RICHMDNDiHIhL. one. MAY 18. 1911 ANGLLCAN LETTER. The House of Bishops of the Angli- can Church in Canada has issued a_ circular letter on the marriage question which should commend itself to all who regard the sanctity of marriage. The lettermhieh into be read in every:- Anglican church in - Canada next Sunday makes it cicar that ‘fmixed marriages are to be depre- catedgas they deprive husband and wife (if that mutual help which the one should be to the other in life,†but if :such marriages are duly solem- nizecl,they are to be valid. and binding. Discussions in various parts of the country have been warm owing to a decision in the courts of the Province of Quebec a-nnul'ling a marriage be- tween two members of the Roman Church, solemnized by one authorized by the State to oï¬iciate at marriages. Another paragraph of the letter reads:â€" “We believe the said decision to be'eontra-ry to the Christian ideal of marriage, to involve grave civil in- justice and to be in its consequences destructive. to the home life of the people." The letter concludes with "the following paragraph-4 “We urge upon all the duty of safeguarding in every way the sancti- ty of marriage, and we deprecate and deplore all interference with legally sanctioned family life as fraught, not only with injustice, humiliation and suii‘ering to the parties concerned, but as imperilling the fundamental basis of our social system.†THE BARLEY QUESTION. Ontario farmers remember that previous to 1890 when a duty of 30 centsa bushel was put upon barley, that grain was one of the best paying crops they had. Some farmers. however, now seem to think that American buyers do not want Can- adian barley, and that even with the dutytaken off the price of barley would not advance here. A discus- sion at the hearing- of‘ the Finance ' Committee of the Senate at Washing- ton last Friday. indicates that Can- adian barley is much in demand, and that the removal of the‘duty would at once raise the price. Henry Burns, a Buffalo malster, was before the Committee when the tiollowing discussion took place:â€" “Canadian barley is the. best 'that grows out oi doors" said Mr. Burns. “If you get Canadian. barley free of the 30 cents duty you will reduce the price that much to the American farmer.†declared Senator Smoot. , "No, it will not reduce the price .one cent," answered Mr. Burns. “Barley is $1.12 in Bull'alo to-day, , and I would give $1.15 fon Canadian it? I could get it." “Then,†asked Senator Bailey, "would the eï¬â€˜ect of repealing the. duty be to raise the price in Canada to our level?" “Yes.†"Then why not import it now and. Asparagus, Lettuce, Rhubarb 44-tf . _ ecumsews++++++w+w+++Mas-14W , ems-teem 's-M-Ifd-a- Hyslop $25 Wheels Q . When- you-pmchase a Hyslop Bicycle you know for a fact that it is the very best your money can possibly buy. :It could not be anything else and hear the Hyslop name. Your assurance is 21 yeuts. ct absolute reliability. and u responsibility behind it that eliminates every possible risk. Hyslop bicycles are intended to give the greatest amount of all-round efficiency at a pupulal price, and are built on lines of absolute thoroughness.‘ Send at once for Illustrated Folden, and see the surprising value We have to offer before investing in a Wheel of any sort. Eisner BROTHERS LIMITED TORON TO Shuter and Victoria Sts. has NO NAMES Ussn wn'nour warrr'su CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks; “Heavy work, severe straining and evil habits in youth brought on Varicose Veins. When I wor ed hard the aching would become Severe‘and I was often laid 31p for a week at a time. My rum.“ physician told me an operation was my only ho -but I dreaded i . tried several specialists, but soon found out 9.1 they wanted was my money. I commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my boss asked me why I was on: work so much and I told him In condition. He advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & chad taken treatment from them himself. and knew they Were Square and skillful. I wrote them and got Tm: an Maroon TREATHENT. My progress was somewhat slow and during the ï¬rst month's treatment I was somewhat discouraged. However Icontinued treatment for three months longer and was rewards .- , with acomplete cure. I could only earn $12 a. week in a. machine 4 shop before treatment, now I am earning $21 and never loose a day. : '- 1 W151} all suiterers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN pronoun: BLOOD POISONS are the most revalent and most serious diseases. Theynsp the very life blood of the victim and un ess entirely eradicated from the system wxll cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptomsâ€"our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. , YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.â€"â€"Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken ; down your system. You feel the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, hysically and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. Will youheed the get signals? R Are you avictim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to mar ! Has‘ , your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? our Now. ammo TREATMENT will cure you. What it has demo for others it will do (or you. Corn action Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Freeof Ala-r30. Books Free-“Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No nun» on ' boxes or envelopes. Everything Confidential. Question List and Con of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Dns.KENNEDY&KEilNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Sh. Detroit. Mich. " I c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor oflices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for em- pria midi-e. I We have still some good farms for sale. A few vacant, lots in the village the most desn-nble for building on. Money to loan on ï¬rst mortgage. Apply to H. A. NICHOLLS. Real Estate Agent. 29-tf Richmond Hill. SURREY "FARM: A. KNIGHTS * LOT 44. YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL FLOWERING PLANTS FOR PLANTING. - 41- H. A. NICHOLLS. Stampede of Cattle It is said there was considerable ex- citement can a well-klmgwn farm here-. a outs w on several and of fright- ened cattle recently undertook to . break down the fence that kept them off the roadway. But the owner-said that his fence For Sale. “turned†them in such a. “kind, gen- tle, soothing" way that they changed l their mindsin a hurry, but were in no 1 way injured by the shock. That is one big advantage in a fence Special Prize +m¢+éW+Mé+4v¥¢t+ mwoe-e-Hvi- M*++ebm.qu 4...... I [0 Family Herald and Weekly For sale -' 1 Canadian Farm . - . A . Inflataieoafnd lot for sale on Mill street. go. pay the duty?" “Because there is none to be had. The American tariï¬ has destroyed the barley industry in Ontario." I W... Mr. Fletcher Thompsonof' the. Sum- . . mit House is oifering $10, to be divided $5, $3. $2 for colts rising 1 year, and lalso $10, divided the same way, for y ' ï¬llies 0r geldings, rising 2 years. sired F 1by the imported stallion, Marquis of Uowal, at the Richmond Hill Fair on p... ' the2lth of May. , iAl Firsï¬blass Threshing Outï¬t for ‘41"? ' â€"» Sn 9, Wit route principally on You 6 street, consisting of an 18x20 Tragc-I tion Engine, a \Vatel-loo Separator V :Vllih Figdltlar ziiidSStn(:kei'. an Oshawa, busifgiiggï¬fgiggfld;9rd“Pd and ont' lover . i wit 1 tucker, a Climax ‘A’ l .' . , Ensilagc Gutter, and two Tanks and MRbï¬ JOH?‘ DEVI“ E’ Pumps. The whole is in ï¬rst-class 40ԠLot 43. lst (Jon., Vaughan. runniing shapi, doing a. good business w ‘ J V in tie very lest neighborhood. Ill- l‘eâ€".'â€" helgllhfreailalon for selling. or urt erpm-ticularsu ly to Seven Young Tamworth Ho s six 11.. A. NIGHOEES, weeks old. from imported stockg Real Estate Agent. ' GEO. HARDING. .3-tf Richmond Hill. ’1le Richmond Hill. â€"to repel the attacks of animals with just. enough “give†to protect them, but, still with the strength and stand- up ability that settles the. matter that) there is no getting through, over or under. . The fence in question was the Ameri- canâ€"“the fence of a. million flu-ms," and its record of wear and weather- resistinï¬qqamlity is well worth investi-. gating y any farmer who wants . every dollar of his fence money to go the farthestâ€"secure the most. Amerl- ; can Fences are sold in weights and: sizes for every purpose by; Elgin Mills Agent 89-tf REAL ESTATE J. H. S‘AN’DERSON. v.s . 8â€".NOW ON HAND-8 EI-Iquses. and Lots W. H ESPEYV Buildings A1. cultivation ham. on filial j Special attention given to Pressing Cleaning m Repairing “.i » V x l A ' 80 l.. l/.. have many good features “081' PIAIOS have some have all the good features I:an to modern musical . NOTARY PUBLIC scrence. _ mm FOB CATALOGUE . K __ WRIGHT BROS. Conveyancing, RICHMOND HILL. Leases. Wills, Etc. iRlCHll/EOND HILL Every family should have both their glooalpaper and a. city paper Subscriptions for weekly and daily papers taken with“The Liberal†at $1 a year at the following rates:-- ' 900. 75c. Weekly Mail and Empire 750. 1.40 900. ’ 2.50 , 2.50 1.50 3 1.50 1.50 Star, 1 year Weekly Globe Farmer’s Advocate “Nils Daily Mail and Empire, York Co. ‘ Daily Star, outside of towns and. villages Daily News Busu Man’s ' Magazine - 750. mm - nun. The Next Sitting of Divnslon Courttor No. 3, County of York, will be held, inthe Court Room, RICHMOND HILL ‘ wONâ€"e Farm and Dairy RICHMOND HILL ' “AGENCYâ€"â€" MANAGER @ SIX VERY DESIRABLE Fllday. June 2, 1911,. )ommencmq at 10 m. 'I‘. F. VIVICDIAHON CLERK Lax-35 FOR SALE HANGING FROM $800 To $5,000. 166 acre farm north of village. 1 Land in good state of C Sweet to Eat ‘ Also 100 acreson the 2nd»of Mark- 4 Candy Bowel lam“. 900. e .