley hasn’t. lost his wife. You misunderstood him. I met him just after he’d been talk- ing to you, and he told me he had lost his pipe.†1 *\ Small Boyâ€"“Pa, what is an opti- mist?†Paâ€"“An optimist, my son, mu Q‘HEY snoum USE DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS ‘ FOR KIDNEY ILLS. He had Backache for a long time but Dodd’s Kidney Pills cured it. That is why he recommends them. “Oh, his pipe! And I let him pass on Without giving him more than a, word or two of sympathy.†"s a, man who doeén’t care A rap 1 hat happens, so that it doesn’t happen tic? him.†‘ Mr. Tymidâ€"“I asked your father for his consent over the telephone.†Miss Chanceâ€"“What did he say 2†Mr, Tymidâ€"“He said, ‘1 don’t klmw who you are, but you can take her] :2 These Pills Cure Rheumatism.â€" To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee’s Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and. by regulating the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the ad- mixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to direc- tions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneï¬cial effects. Grease ,stains on leather may be removed by carefully applying ben- pine or perfectly pure turpentine. Wash the spots over afterwards with the wellâ€"beaten white of an Egg. Husbandâ€"“After all, civilization has its drawbacks. People in the savage state seldom get ill.†Wife (sweetly)â€"“I wonder if that’s the reason you are so healthy?†‘ “I may look like a tramp, ma’am, but I ain’t. I’m a sailor, I am; I was wrecked and washed ashore.†Said the unsympathetic but obser- vant woman : “That must have been a long time ago‘!†1‘ Pretty tough on a. man with a hole in the side of his shoe when it’s too late to b_uy high shoes and too cold to wear 16w ones. POOR CHAP.’ ï¬rs-5U}: m. awn. Green Food Proved as Fatal as the Famine Itself. One is so accustomed to hearing of China’s famines that any: news makes little impression. tat. the announcement that at the present time three thousand are dyin daily from starvation and celd, an: three hundred and ï¬fty thousand are dependent on foreign r lief, ought to convey to even ar istant intelâ€" ligence some conception of the terâ€" ‘rible fact. It is horrible to think of the slow and torturing death brought on by these families, yet few realize that with the ï¬rst bar- vest comes a danger almost as great as that imposed by the lack of food. Richard Lovett describes this state of affairs in “James Gil- mour of Mongolia.†7 Of all those dead by famine 'in northern China, the suffering of one class was, perhaps, more disâ€" tressing than the others. A°large number died just as the plentiful harvest ripened. Through all the hard, dreary months, when day af- ter day, month after month, they looked and longed for rain, those I now speak of struggled, kept 11p hope, fared herd, hoped eagerly, and at last saw the rain come, safw the crops flourish afnd begin to rip- But they were to see it with their eyes, not to eat thereof. The great mass of people was too much reâ€" duced in bodily strength by the long period " of semistarvation. Summer and the early autumn came, and the rains and attendent ague, still more reducing the strength of the already emaciated frames. You can imagine them, then, with lean faces and hungry eyes, tottering about the ï¬elds and countin the days which must el- apse he ore the grain should ripen. The rage of hunger was no longer to be borne. They anticipated by a. few days the ripening. They took grain still a, little "green, and put it int-he pot. .1 ernJLn en, Vcoï¬gratulated {hemselvés and others on the prospect of abâ€" undant food and better days. _ t,“ s -. . ...V P.“ But here was another difï¬culty. The fuel used is grain stalks, and famine at once deprives the farmer of food and fuel. Green grain they might, cook, but green grain stalks would not burn. Was it a wonder that they fell upon the half cookâ€" ed green grain, and after months of the slow torture of unappeased hunger, ate to fullness? Disease thus set in, _and proved as fatal as {he famine] itself 7. “That woman who lives next door, James,†said Eliza, the young married woman, to her husband, “is the laziest, dreadfullest, most gossiping person I have met during my whole life. She does nothing but talk, morning, noon, and night. I am perfectly certain that she can never get any work done.†“Ah? repfied her husband, -“I thought she was a Chatterbox. And to whom does she talk all day lon “Why, my dear, to me, of course, was the reply. “She talks to me over the garden wall.†OURED HIS LAME BACK. West Fort William, Nov. 7th, 1908.â€"â€"â€I have been troubled with a, lame back for the past twenty years and have used plasters and Ointment: without. effect. At last I tried Gin Pills, which proved just the thing, and I would highly re- commend them to anyone who has a.- Straiued or Lame Back.†Gin Pills act directly on the Kidneys, relieve the pain, neutralize Uric Acid which is generally formed when there is Kidney Trouble. Try Gin Pills yourself before buying the regular 500. boxes. Write National Drug a; Chemical 00. (Dept. W.L.), Tor- onto, for free sample. Wearily Ferdinand the frayed trudged up the garden path, and took off his hat to the woman at the door. Sh; eyéd him keenly, and a quick flash of recognition passed over her countenance. “Lgék here,†she said, “you called at this house in the depth of last winer.†“than ma’am,†he sorrowfully admxtted. “And I gave. you a good square meal on condition that you swept the snow out of my backyard.†“That’s right, ma’am.†“And when you had the meal you sneaked off without doing it.†‘ mfgrdihégd phssed the Back of his hand tremulously iover _his_ ey_es. ‘ “Yes, ma’am,†he said brokenly, “and my conscience smote me for the mean triék. That’s why I’ve tramped all the way back under the scorching sun to ï¬nish the FERDINAND THE FAITHFUL. iob I†A FATAL HARVEST. I“ THE LISTENER. H. EARKNESS. An Incidefltof the Early Days 01 the Northwest. The Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, it is announced, will open up in the spring ï¬fty new towns situated on branch linesx The great Northwest is becoming one of the settled countries of the world. The neces- sities for “roughing it†are grow- ing less. Toâ€"day the traveller ï¬nds a. far different country from that described by J. A. Lees and W. J. Clutterbuck in “B. C. 1887.†Among some of the anecdotes re- lated by them is the following. It is the old story of the tenderfoot, but with a. new ending. A Britisher, settled out there, appeared one Sunday in a “stove- pip-e†hat. rEhe citizens expressed their appreciation by pouncing out of corners and other places of vanâ€" tage, and bonneting the unfortun- ate wearer. The ï¬rst “top er†was thus reduced to pulp. oweveqr7 the undaunted proprietor ap cared the nextSunday with a, lave new one, Which one of the “ oys†marked as his prey when they came out of church. Therjoker ‘was a tall man. He swupg his hand {aloft and brought it flat down on the hat with WOn- derful emphasis. The populace yelled with delight. ~The joker_ yel- led also, but from a different cause. lUu aleu, uuu xxuun In u...\.«. v..- -__..-. The worthy stickler for “stove- pipe†hats had skilfully inserted tacks beneath 3nd through the crown of his head-gear in such a. way that they stuck upward through the nap. Now, if he chooses to keep his hat on during the service no one remonstrates. Trampâ€"â€""Lady, I’m perishin’ fer a. drink.†Womanâ€"“There’s the pump.†Trampâ€"“I said a drink, ladyâ€"not a bath.†Trial is Inexpensive.â€"â€"To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di~ gestive system, a, trial of Parmeâ€" lee’s Vegetable Pills is recommend- ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will be inexpensive and the resqltwill be another customer for this exeel- lent medicine. So effective'is‘their action that many cures can certain- ly be traced vto their use where other pills have proved ineffective. Vfl‘a-v-aâ€"v ‘ wâ€" v. heal. Suck†stop. noun“. cum colds. a ndlunu - I n. 25 «mu. And vanity may be thinking things about yourself that other people would never think of think- mg. A man never knows how many friends he has until he‘strikes it rich. ‘ ‘ for Red, Weak, Weary. Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn‘t Smartâ€"780mb†Eye Pain. Drugglsts Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. OMurine Eye Remedy 00., Chicago. A man isn’t necessarily tall be- cause he looks down on his neigh‘ bor. Assistant/«J‘Mrs. Wenglebob com- plains that her photographs don’t look like her.†Photographer â€" “Complains! She ought to be grateful.†3&1“? Mlnard’s Llniment used by, Physicians. Nearly all children are subject to worms, \and many are born'with them. Spare them sufferingvby usâ€" ing Mother Graves’ Worm Exter- minator, the best remedy of the kind that can be had. Mlnard’s Llnlment Lumberman's Friend. The schoolmaster was explaining the circulation of the blood. “If I were to stand on my head, the blood would rush to my head, wouldn’t it ?†No one contradicted him. “Now,†he continued, “when I stand on my feet, why doesn’t it rush to my feet 2†“Because,†the ‘bright boy suggested, “your feet |ain’t empty 1†“In [warms EYE REMEDY A SURPRISE PARTY. Mrs. Hashehouseâ€"“Your boots squeak; that’s a. sign they ain’t paid for!†' Slimdiefxâ€"“If there’s anything in that sign, why don’t my coat, vest, pants and hat squeajk ’I†Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysentery Cordial is a. speedy cure for dysen- tery, diarrhoea, cholera, summer complaint, sea. sickness and com- plaints incidental to children teeth- ing. It gives immediate relief to these suffering from the effects of indiscretion in eating unripe fruit, cucumbers, etc. It acts with wonâ€" derful rapidity and never fails to conquer the disease. No one need fear cholera if they have a, bottle of this medicine convenient. The prisoner at the barâ€"“Now I asks yer, gents of the jury, if I’d got away with all that swag, like they say I did, d’yer s’pose I’d have hired this here little ï¬fteenâ€"dollar lawyer t’ defend me? Voice from Belowâ€"Harold, you mustn’t interrupt the plumbers at their work, dear. w " Haroldâ€"It’s all right, mother, I’m only talking to the man who sits on the stairs and does nothing. I curNI a horse of the Mange with MINARD’S L NIMENT. RISTOPHER SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. {Rivéd a, horse badly torn by a. pitch fork, with MINARD’S LINIMENT. St. Peter’s. 0.13. EDW. LINLIEF. I cured a. horse of a bad swelling by MINARD'S LINIMENT. r / THOS. W. PAYNE. Bathurst, NB. st.VVstl.ow’s Soc-mum SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND come, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is ab- solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-ï¬ve cents a bottle, you. “Is your husband even~temper~ ed 2†“Yes,†answered Mrs. Wur- ryd, “he’s even-tempered enough. He’s just about as irritable one day as another.†partially returned your affection?†Clarenceâ€"“Yes; and that’s what I’m grumbling at. She returned all the love-letters, but retained all the jewellery. ’ ’ Do your feet feel tired, achy, and sore at night? Rub them with a little Hamlins Wizard Oil. They’ll be glad in the morning .w‘ill “What is it, do you suppOSe, that keeps the moon in place and pre- vents it from falling?†asked Ara- minta.‘ “I think it must be/ the beams,†replied Charlie softly. It Rubs Pain Away.â€"There is no liniment so efï¬cacious in overcomâ€" ing pain as Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. The hand that rubs it in rubs the pain away and on this account there is no preparation that stands so high in public esteem. There is no surer painâ€"l'iller procurable, as thousands can attest who have used is successfully in treating many ail- ments. Anybody can buy a horse, but it takes a rich man to get it paid for. SUBMARINES AND WIRELESS: The British Admwaily has deck} ed to equip certain classes of sub- marine naval boats with wireless telegraph apparatus. Experiments last year convinqed “the (ï¬nals that the plan is feasible. No dif- culty was ‘found in receiving mes- sages from a distance of ï¬fty miles in-every direction but- tiucrc was considerable difï¬culty in sending messages from the submerged ves- sels. This has been overcome, it. is thought, by the plan of giving each boat a mast and gaff for sup- porting the aerial wires, means beâ€" ing provided for lowering the mast to the level of the upper deck when not in use. Water tight sockets in the upper deck permit. the passage of the wires down/t0 the instru- mentsin the hull of the vessel. Ask for Mlnard’s and take no other. REST AND HEALTH T0 MOTHER AND CHILD. Algemonâ€"é‘Toq say she has. only my Keep Minard’s Llnlment In the house. IN HIS OWN DEFENCE. THOUGHTFUL LAD. WHY ? AENew Head In 30 Minutes Hm h! .W . «or! .muddlodheld 1;. 3.m.‘°«£fm«'l‘uy" “5 NA-DRU-Co nead§c"he Waler , anbxuy’ndrnm'wï¬qulm 35' N-flondnmadflcflud €0.01“.di NORM F you want to invest in Alberta, Bu} . katchewan or Manitoba Lands, imv braved or unimproved, it will pay you to consult. me. _. ' loqking [or a. I‘guit Faljm, I on. sgtxaf you as I ave Fruit. Far I o a] sues rom three acres up to two um dxed acres. Prices are accord n: «a locality and improvements. It is 1: your interest. to con-ult me. FIFTY ACRES, County York. Twenty- mx Hundred. 15am Furnié, I H1573; i1lï¬eï¬Â§z§€ ï¬feâ€"Yb; you want. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colbomié . Street, Toronto. Phone 6990 Main! Nix ts and holidays, Park 527. ANTED REPRESENTATIVES, either sex, locally, on goods necessary Ill b12934}. Sn. ary 2 dollars per day and (self mlssmn. xperlencd unnecessary. J. . Nichols 00., Limited, Toronto. GENTS WANTED.-A study of other Agency propositions convinces ul t, at none can equal ours. You will al- ways regret. it if you don't apply for particulars to 'lravellers' Dept, 228 Albert SL, Ottawa. BERDEEN-ANGUS CATTLE. Th Greatest Beef Breed. Unparallelo for crossing pur oses. For Bulls, writ. James Bowman. 1m Park. Guelph. EARN THE BARBER,TRADEâ€"NEW systemâ€"constant practice â€" careful instructionâ€"a few weeks‘ complete coux‘ -â€"tools free. Graduates earn twelve ' eighteen dollars weekly. Write for cat-- logue. Moler Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. TON SCALE, 3 ecial price. Wilson'i 0 Scale Works, splanade, Toronto. ‘4 ternal and external, cured withou. {)mm by» our home treatment. Wrxte ul store too late. Dr. Bellman Medical 00.. Limited. Collingwood, Ont. VV spare time, no experience neces- sary. Our lines especially used by mothers and girls. Apply Dept. A, Braâ€? ish Canadian Industrial Company. 8 Albert. St, Ottawa. D us in_rezard to any disease. Lowest nces 1n drugs of all kindt. russes ï¬tted by mail. Send.measuro- ment. Glasses ï¬tted in a e. Write today for anything sold I: ï¬st-clan dru stores to Dr. Bellman. Col lugwood, 0n ' OMEN WANTEDE mke‘ order in gparertlme. no experience neoot OTTLED ANCONAS, Greatolt L - era. Fertlile E as. $2 for thirty. . W. Wax-cue, Cnnnth, nt. “7 E pay the oxpreaq in Ontgrio. Forty, 8 weeks Yoykl ll'ei, mustered, ten dollars each. Write or what you was“. Thos. N. Havens & Son, Aldboro P.O., Ont. “How can one tell a mushroom from a toadstool †“Eat it. If you live, it’s a mushroom; if you die, it’s a toadstool.†HEAP LANDS in Saskatchewan Val- ley. Good opqniucs Jot tradesm and farmers. En hsh speaking sono- ment. Write for lustruted pam hlet to geari‘etary, Board of Trade, arshall. as . Wnrenignvnï¬inew 7fï¬3usiï¬: It’s a shame the Way society shocks .the people who are not‘in it. ' LICE cuRmns "V". "luv u; u. -Uvuu pun-p. nmgflglou “Imago†sons}. gonad EHEMLLE CURTAINS VaiE‘E‘i‘i‘h; 'lUO '“NIIWBH ‘Nos '9 SNSWWBS ‘auzowwo 03.x; .mo :09 wagon no; arcs 111M ‘ ANGER, TUMORS, LpMPs, ,tc._ 1h; ‘SSNIHOVH ONIHSVM 'SHZXHOM! ‘883GOV1 NOIGNBLXE NO' SEOIHd 1130‘ mum HUNDRED ACRES wt! 8; dred aql'ps timber. co. 3 ton. ARM SCALES, special price. 'Wflson’l Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. S I‘ hgye ovgr fpux: hundred PECIALISTS _ADVICE FREE. gen-nu UNDRED ACRES, County or Kent. Thirty-ï¬ve Hundred. UNDRED ACRES, bounty of; Pool. Five Thousand Five Hundred. Tho Heart ofa Piano Is the Actlon. Inslfl on the “OTTO HIGEL" Allays Neuralgicl’aina NervousHeadache. (old in Head. A__*._.4__r_*__.__‘ _ _. . FARMS FOR RENT AND fniz: IZVaseline Remedies inTubes. Camphor Ice.Borated. Carbohted£amphorated Whit¢.0xide of Zinc. etc. Eachfor special purposes. Write forFreeVaselineBookb . DAWSON, Ninety colborno Stunt. Toronto. I‘ have over four hugdred fan?! oh my list suitable gor tpck, .rap or . “AN.†, v maousxnm.c‘o.whsao than Mm ANTEDâ€"Ontaro Veteran Lands. located. A. N. Hett, Berlin. Ont. und .11 kinda a! noun haughty. Illa Plano Action AGENTS WANTED. MISCELLANEOUS. Write to In About youâ€. ) AND OLEIIIQ LIKE NEW. "is mu til