If, you rs-quiw- an up-ln-dnte Hyslnp bicycle- wru cunnqt do lwttvr than m'dvr “M at The Lihrrnt Gï¬ice. Men’s nr‘gligev shirts. a good wn-ivty nf patterns. all sizUs. each $1.00; Men’s President slxspendels. try this brand fur cnmfm-t, and satisfactiun, per pr. 500. Mpn’s lwayy pnlice suspenders, per pr. 350. Atkinson & Swigzer. Men’s Oxfm-d \vmkina‘ shirts, black and white- chvcknd pattern. all sill-s. wmh 600. MPH’» khaki wm'k'ing shirt \x'it-h-Hnmll white sH-hw, thse shirts a rela rge and x-unmynnd levndid‘ï¬ttm s. each'QSC. Atkiusuu 8; Switzur. tThe brethren of Richmond Long A.‘b‘. 8:, A.M. have received an invita- tion to hppl‘eSMW at the Dedication of Riaiug Sxiu Lmdgr. Aurora. (m the vvening of \Vedlmsdfly, June 7Lh. ‘Gmnd Lodge will mooL ea 7.30 p.m. Mr. Andrew McUngm‘ of Stayner \‘isih-d with Mr. \V. A. \Vrigbt Hf this pe‘uacv. Mr. Neill oth-ffw'sun. M r. JuSeph {Jumisky of Houdfm-d, Mr. Gen. Mc- (J‘ztgm- of Victoria. Square, and ()Lhm-q, and, is spending pt-ll‘t of this Week with Mr. J. A. McCague 0f Duvisvflle. )Mi-KBnflt-‘we of “The Live :ma Lé’t L1 \‘9. Stun.†(lnncm‘d. is offering special prices in hinder twine. Men’s cuttun working husg. 2 pt‘.‘ Yul" 25(:. Men’s fancy Lisie “how. pr. 25. Me‘n’s Muck (mum: hnse with natural wm-l soiu. pr. 25, Alkilmm & Swilazu'. “Night Bros.‘ hearse team the red I'ihlmn, fur hvst (-m-ri‘ at, the Rinhmmul Hill Hui-se- May 24;“ I Mr. A. L. )rnnmlwll,‘ PS. [nspr‘ctm' fm Somh Yurk. was in thu viiluge- 'l‘uv'sduv mrurning un his Way to pn' affix-in! visits tn schnqu In ngrkhmn vanship. v Free souvenirs In all who zutmld the "Lacqueer dmmnstt-miun at.- Rich- mImdeiH Hardware 00,, [iii-hmnml Hï¬l. on Friday, June. 9. Bay sum: to cuuw. _ , “A After an iilness of f\)l1i"y(-'kllfl Mrs. Ruhm'b Gal-hum died at her home in Tux-(mm last Thursday evening. The remains were brought, here on Mun- day and were laid to i't‘st in the family plot beside three of her daughters who (lied here a number of years ago. The husband and family lmve the sym- xputhy of many old friends and neigh- bors in their loss. Having so‘ld thgir pmpm-ty J. Eyer 85.501111“) hnlgling arthwe days’ cash sale (mmmencing 10-day (If Lhe n' PHUH‘ stuck uf hilt‘szll'P. cansisting nf‘furks, rakes, Shnvels. Lin pails, hidkt'l-phttrd Len knulos. Scmen dams. ulr'. Gnuds are nfl’vn-d from mg to 50% reduction. Look nut fur bargains dun-ng the next three duvs us the prup‘riutm's hzue tn vacate the premises. Rxcummflfï¬in, omfmï¬ "1","1'911 hhisih‘n'Cmn-t win he held here tn mm-mw the secund of June. PRESBYTERI AN CHURCH. ' The. Guild meeting on Friday even- ing will be addressed by Dr. Pentium], and Principal Davidson will preside. Your presence will be welcome. Thoma who heard the illustrated l9:- tm'e by Rev. B. R. Home on last; Fri- day evening were both intel'estnd and instructed. Such a represeniation of the growth and expansion which have taken place in our Canadian conditions in recent years enhuge: our ideas of national importance as attaching to Canada. Yet the particular Work of the 25,000 sailors who spend their years on the lakes and what, is being done for their temporal comfort, and spiritual need was the subject kept, 'vpmminentlv before us. There is a stinnge incongi-uency in the fact that on the glm-iuus Sundays at this time of the year some congre- gationssuï¬â€™er less or mm'e of a deple- tion. The (-nngi'ugations of Richmond Hill should he most largely represent- ed now, and if the ministers can preadh threw. times on a Sunday, mid enjoy their duty. it: should not, be hard fm- their people to be present, at least once “to give thanks and sing at, the X‘E‘ memhmnce 0f God’s manifold mer- cies.†Dundruï¬' is the. cause ut‘ baldness. dandruff germs cause dandruff, Pari- sian Sage kills the genus. ermlicates dandruff. stops fullng hair and itching scalp. We will refund your money if it fails to do this in Lwn weeks. Parisian Sage will cause the hair- to grow if the hair root he run, (lead. It, causesthe hair to grow thivkvr, mme luguriant, and puts new leu into ilz. Don’t let that bald spot grow. Gm In ynur druggist at once und'geb a bottle of Parisian Sage and if that don’t check the falling lmir zmd cause ney hajrin grow nothing will. The girl with the Auhm-n hair is on FISHERâ€"~At Toronto General Hospi- every package of Parisian Sage. It- 15 l ml, on Sunday. May 28. 191]. John sold for 505:. by all dxuggists or sent}: Fisher. cx-Muyur of NM'Lh Tut-onto. ostpaid by The Gimux Mfg. 00., Fort Funeral Tuvsdav. May 30111, from his Erie, Ont", on receipt of price. Sold hue ’ll‘esidL‘lIUt', Eglllltul), {.0 Mount, and guaranteed by W. A. Sanderson. Pleaszml Cemetery. ‘ That Bald Spot HERE FOR INTE RM ENT. GAS H SA LE. \ (znptm'vd ugv team. Shmv (m 1 Reeve Pugsle and Ouurnuillnrs Pal- ‘ mel'. Simsund Tyndall had an cnufvr- ‘ence Saturday evening with Muyur .,Bran and the other nwmht‘rs enm- m'ising the Council uf Nurth TUI'UHU). i'l‘he subject. under discussion was the ' adviSanhility of getting a sn’pply of p’m-e nme fmm the arm-sin" wells in‘ VVhlb- j chm-uh Township. Muym- Bmwn whn' preside said that Nm'r‘h Turuntl)‘ had now a sufï¬cient supply. huI he lhuught it was wise tu luuk fur futm-r- tweds. Husd he was in t‘nxm‘ fl :u-rhing at some deï¬nite decisiun as shun as p05- silnle. Reeve Pugsley suggested thntwu. grmitalimf water supply frum the Lvuuijnillv‘ \thlls wngud he a'm’eï¬t‘ zlfldiï¬rn‘n to'Nm-Lh 'l‘m-(in'm’s attractiuus as u resiavntiul suburb. He referred to the unful'uluaw Water cunditio‘ns [iu'evniling in Turt-nm. and dnuhcvd \vhe-thm dwelle-rs in the Oitv Could ever he indqu tn believe that they were getting: pun-u wan-r sn 14mg as it. was taken frum Like Ontarin. He wus npbimistiu with I‘I'spl'nf tn the rmlurul advantagvs uf jhu schvme, as well as to the. volume nl" wacér, andâ€"he hemmed it. would pay the municipal- ities wlm tnnk hold “‘1‘ it. Ht‘ he-lieved ‘the ngislutul-e wnuld give a franchise tu Mumcipulilies.‘ though Lhev re- fused it, to :1 priutte muupany. Every member presvub from 'vnuh ‘muucil thought the schvme a. gnnd (me, nnd ut'tvx' it, was dis‘L‘IlSh‘l‘d a. resniutiun mun-d by Alderman Huwe. swérmdvd 11y Umuwillnï¬Sims, Was curried unani- msmsly appointing Mayor Blown. Heme Pugdey. Sulicimx- Gihsun and Enginver Jnmvs Ln take the mutter up with 1h? owner at the ptuperly, :Lnd m-pmt at a. future wanting. ' fI‘PShI11;,-HI.S were Mtel‘WuVrds svrvvd. Five visit.ng brethren were present, from Mount Vernon Cuurt. No. 9312, Kieinlnu'g, urgnuizvd nfew “79st ago. The. visiting brethren \vere'the Past Chief Ranger.,(.‘bief Ranger Mian and Bras. \Vetlim'spmu). Humphrirs and East. Spam-hes were given by must Of those present. and musical selections liy Bro. East. At the next meeting this court. will l‘ll‘cb a. driv- A plvasnnt Limé was 9pmâ€: in Cniui. Richuunml. A. 0. F“ 'iatst: Friday even- ing. Ale' the rvgglm“ iuxsilwss was transacted Mr. George Dvnnis nf Vic- turiu Square was initiated, and r9.- 'AFTER~1‘HE LEMONVILLE WATER. gate tdnnteud the. High Cmu't meeting in Puberbm-n in August. A full :Lttandamn; of the ofï¬cers (if {he Epwurth League is requested at tho. hmne of Mr. Allen. Mnuduy next, June 5th, to consider the armngwnents for u gnmden patty on the lawn of Mr. Amos “’right, on the 24th 0f Jruue. Smith 181. » Sr. {Lâ€"MHud Hart 273. Mary Den-m 2’97. Gm-nuie Pu \vsun 114, Rose Henricks Report. 6f Headford School for May Sr. IV. Classâ€"Rwy Smith-81%. Glndya Kelmkuv 61%, Thomas Smith 60%, Elsie Hun-L 5H‘Z. - ‘ Jr. IV.â€"chtnr Putexsran 253, I (mu Eiwn Z35. Thnm'ns Funntuiu Ferny Elmm 22.0. Beckie Fuuutain Irnne ’Puwmrn 125‘. . Jr. ILâ€"Chm-lps Richard: 319. Susie ‘Vimzh 280, Annie Richards 2231, Fred. Henricks 100. Pt. ‘II.â€"Daisy Hat‘EZUQ. Jessie Comi- sky199, Jean Helmkay 168, Olive Smith 132, Mary Henricks 126. Average ntâ€" tendance 29. I From the standpoint of. all-round interest, the June Canadian Magazine is one of the best numbers issued in many months. The first article IS en- titled “A Canadian Highway of Power.†by Clayton M. Jones. It de- scribes the wonderful power distribu» tion system which is operated by the Ontario Power Commission. and is well illustrated. Professor VVillinm '1‘. Allison has a comprehensive review of the works of John Gait. who was at one time connected with the Canada. Company, and who is known in litera- ture as the Scottish Defoe. “Railway Construetion Up to Date†is the title of an article by Cy qu'mnn. describ- ing the work done so for on the Grand Trunk Paciï¬c. Miss Katharine Hale contributes her annual review of the Music of the Season in Canada. There are short stories by Theodore Good- ridge Roberts, Thomas Stanley Mover, Lilian Leveridge, and H. 0. N. .Bel- fold. . . With Howe’s Great London Circus As the soasnns come and go, and the pmple dvparb from the circus tent, they may he heard to give expresginn to their amazement by saying: “Well, What, Won’t, thvy do next?†The question is invariably answered \thn the great. London Shows come the next, time. The many features with (ah-Pat. LQy- dun Circus this year m-ecreaï¬ng great attention; from the: fact that ere are so many new nndlruly wonderful acts offered. Among L136 cutelie are the marvellous Eddy Family, acmbnts extmmdinury: the startling Jackson Truupe; the Riding VVHHPHS: the Marie McPhuil; Flora Perigina, and a score of other premier acts, together with hundreds (If m'enic pol-formers. Ac Newmurket, Tuesday June 6. ~ Jr. III.-Rh0d.~t COTERlE 0F ACTS SUPERIGR EPVVORTH LEAGUE. J UNE CANADIAN. N O. 7048. DEATHS Barker- 249, Alvin ‘253, Prus- 227, 167, The home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. O'Neill, Buttunrille, Out., was the scene of H. very happy event on VVed- nes’day last. the 21th of May. During the nftel'nunu itlmllt sixty relatives gathered tugpther as the result of in- vitutinns sent out by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. \Vallen (who have recently purchased theLuImu farm. and moved here from Rutherford) réqnesting their presence at the marriage at their youngest daughter. Esther Lena, tn Mr. William Tell'vr Cluhine'~.ufThornhill. The care- mony was perfumed by Rev. H. VVillinns of Ruthrrfnrd, assistrd by Rev. E. '1‘. Douglas of Tlmrnhill. Short- ly after three uclock while the strains nf Mendelssohn’s W'edding March were heng played by Miss. Emum Clubine sister nf the groom, the bxidzrl party hank their stand beneath an ,nrch and ball at white. The bride whn‘entered thr mom leaning on the arm of her father. luuked vorv charming in her gmvn of white Liberty satin overlaid \VIth pearl trimmings and wearing it bridal veil adorned with orange hlns- sums. She carried a, large bouquet of white rnses. and was attende by her sister Miss-- Elizabeth J. \Vullen, of Oh-Llhaui. 'The latter wore zLdre-sshf white silk, and carried a’bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Clarence Oluhine of Toronto, cousin of the groom, perform- ed the _duties of gI-nomsumn. At, the close of the ceremony Miss Almeidn Clubine, sister nt‘ the grumu'. sung the apprnpliate 5610, “True till Death." V ' 9n entering 'the dining mum the tables were beautifully decorated with pink and white Cfll’l’lutiUUS and myrtle. The bountiful 'I-epiist received hearty attention and terminated very pleasant.- ly in a round of masts and speeches. Gifts hubh Hume-mus and costly attest,- ed the popularity of both bride' and groom. DupnrtiiIg :1 mid the, ‘bést wishes of all, the bride \‘Vni‘f‘ it travel; ling suit of blue with hat. In match. Mrs: A. Hall mid Mrs. Douglas are in :uvtendnnce at the‘VV. M. :5. Cum .Nel‘ltim! mm_7___h(.-ing pyldd in 'l‘ug‘nntr). ‘ Annthel T‘hm-n‘iliil farm has been purchased hv u ciLizcn ume'untu. The Garden Party in connection with the Methodist Churchgth Sat-- Mrday evening. June 3, is attracting very wide attentinn, it being the ï¬rst. nf the sac-3mm. with the additional feu- tunes uf iL being held on King va'ge’s birthday, with the'pnpulnr Eglintnn Brass Band to furnish music for the occasion. Rev. John Murgan, Maple‘ and Rev. E. T. Douglas exchungvd pulpiLs lust Stx_l_ldny. The happy couple “’1†reside on Gun- sermbury farm, YnngeS(.. «fie: baking a _t,_mu- to Niagara Falls and (Ifll‘ayv points east. 4 ‘ ' ‘IIvudfox-d Sabbath Schnul are arrang- ing for aï¬ excursion to Centre Island Park, Tornntn, m1 Thursday. June 15. Further parniculnrs \viljihe given'lzlter. The home 01" Mrs. Albert†Leek was the centre of a very interesting evvnt, lust Fridav :Ifterrmnn and evening, when a. number of gills, who had mi semliled to celebrate the birthday Hf the farmer’s sister. l‘lrLtLie Bmdio, availed themselves (if the upportnnity of combining their pru-ty with a granite shower for their Sabbath school tench- el'. Miss Lida. Helmkay, whose wedding takes place in June. The evening was proï¬tably spent in games and val-inns amusements. Miss Helmkny was made the recipient of a number of useful present-s. _ Prof. Day, of the Guelph Agriculâ€" tural College, says: “Protein is con- cerned in the forn'mtifm of flesh, muscle, blur-d. milk, etc." One tiin (2f Dried Brewer-5’ Grains contains as much protein aslg tons of Brain or 123‘: Lnns of Oats, and costs less than one Lon of either. Price Brns., the; big duirymen (if Erindule, just bought; a cur load. They know. Feed Dried Breweys’ Grains and see ymu- mill;- ï¬mv increase and cattle improw. A valuable f'eed‘ éhcap. White The Farmers and Feed '00., Ltd., Toronto, for price. w 1 46-5 VThe Victoria :Square S.S.\purpnse holding Lheir gmncs and anniversary services on Saturday and Sunday the l7Lh and 18th' of “June. On Satin-(lav football and ‘nther games will he held in the ï¬eld of Mr. Ross Klinck. Tea. will be served late» in the afternoon and in the evening an mitertaim‘uenb. will be given.†Spécinl servicvs will be held on Sunday. The, address Ln be given at. 2.15 pair. will he to the child- ren, but everybody will'be welcome. SATURDAY. June 3â€"â€"Ancti0n sale of lmusehnld furniture, etc., the pm- perty belonging to the estate of the lute Nancy Witty, on 101228, con; 8, Vaughan Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms cash. Saigemn & MCEWPH, Aucts. ++$*++++++%+++-§uÂ¥5P~k+++i~+~b+o§ ‘ 3:- Central Business College 3 .k m&&éé¢@+é%++++++%++++t§~§v§+§< Lax-ets 5 Si Tut-onto, invites you to write for its handsome Cutuldguo. No vu- untinns. Summer Tm-m from July 3. \V. H. Shaw. President, Yongnaud Gerrard SL'S., Tumntn. CLUBINE-5-XVALLEN. V ictoria Sq uare. Auction Sales 1 Thornhill. Headford. 0 Sweet to Eu 3 E ,‘ CM! Bowel um g»;%+%-§++W‘9M*++é*é++'g 7' Ladies†Corset Covers. good quality white cotton, trimmed with torchon insertion and edging, each 250. Ladies’ White Lawn Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery insertion and lace edging, each 40c. adies’ White Cotton Drawers, neat hemstitched frill, per pr.. 25c. adies’ White Cotton Drawers, 6 inch trill with embroidery edging per pr. 45c. - $++++ e ‘2' Ft“ Ladies‘ Cotton Drawers, good quality white cotton, deep frill of lawn trimmed with torchon insertion and edging, ï¬nished with wash ribbon, in assorted colors, per pr. 500. « Ladies’ White Cotton Gown, yoke tucked and trimmed with cotton in- sertion and edging, each 85c. ' ‘ Ladies’ Fine White Cotton Gown, tucked yoke ï¬nished with embroidery edging, each $1.00. ' ‘ La‘c'lies’ W hire Petticoat of good quality c‘ambric, with a 10 inch flounoe ‘ ' of embroidery, each $1.35 ‘ ' Ladies’ White Vest, elastic rib, sleeveless, low neck, lace trimmed, at ' 10, 15, 18, 20, and 250. each. “ Ladies’ Plain Elastic Knit Vest, short sleeves, low neck, Shaped waist, outsize, 250. each. ‘â€' Ladies’ Combination Suits, lace trimmed, 50c. suit. ' Infants’ and Children’sHygiene Vests, with or without sleeves, 10 to 17c. each. , ' - * ++++++++++++++++M~ +++++~§éw++¢~§o+ :4’*W+%******M**$*++++§i Â¥?*++*$*+4°+'Â¥4°‘9W+41**f i‘ ++++++++ itvb-i'4936?}$§+3§$1H~+3~§~9M+++§~Â¥+b°§"§‘++‘§‘++~£"§'°§"-$~%+++++°§~M-§'+%++Â¥ A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. _ Few rémnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain, We carry a, large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatlyreduoed prices. . ‘ ‘ i'i°+++m+++d MMMMM-Ma. M+wv§~w+¢~§uyww«rwww-Mï¬i ?APEE ’ PAPER ooogg§o¢+oooéoo¢oooo §~§~§~++~S Nowis the time of year we like to have the new -‘ thing in Shirts, Collars, Ties, Caps, * tc. And we have $~§~é~~§éé~§~§~+ Eyou will ï¬nd just the one youwere Looking for. Atkinson 6c" Switzer RICHMOND HILL hï¬Ã©ï¬‚t’i‘ï¬'ï¬â€˜ï¬'ï¬'é' Else Riehmnnï¬ Em and Shoesmre a good assortment of the 3231' new thing. June 1, 1911. Ladies’ Whitewear ENABLES US _TO GIVE YOU EXCELLENT VALUES AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES ‘ NORMAN «J. GLASS PROPRIETOR ’ ‘ 1A.; ‘ : ' a ~' 2 ‘ . GOOD BUYING ‘ Qu‘ ~3~§n§~~z~§w . VE~§w$--i"§“§"§~§v+Ԥ~éwï¬"§“i' é“?+'§"§"§"§"§"5'~§"§«§0§"§4~}"§"§‘§~4§"§"§"§"§-'i"§'-E wawwwiï¬Ã©wwiuww P*%+$é+¢¢%%+$+%$&+%%+&%%%@+%+¢§ 1§ï¬Â§3+§§§§¢§§9 Phone 17