lxqvisitely printed on fine coated paper. Pictures of well-known people of current events, of things beauti- ful and curious About one thousand, square inches of pictures in eacn issue. Appeals to Canadians as the great; i1- lustrnted papers of London appeal to the, English people. Non political. Absolubely no axe to grind. Its aim solely to please and to inform. Must, be seen to“ be appreciated. Ten cents a copy. One dollar a year. The. Pic- toxinl Publishing (10., 1-12 St. Peter St. Montreal. 21-tf “CANADIAN PICTDRIAL†anew depart- ment has to he with the THE NATIONAL. ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE -' ++#~§-+++'§'+++-§°+Ԥ'++’§‘+~§+$++~§$ School Books, Standard Novels, Souvenir Post Cards, Post and U ) ums, Papetries, Rubber Balls, Etc., Etc. ï¬s‘do Ire scarce. but than wno write St) nth a 00.. Forflnnd, .\1 linear“) rocelvu free, full information about. win-k wh‘x-h ‘2' vhpv mm du. and live M homeJhn‘ will pay them from I“- w $55 per day. Some b-va earned over $8: in a day. Either lax. youngotoki. Cupiml r-nl --.-qu~;x “d. Yr-u are sun-mi free Those who stun I! one. tn: mammals mm or Inn: litu- fortune; All it our. Bill Heads, Letter Heads, ' Wedding Invitations, Envelopes, Programmes, &c., &c. FOREST AND STREAM PUB. 00. 346 Broadway, New York. P'renbyhérihglvéï¬â€˜ildâ€"Meets everv Fridgy 3.128 p.m. in the Church. Strangers ml! be glven 'n cordial welcome Terms: 334 a. year, $2 for 51x months. We ,send I free on re- quest 0 u r catalogue of t h e b e s t books on outdoor life and recreation R T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month. ' Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Infinity and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. and Saturday evenings. . ‘mwm‘th Leugue»â€"Meets everv Friday. 4 Junior Epwornh League meets every Fr:- duj afternoon at 4. C o u n t r y Home audits suzoundings. Methodistbnaxonâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 11.1,, and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer mgqtjug Thursdgy. eye_ning._ 15y Lodge.AO U Wâ€"-Meets thiri We ‘nesday of each month Printing Stationery School, Books Camp Elgm, S 0 S â€"-Meets second and fourth Wing-s: 1&2»- ’ Richraond Lodge, A F aid A M â€"â€"Meeta Mon- day on_ glj ‘D_efore §ull_ 1119033 764359.13 'GachuliE Church~Services on alter. unit}: ï¬ang‘layg at 9 f1. 19. 8.17:5 10.30 Ann? 111. Hill Cruét Lodge, I.0.0.F.. meets ï¬rst Wednes- dg‘v Elldnbg‘ird Friday of 99c]; mgnth; ++++++++++++++++++++i~+4¢+ in? “FOREST AND o STREAM,†or send us twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents for four weeks trial trip. A an large illustrated weekly journal of shooting, ï¬shing, natural hisâ€" tory and yachting. A Court Richmond A 0 F â€" Meets fourth Fri» dgy - ‘ u _ periences of anglers shoot- ers and campers, or, yacht- ing; or Adventure 1:321: Church of Englandâ€"Services at 3p. m. 1st, 2nd and 4th Sunday. Third Sunday at, 11 am. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 111., and p. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Thursdavkevenm’g. M I _ MORNING ..... EVENING.. .. Morning Mall urnves 8.15 Evening Mail arrives 6.15 MONEY ORDERS oursfor issuing Money Orders:â€" MORNING EVENING N. B.â€"Registered letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mantioneu hours for closing. 9’. o :n ’ Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Blohmond Bill Post Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" r Mail Closes for the South MQRNING Go to The iberal‘Office for POST OFFICE NOTICE G OOD STOCK OF OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P. M. M. TEEFY Postmaster auva“ Lu u' . EVENING . .6 av . .630 Village Directory Mail Closes for Autom- 'ï¬'vk‘é‘é‘é‘é'é‘é‘ (crested in country life, ask your newsdcaler for like' to read of the ex- are in- you a to Lax-ets 5 a containing 1 he names of over 10,006 note-d xi purcow‘ date Cf birth, death. cw. GETTHE BEST SOLE AGENTS FOR Melotte and Standard Cream Separators ‘ Paroid and Branaford Asphalt. Ready Rooï¬ugs Anthony Wire Fence, 860 Needed in Every Homé W C O N7 N O R m BALL-BEARING WASHING MACHINE EASY TO OPERATE PRICE ONLY $10.00 23,663 New Words an Gazetteer of the “fox-id wit h more than 21000 titles. based on the lutcct census 1 etums. Nay? Si ovgraphica! Dictienary J'T'Eitod by \V. '3". HA In“ S, Ph.D., 1.111).. U“; :eu States Commissioner of Education. NEW PERFECTION SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SEASONABE GOODS. A GOOD THING TO TAKE A LITTLE COMFORT AS YOU GO ALONG. THE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE CU. 1100 Illustration. a: If uition 7:10:2ï¬lnchol. abindlngl. De I 0 Edition 515xs§§xlx in. Printed from > ' (cu, on bi‘olepuper. a beautiful bindings. THE RICHMOND HILL HARWABE 8033 GEO. MCDONALD, Richmond Hill YORKTON d. a; c. MI‘ERRIAM COL. PHONE. 18. 4-) V.’ebstdr’b be. ‘ - lat: Dictionary zsizes-s. Springfield. ligan- For full information address G. H. ’a‘fisquggarto Pages Roccnély Enï¬arged WITH ‘ictinunrny-luklea.†Illustrated pampth WEEKLY STORE NEWS Tinsmithing of all kinds Promptiy Done at LoWest Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. 3 Burners $1 1.00. A leading grain growing and stock-raising centre in Western Canada. Collegiate Institute under con- struction. costing $70,000. The Judicial, Educational, Distributmg and Land Ofï¬ce centre of Eastern Saskatchewan. 4 Chartered Banks. 7 Churches, 25 Mercantile Houses, General Hospital, 2 Newspapers. Loco Illustrations. Yuck Bindinad. SCREEN WIN DOVVS The Most Complete and Best Working Stove Made NO SMQKE. -§- NQ’ SMELL. To suit all sized Windowsâ€"from 18 to 40¢. each. iigGroodiTime to Buy Don’t You Think This C ‘weef :9 Eat A Cam!" Bowl '31:. SCREEN DOORS 3 sizes from 900. to $2.15 each. BLUE FLAME OIL STUVES Complete with la‘rge Oven $514.00. Bradbrook, Sec. Board of Trade. han‘ dadmél ‘ misiratZdVIé'eiï¬r.‘ Earg' VERSE"- :ulntion of guy scientlflc journal. Terms for Canaan. 83.76 I. you. postage prepaid. Sold by In newsdealen. MUNN & 00.86'B~w«vv§§0y19{k Branch Gm“. 625 F St. Wuh m Tami MARKS Dawns Cowmnurs :16. Anyone sending a notch and descflgtlon may quick] uncertain our opinion free w ether an lnvqnt on In probably atentuble. mmunioa- unnumctlyoonndent ml. HANDBOU 0:1an lent. free. Oldest entry for securing atoms. Patents taken t. ran 1: Munn & rm: my gotta, wilting!“ urge, mung _ There are many ways of ï¬xing- them. No two cases ari alike. 00mg and let us tell you " How†and "Why" and “If.†We advise free. Health and appearance depend upon your teeth. Give the matter careful thought? Driver and horse both feel comfnrt- able when the right kind (If Harness is used. We'd like to show you the best and handsomest harness there is made. Dusters, Plush and Wool Lap Rugs, and other supplies always in stock. First-class goods at right prices. That . Harness SA 0 K. ‘u vuuuuug, uu lus‘ tress. A safe and pleasing‘syrupï¬sma. Druggistsl GROUP May be largely increased by knowing the exact condition of the farmer's market, (ind by learning of the best method in farm practice. This is precisely the sort of information the Farmers’ Weekly Sun gives in every issue. It has :10 equal as a Farmer‘s Business Paper.“ Good farmers rely on it. Fox mice see out clubbing was. 19-3m Our trees are guaranteed strictly ï¬rst grade, true to name. and to be delivered in ï¬rst class condition. We can save you money in two ways. Don’t place your order for spring until you have-had um" prices. Until We have an age-nu at Richmond Hill, we will be glad to quote you direct, State quantity of stock wanted when asking for Catalogue. PRINCE DRUIDâ€"Pure ln'vd, imported Clydesdultu tllt’ property of ROM. Blithilf‘l. Palmer House, Richmond Hill. Will gm to Victoria Squaw, Hendfoi'd, Tliurnhill, Fishcnillo, Maple. Terms $15. MINTO CRIMES-American-bred regis. Lered trotting stallion, the property of William Gould, Richmond Hill. \Vill g0 L0 Uninnville Thursday, Victoria Square Friday, and home the rest of the week. Terms $10. The l'nllnwing stallinns will travel tln-nugh this xvi-Linn nf (:mxnli‘y nr sham! HL thvir mvn stublcs during the season of 1911:»â€" TOWABD Cmmr‘Pm-e Brod Impni'iwl Clydesdale. the [)l'iqfljl‘l)’ uf I). U. SLeelr, Richmond Bill, will stand at his own stable. Terms $15. PROUD BARONâ€"Ilupul‘tf‘il Clydesdale, the pmpvrty (if \V. Pulli-m, l)n\'isâ€" Villk’. \Vill g0 t0 Lansing, Maplv, Thm‘nhill, Concord, 620. Terms $12. MARQUIS OF lOWALâ€"lmpm'teil (llwlesâ€" dale, i lw property of Fletchm' Thump- sun, Oak Ridges. \Villg'n in Swimm- lwrg. Nuhh-Lnn, King City. Summit Huusv. Oak Ridgvs, Aui-hm, Kt-Lllc- by. TEHHS $14. LORD MURVEN-â€"lmpm'tHl Clydesdale. the property of ’1‘. H. Lug-g9, Tem- pm-m’icevillv. \Vill gn to King liLy, Maple), Elgin Mills, \Vhitchumh. ‘ Aurora, King, 810. Tux-ms $1.3. ‘ ROYAL HATTONâ€"Pure Bred Imported ‘ Clydesdale. the property of D. G.‘ Blungh, King My. \Vill trawl through King City, Nultletun, Maple. 5 Elgin Mills, Oak Ridgesl “'hitchui‘ch, ] Aurora, 82c. Tt‘l‘lUS $12. ‘ LAIRD MACQUEENâ€"Clydesdale Stan, ion, the pl‘ule'ty of \V. J. “79113;! l‘vrnpvmncevillv. \Vill go in Ann-m. King. Vellm'e, 8w. Terms $10. } GREFFIERâ€"Impurted Poi'rzhm‘un. the property of \V. Glass. Elgin Mills.; \Vill 2:0 to King City. \Vhiichm-rh, 3 Markham, Yunge slii'eet, &c. 'l‘enns‘ B ri t i sh CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO Thos. W. Bowman 8: Son (10., Ltd. RIDGEVILLE, ONT. ‘ Glazier, Grainer and Papers- Hanger. RESIDENCE. RICHMOND HIL V. W. HEWRSON $14. The Fruit Tree Specialists. THE STANDARD BAN K RICHMQNB BRANCH H0 USE PA IN T ‘R, Le E XiAï¬D. !Xa;nag’&r. Branches also at IMAE‘LE, ï¬ghfliï¬ï¬hï¬Ã© FARM PROFITS Stalkon Register. is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufï¬cient to Open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. Estable [873 it:le [873 . 80 Bfan A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR. Ten per cent cheaper, ten 1591‘ cant better for Business Shorthand, and Mum-10. Booklet Free. stopped in 20 minutes sure with Dm Sheep's Group Remedy. One test will surely prove. No vomjgingA, no _dis~ R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Prin. Cor. Yonge 84 Bleor Sts. and 1.6 (37.35? HILL; 38~tf *+++++++M++++’b* +fl$+$$¢+4 Willuwdale +++$++++++++++~Â¥+++$++++ +4"!- ’2' g ‘ Stpdy at Home 3; '¢%%+~§-°§"§“§"§"§ Study and qualify for in business life. to do this. Get The Shaw 0 0 School. 391 Eur Subscriptions taken at TflE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, or may be Sent to Cassol’s Magazine, per amqu The Stvry Teller . . The Quiver . . . . Musin Home Jnumul . The (“115’ Realm . . . Liltle Folks . . Chums . . . . . It is not necessmy send to forelgn coutnrie ! n maga» zines. Read the followingâ€"- The monthly magazines of the above company cover every variety of interest, and can now beobtained in Cagâ€" ada by yearly subscription at low rates. ‘ G A S S E L L 8’ Canadian Pubâ€" lishing Campany ALL BRANCHES OF THE TRADE STRIU’I‘LY A’l"l‘l£NDEI) ’J U. Some bred and others ready to breed. GENERAL BLACKSMITH,‘ ELGII‘? l‘ï¬ILL-S and qualify for :1 good situation in business life. It will custlittle to do this. Get our plems. White The Shaw Con-espundence School. 391 Xunge St†Toronto. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES ASSELLS 8: COM PANV 42 Adelalde St. \«V Toronto PATRONAGE Snmm'nm Ann SA’I‘ISFA(.""ION GUARANTEM; SHOEING LAZZE AND INTERFERING HORSES A SPECIALTY EIGHT TAMWORTH sows KHA.H, ETO‘UFFVILLE also WUUDMRD Stock Farm 80 Branches 1.5( 1.56 1.50 1.70