Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jun 1911, p. 5

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The \Vnmnn’s Misainmn'y Society will meet tn-duy ('l‘hursday) at, 3 Wolnck. :It the home of Mrs. Amus Wright. . Best America-u coal oil. 5 gallons fur 95c: Unn-Idhm mm] oil. 5 gukls. fnl' 70v: dunk-m gluhns. 90¢ pm' (102. Atkins-nu 6: Switzer. - (“ass Buns.’ Butcher Shl-p win rlme m 12 o‘~:lu«;k (w: \V»c’{1119s(l:.3'. June 14. of her friend, Miss (aver Suudu y. erawmn' HILL, 0mm JUNE 8, 1911 Don’t forget. LhP “Lm-queret," (L‘m- nnstmtiun at, Riuhmund Hill Hurd- “MP? 00., Rilrhumnd Hill, on Friday, June 9. ‘ Mr. Donald Alkinsun passr-d his third vear t-xmmnutim. in Turuulo University, takiug‘hunurs in Classics. _ \Va‘Wanwsn Tlldupvlrdm1Lâ€"-{VII'. F. “7. Han ism: has hem) amphide Assn‘ciate Exzunmm- in Winnipeg fm 1911. \Vntch for mnmmu-enwnb of H)» Epwm-Lh Lvngne (funds-n Party In he hwld on M l". AIUHS \Vrighl‘s luwu Sat- urday evening, June 24. friends,_l\1r. and Mrs. I. \Vulder and family. Richnumd Hill. The Annual Meeting of King 6‘: Vaughan l’luwmvn’s AssnciaLh-n will be hle at lhv Maple- Leaf Hun-l, Maple. nu Mrmda‘y, the 19th (If June. at. Z "pJu. Wood. Golden \Vest. sugar pnnse. 10c tin; Alvinstun sweet. cum. 11c tin; DaH‘iPS’ park and beans. 3 tins fur 250; “gal sock vye suluwn 200 Lin. Atkiusuu 31 Switzer. Mrs. Wm. Cordiner. from Quewns- Ville. visited fur LWU WONG. wiLh Iwr In the first draft. of Iniuistrrs in the- ?R-m-mtn M‘et‘hnfiâ€"M Gnufvrwn-H‘RW. H. 'Jlnye. BA, is plum-«1- fur Unhing- Gentle-men’s Hose Snppmtm-s, the Sun brand. 250 pm; nwn’slwuherbelts. each 250; Defiance arm bands. gunnin- teed quality, 10c pr. Alkillsul) & Switzer. Mr. Armand F. Tee-{y is hull)? frnm Chicago. and Mr. Baldwin Tcefy is on his way from Stockton, (1:11.. owing to the serious illness at" lhvu- hruLhm'. Rev. Dr. 'l‘eefy. Mr. E. A. James will hold the dun] "position of engineer for Nm Ih Toronto us well as engineer fur the quad roads <cmnmissinn. The latter ulnmâ€" curries a salary of $3,500. Mr. J. M. Lnngsiufi“ nf Tux-rut“, formerly of this place, pusswd with "honnrs his second ve-zu- in the Law School, Osgnude Hull, taking first place in a large class. Tuesday‘s paper-s cnntnirwd the names of the graduates at, Tol'mltu Univm-- rsity. Miss E. A. Alcomhrau got, he!“ B.A. dvgrve in the General course, and Mr. E. G: 'Rwunun passed with Honors in Model-us. Many life-long friends will regret to learn that, RPV‘. J. R. Teefy, C.S.B., lfnnuerpresidont, hf St. Michael’s Col- lege, at presmm head of St. Basil’s Novitiatv. :md eldest son of our es- teemed Postmaster, is critically ill in St. Michael’s Hospital. Toronto. Rev. Dr. Smith in the Methodist Church Sunday evening preached a sermon relative to Profanity. The Dr. made it clear that there is posi- tively no excuse for cursing and sxvearing and using foul language. If transgressors were properly dealt with they might 1921 rm to respect, the law of the land, even if they have no shame for themselves. Mr. Alfred J. Carver of Buffalo, N.Y., is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, of Head- fOId. He speaks of having passed an exceedingly pleasant morning at the Headfurd School, and says he is glad to see that the school is progressing as rapidly as it has in the last, three years. A Aurora. Bannerâ€"A. B. VVeIls of King City suld to Matthew Pattun. the Horse King-1 “ pair of cults rising three gut hy D. G. Blungh’s Royal Hatton. for six hundred dollars, One of these Cults was bred by Wm. Paxton. Tem- peranceville. and the (fiber by Jul‘uxes McClure of Noblewn. Mr. E. A. James, engineer of the zown of North Toronto. has been chos- en as the engineer who will take charge of the work of building the good roads in York County. in the vi- cinity of Toronto. Mr. James, who is .ason of Mr. D. James of Thor-ohm. ls agmduate of the School of Practical ficlence, and formerly attended the Bjohmond Hill High School. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. F. G. Ova-end, B.A., of Sutton, will preach next Sunday in the absence of the minister. who conducts anni~ *veysm-v service for hi_m. 7 The. subject. of study at theGuild on next Friday even-in will be Knox as one of the Epoch. aker‘s 'ir'i Ghurch' flistm-y. Mr. Harry ‘Redditt will yreside. , . I. ()‘0 A14 9-; On Sa‘imléy arm-mm ‘lhn amnle huiming nt‘ [he ‘Wulueu’s Insdlme was held at the hume nt' Mrs. H. (I. Hailey. wlwn n l-u'go number of ladies 'wuv pl vst‘nl. The chief feature nl“ the-«19m- gramme was rm, uddst nu “Lite-m- lurr- in (he H‘ui'ne" by Mrs. H. \V. PM may wf Earnest. At the (zluse ufâ€"tlle' mew-ting tea was sen ed by 443:» mym- hers; . -- A u ' “E Lust. \vm‘k Mrs. H. C. TBaihflv 'uttend- ed thv vmneminu uf the Methndist *Vumen’s Auxiliary in Turuntu as a (lvl Pg» 1 9. » I RrV. \Villium Aitken of NPWCRSUP, N.B., and a furuwr pastor of St. An- drew’s Ghurrh here, with ’his wife and Mn: daughlrrs spent lust, week with h-iends hm-e and left on Saturday ful- Calgary. Dr. T. A. and Mrs. Nuhle nf Harvey, 11L, Merv-le heu- fur a short. \lsit. Thu funeral of thv lute Tlu‘mms \Viltv ‘(If the 6th (:un. t-(mk place to the anfiv (‘euwtery last, Saturday nt'u-Inmm and was very large-[y at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Ruflmump pf 'Fnrnnto Visited, friends Ill Lhe village over Sunday. Mar. 7E. O. Swee‘lllmn and family of Tux-unto wru- visiting at Mr. J. H. Ki.."_l3y,“';_ ‘ L Miés-Keam‘uf King City Visited over Sunday wiLh her frivnd‘ Mia»: Laura Richurdsma. ‘ ’ Ricl'mrdson vs. Lineâ€"Aur-nnnt for $43.77. trn an-l'ed toJudgfi’s-‘Chalnlwrs. Arnold vs. ‘Bukor and \Voudâ€"AP- Mold sued for $100, the price nf a Silo, purchasud at Baker’s auctiun sale. but Woods. who pumhnsvd the farm Mrs. 'D. Bmwu amd Miss Boyd nf McKe-uspmt. Pam are visiting at 1h¢ h‘nmc‘ of Mr. H. C. Builv-v. Thu infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chnrh-s McMahon uivd 'un Saturday. and the funeral Luhk place an Muuduy after-mm“. Only lln'e-e casvs cam:- up-fm‘, hf‘nr- ing hefuru His Htmm Judge Morgan. on Friday. as anm\s:â€" clninwd the Sl‘l: as vl/Ei‘gil’ll'ilrfiTlgln‘S: ferrud to Judge’s Chambers for hear- mg1 ‘Harrisnn vs. MéKenziélâ€"Cluim tm' wages, $91. Judgment, fur $67 and costs. The mat sitting of tho ‘murt will be on Monday, the 10th (3f July. Ml“. T. A. mem. Principal of the Puhlic School fur the past seven yours. has been appointed Plimzipnl of the new Public Scluml :It, defnr’d Park in the Town of Nm-th Tumntn. Th9 initial salary is $900, with an annual inure-use of $100 until $1â€".l(’XllSr(‘n(‘l1ml. “’9 are plwlsml to learn of Mr. Lamrm’s Well «merited advancement. hut feel sure Ihnt «wary citizen r-f Rmhmnml Hill will regret his (lvpnr- tnre frum this plercv. As a Citizvn Mr. lmn‘mn has been ngl'et-zmle, oomph-tent :nm’l us‘vfnl. and as :L tvachvl he has been sncm-ssful in an ominent df'gl'PF. l-lu “ill (:ma'mav'nce duties after [he enmnrm' vacutiun. Prnf. Day, of the 'G‘uflph Agricul- Lm-ul C(flh‘gv, says: “,Pmu-in is t-nn- (K‘I'llt’d in ‘the fm'matitm Hf flesh, muscle. h‘hmd. milk, 144:.” One ton of Dried Brewers’ Grains contains as much prutein aslg inns of Bran or 1% tons of Oats, and costs less than (me um of either. Price Brus., the big duirynwn 0f El‘indale. just huught a car load. Thov knmv. Fee-d Dried Br-ewers’ Grains and see yuux' milk- flmv inczrease and cattle improve. A valuable feed cheap. \Va-ite The Fax-men's and‘Feed Cm, Ltd” Toronto, for price. 46-5 Jefi‘erson Public School Re- port for May. IVâ€"Alma Nicol, Marjory Clubine, Vern Glubine. Sr. IIIâ€"Kitsey Tnpper, Wilfred Grady. Lillie Dih’b. V Jr. IIIâ€"Marjorie Murphy. Eleanor Newbex'v, CHI-mo! G1‘udy,‘Lula Huskin. Ska lIâ€"Edna Brackin, Gordon Mc- Leu . Primary (A)â€"â€" Martin Woodward, Reggie Newbery, Evelyn Grady. Primary (B)â€"Ceci1 Mox-tson. The most interesting portion of the fine story of the trip to Hudson's Bay via. the Albany River by W. J. Malone appears in the June issue of Rod and Gun in Canada, ublished by W. J. Taylor, Limited, oodstock, Ontario. The trip was quite an adventurous one and is written in a spirit of thor- ough appreciation of the beauties and allurements of the wild and of the act vantages enjoyed by one able to do so far from the beaten track. The inter- est is deepened by Mr. Malone’s treat- ment of the theme and the fine illus- trations accompanying the narrative. As maskinonage fishing opens in the middle of the month, two papers deal- ing with maskinonage fishing in the Kawartha Lakes and in the St. Law- rence are most appropriate. The va- cationist will turn to Summer Holi- days and “Where to Spend Them,'while many lovers of firearms will read Comparing 12, 16 and 20‘ Bore Guns by F. H. Gonovcr and notethe illustra- tions with the interest born of en- thusiasm. A paper on Game Law Violators who commit ofiences in one Province and escape punishment by going- to another. raises a question that will have to be settled sooner or lzttex-;"uiid which. in the interests of the game. should. be settled without undue delay.‘ Jr. IIâ€"Juhn Tuppert Chas. Naugh- tog‘}, flax-{y Mur_p_hy. ‘ Si". Iâ€"Mury Muiphy. Freddie Olu- hige! Howard Smart, Harold Dibb. M R. LAMON LEAVES. JUNE ROD AND GUN. COURT -()ASES. Maple. “Langfiei." of London. and copy- righted. ‘ The “Family Herald and W’eelgl'y Slur (If Mmiu'eul has seemed the Canadian rights, and me nng offering these portraits free of charge tn all who sabscribe In that; great, weele for the balance of 1911 at. fifty cents. We will include The Liberal with The Feuuilv Herald and \Veekly Star for the same period for fifty cents m new subscribersnnd each subscriber will receive the ()urunuLiun pictures. The {Wu 7 portraits are on the one sheet. size about, 18 x 15 inches, u. must, cunvenient. size. fur framing. They are {Ickuuwledged by cumpetent judges to be the best portraits of Their Mu- jesties in existence, and will become histm'ical, growing in value year after your. The Liberal has made arrangements by which our waders can secure must. beautiful Curonution portraits of Their Mai-slice King Gem-g9 and - Queen Mary. They are hy_ the celebrated The small sum of $1.00 wiii bring you both papers utitll January 1, 1912, and the Coronation pmtraits. The latter alone enuld not be buught; for the price. The annual garden party of the Victnriu Squnn- Methodist Sunday sum”! will he held on Saturday, June 17. The Markham Band will furnish the musw, and the Misses Young. elo- an'H-mists, of Tnmnto, pupils of Owen A. Smiley. will take part, in the. con- cert. In the afternoon, at 3 u’zlnck, a football luurmlment will take pIHCP, thv prize. being $18.00. ‘ The Maple Ml’thudist Church Choir will furnish the music on Sunday. Posters later. The Depurtn ental Examinations willcnmnmicenn the 29th of June, and will he held in this ins ectomte at Richmond Hill. Alum-a, evvnmrket. and Mount, Aiht‘X‘t. The total number fcandidntes whn will write on the vminus anminntinns is 84. The presiâ€" ding exnminers man as "follows ;â€"Nrw-' market. Principal Feigusnn of Aururn and PrincipalDavidsnu of Richmond Hill; Aururn, Inspector Mulloy ,and Mr. Kidd nf Newmarket; Richmond Hill, Princile Mari-in. of Newnml'ket; MUI‘WI'L Albert, Mr. Hullingshead 0f Neszu-kwt. High SchoOL A pluclamntiun has been issued by the. Dunnininn varmuenb declaring June 22, ()nrmmtion Day, "a public hnlidnv. to 1m ulna-91 wed as a. dmyflf general thanksgiving and rejnicing'hy «II persuns thwughuub nur Dumin’iw) of Unuudn.” . ., ‘. The city has secure-d an option on a prnpm-ty on Yunge ereet. abuuta milo and n half south of Richmond Hill, and may buy it for an industrial farm for the treatment, of mehriates and minm- offe-nders. The property which is knuwn as aw Russell farm. mmprizesfid’w acres and is valued at $60,000.â€"Snturday \Vurld. GALLANOUGHâ€"On Tuesday, June 6,. 19l1, at the residence of her daugh- ter, Maple, Ont” Mary Ann Galla- nnugh, widow of the late Archibald Gallanough, in her 79th year. Funeral on Thursday at 3 o’clock to 'l‘humhill Cemetery. ‘ +++++++4~++M¢$$$M++¢++++d 32'- Central Business College M§§§$MM§%Q§&%+*$%§++$ i-H§%§Mm*m*$++i’+ޤ'++%% ewwww+¢w4-ewt++&w%w3 must Win ,upon their merits. The International? Dictionary has won a“! greater distinction upon its! merits and is in more general use than any other work of its kind in the English language: F R 55 â€"â€"“A Test in Pronunciation." in- ‘structive and entertaining for the whole tami . Also @ illustrated pamphle . ' .msnfl , A. H. Sayce, LL.D., D.D., o! Odord University, England, has recently said of it: It is indeed a marvelous work; itis dimcult to L nnceive of a. dictionarfimore exhaustive and complete. Everyt ingls in itâ€"not only what we might expect to‘ find 111 such a work. but also what few of us jwould qve r hqvg thigught of 1091;} ng t‘or. A supplement to the new edition has broughtit fullyu to date. I have been. looking throught e latter with a feelln of astonishment at its completeness. an itn? amount of labor that. has been put 11 o . (the highest award) was given to the In- ternational at. the World’s Fair, st. Louis. G. & G. M’ERRIAM 00.. CORON A'I‘ION DAY HOLIDAY. ANNUAL GARDEN PARTY. Turnnto, invites yuu to write for its handsome Catalogue. No va- cations. Summer Term from July 3. W. H. Shaw. President, Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. CORONATION PORTRAITS. Ki; 4: George $73.1; Queen Mary. PUBLISHERS. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ALL GOOD-THINGS” THE GRAND PRIZE ‘SiTE FOR JAIL FARM. EXAMINATIONS. DEATHS MM-fie-Mi-y-M-‘t-«mw-zvenw W+++M+«M++++++++M4~M+ 3; Ladies’ Corset Covers. good quality white cotton, trimmed with torchon q. t insertion and edging, each 25c. ' E Ladies’ White Lawn Corset Covers, trimmed with embroidery insertion .1. and lace edging, each 400. iLadies' White Cotton Drawers, neat hem’gtitched frill, per pr. 25c. ELadies’ White Cotton Drawers, 6 inch trill with embroidery edging L per pr. 45c. ' ° ' i-I-M'i'w'i'fi‘i'd' 4" Ladies' Cotton Drawers, good quality white cotton, deep frill of lawn 3 trimmed with torchon insertion and edging, finished with wash .g. ribbon, in assorted colors, per pr. 500. Ladies‘ White Cotton Gown, yoke tucked and trimmed with cotton in- sertion and edging; each 850. Ladies’ Fine White Cotton Gown, tucked yoke finished with embroidery: edging, each $1.00. Ladies’ White Petticoat of good quality cambric, with a 10 inch flounce of embroidery, each $1.35 Ladies’ White Vest, elastic rib, sleeveless, low neck, lace trimmed, at 10, 15, 18, 20, and 250. each. ' *++1Â¥* + -++++++M++++++++ awe-+4- M iLadies’ Plain Elastic Knit Vest, short sleeves, 10w neck, shaped waist, outsize, 25c. each. I Ladies’ Combination Suits, lace trimmed, 500; suit. .,. Infants' and Children’s Hygiene Vests, with or without sleeves, 10 to '3' 170. each. . Now is the time of year we like to have the :16va thing in Shirts, Collars, Ties, Caps, Etc. And we have good assortment of the zeal new thing. Come, and:- .*¢ :- Jo Meow-$444+“ a you will just the one you were looking for. EAtkinson 86 Switzer +32% +1 'i'z‘ Few remnants on hand suitable for small rooms at a bargain. A choice of many new patterns for this spring in latest designs. . B O 0 M fig R 0 OM PAPER PAPER - We carry a large Sample Book with more expensive papers, at greatly reduced prices. {~+++W++4 +~§~Â¥+M+$$+°FF$+ W+++¢¢é$§¢$%4$$¢$¢®+éfi%§é‘j QQQQ§M¢§O§O§¢O§OOOO f~§°+$°§~§~§"§°%&Ҥ'+'§'4~++~§°é‘+++4~§~+54"? +~§v+++4~§+°§+$+4~§~¢+++4 §°~§°++§~++fi The Richmond. Hill Boot and ShoeStnre June 1, 1911. Ladies" Whitewear ENABLES US TO GIVE YOU EXCELLENT VALUES AT REMARKABLY‘LOW PRICES r :s’ Coyset queyshgood quality white coiton, trimmed with torchon NORMAN J.- GLASS PROPRIETQR GO OD BU YIN G RICHMflND HILL wéowwwafim-MHW SAVAG E 0.2! .97*3:9399+,«M«« Phone 17

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