Mls. Hall, 81 Flora. Street, St. Thomas, Ont., says: “I suffered for years with headaches of a most disâ€" tressing nature. They would come an me suddenly. and would last for days at a time. These were usually accom- anied .by spells of dizziness that would eave me unable to attend to any house duties. My back was weakandcaused me much suf- fering through thenight. Ilmd doctored f o r years, but all to unavail. Noth- ing beneï¬ted me and my con- dition was grad- uallv becoming worse. I learned of Bnoth’s Kidney Pills. One box gave me a complete and lasting cure. I have not had a. headache or dizzy spell since and I feel like a new peyson. ... u Headaches are largely the result of disordered kidneys. Booth’s Kidney Pills are sold by all druggists, 500. box. under a guarantee to refund your money if they fail to relieve any disease having its origin in the kidneys or bladder. Post aid from The. R. T. Booth 00., Ltd., 0N. Erie. Ont. Snld and guaranteed by W. A. Snndelsnn. Pursuaat to R. S. 0.. chapter 129 and Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that. air pantie-s having claims against, the estate of John Long. who died un or about. the 21st day of April. A.D. 1911, are, required on or heva the 20th day of June. 1911, to send to Dr. T. H. Robinson, Kieinhurg, a. state- ment; of their claims with their names and addresses, together with the natui-e of the secpx-ity. if any, held by them. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE . OF JOHN LONG. LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN. IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARM- ER, DECEASED. And take further notice that after the said last mentioned date the Ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard nnly to ‘uhe claims of which he shall then have received notices Fixstâ€"class accmnmodzniun. also hot meals and ice cream. at The Dominion House. Richmond Hill, on Fair Day, May 21. , 43-3 Vâ€Thé _‘Old Northern celebrates its {ï¬th birthday today. On the morning of May 16, 1853, at 8 o’clock the ï¬rst train left Toronto with passengers. The track was built 'as far as Aurora, only. The conductor of the ï¬rst train v‘v’as John Hat-vie of 177 Balmor'al ave- nue, Toronto. and of all the crew and those who took the ï¬rst trip on the old Northern ï¬fty-eight ears ago, John Harvie is said to be t e sole sur- vivor. J. O. Morrison, John Beverley Robinson, Alfred Brunei], and Super- intendent W. Sladdin, were among those on board. but they have since departed. Mr. Harvie tells how tickets were sold on the street because time was no station. The terminal was on Front street. opposite Sword’s, now the Queen’s Hotel.†The Court-0f Revisinn fm“ the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill, will hold its ï¬rst Sitting fur the current year on TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1911. for the pmu pose of hearing cmupluintsand appeals against’the assessment; of the said village. The Court will sit in the Cnuncil Chamber on the above date nt8 o’clock in the evening, and all whom itl may concern are requested to govern them- selves accordingly. 43-tf Rooms to rent at the Dnmininn House, Richmond Hill, fur Lhe 24th of ISIuy. 433 Dated May 16, 1911. 44-2 Apply to 43-Lf The Star of Tuesday contained a good photograveur of Mr. John Har- vie, conductor of the ï¬rst train that left Toronto on what is now called the Northern Division of the Grand Trunk Railway. The following paragraph accompanied the photo unannâ€" n'l‘hn (DIR ‘M’..utly.nmn nnlnkvmfna {is Court of Revision Public N otice House on Richmond street; near Yunge. , A. J. HUME, Clerk. quhmond 11m, May 11, 1911. N O T I C E T0 CREDITORS DISTRESSING HEADACH ES. Rooms to Rent House to Rent FIFTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. A. A. ADA MS. Canada Life Buildings ancntu, Solicitor for the Executur. To Rent Notice Apply to 0- AL hithnmnd HUL O. MASON. 44- 3 Parties dumping rubbish or garbage on the highways in the annship (-f Vaughan will be prosecuted. 43-3 By mdei' 9f [the Begye, .And take further notice that ah?!" the said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrator will pinceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the puriï¬es untitled {hex-Ho, having re‘ gard only to the claims of which he wili then have received notice. .‘ . WILLIAM COOK, 33 Richmond St. \Vest.-anontn. Solicitor for the Administrator. Screen DoorsCompleteâ€"Hinges,pull and hook, $5 1.10t0$2. 15 Screen Windows, â€"all sizes...-. ........... > ......................... 18c. to 40c. DON’T DELAY. FLIES DON‘T WAIT. Yankee Potato Cutter for cutting seed Potatoes. Saves its price many times over. Cuts as many Potatoes in I hour as a man could cut in a day. Price $53.00. Call and see them. Pursuant to R. S. 0.. chapter 129. and Amending Acts. Notice is hereby given that all pun-ties having claims against, the estate of George Bartlett vahery, who died (m or about, the ninth day of June, A.D. 1910, are re- tiliiréd nn m- befnre the ï¬rst, day of June, 1911, tn send tn George B. New- bery, Elgin Mills, a. statement cf their claims with their munvs and adï¬wsses. together with the nature of the Skcmu ity, if_uny. held by them: i . . ll Perfection Oil Stoves, 3 burners, Oven and Iron Heater Complete, $14 00. “THESE SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.†“OTHERS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES.†A FULL LINE OFm v Minerva. Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Laqusrettes, Alabastine and Muresco. THE, RIBHMOND HILL HARflWARE 80. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF GEORGE BARTLETT NE\VBERY.- LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, GEN TLEMAN, DECEASED. » Dated April 27, 1911. GEO. MCDONALD, Richmona Hill RICHMOND HTLEEEAEBWARE 00's. SPRING SPECIALS YORKTON N O T I G E T O GREDITORS PHONE 18. For full information address G. H. Brndbrook, Don’t Forget, to Order ‘WACUULVI CIJICAIVER IS SANITARY. SAVES TIME AND LABOR. ‘ L r Warning A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction, costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributmg and Land Ofï¬ce centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. SOMETHING FOR MEN. 50 cents per day, or $25 each. FOR THE LADIES. 43-4 3,53 mos. That Driver and horse both feel comfan- able when the right kind nf Harness is used. We‘d like to shnw ynu the best and bandsomeat harness there is made. Harness ‘ Dusters, Plush and “7001 Lap Rugs, and other-supplies always in stock. First-class goods at'right prices. Pursuant to R. S. 0.. chapter 129. and Amending Acts. Notica is her-ehy given that all parties having claims against the estate. of Donald Mullnv. who dlod on 01' about the 23rd day of Fehr‘mu-y, A.D. 1911, are required on m- hefore the ï¬rst of June. 1911, to send to John WiltSUIl, M.D., comer College St. and Ossingtnn Ave.. Tux-unto. a statement of their claims with their mums and addressPs; together with the nature of the secu'rity, if any; held hy- them. _ _ ., ,.. :1; . '. u, r , And take further notic'e; that after the said last mentioned date the Adi ministI-utm- will prh‘cged to distlibdte‘ the assets of the estate among mi parties entitled thex'ém. havingj'esim'ï¬ 0th Myth? Claims of whiéh he will th‘eh‘ hm‘é Ijecéik'ed nmicb’: _ WILLIAM (700K. 33 Richmond St. \Vest, Toronto. Solicitm‘ for the Administrator. Dated Apri127, 1911. Notice to creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE 0F DONALD MALLOY, , LATE OF THE CITY 0F TO- RONTO, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, ESQUIRE, DECEASED. One Thousand CEDAR POSTS. . Apply \V. D. RICHARDSON. For Sale Sec. Board of Trade. Vuudurf KO; qng Spa tipn. SAS K. 43-4 Pursuant to R. S. 0., chapter 129. and Amending Acts, Notice is hereby given phat all parties having claims against the estate of John Curr-an, who died on or about; the 28th day of Fehruzu'y,_ A.D. 1911, are required on or before the ï¬rst dav of June, 1911, to send to John Sliuey, Elgin Mills, a astutement, of their claims with their names and addresses. together with the nature of ihe security, if any, hold hy_th§m. _ The following spztlliona will travel through this section of country or stand at. their own stables during the season of 1911:â€" TOWARD CHIEFâ€"Pure Brod Imported Clydesdale, the property of D. 0. Steele, Richmond Bill. will stand at 'his own stable. Terms $15. PROUD BARONâ€"Inlpfn'ted Clydesdale, the property of W. PulluLL, Davis- ville. \Vill go to Lansing, Maple, Thornhill, Concord, &c. Terms $12. MARQUIS OF UOWALâ€"Impflrl ed Clvdes- dale, Lhe property of Fletcher Thomp- son, Oak Ridges. Will go to Schmu- herg, Nobleton? King City. Summit House. Oak Ridges, Aurora, Kalle- hy. Terms $14. LORD l\IORvEN--â€"lmported Clydesdale. the property of T. H. Logge, Tem- peranceville. \Vill go to King City, Maple. Elgin Mills, \Vhiu:hurch, Aurora, King, &c. Terms $15. ROYAL HATTONâ€"Pme Bréd Importh Clydesdale, the property of D. G. Blough. King City. Will trawl through KingCiLy, Noble-ton, Maple. Elgin Mills, Oak Ridges, VVhitchLu-ch, Aurora, 811:. Terms $12. LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdnlu Stall- ion, the property of W. J. \Vells, Tempm'nncevillo. Will go to Alll'Ul'il. King. Vellore, 8w. Terms 3310. GREFFIERâ€"Inlfyu‘tkd Percheron. the roperty of \V. Glass. Elgiu Mills. Vill go to King GiLy. W'hitchurch, Markham, Yonge SL1‘QBLi 850. Terms $14. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Pure bred, imported Clydesdulp. tho property (If tht. Michael. l’nlnwx- House, Richmond Hill. \Vill go to Victoria Squaw, Handful-d, Thornhill, Fisherville, Maple. Terms $15. MINTO CHIMESâ€"Americanâ€"bred 1"Png'- tered trotting stallion, the property of William Gould, Richmond Hill. \Vill go LO Unionville Thursday; Victoria Square Friday, and home the rest. of the wee-k. Terms $10. Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND EU. I I nln pleased to inï¬gw ‘1; \ ublic‘ that I have on hand a. s.1p§pl$ry}%chbul, lime. lath, cmnemï¬x lnnd plaster. ShinglesI cedar “953$, and 2:3, 3 and 4 inch tile. Yuuï¬galgpnage will be} appreciated. &‘ $ARV‘I‘S‘ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN (JURRAN, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK, FARMER, DECEASED. 43-211) And take further notice that after the said last mentioned date the,Ad; ministrntor will p‘roc‘eed to distriblite the assets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto; having regard only to the claims of which he wm then have ret‘eived ï¬dtic'e. \VILLIAM OBOE; , 33 Richmond St. VVeSE; Tbmnto, Stilicmu' fm- th‘e’ Administrator. Dated Apljil 27, 1911. Notice to creditors W. HEWISON RICHMOND HILL BRANCH B ritish CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO HOUSE PA INTER, L. E HAND. Manager. Branch.“ “so at “521,733! HARKfliAM. STOUFI‘VXLLE Stallion Register. Established l873 For spms up' to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient- and inexpensive. F or larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to an banking point in the World by Telegraphic or Cab e Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. 35 Notice ms OF CANADA 4 TRANSMITTING MONEY , -. 7"“ Te); p 3 cent cheaper, ten or cent better {61- Bilsipesm Show and, and Mame. ookleb Free. ' "- '4. Maple Station. and 1.06051 HILL. R. A. Farguharson. B. A» Prim. 90$- Yeag}: é Sts. ' 43-4. if. J. WGBEWABB The Jonthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now be obtained in Can- ada by yearly subscription at low rates. Gussel’s Magazine, per annum . $1.51 The Savvy Teller . . 1.70 The Quiver . . . . . 1.50 Mlisical Home Journal . . 1.50 The Girls" Realm . ., . . 1.5( Littlanlks ; . , . 1.56 CASSELLS Canadian Pub- lishing Company It is not necessary send to foreign countrie 1 )1 maga- zmes. Read the following:â€"- Uhums Subscriptions taken at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be sent to ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRICTLY ATTENDED T0. CASSELLS & COM PAN"! 42»Adelalde St. W Toronto GENERAL BLACKSMITH, ELGIN MILLS 384,5;- PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Willowdale EsTRBNAGE SOLICITED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Some am others, m ‘ ‘ to breechdgg SEWING LAIEE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY F. J. WUDDWARD. HOLSTEIN BULL: CALVES EIGHT “$4.1M WQR’I‘H §QWS A Ipcc'mc monthly modicme for ladle. tr restore and regulate the menses producing tree, healthy and pginlm disulmrgu. No aches or pain: on 3.1) roach Now used by over 30,000 Indies gnco used wtu use again. Invizomm. these organs Buy or your dmggiu only those with our 31 Mum mm: taceoflabel. Avoid subs flutes, Sealed mrtï¬hihréï¬mhéd 2c stamï¬; x. “ Address, EUREKASH VMJLLL also Stuck Farm J. MQISEN ZIE 6031mm 1.50 1.5:. 1.56 1.5c